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What would you like to happen in the Bay in 2012?

Guest maciam

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What are your thoughts for next year?

I wanna see more of the fostering theme, and less of the gang related stuff that has been going on this year.

I want it to be a positive year, with good things happeneing, instead of bad.

No more corrupt cops. I wanna see Leah happy, though not with Elijah..

Wish that Det. Robertson returned, he was fun!

More about friends and family stuff.

Maybe some old returns to come back to the Bay?

I wanna see what happens to the school.

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As always, I would love for some former characters to come back...like Tasha, Robbie and Ella, Martha, Aden, but the odds of them coming back are unlikely!

I'll keep hoping though.

Yes! I would love to see more of Robertson!

I always love him and his smartness! :P

Elijah...jeez, I wish that man would just leave! <_<

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Rebekah Elmaloglou has returned to acting, maybe she could come back with Tamara and Blake or just Tamara even.

Definitely less focus on crime next year, less violence and people actually facing the consequences of their actions; it's become too predictable who will get away with what.

A move back toward the fostering side of the show.

More lighter moments and far less of the doom and gloom. It's called Summer Bay, yet it's more Danger Bay or Gloomy Bay these days.

Leah is actually allowed to be happy.

Robertson to come back, love triangle with him, Leah and Elijah (surprise, he ends up with Elijah - just kidding :P )

I don't want too much focus on the police, but I think a cop allows them to have the odd interesting storyline, so a new cop but I'd like this cop not to be tempted by the wrong person or blackmailed into corruption - it's so repetitive. It'd be nice if they were intelligent at all times and not turned into fools just to drag out lengthy investigations that end up nowhere.

A new teacher - maybe a married couple, the wife is a cop and the husband a teacher (or vise versa) and maybe school age kids with a slightly older kid.

More school scenes.

A long term relationship that has problems but without all the break up, never sort problems out, get back together, problems still there and it all starts again.

We learn more than Watson's first name. :D

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Definitely would like to see more light, funny moments. I remember one scene with Romeo when he was training Xavier for the surf carnival, and John and Casey were there too, and they were all so funny. Also Dex and Indi are good at comedy. So I'd like to see more of those moments.

and perhaps they could focus more on the River Boys' lives, not their crimes. Maybe what made them join the gang in the first place. Cos obviously they haven't got happy home lives and want security. Maybe some of them could be reformed.

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Yes, maybe a new family to move to the Bay, that has foser kids in..different ages like the Fletchers were.

More about the teacher's and the school. What happened to Casey's Dyslexia? Is hew cured already? Ruby's Diabetes??

I want Watson and VJ to become regulars. Would like to know more about Watson and her life.

The same with Dr, Young.

Wish the caravan park was more involved like the Summer Bay house.

Where do the people in the Bay got to shop? haven't seen a store for years. Maybe time to build one?

A new mayor in the Bay?? Who took over from Josh West?

Want more of the River boys and the Bay residents involved together, insead of gang stuff.

Less crimes!!

Maybe a new kind of drop-in centre for trobled kids??

Want to know what was rong with Gina earlier..

Some funny Colleen mix up stuff..??

Funny moments..

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Casey still has his dyslexia, they just don't keep banging on about it, ditto Ruby's diabetes.

I think the last time I saw a general store in the bay was way, way back when before Dodge burnt it down. I think currently they go to Yabby Creek.

Might be a bit tricky bringing Martha back, seeing as she is on the run.

Agree it would be nice to see fostering reintroduced.

Would be nice to see Robertson again, unforunately that would mean another murder or major crime!

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I think the new guy Geoffery King is a bad guy.. Maybe Robertson can investigate him..?

thought that Robertson liked Leah earlier, can't he just come back for her, without haveing a crime to sovle?

like him with Leah..

I think Colleen needs a friend her own age. Everyone's much younger than her.

Maybe Lance can come back and vivit her? + he used to date Marilyn.

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