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The Cop And The Criminal

Guest BraxandCharlie4Ever

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Well thanks! I hope you don't get too cross with me. :wub: I do plan on taking it somewhere.

Chapter 11 - Why? What Are You Doing Here?

Charlie eyed up her boss who didn't look to happy, she guessed this was about her telling off Jake.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I reacted about Jake, I-" she was cut off.

"Charlie, it's not about that...it's about Brax himself. I don't know how to tell you this, I know Dr. Walker said he would be fine, but he deteriorated after you left, they realised he had internal bleeding, they tried their best but he passed away, I'm sorry Charlie. Brax died," told Joyce.

Charlie just fell to the ground and let out her sobs, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. The love of her life is dead, her baby is going to grow up without a father, "I need the day off," said Charlie, her voice barely noticeable and sure detatched.

"Of course, anything you need. I'm so sorry for your loss," said Joyce.

Charlie hurriedly left the station to be greeted by Ruby, "Oh Charlie I'm so sorry!"

Charlie and Ruby hugged for minutes on end, Charlie and Ruby got in her car with Ruby driving they went home. Little did they expect someone was there waiting for her.

Ruby had parked the car and saw an un-recogniseable car at the drive, 'Leah must have visitors' thought Charlie, who was trying to keep her mind off Brax, which really wasn't working.

Leah greeted her at the door, "Hey! Guess who's back? Joey, yeah, she's with her parents. I know you probably don't want to talk to her, but she really does to you."

"I...can't talk to her," cried Charlie. Leah then grabbed her and lead her to the couch in the lounge, completely shutting out the fact that Joey and her parents were in the room.

"Hey what's the matter?" asked Leah.

"Brax...was stabbed....and....and....and...he...he died!" cried Charlie. Joey heard her crying and knew she had moved on.

"Aww darling! I'm so sorry! Did they catch who did it?" asked Leah.

"Yeah I did, now I feel like going and killing him myself," said Charlie, her voice boiled in anger.

"Aww darling, will you be okay?" asked Leah.

"No! He was meant to stick around! He wanted to be a Dad so bad! Now he can't! I'm going to be a solo-mum again! I just lost the love of my life," cried Charlie. Leah comforted her.

Then Joey realised there was a not so happy Ruby standing in front of her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I just needed to talk to Charlie, I understand this isn't a good time," said Joey.

"No it's not a damn good time! Why are you back anyway? You hurt her! Now she's hurting again! She has just lost Brax and you're here and going to make things worse, so why are you back?" growled Ruby.

"I just wanted to tell her something," mused Joey.

Ruby glared, "Don't you even think about telling my mother that you're still in love with her, cause if you do you won't hear the end of it. I do not appreciate you coming here and trying to destroy my mother's life when it's practically just gone to turmoil after she had just gotten it right!" growled Ruby. Joey's parents just glared at her.

"Did you ever consider how I was feeling?" asked Joey.

"No. Because right now, it's not about how you are feeling. It's about my mother! Charlie has just lost the love of her life, so how bloody dare you come here and lecture me about how you're feeling about her! She doesn't need it," hissed Ruby. Ruby was upset about Brax and she was angry, upset and concerned. She didn't need Joey here making things worse for all of them.

Casey arrived in tears, "I can't believe he's gone!"

Charlie got up and rushed to Casey and hugged him, they hugged for awhile. Ruby smiled at that.

Joey just looked at Ruby, "I just wanted her to know..."

"For the last time! It is not about you, you little rat! Just leave! She doesn't need you or your parents here making things difficult on her!" yelled Ruby.

"Rubes, it's enough. Joey just go, I'm over you, go move on. Because I certainly don't want you. I just lost the love of my life, I'll never find it again. Now go, or I'll get an officer to remove you from here and the Bay," warned Charlie. Joey nodded and they left. Ruby sighed.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I guess I am just really angry about everything," said Ruby.

"No worries," told Leah. Charlie just hugged Ruby.

Ruby then went and comforted her heart-broken boyfriend, "Brax is gone, my brother's gone! Heath is fuming, he's pissed off, Heath cried! The first thing he did was cry."

They all sat there and cried together.

Aww, Brax is dead but is he really?

What'd you think :wub:

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Seriously, if you have killed off Brax ... I will form my own army and they will come after you ...

Anyway, I'm sure you haven't killed him off so it's all good.

I look forward to more.

Carina xxx :wub:

Maybe I have, maybe I haven't :wink:

I want to give Charlie a sentiment of sadness for a bit before I decide what I'll do :).

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