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Beautiful Awakening

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Thanks Georgia, Danni02 and ~JarlieFanEver~. Is this ficition worth continuing?

Chapter six

“Those pretty things in the garden are called flowers” Charlie pointed to the flowers in the garden, Angelo held Charlie’s hand tightly.

“Flower” Bambang repeated. “Well done” Charlie was thrilled.

Belle was walking along the grass, wearing a t-shirt with flowers on it. Belle who was completely oblivious to Charlie and Bambang conversation she waved hello. “Flower” Bambang pointed to Belle.

“I’m not a flower” Belle laughed. “Oh no, I was teaching him the word flower, showing him flowers in the garden...oh I see you’re wearing a flower t-shirt” Charlie burst out laughing, Angelo joined in too.

“Aww, that’s okay, you can call me a flower if you want to” Belle knelt down to Bambang’s level. Bambang smiled almost understanding what Belle had said. “You’re very lucky to have Bambang....and you’re even luckier to have twins on the way I hear”

“Let me guess Colleen” Charlie knew that once she had told Colleen about expecting twins, she wouldn’t give up the opportunity to tell people. ‘Yep” Belle laughed, then her smile disappeared. For days now Belle hadn’t been herself. “Hey...you alright?” Charlie noticed the change in Belle’s mood. “Fine” Belle pulled a face smile.

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“Babe, what’s going on with you...you haven’t been yourself for days now, I’m worried?”

“It’s nothing” Belle moaned. “It’s not nothing....tell me what’s going on....” Belle guided Aden to the couch; they were silent, Aden looking at Belle. His heart was pounding quickly; he knew something was really wrong. Belle’s eyes flickered; her eyes now looked wetter than before. Belle sniffed, wiping her hand against her nose.

“Aden......I found out the other week that.....I’m unable to have children.”

“What” Aden was heart broken. Belle’s tears flowed. “I thought I might have been pregnant. I wanted to be pregnant. The way you kept talking about having children and how great our future is going to be..” Belle cried. “Babe...” Aden rubbed her back.

“I’ll never be able to have children with you....so if you want out of this relationship. I understand, I won’t hold it against you”

“Belle, I want to be with you because I love you, I’m not in this relationship just to make babies with you. I love you........It was something I really wanted to experience with you....oh god.....this sucks...” Aden started to cry now; he wanted to be a father. He wanted Belle to be a mother. He wanted a little family. Now that dream was smashed into a million pieces.

Aden took a deep breath in sucking it up, he managed to say “But that’s the way it is. We’re just going to have to deal with it”. “I’m so sorry..” Belle cried in his arms. “It’s not your fault....we never could have predicted this”

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Angelo and Charlie sat on the floor together; he rubbed Charlie’s stomach, as Bambang slept on the couch. “There’s going to be two fully grown babies in their soon” Charlie giggled as Angelo kissed her stomach. “What did I do to deserve you...” Angelo smiled as if he were on drugs.

Charlie didn’t answer, but smiled at him. “Have you thought of any names yet?”

“No” Angelo smiled at Charlie’s stomach. Charlie hit him to wake him up, “Angelo! Have you thought of any names yet?”

“No Charlie I haven’t...”

“And why not” Charlie hissed at him. “I don’t know...have you been thinking about baby names?”

Angelo circled his hand on her belly.

“Yes actually I have....I have a list in my drawer” Charlie had kept a list in her bedroom, every time a name came to her she wrote it down. “Well excuse me for being disorganised”

“Do you have any favourite names” Charlie asked, but Angelo continued to show more interest in her stomach. “Yes, my favourite name happens to be Charlie...and for a boy Angelo...such an exceptional name” Charlie slapped him on the arm. “Angelo, be serious...I want to know what your favourite name is” Charlie snapped, Charlie wasn’t known the say angry at Angelo for too long.

“Fine” He sighed giving up. It was no use; Charlie would never stop bugging him. “Amelia...for a girl... Blake for a boy” Charlie made a disapproving face. “See why do I bother, you hate my suggestions”

“I didn’t say that”

“You were thinking it” Angelo tapped Charlie’s nose. “Ahhh” Charlie sighed. “You look tired...why don’t you go and rest for a few hours”

“Okay” Charlie closed her eyes. “In your room” But Charlie stayed put resting her head against Angelo’s chest. “Night....baby....” She whispered and then fell asleep.

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Thank you: aweil12, ~JarlieFanEver~, Danni02 , tessalove, rocknroll, Georgia, Marigoldly and gillyh :D

Chapter seven

'Hi flower" Charlie sung as she knocked on Irene's door. Belle was standing in the kitchen. "Please, don't tell me you're going to start calling me that" Belle pulled a smile, but Charlie could see Belle didn't want to be called "flower" as she preferred "Belle".

"Sorry, Bambang's nickname for you I guess..." Charlie laughed. Belle prepared some tea for them, they sat together at the table. "There's no easy way to bring this up...Aden told me.....I'm so sorry Belle"

Belle immediately knew what Charlie was referring to, she waved her hand, "Oh no, don't be....I guess it just wasn't meant to be...for me..." Belle looked sad but sipped her drink. "Maybe..." Charlie looked at her sympathetically; she hated seeing her best friend like this. "I can see this is something you really wanted"

"Yeah...when I got a bit older and Aden and I settled down....I always thought it was a bit early for kids you know....but Aden" Belle sighed, "It seemed he had his heart set on it. I feel really bad for letting him down" Charlie squeezed her friend's hand, "Oh sweetheart, you can't blame yourself for this and I'm sure Aden doesn't hold it against you. You two can be happy without becoming parents"

"Yeah" Belle looked at the table, zoned out. "I just wanted to make him happy...I wanted to give him that Charlie....what does he want me for, I can even give him one child" Belle burst into tears, squeezing her hair tightly with her hands. "You know why he wants to be with you Belle..." Charlie said softly rubbing her back for comfort. Belle's head was close to the table, she sobbed shaking her head. "Belle, Aden loves you and that's why he is with you. He loves you Belle, he won't walk out on you just because you can't conceive a child"

"It's only a matter of time. I'm useless"

"Don't say that – you're a remarkable person and I love you. It's going to be alright" Charlie tilted her head resting it on Belle's shoulder. Belle sniffed, "It's never going to be alright Charlie – I've never going to be able to have a baby"

"You know there's always adoption" Charlie suggested. Belle shook her head, "No...I don't want to adopt.."

"Okay" Charlie whispered, she didn't want to push Belle. She could see how hurt inside she was already, if she tried to force her into something such as adoption it just might push her best friend away. "Belle, did the doctors say why you couldn't have children"

"Rachel said that some cases are simply unknown – there is no reason and there is no solution. How can I call myself a woman?"

"Hey....stop that, don't talk like this Belle. Bad things happen to everyone but we eventually learn to accept and move on. You will too. It will be alright"

"No it won't!" Belle yelled at Charlie, Charlie knew it was time to back off. "You don't know how lucky you are. You're having twins, two babies of your own. Oh and you even have a beautiful little boy already – Bambang. You have a life with a family that is filled with happiness and love"

"You are more than welcome to look after Bambang if you want to. Bambang really likes you"

"No" Belle replied. "Angelo and I are planning on adopting him soon"

"Congratulations" Belle moaned. She was happy for Charlie, but Belle was feeling miserable, her happiness couldn't seem to shine through. "What if..." Charlie began to say. "I wouldn't trust anyone else with this except you Belle"

Belle didn't grasp what she was trying to tell her. "Would you consider...."

"What" Belle looked and sounded hopeful for what Charlie was about to say. "Raising one of my babies....as your own" Charlie suggested, she waited anxiously for Belle's reaction. "You want me to have one of your babies.....Charlie there's no way...I couldn't do that....what would Angelo say?"

"I'll deal with him, it's so unfair you have no chance of having at least of child and yet god has given me two...."

"Charlie I can't accept....besides you can't spilt twins up" Belle couldn't believe Charlie's suggestion, was she insane?

"Belle like I said.....I wouldn't dare trust someone else with my little one. But I completely trust you and you and Aden deserve it"

"I'm sorry Charlie. I can't" Belle regretted her offer. But somewhere deep down she did like the sound of the idea. "Okay, well I just wanted to see if you wanted someone to talk to....because you know I'll always be here for you my friend"

"I know" Belle smiled. Charlie kissed Belle on the cheek, "I've got to go now....I'll see you around"

"I'm so lucky to have you, you know" Belle said before Charlie walked out the door. "I know. I'm the most amazing friend ever"

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"Hey, I'm been wondering where you've been" Angelo smiled at his fiancée. "I've just been going over wedding details....not that the husband-to-be should be more interested in this kind of stuff than the bride-to-be...." Angelo laughed, but Charlie didn't look as happy as Angelo. "Babe..." Angelo said as she scanned her face. "What's wrong; please tell me you're not having second thoughts about the wedding"

"No". Angelo sighed, relieved his fiancée wasn't about to turn him down. "Did I do something wrong, have I ordered the wrong cake?"

"No...It's perfect. It's Belle"

"Oh...what about Belle" Angelo was taken back; he was so absorbed in the wedding business. "Doctors told her she can never have children and I've offered to give her one of our twins"

"I'm sorry, you what??" Angelo said in calmly but his face conveyed a state of shock. "She's so down Angelo. I have to do something"

"What so you want to give her a baby...our baby"

"I know it will take you some time to get your head around it but I've made up my mind and as soon as Belle ok's this, she'll have a baby to look forward to"

"I don't think I'm okay with this Charlie, you should have asked me first". Had Charlie lost her mind?

"It was kind of the spur of the moment ideas. I've thought about it and I really think it's for the best. We'll have one baby of our own and Bambang"

"Charlie.....do you think it's such a good idea to separate up twins...." Angelo thought of the logics of her decisions.

"Maybe not....but my friend is in need of help and I'm going to help her...but I won't do it without your support...I need to know you're okay with this...." Charlie could never go ahead with this knowing Angelo was against it. She needed to know that after he had got his head around the fact that one of his children would be raised by another. You couldn't just take it away from him without approval and acceptance.

"I don't think I am...." Angelo wasn't ready to let go of his child so easily. "Please....do this for Belle...."

"You said that she isn't so sure herself, if she wanted to do this"

"I'll make her see sense, and I can see it in her heart. She wants to say yes, but I can see the fear in her eyes. We need to assure her, its okay. I know she wants this"

"I need to think about this....I think we need another opinion"

"Meaning..." Charlie wanted to make this happen now. "Meaning I want another opinion other than yours and Belle's.....I'm going out for a while..." Angelo kissed her good-bye. Angelo was off to consult with one of his good mates on the force.

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