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Shattered Glass

Guest Louise_2983

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N.B I only have knowledge of the divorce law of England and Wales not Australia so this is probably inaccurate but I wrote about what I know!

Chapter 7.

She stormed into the office and slammed the door behind her, the frame rattling as she did so. It was strange being back there after all this time, as though an angry teacher would appear any minute and give her detention for not being in class. She didn’t know whether she’d made the right decision to follow him there, she could have taken Roman’s advice and let him calm down first but she couldn’t just leave it after what she’d said. She wouldn’t let him dwell on it and let it eat away at him thinking she’d meant it.

He sat at his desk in silence, his head cradled in his hands. He didn’t speak or look up but she knew he was aware of her presence.

“You just don’t know when to leave things alone do you Belle?” he finally spoke, raising his gaze to look at her but continuing to cradle his face between his palms. His features were etched with pain, his eyes red and blotchy.

She stood on the opposite side of the desk, nervously fidgeting with her hands as she absorbed every letter engraved into the silver name plate perched on the edge of the wooden structure.

Aden Jefferies, Counsellor

“I need to talk to you” she finally announced as her eyes met his.

“Don’t you think you’ve said enough already today?” he scoffed, rising from the chair and turning his back to her. He pretended to be fascinated by the contents of a slim file on the metal shelf behind

him but she knew the only thoughts buzzing around his head concerned her earlier words to him.

“Probably” she shrugged.

“But I don’t know when to leave things alone do I?”

She noticed a small smile grace his lips as he turned to face her but within a heartbeat it was gone so she wasn’t sure if it had ever been there or just in her imagination.

“I have an appointment in 5 minutes” he told her curtly and nodded towards the door, indicating for her to leave.

“You’re not in any state to play counsellor to anyone right now” she objected, her feet rooted firmly to the floor.

He parted his lips to object but stopped before anything audible exited his mouth. He slapped the file down onto his desk with a resounding thud and rubbed his furrowed temple with his fingertips.

“You’re right” he admitted before dialling the school secretary and instructing her to reschedule his remaining appointments for the next day.

He practically threw the telephone handset back into its cradle causing Belle to visibly jump in shock.

“God Belle!” he exclaimed thumping the desk with a clenched fist.

“Of all the things you could have said!”

“I know” she whispered.

“You! Of all people! You Belle! You know better than anyone, more than anyone!”

“I know” she repeated, other words suddenly deserting her as she witnessed the sheer pain and disappointment in his sad eyes.

He uncurled his fist but immediately scrunched a piece of scrap paper between his fingers and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was taking his anger out on innate objects rather than take it out on her like he would really like to.

“You know” he repeated, his voice weak and breaking.

“You know how terrified I am or turning into him. You know how scared I was before Jamie was born. It was you who convinced me that I’d never be like that for pity’s sake Belle!”

“And I meant it!” she insisted, her vocabulary finally returning to her.

“I meant it then and I mean it now” she whispered daring to step closer towards him.

“You will never be like him. What I said was horrible and cruel and unforgiveable”

She gulped as Aden looked down and she realised that without thinking she had placed her hand over his own. Her gaze followed his and rested upon the point of contact before he rapidly snatched his

hand away.

“If even you think it, what is everyone thinking about me?”

“I don’t think it! And no one else is thinking it either. You’re not him. You’re an amazing father, anyone can see how much you love Jamie and he adores you. Whenever he mentioned his Daddy today

his little eyes lit up, you’re his idol Aden”

“Then why?”

“Because I’m a bitch. And I was hurt and angry and I wanted to make you hurt too but I should never have said that. If I’d just stopped to think for a split second those words would never have crossed

my lips. You did the one thing I couldn’t Aden, you stuck by our son and the last thing you ever deserve is for me to throw the past back in your face. The past that was never your fault. It was never who you really were and it never will be”

“I love him so much it hurts Belle” he confessed.

“And just the thought of anyone harming him kills me. I could never...”

“I know! I know that. I do, I didn’t mean it. And I know all I ever seem to do is say sorry to you these days but I mean it. I’m sorry I should never have said that”

“But you did” he shrugged.

“And I can never take it back, I know. I wish I could. Just another thing to add to the list of why you hate me hey?”

A tiny, breathy laugh escaped his soft lips.

“I don’t hate you Belle”

“Well you do a damn good impression of it” she laughed back as his eyes hovered over her face, the intensity between them causing her to shift uncomfortably. He moved closer so only a tiny fraction of

empty space separated them.

“I’m hurt and I’m angry. You know how that feels”

She nodded silently, biting her lip nervously.

“I don’t hate you Belle” he repeated barely above a whisper.

“I’ve never hated you”

“You make me feel like you do”

“I know but I don’t. I hate this situation. I hate that after 5 years you still have this power over me, that you can still make me feel like this. I hate...” he paused, his eyes wandering over her gloss

coated lips as he closed the gap between them, now so close several parts of her body would instantly make contact with his if she moved in the slightest.

“I hate that after 5 years I still want you” she gulped as his eyes flicked up at down her body, absorbing every detail of her appearance.

“You don’t even look like you anymore and I still want you”

“Aden” she whispered as he ran the back of his hand down her cheek before cupping her chin tenderly in his palm.

“I’m still me”

“I know” he nodded tilting his head towards her, his eyes still focused on her lips.

“And I still love you...I never stopped loving you...And I hate that”

Suddenly his lips were on hers, his hands tangled in her straightened hair, her throbbing heart in her mouth as passion took over and they stumbled back against the door frame. A small, breathy moan

escaped her lips as he groaned her name and fervently parted her lips with his tongue, his hands slipping from her hair, to tenderly hold her face between them.

“Aden” she murmured, her hands sliding up his chest and weakly attempting to push him away.

“Stop” she ordered into his kiss as his hands slid further down her body.

“Aden!” she shouted, pushing him away with all the force she could muster.

“Stop it!”

“You don’t want me to stop” he told her, his lips never breaking contact with her own as they spoke.

“Yes I do!” she protested, finally finding enough force to cause him to topple backwards against his oak desk.

“We’re in school and you’re married!” she cried covering her face with an expertly manicured hand as he slumped back onto the edge of the desk struggling to regain his breath.

“You think I don’t know that?” he snapped.

“I know that I‘m married, I just don’t know why!”

“Well you can’t blame me for that one Aden, that was all you”

“I should still be married to you! We should be a family. Me, you and Jamie but you l-“

“Don’t you dare Aden! Don’t you dare put all this on me! I know I should have come back but you divorced me. You divorced me!”

“You didn’t have to sign the papers”

“Well what else did you expect me to do with them? You sent the god damn things to me! What did you want me to do take photographs of them?! Put them in a nice little frame by my bed as a reminder

of what a mess I made of my marriage?!” she snapped sarcastically.

“I wanted you to fight goddammit Belle!”


“Yes fight. I wanted you to fight for this. For me. For Jamie, I wanted you to fight for us!”

“There is no us!”

“Maybe not now” he whispered.

“But we had something Belle. Something worth saving. Something worth fighting for”

“Well maybe I didn’t have any strength left to fight! You don’t know what my life is like anymore Aden, when I got those papers I was...I was...” she stopped, unable to complete her sentence as warm

tears began to stream down her face.

“You were what?” he looked at her expectantly.

“Nothing” she shook her head as she attempted to wipe away her tears with the back of her hand.

“I don’t want this. We can go over this all we want but I don’t want this. I just want to be part of Jamie’s life. You can have your marriage and your quasi family. I just want my son”

“Did you even read them?”

“Read what?”

“The divorce papers” he clarified.

“You didn’t did you?”

“i read what I needed to” she snapped.

“Aden Jefferies petitions to divorce Annabelle Taylor because she behaved unreasonably during the course of their marriage blah blah blah. How can an illness be unreasonable behaviour Aden?!” she

shouted as he turned his back on her and slid open the bottom drawer of his desk.

He pushed a wad of paper across the desk towards her.

“Read them. The last page makes particularly good reading”

“I don’t understand” she looked at him, confusion camouflaging her face as she picked up the divorce papers.

“Weren’t you supposed to submit these to the court? Please do not tell me you married Kirsty when you were still married to me!”

He didn’t respond as she flipped through the familiar pages of the divorce petition.

“Aden, are we still married?”

“Of course not! You got a copy of the decree absolute! Child abuser, bigamist, anything else you want to accuse me of today Belle?”

“Well answer my question then! Why have you still got this?”

“Because they don’t accept the god damn thing unless you’ve signed it properly! I had to redo mine when you sent both copies back with a nice little signature where it asked for yours!”

“Well sorry for following instructions!”

“For the first time in your life! Every other time someone tries to tell you what to do you dig your heels in and shout and protest but this time you just follow orders like a good little girl!”

“What else was I supposed to do?!”

“Read it!” He screamed knocking the papers she clutched back against her chest.

“I’ve read it!”

“Read the last page! Read it!”

She turned to the last page quickly, her heart lurching as she read his familiar scrawl where the document asked for his signature.

I still love you.


”Belle?” she heard Millie’s voice call out as she entered the apartment and her tiny kitten ran towards her, getting caught between her feet as she tried to get further into her home.

She gasped in pain as she knelt down to stroke her over enthusiastic pet, her lower abdomen tender after her surgical procedure. She sighed as the kitten nuzzled against her. She liked Millie but she just wanted to be alone. She didn’t want to have to think about the fact that the only friend she had was the one she paid a monthly wage to. She didn’t want to have to think about that as well as reliving what she had been through that day. She didn’t want to remember the cold, white, clinical walls or the pungent scent of disinfectant or being ushered out of a side entrance in case anyone spotted her.

She didn’t want to remember the doubt which had rushed through her as they had explained the procedure she had already researched in detail. She didn’t want to remember the words which had refused to leave her scared body as she had opened her mouth to tell them she had changed her mind. She didn’t want to face the guilt and emptiness currently masking those memories in the depths of her mind.

“Hey Mil, what are you doing here?” she asked collapsing into the sofa, the kitten settling into her lap as she did so.

“Just going through your mail” Millie replied, shock apparent on her face as she turned to face her friend and boss.

“Belle, are you ok? You look ghastly!”

“Gee thanks Millie” she tried to joke, wondering if she was still as pale and drawn as she had been a little over an hour ago when she had left the clinic.

“No seriously Belle, you look dreadful. Are you sick?” her assistant asked with genuine concern.

“I’m just feeling a bit off today, I’ll be fine. Anything interesting?” she nodded towards the mail Millie was going through in an attempt to change the subject. It worked.

“A few wannabe designers wanting to be featured on the website as usual” Millie replied holding up a photo of a pretty model in a garish neon pink outfit.

Belle pulled a face to indicate her disapproval.

“Exactly” Millie laughed.

“Anything else”

“Well there’s a few requests for an autograph and there’s this” she told her offering her a large, official looking brown correspondence envelope.

“What is it?” Belle asked as she began to pull out the wad of paper inside.

“I’m not sure why it came to the fan mail address” Millie dodged the question.

“Oh” she gasped before Millie had a chance to respond to her question as the heading leapt out at her from the page.

Divorce Petition

“Belle” Millie approached the subject gently.

“I didn’t even know you were married”

“Well” she attempted a small laugh but gasped again as pain shot through her abdomen.

“Doesn’t look like I will be much for longer does it?”

“You don’t have to sign it?” Millie suggested.

“It was a long time ago. It’s been over for a long time” she replied not knowing how much she believed her own words.

The realisation that Aden had actually, definitely given up on her cut through her like a ten inch blade being plunged into her heart.

“This Aden” Millie enquired.

“Is he hot?”

Belle couldn’t help but giggle.

“Very” she smiled as Millie sighed.

“Some girls get all the luck. A hot husband and then you bag Johnny Nichols too?”

“I wouldn’t call it luck” Belle objected as she shifted uncomfortably, still feeling weak and tender and emotionally drained.

For a brief moment she contemplated telling Mille everything. But where would she start? Would she start with abandoning her son? Or walking away from the only man she’d ever loved?

How would she then tell her that she was still with a man who had refused to listen to the word “No” amidst a drug fuelled haze without causing her to lose any little respect she had left for her at that point?

How would she explain aborting the child that incident had resulted in because she couldn’t bear the thought of it all starting again, of not loving a child when this time they wouldn’t have a father to fall back on?

She couldn’t.

“Oh yeah of course it’s not luck, just your natural charm and beauty right?” Millie laughed as Belle picked up a pen from the coffee table and, flicking to the very last page of the divorce petition, signed

her name with extra flourish

“Something like that” she tried to laugh back as she retrieved her wedding ring from its hiding place, dropped it into the envelope and handed in back to Millie.

“Post it for me will you?” she asked, the look in her eyes instantly telling Millie she never wanted to discuss the matter again.

“Sure” Millie replied as Belle headed for her bedroom, not allowing her tears to break free until the door shut firmly behind her.

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This just keeps getting better and better, one word amazing!! It's sooo well written you portray the characters feelings so well. I can't help but feel for both of them. The tension between them is fabulously written, like someone else has said i literally sit on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what is going to happen next!!

Can't wait for the next chapter!! :)

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No wonder Belle didn't read the divorce papers the two of them have no luck hope that begins to change. That Belle can with the help of familiar surroundings come to terms with what has happened in her past. It was clever to allow Belle to have her own Skank moment with Aden now she is the damaged party, bringing Aden back to his damaged past.

Looking forward to the continuation of this story.

As ever your writting is great.

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Once again an AMAZING Chapter!!!!!!

I dont really no what to say but I loved every sentence you wrote!

you portray their emotions and feelings soo well.

Aden wrote I love you on the divorce paper :( thats so sad.

I loved how Aden said all of his feelings, wow.

Update soonxxx

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