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_-*'Sister's Till The End'*-_

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Bailys POV (Shannon’s)

“Who is it from?” I said leaning over Laurens shoulder.

“I don’t know, doesn’t say,” She said putting down the phone.

“Weird...” I said softy.

“Very, she said putting the phone down and heading over to the fridge, “lunch?” She asked me.

“Pass, Loz all I would get if you cooked, would be either toast or some random micro waved thing,” I said laughing.

“As would I if you cooked,” she said poking out her tongue. Lauren had a point though; I was a pretty useless cook as well, if not worse.

“True,” I said laughing.

“What are your plans for this after noon,” Loz asked me as she raided the fridge.

“I thought I would either work on some more sketches or go to the beach alone for some ‘me’ time,” I said brushing my long hair behind my shoulder.

“So you’re ditching me this after noon?” Lauren asked me with that ‘pretending to be shocked” look across her face.

“Yep, something like that,” I said giving her my biggest grin.

“Gosh, how rude,” Lauren said sarcastically as she walked off into the other room.

I decided to take a walk along the beach and leave the car home for once. The fresh air would do me good and also save me money instead of using the car.

I paused at the edge of the surf and took of my thongs, allowing myself to walk through the ankle deep water with bare feet.

I looked up at the blue sky above, raising my hand to block out the blare from the sun.

“Nice, isn’t it,” I heard Drews voice say from behind me. I turned around and looked at him. Still squinting from looking at the sun, I must have looked like a real idiot.

“Yes it is,” I replied avoiding his dark brown…gorgeous…sexy…adorable....hypnotizing...

“Hello Baily?” Drew asked waving his hand in front of my face.

‘Sorry, still here,” I said giggling nervously.

“Ahhh that’s ok then,” He said smiling.

“Wow,” I said under my breath his smile was to die for.

“You seem to be lost for words or something Baily,” Drew said jokingly.

“Yes, still trying to get over my pathetic attempt at a first impression,”

“First impression?” Drew asked as he suddenly stopped smiling.

“Wait, I didn’t say that, that didn’t just happen, I didn’t say that,” I said in a rush

“Yes you did,” Drew said grinning.

“Did not!” I repeated as I rushed off home.

Lov me :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tis Drew. love..is..always..in the.. *drools* :wub:

Ben’s POV

It hurt. The pain from dad’s belt wouldn’t stop stinging. When I got home, dad hit me three times with the belt and took my phone. Now, I’m too scared to leave my room. As I was laying on my bed, I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then the door opened.

“Please don’t hit me again.” I cried.

“I think you’ve learnt your lesson for now.” Dad replied.

“Thank you.”

“I have come to tell you that your mother and I are going out for a bit. Don’t leave the house!”

“Yes dad.” I winced.

When dad shut the door, I started crying. The pain was becoming unbearable. I can’t put up with this anymore. I have to do something about it.

I slowly went down the stairs and sat in the lounge room. While I was thinking of what to do, I saw my phone sitting on the table. I got up and went over to it and dialled Lauren’s mobile number.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Lauren, it’s Ben here.” I said.

“Ben are you ok? Your parents seemed really mad at you?”

“I’m fine. No actually I’m not fine. I need you and Baily to help me.”

“What do you want us to do?” Lauren asked.

“Oh nothing. Everything’s fine. Sorry to disturb you.” I said quickly.

“Ben, what’s going on? We can help you.”

“Nothing. Bye.”

I had to hang up. My parents would kill me if I told anyone. My phone then started ringing. It was Lauren. I rejected the call and then turned my phone off. The only way I could stop getting bashed by mum and dad was by escaping so that’s what I was going to do. I put my phone in my pocket and left.

As I walked down my street, I was thinking about Lauren. It was like I was getting a crush on her. How ridiculous am I? She’s older than me. While walking along, the pain was getting worse but I had to keep going. When I got to the beach, I could see all these happy families. Why couldn’t mine be like that? As I was walking along, a familiar voice called out to me.


I turned around to see Baily and Lauren standing there.

“Wait up.” Baily called out.

I had to get away from them. They couldn’t find out what was going on. I started running and they started chasing me. The pain from the belt was horrible but I couldn’t stop.

“Wait Ben! We can help you.” Lauren yelled.

My legs couldn’t take it any longer. I fell to the ground and started crying.

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Lauren’s Pov (Soph)

“Ben?” I said looking down at him, I knelt down and took him into a hug. “Everything will be fine now…” I said nicely, I looked up at Baily, she gave me a worried look.

‘What are we gonna do?” I mouthed to her.

She shrugged.

“Ben? What happened?” I asked him.

He got up and lifted up his shirt, a big bruise lay across his chest, “That’s just one of many…” He said quietly,

“Oh my gosh…who did this to you?” Baily asked.

“You have to promise not to tell anyone…” he replied.

“But Ben…” I started.

“Lauren, please…”

“Ok, fine, promise…” I smiled kindly, how could we not tell anyone about this? It was so serious; he was getting beaten by…

“My mum and Dad…” he whispered drifting off, he started to cry again,

“Oh my gosh, Ben…” I said sadly, hugging him again, Ben was so sweet, I thought of him as my little brother, even though we hadn’t known each other that long…

We'd finally got Ben back to our house, he didn’t want to come at first but we eventually changed his mind,

"Girls, what happens when my Mum & Dad find out?" He asked quietly, taking a seat on the sofa. Baily say on the chair directly opposite, leaving me the space next to Ben.

"Don't worry about that for now; we'll just get those bruises seen to..." I smiled.

"Guys, I don’t wanna seem rude but I said that I’d meet Drew at the diner and..." Baily started,

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!" I said quietly laughing, It was her first date with drew, she must be so excited, she got up from the chair and hugged both me and Ben, She walked out the door with the widest smile on her face ever!

"So...it looks like it's just the two of us..." I said, "Hope you don't mind..." I added.

"Of course not!" He replied, "Ever since I met you and Baily all you have done have helped me, you guys are awesome!" Ben said hugging me.

"Aww, Ben!" I laughed. "So what are we gonna do about this?" I asked seriously,

"Uh, I don't know, I just don’t want to go back home to face them..." He said turning his head,

"Ben, you can stay here for a few days if you like, until we find you something more permanent?" I asked, he turned back around and smiled,

"That would be awesome! Thanks so much Lauren!" He laughed.

"Hey, you can call me Loz, its better!" I said poking out my tongue at him, at that minute my phone bleeped, I reached into my pocket an pulled out my phone, It was from Bails,

Watch out, Ben's mum and dad just left the diner, they will probs be looking for him soon luv ya bails x'

My face dropped, Ben must have saw it because he asked;

"Loz? What’s up?"

"Your mum and dad...they just left the diner...so they'll looking for you soon..." I sighed.

"Oh No!" Ben cried.

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*hugs* thankies

Bailys Pov (Shannon)

“So are we official or just a first date?” He asked me. I looked up and smiled at him.

“Either way is cool with me,”


“Defiantly,” I agreed. I glanced down at my watch, it was the one Loz had bought me for my birthday, when I thought of Loz, I thought of Ben back at our place hurt.

“Baily?” Drew asked me gently. I looked up at him.

“Yeah?” I asked him.

“Baily, what’s going on with Ben, something isn’t quite right?”

“I can’t say, I promised,”

“Alright, I understand, do you want to go some place else?”

“No, I just...Ben, it isn’t fair Drew,” I sobbed as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“What isn’t fair, please talk to me,”

“I can’t,” I said as I got out of my seat and walked out of the diner.

“Baily please,” Drew called out after me.

“Drew let her go,” I heard Leah say as she held him back. I turned around and looked at them both standing there.

“Drew, please, trust me, I can’t say anything yet,” I said softy as I walked over to him, putting his arms around me; he pulled me into a hug.

“Baily, do you want to come back to my place and talk?” she asked me.

“I don’t know you that well,”

“I know, but I think you need to talk,”


“Its ok, I’ll talk to you soon,” and with that Drew had walked off.

“Come-on, I’ll show you the way,” she said as we began walking.

“It’s really complicated, I don’t even know part of it,” I admitted as I sat at her kitchen table.


“No thanks, where you there the day Bens parents came in?”

“Yes, I was out the back, I heard what was going on,” Leah said as she took a seat opposite me.

“They,” I paused.

“Bail, you can tell me its ok.”

“He is around my house right now with Lauren, he is to scared to go home,”

“Why, what do his parents do to him?” she asked me gently. I turned my face away from her.


“They hit him.”

“What? Why?”

“I’m sorry, I should have said anything, please don’t tell anyone,” I said as I got up.


“No, I’m really sorry, I have to go,” I said as I rushed out the door.

“Bail about time,” Loz exclaimed as she threw open the front door.

“Ben? You parents are going to go home soon, what you are doing your going to be caught!’

‘Bail, chill. It’s all under control. Have you been crying?” Loz asked me as I sat down.

“No,” I lied.

“Baily, don’t lie, you have been what happened?”

“I made a fool out of myself in front of Drew then went and told Leah what is happening to Ben.”

“You know she could tell my parents now,” he shouted.

“I know, sorry, I…we can’t sit back and watch this happen to you,” I admitted.

“That goes for me to, which is why I have e an idea,” Loz said grinning. This must be good, I thought to myself.

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