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40 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

 For instance a while back in Corrie there was a notice on  an office wall talking about stationary which so patently should have been stationery!!!!!! That was props department fault.

Or it could have been deliberate - signs are often misspelt in a office...

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Alf's episode count this week:Three, and he was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.Irene was only in one, although she was also credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

The opening of that episode was very awkward tonally.If Justin had slept with Scarlett when she was too drunk to remember what happened the next morning, then that's bordering on non-consensual and really shouldn't have been treated like a comedy of errors with some nudge-nudge wink-wink lucky-you from Roo as if she's wandered through from a Benny Hill sketch.Alf's reaction was more on the money, but again he yells at someone who doesn't deserve it with no sign of an apology.Anyway, all was sorted in the end...except the residents really haven't learned their lesson about going out to secluded spots...

Raffy's intentions were good but she really messed up, leaving Coco feeling worse than ever, and ironically I think VJ would probably have been friends with her if she'd just been herself.Leah did the right thing putting a stop to things and I'm glad that VJ again showed his nice guy credentials by not being mad at Coco but simply giving her some sage advice.He was rather petty towards Ben though which didn't show him in a good light.I realise VJ will move on from Billie eventually and she'd want him to be happy but I don't think he'd forget her and I definitely don't want him to forget Luc, so I hope this isn't an attempt to distance him still further from that situation.They could be a cute couple (we find out she's 16, so a couple of years older than Raffy) if the show gets the balance of his life right, but I'd be happy for them just to be good friends.John wanting to foster again is an interesting move, I was disappointed with the lack of follow-through on Jordan staying with them, although Marilyn curiously seemed less than keen.I was slightly confused by Coco's cover story: I thought the idea was that she was a tutor who taught French, not a tutor who was French?

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I think we all know Justin well enough by now to realise he wouldn't take advantage of a very drunk woman, Alf obviously doesn't though and jumped to the wrong conclusion, even if he got the story third hand.  Alf thought Justin was looking after - as in looking out for - Scarlett, Roo  making the wink, wink allusion immediately put Alf's back up.   Justin would have gone on merrily thinking all was OK if Alf hadn't had a rant at him, you could see the light dawning when he realised what Alf thought had happened.  Scarlett did a rubbish job of trying to hide from Justin, he must have recognised the legs.:wink:  The apology from Alf to Justin must have been off screen seeing as they all went happily off the boat together.  You're not the only one Red to wonder about the residents and secluded places, same as locking their doors, which reminds me when Alf went to check on Scarlett the other day her van door was open and the place was empty!:rolleyes:  Whoever was lurking on that island, and how did they get there, has been injured as we saw a bandaged hand.  I did think maybe it was Scarlett's hubby but wouldn't have known where they were heading.:unsure:

Coco is 16 which makes the age difference between her and VJ only two years which is not such a big gap as four.  I think a lot of Leah's overreaction was because of whose daughter Coco is and I'm guessing either Ben or Maggie must have mentioned how old Coco was.  Maybe Coco and VJ can still be friends, Coco is just very unsure of herself and needs a confidence boost. I thought the same that Coco was meant to be a tutor who taught French which doesn't mean you have to be French.

At least John and Marilyn have acknowledged Raffy will go home sometime and good that John at least is thinking about fostering again. Neither of them let Raffy off lightly about her part in the deception and she did apologise.



If you are watching live tomorrow H&A is on at 5!

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So Alf looks like he's in danger by the mystery man in the bush. Who is he i wonder?! And why would he want them to be stranded there? So many questions haha. I've really enjoys hearing Scarlett's story about her son. I like how we've had snippets of it drip fed through and Justin hasn't pushed any of it he's been very patient. It's going to be interesting to see how they get out of there now.

kat "has the best instincts on the force" so she knows exactly what's hsppening with Tori and ash even if they're in denial. At this stage though I implore her to just walk away. They're so on and off it's got to be telling her he isn't the one forever.

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I can't say that Alf and co's plight with mystery man particularly caught my attention.That looked like some sort of life jacket or other inflatable that Alf found so I would guess that the guy got ship-wrecked and stranded there somehow.That might explain why he tried to steal their boat, although why he didn't just ask them for a lift remains to be seen.So, judging by what Scarlett told Justin it seems that her dream wasn't literally what happened to Max but was quite close: Her account indicates that he died in their back garden rather than a forest and that she wasn't there at the time.

Having felt Kat was unnecessarily rude last week, I actually found myself sympathising with her here.Yes, she's being rather cold at times but Ash and Tori are behaving rather badly and she doesn't have a particularly good track record of relationships, with Nate cheating on her in similar circumstances and Dylan being abusive.If Tori respects Ash and Kat's relationship as she claims she does, then she'd back off, not reinstate her role as Ash's go-to person with a bunch of lies and half-truths.I didn't blame Ash for agreeing to her babysitting offer, he was backed into a corner and she never should have made it, and it was good that he was immediately honest with Kat about it, but at the moment he seems to be prioritising Tori's feelings over Kat's which isn't a good sign.

John and Marilyn are again reduced to the C-plot when their storyline deserves more focus, although possibly this was setting things up for a bigger role later with John's rather naïve beliefs over his criminal record.(Then again, he won them over with an impassioned speech last time after they found out about Marilyn's baby-snatching history...)

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I'm guessing we haven't seen mystery man before, as in a prisoner or something. It looks like he's been there a while going by his camp site, but must be getting pretty desperate for fresh food and water and maybe being on his own for God know how long has made him wary of strangers which is why he hit Alf.:unsure:  He knew something about boats as he nearly got it started by hot wiring it but got disturbed by Justin. Digressing a moment, mystery guy and Justin both swam out to the boat and back to the shore but did Alf and Charlotte also swim to shore, I didn't see any little dingy? 

That was quite sad when Scarlett eventually opened up to Justin about what happened to Max,  so not exactly enjoyable imo.  The guilt she must be feeling that if only the phone hadn't rung when it did or if she hadn't answered it. Maybe her dream was symbolic in some way?  I dare say Marilyn could explain it. Life was blissfully happy, all calm and peaceful, then horror shatters the scene as she sees her son high up in a tree, trying not to panic him she urges him to come down, but he falls!!!

Kat does  "have the best instincts on the force" sometimes.  Other times her judgement is way off.:rolleyes: This time with Ash and Tori though definitely not.  Ash was backed into a corner and Tori approached him after them avoiding each other.  Once again Tori did a rubbish job of trying to convince Ash she was over her crush on him and to be honest Leah isn't helping any by encouraging Tori to be 'honest' with Ash and Kat.  Glad that Ash didn't lie about who was baby sitting though it would have hard to conceal when they got back to the flat and Kat would have seen Tori there. :wink:  Tori told part of the truth that her mini crush was partly rebound from Nate leaving, I could have told her that! Kat was right as she was before they need to stay away from each other, well as much as they can in a small town. He did seem to be standing up for Tori and didn't exactly answer Kat's question if he had feelings for Tori.

Again last night it was coming across that Maz isn't as keen as John is to fostering again, maybe she's thinking along the same lines as you Red about his very recent spell inside.  Roo seemed to have spotted it but wisely kept her own counsel.   Also at long last a mention of his Community Service which has been completed apparently.

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Hmm, hard to know what to make of Mystery Man. Whilst hitting Alf isn't the friendliest of greetings, he did seem more scared than murderous...although still potentially dangerous, I wouldn't have put it past him to stab Justin or Scarlett out of sheer terror.I'm curious as to why he ran in the direction of the noise Scarlett made, was he actually stalking them or did he think it was someone else?Anyway, in the end he went for the passive solution of hiding away in their boat, giving himself a convenient lift back to civilisation.

Again, I have to wonder what the hell Ash is playing at.Is he trying to treat Kat badly or what?His "Is Tori worried?" as if she was the most important person in the world to him left me as flabbergasted as Kat was. To be honest, I think Kat's being more reasonable than he deserves.As has been said, it's reached the point where her best bet might be to get out of there and let him spend as much time with Tori as he likes, given that he again seems to care more about Tori's feelings than Kat's.I don't like using the term emotional cheating but it seems to be heading that way.

Mason was a pretty good brother to Brody here and had some choice words to Ziggy (although again, the fact that she's younger than him makes the show treating her and Brody like they're the same age seem very weird).Vaguely reminds me of Spencer standing up for Chris when girls messed him about.Of course, the whole thing underlines exactly why getting involved with Ziggy was bad for Brody.He was using her to take his mind off the drugs: He threw them away when she agreed to spend time with him and as soon as she cut him off he was rooting in bin bags to get them back.That's too much responsibility to put on someone that hardly knows you.And now he could well have got them both killed.Weird, I assumed that Brody imagined Zannis in Salt and was wrong about him being the person that was following them...but the credits seem to suggest he was right!

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Brody and Masons car accident was a bit dramatic! It's good how the stunt team gets the car to flip and summersalt, it looks really effective on screen. Looking forward to tomorrow's episode to see how their rescue unfolds and if Zannis is actually brought in now for breaching his bail conditions. I thought the same Red! I didn't know whether he was actually seeing Zannis in Salt or if he imagined him. In the car also Mason seemed to deny that this car was on their tail when he checked his mirrors, again suggesting Brody imagined it. I'm undecided though. I hope that's explained.

Mason's chat with Ziggy was decent and I agree he was a great brother there. If a little interfering. 

Mystery man is still a mystery. If he's wanting to get to the bay, whys he been camped out up the coast somewhere?? It just all seems a bit daft at this moment in time to me. Is he connected to someone in the bay? Is he a baddy..? If he does know someone in the bay it's all very silly to be hiding out and then clobber a 70 odd year old for no reason. Watching this space with that one. 

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It's a hard one with Ziggy. I don't like her because of how she was during her first couple of episodes although admittedly she hasn't done anything too bad as of late.  I don't like the way she was with Brody initially in that episode because I felt she was bordering on leading him on but I accept she was just being polite and giving him the brush off in the hope that he would get the message and give up on her.  I think she was probably trying to spare his feelings but the problem was as often is the case by not being direct she was giving him false hope.  This was evident from the fact that Brody told Mason Ziggy was the only thing keeping him together and was clearly not getting the message even towards the end of that episode he was getting quite obsessive.  I'm glad Mason had a go at her though.  He may have seemed harsh but Brody is a recovering addict so I thought it was necessary.  I thought he had an OK episode which is unusual for me to say because I'm not a fan of him at all.  I liked that when he caught Brody taking drugs he was putting his foot down and taking him to rehab.  I think this whole thing with Ziggy emphasises precisely why the point about recovering addicts not getting involved in romantic relationships and in Brody's case he would have been replacing one dependency with another.

I'm also in the - I didn't like how Kat spoke to Tori last week but am on her side now - camp.  I know it's a small town but I have wonder if Ash really didn't feel anything for Tori then he would have no problems being firm with her and politely telling her to keep her distance but the reality of the situation is that he doesn't want to.  Not IMO anyway.  I don't think Kat has pegged this yet though and just thinks it's one way.  Part of me wants something to happen just in terms of the storyline but I would probably feel quite sorry for Kat because she always appears unlucky in love.

When I saw the preview last week and Scarlett hiding today, I initially thought that guy on the island was her husband who had tracked her down and followed her.

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