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Current Episodes In Ireland

Guest gryphons_halo

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I agree with everything you've said about Irene / Lynne Redbats (Sorry can't get to grips with your new name). I loved every minute Irene was on screen, and Hayley was excellent too, but maybe ran off crying to much!

Amanda - that poor woman, I feel so sorry for her, I don't care what anyone else says, I love her and have alot of symtaty (spelling?) for her! Life gave her a raw deal, and I know she can be to blame for somethings but at the end of the day, she loved Scott and she was only doing what she knew best, the only way of keeping him was to lie about her pregnancy! Naturally - it was going to back fire later down the line but she was a desperate woman, and we've all done desperate things when we were in love....or is that just me?

She loves her son, Ryan to bits and would do anything for him. I felt for Amanda when she told Beth that her mother doesn't even know that Ryan exists! Poor woman. I hope she finds a nice young man later on in the season! (*After Graham of course!) Also I would love if Belle was Amanda'a daughter and then Amanda's mother arrived! She needs love, support and family to ground her! Of course I hope she'll always be a little minx!

Oh Home and Away is on RTE1 now so mush get the popcorn ready! Chow and talk soon : )

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I agree with everything you've said about Irene / Lynne Redbats (Sorry can't get to grips with your new name). I loved every minute Irene was on screen, and Hayley was excellent too, but maybe ran off crying to much!

Amanda - that poor woman, I feel so sorry for her, I don't care what anyone else says, I love her and have alot of symtaty (spelling?) for her! Life gave her a raw deal, and I know she can be to blame for somethings but at the end of the day, she loved Scott and she was only doing what she knew best, the only way of keeping him was to lie about her pregnancy! Naturally - it was going to back fire later down the line but she was a desperate woman, and we've all done desperate things when we were in love....or is that just me?

She loves her son, Ryan to bits and would do anything for him. I felt for Amanda when she told Beth that her mother doesn't even know that Ryan exists! Poor woman. I hope she finds a nice young man later on in the season! (*After Graham of course!) Also I would love if Belle was Amanda'a daughter and then Amanda's mother arrived! She needs love, support and family to ground her! Of course I hope she'll always be a little minx!

Oh Home and Away is on RTE1 now so mush get the popcorn ready! Chow and talk soon : )

I'm starting to sympathise with Amanda too, lately, which is a surprise to me! She may be 30 something, or whatever, but she definately acts like a 14 year old who never grew up! She comes across as a foolish, irresponsible, manipulative, desperate, attention-seeking, compulsive-lying child....all negative things yes, but not exactly adding up to "evil". Damn my eyes Im actually starting to like her!

Corey was great in this ep, now that he's got what he's wanted he's letting his facade slip and his true colours are coming clear. Good on Jack to smell a rat - Jack is another character who started a bit lame but is getting better all the time, I see good potential for him in the future (unlike the rest of his dull as ditchwater clan). Corey's confession to Irene was great, then pulling his little mr. innocent act back into place as Hayley came rushing in... Rat!

Wasn't it funny the other night when Kim and Robbie were in Noahs and they had the strobe lights going and the dance music, like a proper club, and there was Alf in the middle of it serving up the drinks! You'd think he'd dress up a bit for "Disco night", I never saw anybody to look so out of place!

Irish fan, how do you get to settle down and enjoy Home and Away at 1.30 on RTE? There I am slaving away in a dreary office and you're at home with the legs up singing along to the theme tune. There's no justice in this world!


That was the best ending ever!

The creepy music when Corey told Irene that he was poisening her was so cool!

Yeah it was cool, thats three creepy Corey endings in a row now, with afew more to come I reckon. This guys entrance was so understated and seemingly uneventful that this story has really taken me by surprise. I love it!

Like your avatar too, very topical!

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Lol I know! He looks like he really needs to go to the toilet!

So based on last nights episodes it seems only ONE of the other jurors who Corey went after died, according to Laura in the police station. She died from an overdose of mercury poisoning. Presumably this means all the others Corey had scratched off in his book were all put in institutions but didn't continue to be poisoned and so would have, I'm guessing, eventually got better? I mean, without the poisoning, their paranoia would have eventually ceased and they would have stopped exhibiting signs of dementia. The doctors would have noticed this and eventually given them a clean bill of health and released them - right? I'm thinking now that Coreys aim in all this wasn't to get revenge for his dad by KILLING all the jurors who found them guilty, but rather to give them a taste of what happened to his mum as a result. She lost the plot and got institutionalised so I think thats what he's been out to do. The one person who did die obviously just consumed too much of the poison, or he got the dosage wrong, or whatever. The fact that he packed up and got ready to leave as soon as Irene was locked up suggests this - he didn't need to see her dead, he was just happy with her being put away like that. I know he left the box of chocolates with the poison in them - but its unclear whether his intention was for her to be killed eating these, or simply to get more poison into her system so he could keep her bout of "insanity" going a bit longer after he had gone.

I find it odd though that nobodys been able to connect him to all these incidents before now. Hmmm.

Also, I was VERY annoyed by the writing of last nights episode - Corey goes off and leaves his rucksack, OPEN, on the dining room table, with all his scrapbooks poking out of it just waiting to be looked at?? I dont think so! For such a cunning and cautious guy this was very out of character and silly - bad writing, because he would never have been so careless after being so careful all along.

The ending to this story seems just a little bit rushed now, but you can't have everything I guess, and its been great so I wont complain. I guess tonights is the grand finale to it - good that it falls on a Friday, nice exciting episode to end the week on!

Have a good weekend all!

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My work hours have slashed in half recently redbats - the only upside is I get to watch H&A a little earlier!

Only comment on last nights episode is it was way too rushed, they tried to squeeze (spelling?) it all into that episode with was unbelievable. Martha needs her head checked.

Also totally agree with Corey being so stupid (for want of a better word) for leaving his ruck sack wide open, for anyone to see.

Must dash, my mother (even though I'm nearly 20!) has banned me from the internet for a period of time! Aghhhhhh....here she comes......run!

Later x

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Can't wait to see Scott pounding on Hayley to keep her alive!!

LOL. Yes, he pounded hard and it was so good it brought her back from the dead!


Anyway, haven't had much time to add comments on the latest episodes. I found this weeks batch to be a bit poor compared to last weeks, but thats probably just because last weeks were so brilliant. Things did start to pick up towards the end of this week however, with the whole baby thing, and Martha starting to crack up. Things getting interesting with Amanda and Josh as well --- Graham is going to be an easy target for Amanda. You can tell exactly what hes thinking every time he goes to give her a shoulder to cry on. "Yes, you've been up to no good and you're a nasty piece of work and I don't approve of you conning Scott and hitting Robbie....but damnit if you don't half set an old man's heart racing. Ohhhh you little crumpet you, I wouldn't mind a bit of that!" A man his age and a woman like Amanda flirting with him - I can see how he will give in to her and give her everything she wants alright. Thought this was going to be a bit of an unrealistic storyline but actually Doug Scroope is portraying the character very well, and I find myself believing in it. It was good seeing Amanda squirm all during the week though, with everyone ganging up on her. The way everyone is with her now though, I find it hard to believe that anyone will ever "forgive and forget" -- and there is worse to come of course -- so the fact that she will be in the Bay for a long time, even after the Project 56 stuff, is striking as very odd to me. But we haven't got to that yet so no point going off on a tangent.

Scott and Hayley...you know, for the sake of the storyline, I probably would have preferred if Hayley had just died then. I mean, the character doesnt stick around for all that much longer now anyway (hope thats not a spoiler but Im pretty sure its common knowledge Hayley is leaving), so it could have been done. The end to Thursdays episode where Hayley "died" was powerful, and I hate powerful endings being undermined by them backtracking and fixing everything in the very next minute of the very next episode. Either kill someone or dont kill them but dont do that tease thing with the cliffhanger death which isnt a death, its annoying.

Had to feel sorry for Kim on Fridays show, him feeling like a fifth wheel in the hospital when Scott was snuggling with Hayley and the baby on the bed. He just wanted Scott to bugger off so he could get back with Noah.....this story is actually quite cruel as it turns out, and the one who is going to ultimately be hurt the most by Eve's last little trick is the one guy she actually did have feelings for.

Nothing else last week really stood out as being interesting, so hopefully next week is better. I'd like them to focus some attention on characters other than Sally, Flynn, Scott, Hayley, Kim, Amanda and Josh for a while now, as those three storylines have pretty much dominated the show for a long time now. The Corey story was the best one in a while and it mixed with the other longer running ones nicely, to make them more enjoyable. They need a new one now to fill in the gap and balance things out a little...I guess the Tasha/Robbie storyline is coming up soon? (Believers). I'm not the biggest Tasha/Robbie fan, but they haven't really had any quality screentime lately and it will be nice for the camera to focus on somebody else for a while.


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I think the Irene/Corey storyline was so good and the acting so brilliant that anything was going to be a bit of a let down after that. As you say, it was one of the best storylines in a long time. Having said that I do think Ella did a good job with all that pushing and shoving.

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