5 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week – 10th to 13th June

Next week on Emmerdale, Belle realises she’s pregnant, Ruby offers to confess all as the guilt overwhelms her, and Vinny and Gabby take their friendship to the next level.

Please note that there will be no episode of Emmerdale on Friday due to ITV1’s football coverage.

1) Belle’s pregnancy fears are confirmed

Belle King’s (Eden Taylor Draper) worst fears are realised next week, when she discovers that she’s pregnant to husband Tom (James Chase).


Tom has been keen to start a family since marrying Belle four months ago, but his abusive behaviour has made Belle think twice.

With Tom having displayed coercive control over her, Belle secretly continued taking her contraceptive pills after he forced her into agreeing to try for a baby. When he discovered the pills hidden away in a kitchen drawer, Tom’s abuse turned physical, as he held her hand under a scalding hot tap.


A short while later Tom brutally punched Belle in the stomach, and began tampering with her mental health medication to make her believe that she was forgetting to take them.

His plan backfired when Belle subsequently checked herself into a mental health clinic, and the lack of control he had over his wife saw him take a dark turn by poisoning their dog Piper (Minnie), forcing Belle to return home in fear that she was about to be put down.


After discovering that she’s pregnant next week, Belle hides the news from Tom and Mandy (Lisa Riley) by saying she’s feeling unwell. Belle later heads over to see Wendy (Susan Cookson) at the surgery, where she confirms the pregnancy.



Wendy can see that Belle is apprehensive over the news, and offers her support.


Meanwhile, Cain (Jeff Hordley) has got word that Tom sold Belle’s car without consulting him and accosts him, with Tom secretly indignant about the confrontation.


Heading home he accuses Belle of badmouthing him to her family and goes to raise his hand to her.


Terrified, Belle shouts out for him to stop, as she’s pregnant!

Tom’s attitude changes instantly as he excitedly pulls Belle in for a hug, and whilst Tom is feeling emotional about finally becoming a father, Belle is feeling the opposite. Tom finding out about the pregnancy was the last thing she wanted, she’d just blurted it out in desperation. She asks Tom to keep it a secret for now.


2) Tom promises to change his ways

As they walk along the river, Tom promises that from now on he’ll be a better husband, but Belle is dubious of his claim. Seeing his sincerity, Belle dares to hope that there might be some chance of a normal marriage.

However it’s not long before Tom defiantly goes against Belle’s wishes and blurts out to Rhona (Zoe Henry) that Belle is expecting. Belle struggles to keep her anger hidden as the likes of Jimmy (Nick Miles) and Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) start congratulating her, but Tom somehow manages to talk her around and she agrees that they may as well tell everyone now.

The next day, Belle finds herself locked in at home, and after putting some food on the hob she manages to fall asleep on the sofa with Piper.


But little does Belle realise that a teatowel has caught alight in the kitchen… will Belle be okay?

3) Ruby offers to turn herself in

Elsewhere in the village, Charles (Kevin Mathurin) faces the worst day of his life as he buries his son Ethan (Emile John).

Ethan dropped dead in Charles’s living room two weeks ago, as he prepared for his court appearance over fleeing the scene of an accident that seriously injured Nicky (Lewis Cope). Nicky’s mum Ruby (Beth Cordingly) had subsequently sought vengeance and ran Ethan down with her car.

Whilst a bloodied Ethan seemed to be in a bad way after staggering back to the village, there didn’t appear to be any lasting damage. Ruby confronted him at home later that day with a chilling promise—if Nicky didn’t make it, then she’d finish the job.



Nicky later made a good recovery, but with Ethan now dead, and the cause of death still unknown, all eyes have been on the unknown hit and run driver who Charles has branded as a murderer.

Ruby later confessed to Nicky and Caleb (Will Ash), and has been riddled with guilt ever since.



Next week, Manpreet (Rebecca Sarker) is surprised to find herself confiding in Ruby when she enquires about how Charles is doing. Ruby wants to help in any way she can, and when Charles later finds Ruby in the church, she reaches for his hand to comfort him.



With Nicky having turned against her, Ruby explains to her son that she’ll turn herself into the police if it means he will forgive her. Ruby bursts into tears and Nicky can’t help but comfort his mum. Caleb is stunned when Ruby later tells him of her plan, and pleads with her to reconsider.

4) Charles wallows in grief

Meanwhile, over at the churchyard, Charles stands over the freshly dug grave that his son will soon occupy, still struggling to make sense of what happened.

When Ruby pays a visit to Woodbine, there’s a tense moment as Charles receives news from the coroner that a cause of death has now been established. Did Ruby really kill Ethan?


Later, after presiding over hundreds of funerals in various parishes over the years, offering solace to strangers, Charles struggles to conduct the service for his one and only son.


It’s clear that Charles is wallowing in grief in the Woolpack later on as he drinks heavily, and whilst Manpreet tries to support him, she’s saddened when he pushes her away.

5) Has Vinny ruined things with Gabby?

Also next week, Vinny (Bradley Johnson) and Gabby’s (Rosie Bentham) friendship is taken to the next level.


After further bonding over drink together, Vinny cooks up a treat for Gabby on a BBQ in the scrapyard. Whilst it may not be the most romantic of settings, the two unexpectedly share a kiss.



But when Gail (Rachael Gill-Davies) admits to Vinny that she knows about him being a virgin, she offers to give him some advice if he needs it. Vinnie is flustered and cracks under the pressure, hastily calling things off with Gabby.

Gabby is embarrassed and makes a swift exit, leaving Vinny riddled with guilt.

Has he ruined his chances of finding love again?