5 Coronation Street Spoilers for Next Week – 27th to 31st May

Next week on Coronation Street, in a special week of episodes, it’s a race against time to discover the truth as Bobby is arrested, Sarah tries to frame Nathan, and Griff tells Roy to say his last words.

Corrie will finally reveal to viewers what happened to Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) next week, over five episodes airing every weeknight from Monday to Friday.


Poor old Roy (David Neilson) is currently languishing in Highfield Prison on suspicion of Lauren’s murder, after the kindly cafe owner was the last to see the 18-year-old before her disappearance back in February.


Whilst DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) is sure she’s got her man, residents of the street know otherwise, and the timely reappearance of Bethany’s (Lucy Fallon) abuser Nathan Curtis (Christopher Harper) has brought him under the spotlight.


Meanwhile, another unsavoury character has returned in the form of Griff (Michael Condron), whose transfer back to Highfield saw Roy come under his radar.

Lauren’s father Reece (Scott Anson) had been Griff’s right-hand man in the extremist group, and so Griff is out for blood after seeing the man accused of her murder.


As this past week came to a close, we saw that Griff was concealing a shiv in his cell, and was clearly planning on using it…

The first four episodes of the week will all take place in the same 24 hours, with the day seen through the eyes of different characters. After Thursday’s shocking revelation, Friday will see a new day dawn on the street as the investigation continues.

1) Monday – Sarah tries to frame Nathan

As the week begins, Bethany is horrified when Nathan drives past her in his van, clearly breaking the terms of his licence that ordered him to stay away from her. Sarah (Tina O’Brien) is also fuming that Nathan is still in Weatherfield, having paid him £10,000 to leave.


Sarah and Bethany report Nathan to Craig (Colson Smith) at the police station, and when Bethany talks about fleeing Weatherfield, Sarah visits Nathan on the building site to remind him that he was supposed to have disappeared after taking the money. Nathan laughs in her face.


She’s devastated, she feels like she’s done everything she can to get him out of Weatherfield then he just throws it in her face,” Tina O’Brien tells us. “He took the money, now he’s making it clear he’s got no intention of going anywhere, he’s horrible.

Seething, Sarah decides to try and rid Bethany of her attacker once and for all.

Last week, David (Jack P Shepherd) found a bag of Lauren’s belongings under Max’s (Paddy Bever) bed whilst cleaning, and in amongst them was a hair bobble. With this in mind, Sarah forms a cunning plan.

Returning to the site with the bobble in a plastic bag, Sarah intends to plant it in the back of Nathan’s van.


Sarah feels that he’s responsible and this is justice,” Tina explains. “If the police can’t find the evidence then she’ll try and put it there. She’s pretty convinced he’s behind this, she’s maybe not 100% sure but all the signs are pointing in his direction and that’s enough.


But just as she’s about to put her plan into action, local copper Kit Green (Jacob Roberts) appears out of nowhere.

Forcing her to admit what she was about to do, Kit lets Sarah off but warns her that she needs to let the police do their job with no interference.


There’s a surprise later on however, when word reaches the street that Nathan has been arrested.

Meanwhile, having set up a little book club with Evelyn (Maureen Lipman) to boost his spirits, Roy’s current book (Poor Caroline by Evelyn’s favourite author Winifred Holtby) lies on the floor of his cell, covered in tea and with a broken spine…


2) Tuesday – Bobby is arrested

As we rewind to earlier in the day, Bobby’s (Jack Carroll) attempt to divert attention away from Roy is finally discovered by the police, leaving him facing charges of his own.

Bobby had been the first to visit Lauren’s flat shortly after she disappeared, and after Roy was arrested, Bobby came forward to claim that he had found an intruder in Lauren’s flat who’d quickly fled the scene.

Bobby wasn’t able to give much of a description on his feet, and his plan backfired somewhat when he inadvertently described a jacket that Daniel (Rob Mallard) had recently given away to a charity shop and put him in the frame.


Lisa was extremely dubious of Bobby’s claims but had to follow up the lead nevertheless, only to draw a blank. When Roy realised what Bobby had done, he told Carla (Alison King) that their friendship was over thanks to her nephew’s actions.


When Carla and Lisa cross paths again, Lisa is curious as to why she and Roy have seemingly fallen out. Carla shuts her down, but ends up being a surprising sounding board when she later overhears Lisa arguing with her teenage daughter on the phone.

Letting her guard down, an emotional Lisa reveals that her partner Becky passed away, and their daughter is still struggling to cope with the loss.


Lisa visits Roy in prison and asks the question that he’d been hoping no-one would ask… why did he fall out with Carla, and did it have anything to do with Bobby’s statement?



It’s not long before Lisa is back on the street and arresting Bobby for perverting the course of justice!

She warns Carla that the lying isn’t helping anyone, let alone Roy.



Meanwhile, a search of Nathan’s van reveals some USB sticks, prohibited as per the terms of a sexual harm prevention order, leading Kit to arrest him.



And in the prison, Griff decides to let himself into Roy’s cell… what is he planning?



3) Wednesday – Dee-Dee feels betrayed

Roy’s solicitor Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) is horrified when Carla tells her that Bobby has been arrested over his statement, knowing that Roy’s only defence could now be in tatters.



I don’t think she’s lost all hope because she believes Roy is innocent,” Channique tells us. “But I definitely think the walls have closed in, in a new way.

“Now that Bobby has been arrested, I think it’s a race against time for Dee-Dee now to find something that will be concrete enough to ensure Roy’s innocence. He’s already suffered so much, so Dee-Dee is now so desperate to make sure he walks away.


Dee-Dee definitely feels betrayed and really disappointed by Carla especially due to the fact she’s given her such a hard time,” Channique continues. “I think more than anything, Dee-Dee’s thoughts are just on Roy.


Obviously Dee-Dee couldn’t be in the loop anyway because that would be a conflict of interest, but she does have a lot of frustration with the fact that Carla and Bobby have now caused a real problem going forward and that’s something that will definitely start to show.

Meanwhile, over at Highfield, Griff has threatened Roy’s new friend Roscoe (Warren Donnelly) into getting Roy out of the way by luring him to the library.


When Roy returns, he’s shocked to find Griff waiting for him in his cell.

4) Thursday – the truth is revealed!


Confronting Roy in his cell, Griff pulls out his weapon and demands Roy tell him where he hid Lauren’s body. But Roy maintaining his innocence and refusing to confess to a crime he didn’t commit only angers Griff further.


Holding the shiv to Roy’s throat, Griff orders him to say his last words…



When Sarah asks Kit what they found of interest in Nathan’s van, he reveals that a further search revealed a strand of Lauren’s hair, and suggests that Sarah may have inadvertently dropped it when she was planning to plant Lauren’s bobble. Kit promises to keep Sarah’s name out of it however, as he prepares to interview Nathan alongside Lisa.

Feeling conflicted, Sarah reveals the truth about Nathan’s arrest to both Bethany and Daniel. Daniel is fuming, and whilst he reassures Bethany that he won’t dob Sarah in to the police, he hopes for everyone’s sake that Nathan is in fact the guilty party. As if not, there will be a killer somewhere on the loose who won’t face justice.

Meanwhile, Dee-Dee is incensed when she learns that boyfriend Joel (Callum Lill) is representing Nathan.


Dee-Dee has such a strong moral compass and Nathan is potentially the key to proving Roy’s innocence,” Channique explains. “In addition to this, the fact that Nathan is someone who has hurt Bethany, and Dee-Dee and Sarah are really good friends, will probably cause a bit of friction between Joel and Dee-Dee.

As Nathan is interrogated, Lisa reveals to him that the girl who had previously provided his alibi for the time of Lauren’s disappearance has now retracted her claim.

Lisa suggests that with Nathan’s inclination for young girls he could in fact be Lauren’s killer, but Nathan refuses to comment.


But as the investigation continues, viewers will be hit with a bombshell piece of evidence which reveals the real culprit behind Lauren’s disappearance! Is it in fact Nathan, or someone else entirely…?

5) Friday – Could Ellie prove the key?

As time moves on to the next day, Nathan continues to maintain his innocence as he talks to solicitor Joel, theorising that Sarah could have planted the hair in his van.

Meanwhile, Sarah, Bethany and Daniel are desperately trying to find any further evidence that could incriminate Nathan. Despite the fiasco that occurred last time, Daniel calls up old friend Nicky again to ask if she could put them in touch with sex-worker Ellie (Lola Blue) who they’re sure has some critical information.


Ellie agrees to meet Bethany, and explains how she had a particular client who began showering her with expensive gifts and became a boyfriend of sorts, exactly the same thing that seemed to have occurred with Lauren.

As Ellie explains that this client later turned nasty and made threats on her life, Bethany shows her a picture of Nathan and asks if she can confirm whether he is the same man.


Will Ellie be the key to cracking the case?

Plus, in a surprising turn of events, Carla puts any bad feelings about Bobby’s arrest aside, and approaches Lisa to offer for her daughter to come and do some work experience at the factory. Could this be the start of a beautiful friendship?