Home and Away Spoilers – John’s surprising wedding gift to Leah and Justin

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash gets a job opportunity from a famous actress, while John comes up with the perfect wedding gift for Leah and Justin – but will they share his enthusiasm?

Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) has another potential career lined up next week, as he attends an interview for a bodyguard position.

Cash has been working as a security guard since quitting the police force last month, after his actions to protect Dana Matheson (Ally Harris) from police corruption brought about a suspension.

When Cash was eventually given the opportunity to return, it was with a demotion from his Senior Constable rank, and reduced duties. Understandably, Cash told them to stick it.

Patrolling the mean streets and shopping centres of Yabbie Creek hasn’t been as fulfilling though. Although he briefly dipped his toe into some PI work—when Roo (Georgie Parker) employed him to find the mystery benefactor who donated $30,000 to the surf club—the solving of the case when Alf (Ray Meagher) rang him up and said “It was me” put a swift end to that sideline.

Having spoken to the security agency for any alternative, more challenging jobs which better suit his experience, he’s hopeful when he’s then invited to interview for a personal security gig.

Cash shows up at a rural marina where he approaches a large luxury yacht. As he does so, another candidate disembarks, shakes his hand and wishes him ‘good luck’.

Unsure of what he’s walking into, Cash enters the yacht and sees a large poster for a critically acclaimed movie that he doesn’t recognise—’Death Throes’, starring Stevie Marlow.

Stevie (Catherine Van-Davies) herself then emerges, revealing herself to be the mystery client. Cash is completely clueless that he’s in the presence of a world-renowned horror movie star as he introduces himself.

Stevie circles Cash, looking up and down as he asks if she’d like to start the interview, only for Stevie to say that she already has. She leads him outside where a lavish brunch awaits them.

Stevie explains that the previous candidate didn’t make the grade as he didn’t look good in a suit—after all, being photographed with her will be a big part of the job. But Cash apparently doesn’t have to worry about not fulfilling that requirement.

Cash declines a feed as he explains he’s just there for the interview, and so Stevie gets to the point.

Handing Cash a police file, she explains that she is being stalked by an obsessive ‘fan’, who managed to gain access to her bedroom and take photos whilst she was sleeping. Since then, she has had a threat on her life made, hence why she is now living on a boat.

Cash warns Stevie that she needs to take more drastic steps to protect herself—she needs to come off social media, and cancel any public appearances until they catch the perpetrator. Stevie refuses however, stating that she needs to do press junkets for her upcoming movie.

Realising that Stevie isn’t going to budge, Cash tells her that if she isn’t willing to make those sacrifices, then he can’t help her.

Despite this, as Cash leaves he rings his boss at the security firm and warns him just how serious Stevie’s situation is. Stevie is a sitting duck whilst living on that boat, she needs to get off it immediately.

Back at home, Cash tells Eden about his interview and she’s amazed when he tells her that it was for Stevie Marlow.

The next morning, a flash car pulls up on Saxon Avenue as Cash and Eden leave the house.

Rolling down the window, Stevie delivers Cash a message—”No-one says no to me“.

With a starstruck Eden by his side as he shows Stevie into the house, is Cash’s career about to get a lot more glamorous?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, John (Shane Withington) is thrilled to hear that Justin (James Stewart) and Leah’s (Ada Nicodemou) nuptials are back on, and comes up with the ideal wedding gift.

The couple have made tentative steps towards getting things back on track in recent weeks, following Leah’s stint in a mental health clinic. This past week has seen Leah agree to resume their engagement, though started to question her feelings over it after Irene (Lynne McGranger) checked to make sure things weren’t moving too fast for her.

With Leah not sure how she felt, she contacted the clinic who suggested that her anxiety could indicate she has a bit more work to do, and she agreed to return to the clinic for a week.

She assured Justin that the wedding was still on, and gladly put on her engagement ring as she left.

Next week, Marilyn (Emily Symons) and Irene tell John the news, and he immediately wants to head over to congratulate the happy couple. Irene accidentally lets slip that Leah is back in the clinic, forgetting that John doesn’t know anything about Leah’s previous stay.

When he finally catches up with Justin he passes on his congratulations, but later manages to put his foot in it by joking about how he’d worry if his intended had checked herself into a clinic before they got hitched.

Irene pulls John up on it and he apologises to Justin, but Justin agrees that he’s right. He wishes Leah was here now so that they could organise the wedding together.

John reminds Justin that all his friends are willing to help, and John later deliberates over what he could do himself to help out.

After ringing around some celebrants, John returns to the diner to tell Irene and Marilyn about his radical plan. He’s going to marry Leah and Justin himself!

All the celebrants he spoke to charge a fortune, and he doesn’t think any of them are a good fit for his buddies, so he’s going to get his own marriage celebrant qualification with plans to officiate over the wedding.

Marilyn and Irene think John is off his rocker, and whilst Marilyn quietly tells Irene that John will balk at the idea when he sees the costs involved, Irene thinks they should be worried.

I don’t know Maz, you know that look in his eye… I’m telling you, his mind is made up!

How will Justin and Leah react to John’s proposal?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 22nd April (Episode 8211)

Theo is hooked on the high. A hurt Valerie draws boundaries. Tane faces a roadblock.

Tuesday 23rd April (Episode 8212)

Valerie decides enough is enough. Rose makes a public plea. Felicity makes a rash decision.

Wednesday 25th April (Episode 8213)

Bree gives Remi an ultimatum. Cash throws a wrench in Felicity’s plans.

Thursday 25th April (Episode 8215)

Cash interviews for a new job. Remi is stuck between a rock and a hard place. John is on a mission to marry.

Friday 26th April (Episode 8215)

Alf runs into a shady stranger. Dana gets tricked into revealing too much. Stevie won’t take no for an answer.