Dramatic new Neighbours trailer

Spoiler – Another Returnee…

Here are the first pictures of the return of Xavier Austin, who briefly heads back to the bay as part of a storyline due to air on Australian screens in coming weeks.

©2012 Channel 5

Xavier was last seen in July 2012 when he left Summer Bay to move nearer to the NSW Police Academy in Goulburn. The pips on his uniform confirm that he now appears to be working as a Constable.

Since leaving the role of Xavier, actor David Jones-Roberts has been been living in New York undertaking an intensive acting course, filming Xavier’ss return during a 2 week visit home in November 2012.

©2012 Channel 5

His return will not come as a shock to those who have been keeping a keen eye on spoilers, as mentioned in our 2013 Spoilers roundup back in January, though viewers will still have to wait to see if their suspicions prove correct….