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2023 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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The plot thickens with Andrew. His twitchy, terrified behaviour reminds me a lot of how Leah ended up being when she got kidnapped by that nutcase a few years ago - there couldn't be a link, could there? Could it all be a setup and Justin have been deliberately targeted? It seems unlikely, I think, but then Andrew watching him and Leah while they slept was incredibly creepy...

I wasn't clear whether Marilyn was lying to Roo out of embarrassment or if she's actually intending on continuing to sell the cosmetics, because she's scared of the legal consequences if she doesn't. One would have thought the company would back off once word started to get round about the reaction to the products because the likes of Marilyn speaking up could ruin their reputation. But evidently they're not that concerned, and Marilyn doesn't seem to have thought of using it as leverage yet.

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I must admit, I got vague Charlie McKinnon vibes from Andrew as well. I think it's the way he acts a lot younger than he appears.On the face of it, he seems to have led a very strict and regimented lifestyle.His watching Leah and Justin sleep was an odd moment: Is he not used to seeing that sort of thing? I don't know if him being over sixteen would affect him being allowed to stay with Justin despite his record, since it would mean he'd have at least some say in it.

Marilyn decides to deal with her problem by lying to her friends about it. Because, hey, that always ends well.And now she's backed into a corner with Roo.

I wasn't expecting to actually see Xander's hospital visit, although ultimately it did still turn out to be nothing serious.It has put Rose and Mali back on better terms though. I did smile a bit at Mali winding up John, mainly because it did all seem to be in good humour.

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Andrew story looks interesting it’s funny one day of commutily service and Justin I’m guessing won’t be going anymore 

So Marley is going to get back with Rose I thought definitely he was going to get with Mac 

Oh yes I wonder what Marlyn is going to do with the billons of acids beauty stuff haha 

The show has been better without Lyric has too be said 

Edited by pembie
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The reveal that Andrew has been sharing with another male reinforces the feeling that he's really not used to being around females.The reference to a padlocked room wasn't as ominous as it sounded in the promos (I thought it was going to be where Andrew was kept, not a survival shelter), but it supports the idea that he's had a very unconventional upbringing.It ends on an odd note though: Are we to assume that, because he likes Justin's music, Justin and Leah have decided to keep him around after all? Because we're at the point where they've used up their episodes and we're not going to see them again until next week... (Also, why did they look at him like he was a weirdo because he shook the sauce bottle and poured a dollop out? That's how I was taught to do it...)

Given that many people, myself included, don't consider Marilyn fully redeemed after last year, I'm not sure of the wisdom of subjecting us to another "Marilyn gaslights her friends instead of facing up to her bad choices" storyline. At this rate, she'll spend the next year passing on all her wages to Stunning Organics and not giving John or Jett a penny. (I assume they are taking payment from her for the stuff they're delivering, otherwise what's in it for them?) It doesn't help that, again, she's only getting away with stuff because of Alf and Roo's ridiculously rose-tinted glasses where she's concerned. Just as they convinced themselves last year that she could only be nasty to people if she was off her medication, here they convince themselves that if she's telling them things that aren't true that must mean someone else lied to her. I did think also that, having said she'd let Marilyn take the lead, Roo was rather pushy with their strategy, only to promptly give up and leave everything to Marilyn because the script said so.

And on the flipside, we have Tane very quickly putting two and two together with Kahu after one phone call.To be fair, the fact that Kahu is apparently sending the money to his mum means he doesn't come across as 100% unsympathetic but he'd better have a good explanation.

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3 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

^ Let's hope they get "Discovered" and get the fastest jet to L.A !

They are written so oddly that sometimes they sound really famous and other times they are struggling Plus with them away I can cope with Cash because he isn’t acting like a love sick teenager with Eden  and Bree only shows up in hospital scenes plus Felcity seems to have gone with them as well which is a bonus 

And after stating I don’t really like most of the characters haha I don’t really know what to say about Andrew other than maybe his been living in the woods in a house with a monster behind that pad locked door 

Naa he seems to have had a very strict life 

I don’t know where Marilyn plans to hide all those boxes Roo just don’t go opening any cupboards quickly you might find yourself underneath a huge landslide 

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3 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

(Also, why did they look at him like he was a weirdo because he shook the sauce bottle and poured a dollop out? That's how I was taught to do it...)

Wasn't it because it was a very tiny dollop? I thought the subtext of that scene was that Andrew was very uncomfortable with the (admittedly obscene) amount of food Leah had piled in front of him and that he was being very frugal with the sauce to compensate. And an austere approach to food would kind of fit in with him being malnourished and the padlocked room full of tinned rations etc. Anyway, good to see the second decent storyline on the trot for Justin and Leah - more of this, please.

Still not clear what's going on with Marilyn and whether she's actually intending to sell anything from the boxes or just accepting delivery and hoping the problem will eventually go away by itself (which would be a very Marilyn approach to take). Irene's going to hit the roof when she comes back and finds her house packed to the rafters with Stunning Organics.

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Bree functions so much better without Remi.  I enjoyed the banter with her and Rose re Mali.

Mali seemed quite adamant he didn't want to be with Rose so I'm surprised at the turnaround.

Couldn't help but feel there was a certain element of karma when Leah was feeling uncomfortable around Andrew - She might not have been in this scenario if she hadn't got Justin to get rid of Ava.


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? ?to Justin for explaining Andrew's plight with Leah and asking her if he could stay with them though I do think they may have both jumped in too quickly without understanding what they were really taking on, they did appear to be having second thoughts.   Besides if Justin is looking after Andrew what is going on with his CS duties, counselling and his other condition that he wasn't in prison?  Can't take him with him can he? Andrew is still a minor but even so the fact Justin seemed to have been OK'd by the authorities to look after a vulnerable adult despite his anger issues.  

 I got the Justin vibes with his and his families experience of hiding from people but he and the rest of the Morgan's did have each other and they went to school, uni even for Tori.  I had the same feeling that Andrew hadn't had a lot to do with women as all, we and Justin and Leah found out there had just been another man living there.  I thought there was only bottled water in that locked room, was there food in there too  and the mains water had been turned off?  Hints of them, whoever them are, are survivalists so not trusting the usual stuff.  This bloke, be he dad, granddad, uncle, older brother, what has happened to him, had an accident, died or just left Andrew to his own devices.  Andrew didn't have access to this locked up water obviously  He did come across as having led  a regimented life asking permission to go to his room.  He did offer to wash the dishes up after their evening meal.   That was an obscene amount of food Leah put on his plate, if he'd been undernourished his stomach certainly couldn't have taken that amount in one go.  More waste of food by TPTB.  By the way Andrew was shaking  that bottle I would have expected more to come out but good control on his part, not many could just have squirted such a little blob so precisely, that I think is why Leah & Justin looked agog. Has to take  many hours/ months/years of practice.  What would have happened if more had come out?  

Great that we've finally seen the inside of Irene's house even if was just to see more Stunning Organics gear turn up. Girly Irene is going to bust a gut when she gets back.  I spotted the u-turn with Roo from 'I'll just be there as back up and won't say a word' - yeh right? - then her I'll speak for you.  Marilyn obviously feels she's got herself in this mess so she has got to get herself out of it, she just doesn't  know  how yet.  

I think Mali and Rose are now friends rather than going to be a romantic liaison.  I was hoping it would be Mac Mali would get together with.  I can see why Kahu is attracted to Mac but Tane was right to warn him off, not just because she is getting over losing Gabe but does she need to get involved with another Parata?   

Tane was very sharp by ringing TAFE and finding out Kahu had lied. His wild idea of buying a trawler and becoming a  fisherman can't be that simple surely?  Yes he's family and he's earning money for his mum but being family shouldn't mean you effectively con other members of your family.  He's lying to his mum anyway but letting her think he's already got a boat. 

OK it wasn't that serious with Xander  just bruising but Rose was fussing again!  He was only making  a cup of coffee not climbing the south face of the Eiger!



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