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Rachel Armstrong - Amy Mathews


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Haha i loved when Rachel pulled Bridget around and refused to feel sorry for her.I loved it when Bridget said she had been diagnosed with a personality disorder and Rachel said was this the same doctor who diagnosed you with cancer and also when Bridget said Tony rejected her and Rachel hated her too right it's not as if they were going to be best friends after her sleeping with Tony.

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:lol: Charlene

I love bitchy Rachel. Amy is excellent at playing her when she's like that. Her line delivery is spot on and her facial expressions say more than anything. I was surprised to see her coming out of Martha's house and loved it when Rachel grabbed her by the arm like that.

I think it's sweet she's so protective of her family, hence not letting her in the other day.

Although i was a bit shocked Bridget didn't say anything to Rachel about Tony when she went to ask about Martha. She was all Martha this and blah blah blah. You'd think she'd at least have the heart to tell Rachel sorry for Tony. Although maybe Rachel would have flipped if she had, if would have been quite amusing.

I just wish we'd seen Rachel gireve more. But maybe that's all to come with the funeral next week :(

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Maybe you're right Charlene. It just seemed a little insensitive. I'm glad Alf apologised to her though :) I understand why Rachel is going after her like that, but i do wish she'd spent more time with Tony right now (writers fault i know.) Hopefully next week we'll see that. Their little scene in J/M's house really moved me and showed just how heartbroken Rachel was. I hope when Tony finally breaks down and loses it Rachel is the one he turns too. I'm sure in the coming weeks we'll see her trying to support/comfort him.

Amy has been amazing all week. I hope it continues through all of 09. I'm looking forward to her birth scenes they should be really challenging.

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I think birth scenes must be some of the hardest scenes to do as an actress. I know I wouldn't want a camera filming me pretending to have a baby haha. I think were going to see more Rachel comforting Tony scenes in the ones coming up over the next few weeks, so exciting!

I have loved seeing all the different sides to Rachel this week, being strong, breaking down, being protective of her family, being furious with Bridget. Shows her versatility as an actress, would love to see her get a best actress Logie.

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Yaay! Haha good to hear Zetti. She does have her faults and as a professional she can come across as a bit condescending sometimes but I think that's just a trait of being a doctor because she's in a caring, authorative profession. She tries to help everybody all the time but it can sometimes be seen as interfering. Overall I love that she's a complex character, a strong personality with a gentle and well meaning personality.

I thought today's (five) episode reflected a lot of the 'old' Rachel; it proved how much of a strong figure she is in the community and how everybody trusts her and goes to her when they're struggling. I particularly loved her scenes with Belle (the sweetie line was...sweet haha) and with Martha. The fact that she's now pregnant and has the one thing she's wanted more than anything after a long struggle and heartche to get there yet she hasn't discussed it with Martha or shown any reaction about it despite being so excited out of sensitivity for Martha's miscarriage shows how empathetic and kind hearted she is. Sure she has some bad qualities (don't we all) but I think overall she's a genuine and kind hearted person.

That's my character analysis for the evening haha.

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Why thank you

:lol: Laura. You saying that reminded me when Rachel said it to Tony, when they were kissing in his house the night they found out Dan had died. After he told her he might need to take a cold shower :lol:

Very well said my dear. I love how she's like the 'community doctor' and the one person people automatically think of turning to when they need help. We've seen it with Medody (when Morag asked her to speak to her) Martha, Aden, Belle...and many others i can't remember. Her calling everyone 'sweetie' is really cute and one of her little trademakrs :) She was wonderful with Aden and he trusted her and i think people forget with out her helping him Aden probably wouldn't be in the place he is now. Same for Belle.

I like the fact they show her faults. No one is perfect and Rachel is no exception. She can be bossy, patronising and controlling but she has a good heart and at the end of the day she genuinly does what she thinks is best for people. I think her relationship with her dad is a lot to do with how she acts. I think it was implied nothing she ever did was good enough in his eyes, and then finding out what he did to her mother, and him running off like he did must have affected her. I wonder if they'll ever bring him back, or have her trying to find him.

I'm glad they finally let her be happy with a guy though. With Kim it seemed like it was doomed from the start, then Hugh and Lewis was never going to work out. But now she's with Tony, she seem so much more relaxed and happy.

I wonder what they'll do with Rachel in regards to her job now she's pregnant. It's going to get really hard for her quite soon to keep up. I really hope they don't keep her working when she's 7/8 months gone cos that would be silly. She certainly won't be able to deal with emergencies for that much longer.

Edit: This is silly but i remember talking about Amy/Rachel and earrings. So i found pics of Amy at the 2008 Logies and yup she was wearing earrings so maybe it's something they decided for Rachel, no earrings!! :lol::lol: And, she is pretty short too..lol Jessica was taller than her and Indiana quite a bit! But Rachel seems to be in heels a lot....ok randomness over.

Edited by KirstyEkua
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