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Living Together

Guest lucylinda

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Chapter 11

It was indeed Gavin who sat on their mailbox, watching Aden pick Belle up around the waist and twirl her around, a gold heart glinting on her neck. He chuckled. That necklace wouldn’t be there much longer. Not if he had anything to do with it.

Charlie hadn’t been able to get a hold of Gavin, because he’d quit his job, packed up his house and supposedly moved away from Summer Bay months ago. No one knew where he was, no one knew why he went. But now he was back… Charlie had searched low and high for his whereabouts, but he was no where to be found. She couldn’t help thinking it was more than a coincidence that he’d become a suspect in a case, and also disapeered…

Gavin had heard that Belle had a new photography shop, and was…intrigued… He went down to take a look, and just lost it. He couldn’t stand looking at all those pictures of her happy, all those reminders that she was doing great without him. Those pictures of her and Aden were the worst. He couldn’t stand that she hadn’t been affected by her firing. He couldn’t stand that she’d moved on and was doing really great now. He couldn’t stand that she was happy now that he wasn’t in her life.

He couldn’t stand all of this because: he was in love with Belle.

He’d always had this stupid problem- every woman he ever fell in love he pushed away. Belle was so perfect for him, she was passionate, beautiful, funny and caring. She would be great for the paper and they could work amazingly well together.

But he’d pushed her away.


Aden poured Belle a big glass of lemonade. They hadn’t really said why- but alcohol just wasn’t normally in their house. Belle didn’t miss it, after all it had ruined Aden’s childhood, she didn’t want to bring that to their family.

They giggled and tickled and danced around, forgetting. They managed to forget everything, because between the two of them they had a fair share of stuff worth forgetting, stuff that came to them late at night. They both had memories that could never be blocked out, memories that would haunt them, albeit less and less regularly for the rest of their life.

They forgot all night. They forgot as they watched TV and giggled, fingering her gold necklace. They forgot as they danced to the crackly radio and spun around. They forgot as they realised that they were happy. In that moment, they were happy and they could just forget. Tomorrow night it would be all back, so for this night they just forgot.

next time: gavin starts to put his plan into place

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