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Big Brother 9 UK 2008

Guest Cat3

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Davina announced on Friday's show that there will be a "surprise in store" for two housemates on a special live show this Wednesday, though she did not state specifically that there will be an eviction.

It was also announced on Friday that Mario will return to the house on Sunday to pop the question to girlfriend Lisa.

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Watching the live feed at the moment. What is going on with Darnell and Sara have they made up!? :unsure:

It’s been a delight watching Mikey this last week, the way he’s been winding Rex up by telling Nicole what he thinks of her and questioning everything he was doing whilst he was HOH. I especially enjoyed his nominations in the diary room and had to watch them again from the channel 4 website. Even though he couldn’t nominate Rex both his nominations were ALL about Rex. To think he actually nominated Sara because he thought she fancied Rex – Brilliant. :lol:

Bit worried about this weeks nominations as I feel that Sara and Lisa will be up again and I wouldn’t want either of those two to get evicted as I like both housemates.

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Aww, Lisa said yes. :) I can't stand Mario, but they do seem perfect for each other.

As for Darnell, he is being an idiot but I still have a soft spot for him. Sara is far from blameless in the whole situation as she blatantly flirted with Darnell to make Stuart jealous. The best thing would have been for Darnell just to take it on the chin and cool off his friendship with her, but sadly he's a man and they don't react well when their pride has been dented (let alone when it happens on national television, which admittedly has got to hurt).

Fingers crossed Mo or Rachel will be out next. I don't have any strong feeling for either of them, which at this stage means they shouldn't still be there.

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Fingers crossed Mo or Rachel will be out next. I don't have any strong feeling for either of them, which at this stage means they shouldn't still be there.

I think there’s more chance of Gus showing up and fessing up for the robbery than Mo being up for eviction.

To be honest I can see Sara and Lisa going up again because those two are the easy option. They are not really part of the Kat/Rachel/Rex group and Sara is the only HM left who is not an original.

I would imagine the voting would be something like:

Kat – Sara/Lisa

Rachel – Sara/Lisa

Rex – Sara/Lisa (possibly Mikey)

Mikey – Rex/Sara

Mo – Sara/Lisa

Darnell – Sara/Lisa

Lisa – Rex/Rachel

Sara – Rachel/Mo (or Darnell)

If those two do go head to head then I guess it would be Lisa who would probably go as I get the impression that she is more disliked that Sara.

Best case scenario now is for BB to throw a spanner in the works and allow the public to vote for their favourite housemate. I don’t think they will put everyone up for eviction as this would mean that Rex would go. From their point of view this would be disastrous. If they did something like voting to save your favourite housemate this would help to eliminate the boring people and keep Rex in.

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