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Brothers & Sisters

Guest princess_in_pink

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It was very funny when they went through the bush lol

Im not a fan of Robert either, he wasnt too bad at the start, but the Walkers are really wild and Robert is quite dull in character and there really is a big difference between them. Im still not liking Rebecca, even when we thought she was a Walker, I just dont like the character, even worse now they de-Walkered her just to be with Justin. I guess Im just attached to the Walker's themselves and no-one can come close to them.

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It was very funny when they went through the bush lol

Im not a fan of Robert either, he wasnt too bad at the start, but the Walkers are really wild and Robert is quite dull in character and there really is a big difference between them. Im still not liking Rebecca, even when we thought she was a Walker, I just dont like the character, even worse now they de-Walkered her just to be with Justin. I guess Im just attached to the Walker's themselves and no-one can come close to them.

I actually like Rebecca and think she fits in quite well . You would know she is different to them because she is not as crazy as the Walker's are.

She never has any funny lines like everyone else does wich is unfair as well.

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I've always liked the thought of Rebecca and Justin together but if they "de-Walkered" Rebecca just for her and Justin to be together then I might not like it as much as I thought I would. I can't wait until Monday when it starts back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Is Annoyed* A spoiler rant follows.......

Ok I don't know where to actually start. Oh I know how about the introduction to Ryan! What a disappointment. I expected so much more from the Character, but what did I get: Nothing. & It didn't help matters when, Nora first met him he blamed Nora for his life being a lie. So far, I don't think much of the character. Boring is the word to describe him. Maybe In time I will change my mind, but first impressions matter a LOT to me.

:P I was initially excited about this Ryan but not anymore. Especially seeing as to what he is involved in: Drug Dealing! Not looking forward to that.

Next rant: Rebecca! Sooo it looks like Justin//Rebecca are heading for a break-up!! Arrrgghhhh!!! So they "de-Walkerise" her to have the J//R Pairing only to have them break up! Oh and get this....Theres going to be a Ryan//Rebecca pairing!!! >____< Someone shoot me now! >_< & Thats most likely not going to last either. Just p'd me off that they went through most of Season 2 proving Rebecca isn't a Walker to have her & Justin together, only to break them up! A waste of a season if you ask me!

Oh & my final rant: Tommy is Leaving!! Argh! I haven't been the biggest fan of Tommy, but getting rid of him is not a good idea in my books. Just the Spirit of the Walker family will be gone imo. I love all the interaction with the Walker Brothers. Oh & brining Ryan in as a "replacement" is a bad move [i read Ryan is coming a regular in S4 with tommy gone]. He goes to jail for all that Ojai foods drama, and then gets released on Bail and moves to Mexico. Or so I read. I hope Balthazar Getty at least gets the status as Occasional guest. I'd really love it if he came back for a few episode now & again.

Okay I think I am done. :) Lol, ah while I mentioned all the negative might as well mention some of the positives...

William Walker will make a return towards the end of the season in Flashbacks. I was hoping we would see him again. & Sarah returns to Ojai Foods to sort out Tommy's mess, &Kitty's Baby survives. So not all is bad.


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Well I havent watched any of that yet, so I cant comment.. But

I really, really, really hope that Rebecca and Ryan dont get together. Im not a fan of Rebecca or Justin and Rebecca. But as you said, they de-Walkered her, just to have her in a relationship with Justin, they havent even lasted a Series! They cant just have them break up and what is worse, having her with another Walker! And Ryan blaming Nora! Hate the guy already and have only seen pictures and read spoilers. Also the drug dealing, does he get Justin hooked again or even tempted, I hope that Nora would sort him out if he does. I like the father though, I thought it might have been good for him and Nora to get together, but also might be weird the way things are.

Glad to know that William Walker will be back, even though he is a bad guy after everything he has done, he is a good actor and a great character to watch, especially when they are playing happy families, not aware of what the future holds for Nora and the siblings after his death.

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I love Sarah as well, she is one of my favs on TV at the moment. I love the interactions between her and Kevin they are so funny together!

Yeah Sarah is the best person ever!!


Tommy is leaving , I never saw that coming . why would he go to prison though .He is the first regular to leave the show after 3 seasons!!

Yay for Kitty's baby!! Does she fall pregnant ?

I could see J/R breaking up for ages now because they fight in like every episode, which isnt good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last thursdays episode "Just a sliver" was so good .

The beginni had me in stitches , first when they were all on the phone to each other and Julia came on the phone :lol::lol:

Sarah : I am depressed enough as it is . Not having my kids fo the first thanksgivng, mom alone ad a 30 pound turkey will just send me over the edge uh ah I am going somewher to

Tommy : Where ?

Sarah : Somehwere

Kitty : Sarah im im sorry but you cant

Sarah : You wanna make a bet

Kitty : what about Mr Fluffy ?

*all goes silent*

Sarah : ohh god , I cant believe it . Im having thanksgiving alone with my mother and a decrepid cat

Sarah is just class !! :wub:

The funniest part though was :

Justin : you know she didnt mean that

Kevin : that was aimed at us to

Sarah : No Kevin. This is aimed at you

Then she starts throwing the potatoes at everybody then :

Kitty : no no Sarah Sarah nono I bruise, I bruise easily remember Sarah no .... OW !!


Anyway I have just watced all the promos from now until the next 8 or 9 episodes or so and there is some really exciting stuff coming up and im soooo excited!!

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