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Favourite stories/moments from each year

Guest beau_t

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Just to get some memories and maybe remind each other of different storylines!

1988 -

Ailsa and Alf's love story

Walter Bertram's return

Lynn's exit

1989 -

Definately the Donald/Bobby/Morag story

Nigel breaking Celia's heart

Steven's reaction to the store fire

1990 - Tom's death I guess? (it's the only big story I remember!)

1991 - David/Sophie romance, Bobby fostering Sam

1992 - Meg storyline, Irene's arrival

1993 - Baby Dale dying in his cot :(, Bobby's death

1994 - Pippa and Michael's marraige break-up

1995 - The Bush Fire and Jack struggling to find redemption

1996 - Michael's death, Marilyn and Donald's romance, Steven/Selina, Chloe/Brad cliffhanger

1997 - Pippa being hit by Kye and her resulting post-coma amnesia

1998 - Everything to do with Chloe/Lachie/James/Diana.

1999 - Gypsy's kidnap ordeal revealed through flashbacks. Ailsa's madness following the car crash.

2000 - Ailsa's past returns to haunt her, Gypsy's characterisation in general throughout this year was brilliant., Ken's death

2001 - Marilyn turning up in London, Seb's arrival storyline

2002 - The ferry distaster, the original segment of the Kane and Kirsty storyline (before it got out of hand)

2003 - Alf's brain tumour story with "Ailsa", Angela Russel, arrival of Tasha

2004 - Sarah holding everyone hostage, The Season Finale

2005 - The Stalker storyline (not necessarily the reveal, but the whole storyline leading up to it). Seeing Brett Macklin again

I've just realised this forum is only meant to go up to 2000, so I'll stop quickly! (admin feel free to delete 2001 onwards if necessary).

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I agree with pretty much all those choices. My favourite story line ever was the original KK forbidden romance following on from the Mirgini sinking. It's just a shame they brought Kane back in 2003 after the storyline had finished and ran that storyline into the ground, through the ground and straight to hell. From 2001 I thought Marylin in London (in fact the whole London storyline in general) sucked and I really liked the Shauna/Kane/Scott Phillips stuff which eventually led to Dani's rape (a storyline I thought was well done originally apart from the glaring absence of that word which confused a lot of people.

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  • 2 months later...


Pilot episode/Fletcher's arrival

Pippa's risky pregnancy

Carly's rape

Carly's move to the city

Sam Barlow - abusing Sandra and Kerry and eventually shooting Kelly

Alf and Ailsa's romance and marriage

Roo's pregnancy

Frank and Roo's wedding/ frank's car crash

Lynn's departure

Pippa giving birth to Christopher

Gary Samuels death

Bobby's amnesia

The start of Carly's troubles

Christmas episodes


Carly's alcohol abuse

Bobby and Frank marry

Bobby finds out Fisher and Morag are her parents

Bayside Diner opens

Floss and Neville leave

Sally nearly leaves to stay with Ross and Louise

Dodge Storyline

The fire at the store and Philip's death

Steven's grief

Tom's Stroke

Rory gets eaten by the shark

Tom returns from hospital


Tom realises Pippa was telling the truth (I was relieved when that was over and Zack left)

Pippa returns from seeing her parents (seemed weird without it)

Sophie and Al storyline

Sophie's illiteracy

Sophie's electrocution

Celia's departure

Sally and Murray (Mullet) steal claws the crab - Alf's reaction

Matt and Adam friendship

Lance's departue

Martin's departure

Celia's departure

Tom's crash/death

Aftermath of Tom's death

Tom's funeral

Carly and Ben romance

Carly and Ben marry

Moment between Pippa and Carly after the wedding


Pippa and Micheal's wedding

Lois Crawford storyline

David's car crash / death

Bobby fostering Sam

Bobby and Greg

Frank returning to get back with Bobby


Bobby and Greg Marry

Sophie gives birth

Meg's death


Lynne Mcgranger arrives as irene

Bobby's accident, death and funeral

Dale's cot death

Sophie's departure

Blake's departure


Adam saves Sam from a fire

Curtis and Shannon arrive

Shane and Angel get together

Adam's departure

Sally goes missing

Pippa and Michael separate

Irene dresses up as Santa and goes out on a boat but ends up having to be brought back by a helicopter "I'm gonna get you for this Alf Stewart!"


Laura gets hit by a train

Shannon's anorexia

Bobby's ghost

Angel gets hit by Alf's car

Shane and Angel marry

Shane's accident


Shane dies

Michael dies

Michael's funeral

Marilyn and Fisher


Steven and Selina nearly tie the knot

Selina kidnapped

Pippa and Ian

Carly returns


Pippa leaves


Travis and Rebecca leave


Sally's near wedding to Kieran

Old characters reunion

(Notice how I have more favourites from 1988 to 1990 :)

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1988| Alf & Ailsa's break-up, Walter's return, Alan's death. Lance and Martin were pretty much consitently good too.

1989| Morag, Nigel and Celia. Bobby and Donald's developing relationship, Emma learning to trust Alf/Ailsa. Hmm, post-Viv, I didn't think much of this season.

1990| Tom's Death and the fantastic, emotional aftermath. Lance's departure. Carly's wedding. Donald's reaction to Bobby's pregnancy. Pippa's body swap.

1991| Bobby and Sam. Pippa and Michael's relationship.

1992| Irene's arrival. Meg's death.

1993| Dale Ross' horrifically sad death. Bobby's death.

1995| Shannon's anorexia, Marilyn's return, Ailsa's breakdown. Shane, Angel & Dylan. Everything except Travis to be honest. My favourite season.

1996| Shane dying, Michael drowning, Fisher and Marilyn falling in love. Sally going missing. The earthquake.

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These are my favourite memories. I have left out the boring ones (because I have forgotten) and the bad/unpleasant ones are left out.


• Bobby's rise from evil streetkid to school genius

• Roo's attempts to stop Alf & Alsa's relationship

• Nico Pappas

• Alf having flames with Mr Fisher

• Nosey Vera, prudish Vera

• Alsa's murder backstory

• The difficulties Tom had supporting the family while unemployed or in a ****ty job

• The Barlow storyline

• Stevo's backstory about his parents dying in a house fire

• Bobby & Roo's bitchfights

• Bobby & Carly's (lesser) bitchfights

• Lance & Martin's attempts at making drugs and alcohol

• The Summer Bay Nutter

• Carly's crush on Andrew Foley

• Frank & Roo's failed wedding

• Lance & Martin winning $500,000 :lol:

• Alf & Alsa fighting over Alsa's left-wing values, and the eventual (temporary) breakup of their marriage

• Alan Fisher's aneurysm & death

• The Macklin Corp

• Brett's attempts to take the baby off Roo

• The John Farnham visit

• Gary Samuels's life of thrills, and his cliff fall death in suspicious circumstances

• Jeff Samuels the mad PE teacher

• Bobby's amnesia

• Roo's attempts at reform (the Chinese boyfriend) after the baby is out of the way

• Lance & Martin blowing the amp

• Santa Never Stops In Summer Bay No More.....

• Alison Patterson's stupidity

• Bobby throwing away her future

• Carly leaving home

• The mystery of Bobby's real parents


• Carly's drinking problem

• Bobby's mother is revealed during her & Frank's wedding

• Morag's life turned upside down, she moves to Summer Bay

• Bobby's father is revealed as Donald Fisher

• The Poison Pen letters — Roo is blamed, Alison is blamed, the real culprit is

Stacey's old boyfriend Nicholas

• Alison Patterson run out of town

• Nigel challenges Vera's chastity belt

• Martin's girlfriend little marilyn, Leanne the helium girl

• Phillip Matheson wasted in the store fire lit by Dodge

• The Dodge Storyline, Steven and Dodge's friendship

• Stevo's temporary romance with Mr Fisher's daughter Rebecca

• Frank & Bobby's marriage dies out

• Frank and Roo quietly get back together as they leave Summer Bay

• Prudish Vinegar meddling in Phillip sux Stacey living together under the one roof

• Roo's boyfriend Simon — he runs away from Summer Bay after Dodge sets him up for the fire

• Stevo having nightmares about Phillip's death

• Alf flames Vera over the way she runs his shop

• Lance & Marilyn running Alf over, wrecking his dinghy. Alf is well alight!! (Lance has to pay for a new boat!)

• Morag's stolen memoirs

• Andrew Foley turns up rolling drunk at a Macklin Corp. party

• Andrew Foley's drinking problem, his father's death

• Bobby's bitchy attitude costs Tom & "Pippa" a $¼m deal with the Macklins

• Macklin stupidity elevates Martin's over-inflated ego

• Marilyn & Morag

• Alf & Tom lost at sea

• Dodge telling Steven he hopes he won't end up in a strict new foster family if Tom goes. Steven saying he loves Tom & "Pippa"

• Dodge flushes "Milko" out of little sally

• Tom comes down hard on Dodge and Steven when discovering their camping trips were fake

• Dodge steals a car and Steven accepts responsibility for it

• Dodge rescues Viv from the city and her abusive reverend father

• Dodge's dramatic and tragic end

• Marilyn's crush on Andrew Foley

• Steven locked in the office overnight with Viv

• Adam's job as school janitor

• little sally being a spoilt brat about Ross & Louise who want to adopt her

• Danny's terror campaign against Morag, which eventually leads to her being run out of town (as well as himself)

• Rory eaten by a shark

• Tom's health scare

• Emma the foul-mannered bitch

• "Pippa"'s mother Coral shoplifting

• Adam's yacht is stolen

• Lance & Martin busted by Sgt Hail selling the bunyips


• The attempts to have fun in Morag's old house thwarted by Alf & Foley, while Vera sells it

• Sophie and her criminal father

• The money extortion of Mr Fisher

• Matt's brother shooting backstory

• Sophie abducted and taken away by her own father to hide out in some old shed where he stashed money from a bank job he and his mate did

• Viv and Steven run away together, Steven injured on a cliff face

• Martin & Greta having it off behind a privacy blanket enclosure on the beach

• Dave (aka Luke Cunningham) catching Ben sux Carly groping in the kitchen

• Martin running over Vera's bike with Ben's army tank

• Vinegar Tits starving Africa awareness campaign, the porno video prank

• Vicky & Emma's bitchfights

• Mr Fisher and Grant conflict over Grant's teaching methods

• Vicky Baxter accusing Grant of molesting her

• Sophie's illiteracy

• Adam's dodgy shelves, and Sophie getting electrocuted

• Emma breaking Alf's golf putter

• The council election, Ernie Jacobs, Rex Wilson

• The battle for the Beach House

• Ben & Carly's bank loan stupidity

• Bridget & Alsa bitching at each other over Emma, Bridget tries to take Emma off Alf & Alsa

• Tom's death

• Viv's little sister runaway

• Adam and Paul(ine) fighting over Emma

• Marilyn & Adam setting Alf alight various times

• Bobby's fling with her dating agency boyfriend (Chris Reynolds) → resulting pregnancy → miscarriage

• Chris Reynolds's violent confrontations of Bobby

• Grant and the little police lady

• Alf's drink-driving conviction

• Vicky sets Emma up for exam cheating

• Stevo rejecting the horny Italian girl

• Mr Fisher's fling with "Pippa" and Pippa, and the associated embarrassment

• Marilyn as student at Summer Bay High

• Stevo's driving lessons

• Blake & Karen fostered by Alf & Alsa

• Blake ♥s Sophie

• Karen ♥s Steven

• Adam ♥s Marilyn

• Jane's cute little cat

• Blake and Karen flooding Mr Fisher's house

• Blake telling Mr Fisher to stick his head up a dead man's bum


• David ****s Sophie, causing her to get pregnant

• Adam wrecks Mr Fisher's piano


• Simon thrashes someone who drew a picture of Sophie's disgusting pregnancy

• Greg & Bobby marry

• Meg's leukemia, death storyline, funeral, balloon release, and an imaginary Meg talking to Blake on the beach after her death

• Sophie shoplifting to feed the baby

• Shane & Damian stealing cars and putting paint in Mr Fisher's golf gear

• Damian & Fin come to Summer Bay, with Irene as vicious alcoholic trying to take them home. Damian causes Irene to fall down the stairs

• Shane & Tug's wars

• Nick, Loo & Ryan

• Shane putting a brick through Ryan's car window, and waging war against Ryan

• Sophie in unemployment queues

• Mr Smithers kisses Sophie. Sophie and Gina get Mr Smithers sacked for sexual harassment

1992–93 Cliffhanger:

• Shane goes to jail for Tug's burglary

• Sophie signs away the baby

• Blake & Fin trapped in an undersea wreck


• Irene's acceptance into the Bay following Fin's diving accident

• Fin studying all night

• Shane kicked out onto the street for refusing to go back to school or get a job

• Blake and Fin break up, Blake leaves Summer Bay

• Karen's return (she is welcomed back like ****)

• Shane & Tug's feud especially the Musical

• Michael's financial problems

• Pippa's baby cot death

• Angel's debut

• Tug & Sarah (I HATED them at the time of the original screenings of these episodes)

• Laura the hermit

• Greg's affair with single mum Fiona → downfall of Greg & Bobby's marriage

• Bobby's death

• Morag's return → attempts to get custody of Sam

• Adam punishing himself for the accident that killed Bobby

• Shane & Angel's long-term relationship developing

• Nathan sets Luke up

• Nathan's evil affair with Sarah

• Shane's work experience at the police station

1993–94 Cliffhanger

• Alf catches Nathan having foreplay with the virginial Sarah

• Shane asks Angel why she had a kid and never told him


• Shane eventually accepts the dirty circumstances behind Angel's teenage pregnancy

• Nathan is eventually busted — for stealing the school funds

• Tug stealing Roxy's car in the middle of the night

• Tug's affair with Beth♥

• Tug's dyslexia

• Luke's brother "Bill"

• Michael and Pippa's financial problems made worse by gambling addict Hayden's fraudulent $15,000 loan (the financial black hole lasts all year and eventually leads to the rift in Pippa and Michael's marriage)

• Rob stuck in a lift with Roxy

• Rob sticking a potato up someone's exhaust pipe

• Shane & Angel's romantic getaway

• Shane proposes, and Angel accepts

• Jack 3-timing Selina, Sonia and Franky

• Selina telling a convent school teacher she feels like a "bloody idiot"

• Muck-up Day — Shane fills the school with sheep

1994–95 Cliffhanger

• Pippa & Michael's marriage and little sally running away


• Shannon's affair with body-builder Eric

• Irene's sister Wendy

• Shannon's nightmares & repressed memories of what appears to be

her being molested as a child by her uncle

• Mr Fisher's 50th birthday

• Angel's accident with Alf's car → Angel in a wheelchair

• Andrew ♥s Donna

• Curtis ♥♥♥s Laura♥♥

• Alsa's insanity, Alsa brutally robbed, and the famous Bobby-in-the-fridge episode

• Shane & Angel's wedding

• Damian & Selina's one-night stand on Shane & Angel's wedding night → Selina's dirty pregnancy

• Teresa as deputy headmaster

• Teresa's son calling little sally "the ugliest dog in the school"

• Gus's vandalism spree

• Shannon breaks up Shane & Angel

• Angel's plane crash

• Marilyn's return

• Shannon's anorexia

• Shane & Angel stalked by the mad TV producer

• Shane & Angel stalked by Paul

• Shane & Shannon's dramatic rescue of Angel and Dylan

• Jack vandalising someone's car, dealing with Cloe's racist father

• Jack hanging out with Rad, they steal a car together and cause the Summer Bay Firestorm (Mr Fisher's house is destroyed)

• "Mud" ♥s Selina

• Dodge's return, paying Steven back for the 5–6 years he had to spend in jail because of him

• Irene and Selina accused of "Mud"'s murder

• Dodge and Steven's clifftop fight

1995–96 cliffhanger: Shane's motorbike accident.


• Saul abducts Selina after Selina previously spends time at his commune

• The dramatic rescue of Selina and capture of Saul

• Jack's vandalism spree

• Shane's death

• Michael's death

• The school gunman siege

• Cloe's rape

• Mr Fisher ♥s Marilyn

• The Summer Bay Earthquake (the school, and Angel's house, are destroyed)

• Angel leaves with new super-rich boyfriend Simon, marking Episode 2000

• Steven is sacked for his affair with student Selina

• Alf & Travis's run-ins over politics

1996–97 Cliffhanger: Cloe is trapped with what turns out to be her rapist, who gets caught in a bear trap


• Kelly's HIV scandal

• Pippa is knocked out and in a coma for months because of Shannon's mad boyfriend Kye

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• Nick, Loo & Ryan

I had forgotten about that. Looking forward to seeing that again. Wasn't Nick boring though?!

That was quite the extensive list Old H&A Fan. I remember that episode where someone drew a picture of pregnant Sophie on the blackboard. Wasn't there also a period where Simon told people he was the father?

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Yeah, while Simon was playing the hero alongside Blake thumping the dude who admitted drawing the picture, he made out he was the father. I remember the scenes of him having a good grope of that huge pregnant lump in Sophie's belly. Back in the days when I started watching Home And Away, I had no idea it was really David. I had to read about this in old issues of TV Week held at the National Library, and hear about this from someone who had been watching the series.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Alf/Ailsa's relationship Roo trying to thwart said relationship

Bertram the mad stalker

the Bobby loves Alan story

Alan dies

Brett Macklin impregnating Roo with Martha

John Farnham

Sally and Milco

Neville's bagpipes

Pippa being pregnant


Dodge killing Phil/Leading Steve astray

Emma arrives

Ailsa's pregnant with Duncan


Marilyn arrives

Lance and Martin's Cafe dewaves (what a STUPID name)

Tom's stroke

Rory being eaten


Adam catches the shark

Zac the fraudulent Shark Catcher

Pippa's "affair"

Tom's death/ Aftermath

Al/Sophie Simpson

Sophie electracuted

Lance leaves

Martin Leaves

Celia leaves

Emma's mother being a bitch to Ailsa

Viv's sister Tammy running away

Emma going with her mum

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