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Need You Now

Guest Lucii

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Story Title: Need you now

Type of story: Long fic

Main characters: Charlie, Bianca and others

BTTB rating: T/A

Genre: General

Does story include spoilers: Nope

Any warnings: Will warn before chapter when necessary

Summary: Charlie's life is thrown upside down as she hears about the attack on her best-friend at the B&S Ball. Will she be able to help Bianca through using her own experience or will Charlie's past come back to haunt her affecting everything in her life now.

Bianca Scott sat on the sand as the pouring rain hut Summer Bay. She wasn’t focused, infact she wasn’t even vaguely aware that it was raining as pain ripped through her body. She winced and gritted her teeth as the tears rolled down her face. Her head banged on the sand as she collapsed against in letting out an exasperated groan as the clouds became blacker and blacker only breaking slightly by surges of lightening. The make-up she wore had streamed down her face partly due to the rain but mostly because of the tears. She didn’t mean to push anyone away but the more people fussed the more she realised she wanted to be left alone just to reflect on the past few weeks. Her drama’s with April, running into Heath and last but not least – well she couldn’t bring herself to say the word but each time she did excruciating pain ripped through her body. The tears closely followed.

Nobody understood what she was going through except her best friend Charlie Buckton. She had been Bianca’s rock the past two weeks being there to talk and to cuddle. She’d been thrown of the case as her bosses realised it may be too traumatic for her to deal with. Instead she spent her nights comforting Bianca and holding her while she cried. But behind closed doors in her own bedroom at night, tears fell from Charlie’s eyes with her dreams seeing her re-live the past. No-one should ever have to live through that pain.

The rain continued to lash as a thunderstorm brewed. Bianca came back to reality and picked up her things. She made her way across the beach dithering over whether to go home or to see Charlie. Home was nearer but she didn’t want the fuss again. She knew Irene and April were only trying to be supportive but they were making her feel worse whereas Charlie knew Bianca wanted to be left alone. The two had become incredibly close in the past few weeks with Charlie telling Bianca about Grant and how she became pregnant with Ruby. Bianca had never been able to confide so much in someone. Gone was the strong woman she had once been and Bianca wasn’t sure whether she’d return. Her whole world had been turned upside down.

Looking over in her direction to go home Bianca decided against the idea and headed to Charlie’s again. It was getting darker now and since the rape Bianca didn’t like being out much at nights. Infact she didn’t like being out much at all but with April being in her ear every two seconds Bianca felt she needed to escape otherwise she’d have ended up murdering her. Noticing the lights on, she smiled weakly to herself and dried the excess mascara of her skin. She knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before knocking again. The second time Charlie came out to the door wearing nothing but a little robe. The smile on her face made it seem like she was expecting someone else. Her smile faded a little but Bianca didn’t notice. Instead more tears streamed down her face as she collapsed into Charlie’s arms.

”I’m sorry, I just didn’t know where else to go”

The two girls didn’t speak as Bianca sobbed into Charlie’s arms. Charlie could feel the tears coming and felt determined not to cry. Instead she gulped and guided Bianca into the warmth as she placed the vulnerable sobbing girl on the couch. She got a towel out of the cupboard as Bianca rubbed her hair and sniffed in a bid to stop crying. Charlie went through to the kitchen and boiled the kitchen. She cried silently whilst making the coffee and was only interrupted by a faint knock at the door. She saw her boyfriend Brax standing there smiling but this disappeared as he noticed his girlfriends tears.

”Charlie are you okay?” He asked pulling her in close to his chest. She didn’t say anything but clung to his chest. He pulled her away and dried her tears with his thumb and kissed her lightly on her cheek.

”B..Bianca’s here” She gulped and smiled weakly at Brax who nodded. ”Now’s not really a good time”

He looked disappointed but nodded. He took his girlfriends hand into his and squeezed it tightly.

”I love you” He said looking deep into Charlie’s eyes. ”And I’m here if you ever need to talk too”

”Thanks. I love you too and meet me tomorrow?”

He smiled and nodded as Charlie closed the door and finished the coffee. She balanced two cups as she steadily walked through to the front room where Bianca lay deep in her own thoughts.

”Bianca? Bianca!” Charlie nudged her slightly and passed her a coffee. The tears had stopped and Bianca smiled at Charlie weakly. Charlie squeezed Bianca’s hand.

”I didn’t know where else to go” Bianca smiled apologetically.

”You’re always welcome here. I know what you’re going through and I’m always here to talk. Day or night whenever you need me”

”Thanks Charlie”

The two girls smiled awkwardly at one another as they sipped their coffees.

”Did you have dreams?” Bianca said at last. ”About the attack”

Charlie bit her lip and glanced at Bianca.

”I still do. I wake up crying sometimes and I take my frustration out on Ruby. She’s my world but sometimes when I look at her she reminds me of him and my stomach turns” Charlie gulped to stop the tears coming but was unsuccessful. Bianca pulled Charlie in for a hug afraid that she was going to start crying again.

”Listen Charlie. You have a wonderful daughter and she is nothing like him. I know I don’t know him but Ruby is like her mum a sweet caring honest person and she’s lucky to have you as her mum”

Charlie cried even more as Bianca’s arms tightened around her back.

”I promise you Bianca. I’m going to do everything I can to put Heath behind bars. Even if I’m not on the case I’m going to speak to Watson and...”

Bianca nodded as Charlie got up and found two shot glasses and a few bottles of vodka in the backs of Leah’s cupboards. They talked delicately to one another in between shots of straight vodka. They cried as their recent bond became clear. Before long Bianca had fallen asleep on the couch with the two empty vodka bottles lay beside her. Charlie stroked her best friends hair and pushed a few strands behind her ears but Bianca was oblivious. Stumbling, Charlie got up and reached for the blanket to cover Bianca. She stumbled of to her own bed and lay awake for some time. She was angry at Heath for putting her best friend through this. She knew the police had no proof it was Heath but Charlie had a funny feeling that there was a possibility it could be and he was still allowed to wander freely in the place where Bianca had to face him on a daily basis. It made Charlie sick to the stomach but she knew she couldn’t throw round allegations, especially as her boyfriend swore blind that Heath didn’t do it. She was supposed to trust him but was Brax really aware of what Heath was like around Bianca?

Charlie fell asleep at long last, her mind racing with thoughts on her vulnerable best friend and Heath being allowed to wander freely.

She’d get Bianca through this. She was the only one who could

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Wow great first chapter... new fic yay :)

Sounds amazing so far...

Aww poor Charlei and Bianca...

Do people know about Brax and Charlie in this fic...?

Update soon plz


I read this fic earlier but only got around to commenting now. Sorry about that!

I'm really glad that Charlie is there for Bianca to help her through this tough time. I only hope that Bianca can be there for Charlie too...

An amazing first chapter. Can't wait to see where you take it.

Update soon please :)


Fantastic start!

I feel so sorry for Bianca, she's so isolated and you wrote that beautifully, I'm glad that she has Charlie who knows exactly what she is going through and who is there for her when she needs her.

More soon please :D


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