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She Must Tell

Guest bttb-rox!

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Thanks, Jane and Zetti :D. The creative juices are flowing at the moment, so here is the next chapter :P...

Chapter 26


Jack follows Beth back home. They enter the house. Beth sits down.

Beth: I want some answers, Jack. Just tell me what’s going on.


Ollie walks into the kitchen to see Hannah, who is cooking dinner.

Hannah: Hey, did you get around to phoning Sally?

Ollie: Yeah, I did.

Hannah: What did she say?

Ollie: I agreed to go and see her tomorrow afternoon.

Hannah: That’s great…isn’t it?

Ollie: Well, yeah, of course it is, but I just don’t know what it will be like going back there. When I was at Sally’s place, all I could think about was my mum and how she couldn’t tell her own son that she was still alive after all those years.

Hannah: They are questions that Sally could probably answer. Have you thought of asking her about your mum?

Ollie: I don’t know. Sally and my mum didn’t talk for long, but she got it out of her that she was my mother, so who knows...maybe she does know more about her.

Hannah: I’m very proud of you, Ollie.

Ollie: Thank you…but why?

Hannah: The way you're handling this. A lot of people would have completely freaked out by now.

Ollie: Believe me, I am freaking out. The thing is, getting worked up about it isn’t going to change anything, is it? And as much as I wish I had never been adopted I keep thinking about my other foster parents back in Queensland. If I hadn’t have been adopted, I would never have got to know those wonderful people.

Hannah: Why did you move to Summer Bay then if you were so happy back in Queensland?

Ollie: That’s the thing, I wasn’t. Tom and Jackie, my foster parents, were like a real mum and dad to me. I lived with them, they fed me and everything, yet it still didn’t change that one thing.

Hannah: What?

Ollie: My mum.

Hannah smiles before pulling Ollie into a hug


Jack: First of all, don’t be angry with dad.

Beth: It’s a bit late for that!

Jack: I promise that he was going to tell you.

Beth: He should have told me before we got married. What was he thinking keeping something like that to himself without telling me?

Jack: Dad did the wrong thing in not telling you sooner, but if you just let me explain, maybe you’ll understand what dad has had to go through since Sophie was born.

Tony walks through the door.

Tony: I want to tell her, Jack.


Jonathan: So, do you like it?

Susan: It's different that’s for sure.

Jonathan: I’ll take that as a yes, then.

Susan: I just don’t see the point.

Jonathan: You were the one who wanted to get away from Hannah’s place.

Susan: I know, but maybe if I go back there Ollie will have gone. He was only meant to be staying there for a day or so.

Jonathan: You really don’t like it here, do you?

Susan: If I’m honest, no.

Jonathan: Why don’t you go back home, say hi to Ollie and then see where things go from there?

Susan: Are you serious? Say hi to Ollie? For goodness sake, I haven’t seen my son since he was six years old and the only thing I have to remind me of what he looks like is a photograph.

Jonathan: Alright, I’m sorry. But look, I suggest you go back home and just think of something. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.

Susan: You better hope so.

They go back outside the house and drive off

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Aww, thanks for your lovely comments. I'm really pleased that you are finding it more gripping :D. I'm not quite sure as to when the next chapter will be up, but it should be sometime in the next couple of days.

P.S. I'm sure Sally enjoys pancakes :P - I may even bring that into the next chapter...

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I hope you can remember what's been going on seeing as it has been a while since I last updated :P. Oh and I added a little bit about pancakes in there just for you, Jane!

Chapter 27


Jack: In that case, then, maybe I should go out?

Tony: That’d be good, thanks, mate.

Jack leaves. Beth sits and stares at Tony.

Tony: Beth, I know I should have told you and I’m so sorry that I haven’t. If you just let me explain, I’ll tell you everything.

Beth: I’m listening.


Hannah comes in with a cup of tea.

Hannah: Just for you.

She passes it to him.

Ollie: Thanks very much.

Hannah sits on the side of a chair.

Ollie: Is everything okay?

Hannah: I just want you to know that if you do decide that you want to move back in with Sally then that’s fine by us. We don’t expect you to stay here. It’s completely up to you. Obviously, we will miss you. I know you haven’t been here for very long, but you already seem like one of the family.

Ollie: I really appreciate everything, Hannah, and I’m not quite sure how to thank you for taking me in. But I’ve been thinking that maybe I should move back into Sal’s place. It's not that I don’t want to stay here, because I do, it's just that I think maybe I should.

Hannah: You don’t have to explain. Like I said, we’ll miss you but you’ve got to do what you feel is right in the long run.

Ollie: Moving back feels right to me, so I guess that’s what I’m going to do.

Hannah: Well, in that case, why don’t I make some pancakes? I’m sure Sally would do a better job than me, but you never know…they might turn out half decent.

Ollie laughs.

Ollie: I’ll come and help you.


Beth: So you’re saying that you put Sophie up for adoption?

Tony: Yeah. Looking back I know it was the wrong decision. I regret it more than anything.

Beth: That doesn’t excuse you not telling me, though.

Tony: I know it doesn’t, but it's something that I didn’t want you to know. I guess it’s kind of like admitting I was a bad father.

Beth: Tony, doing what you did doesn’t make you a bad father. When you first moved here I could see that Jack and Lucas had been brought up by someone who loved and cared about them. That someone is you.

Tony: So, you don’t think I’m stupid for what I did?

Beth: Maybe it wasn’t the best call, but I don’t think you’re stupid. If anything I think you’re brave in actually telling me how you really feel…even if you didn’t tell me straight away.

Tony: I’m just so sorry that I didn’t tell you.

Beth: I know you are, but you don’t have to keep apologizing. I forgive you.

Tony: So does that mean we can just forget about this whole argument and move on?

Beth: Yes.

Tony: Thank you for being so understanding.

Beth: I’m you’re wife, that’s what I’m supposed to do. But I forgot to ask - how did you get out of hospital?

Tony: Ermm.

Beth: You didn’t?

Tony: I might have.

Beth: You did, didn’t you?

Rachel knocks on the door.

Rachel: Tony what are you doing here?


Tony walks back into his hospital room. Beth follows.

Rachel: You promise you won’t take off again like that?

Tony: I promise.

Rachel: Alright. Well I think we should keep you in here for one more night to monitor you and then by tomorrow you should be fit enough to go home.

Tony: I was beginning to think I might never get out of this place.

Rachel: Yeah, so don’t think about making another escape.

Tony: Don’t worry, I’ve learnt my lesson.

Rachel: That’s good to hear. I’ll be back in to check on you later.

Tony: Thanks, Rach.

Beth: See, you’ll be back home in no time.

Tony: Can’t wait.

They kiss.

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Am I right in saying that Ollie is tony grand dad?

How did you think of that one?! :blink: I can assure you that Tony is not Ollie's grandad (I think that's what you meant instead of Ollie being Tony's grandad) :lol:. Thanks for the comment :D. Will update soon...

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Thanks, *caitie* :D. This is a very short update, but don't worry...I'll be back with more soon :P...

Chapter 28


Nicky is sitting next to Ollie on the sofa, watching TV

Nicky: Mum?

Hannah: Yep.

Nicky: I feel sick.

Hannah: Well that’s probably because you’ve just eaten about a thousand pancakes and we haven’t even had dinner yet.

Nicky: I still feel sick.

Hannah: Okay, well, how about you go upstairs and brush your teeth so that they don’t rot and then I’ll see what I can do to make you feel better?

Nicky: Okay, but only if Ollie will come and play on my game boy with me afterwards.

Hannah: Nicky! Don’t be so cheeky.

Nicky: Please?

Nicky looks at his mum

Ollie: It’s fine. I don’t mind.

Hannah: Are you sure?

Ollie: Positive.

Ollie smiles

Nicky: Yes!

Nicky runs upstairs

Hannah: So much for him feeling sick.

Ollie: Haha, yeah.

Hannah: So, you must be looking forward to tomorrow?

Ollie: I guess.

Hannah: You don’t sound too sure about that.

Ollie: The thought of going back there is just a bit weird, you know.

Hannah: I’m sure you’ll get used to it again and I’m sure that Sally will be happy to have you back.

Ollie: Yeah, maybe. Do you think I should phone her again and let her know that I’d like to move back in?

Hannah: If you're asking me, I’d surprise her.

Ollie: What, just turn up there tomorrow and ask to move back in?

Hannah: Look, if Sally is as kind as you say she is, I’m sure she will be more than happy to have you back.

Ollie: Yeah, I hope she is.

Ollie gets up from the sofa

Ollie: Anyway, I better get packing. Not that I’ve got much to pack. There’s only so much you can fit in a rucksack.

Nicky calls down from upstairs.

Nicky: Mum, hurry up!

Hannah: Oh sorry, better go and see to him.

Hannah walks out of the living room and looks back at Ollie

Hannah: If, for some reason, you change your mind about going back to Sally’s, there’s always a home here for you.

Ollie: Thank you so much. But I should be at Sal’s. It’s where I belong.

Hannah smiles and walks upstairs


Kim, Rachel, Martha and Jack are all sitting having a meal

Rachel: I can’t believe that it’s only a few weeks until the wedding. You guys must be so excited!

Jack: I’m actually more scared than anything.

Martha: Scared? Of what?

Jack: What your vows are gonna be about. There’s got to be something in there about me that the whole of Summer Bay doesn’t know about yet.

Martha: I’m not saying a thing. Anyway, I’ve got much more important things to worry about, like my dress.

Jack: You could turn up in a bin bag and you would still look amazing.

Martha: Aww, well you could turn up in the smartest suit and you would still look like an idiot!

Jack: Thanks!

Everyone laughs

Colleen comes over to take their plates away.

Colleen: Enjoy your meals?

Kim: We did indeed. Thanks, Colleen.

Colleen: Good.

She walks back to the counter.

Martha: Was it just me or did Colleen seem a bit weird just then?

Jack: She was probably just being her usual self.

Martha: No, Jack, I’m serious. Do you think I should go over and talk to her?

Jack: I’m sure it’s nothing. She’s probably just had a rough day at the bowls club or something.

Martha: Yeah, maybe.

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