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A Mother's Love Calls for Desperate Decisions

Guest beckyboo

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Excellent chapter Becky. They better make it to London! Kit doesnt deserve that baby, its a Holden now not a Hunter! :angry:

I hope JnM get to London and live happliy ever after! Awwww bliss :wub: somehow i dont see that happening though, not if Kit and Beth have anything to do with it <_<

Looking forward to the next update :)

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Second attempt (becky knows what im tlkn bout)

Great chapter. Yay Jack and Martha are going on a holiday :) with baby Nikki, im going to call her that from now on :P And at first i thought Maddie was talking to Kit or Beth, but i was releaved that it was only Luc.

More please :D

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Awww it was dedicated to me. :) It's because I'm brill. :P Nah, just kidding. Fab chapter Becky!! I'm so glad that they're gonna hopefully *fingers crossed* get away for that family holiday. :wink:

Can't wait for the next chapter! Please update asap! :)

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Thanks guys

This is for Tasha because she never stops nagging me to update :P

Thanks to Sian who proofed it :)

Chapter Eleven

Tony had just arrived home and found Jack’s letter on the kitchen table however it had his full name and address on it so that know one else would open it!

Tony read the letter and could help the smile forming on his lips, his son and daughter in law had actually taken a risk in life instead of always playing it safe.

“Where are they Tony?” Beth shouted as she and Kit walked through the door

“What where’s who” he asked pretending to be confused

“Martha and Jack and my daughter” Kit said raising her voice

“I don’t know i saw them this morning that was it” he told them which was the truth but half lies

“Well im not having this im calling Laura” Beth said

“What are you serious” Beth said screaming down the phone at Laura

“Kit signed the papers when Nicole was born placing her in their custody” Laura said

“But she didn't sign the actual papers” Beth argued

“Yes but she still placed Nicole in their care and the judge will even say that it is not kidnapping” Laura said

“Fine great help you are you’re supposed to be on our side” Beth said

“Oh Mrs Hunter I actually have to represent the adoptive parents not Kit, Kit will have to get another person to represent her” Laura informed her

“Great just great” Beth said as she hung up the phone

“Mum what did they say” Kit asked

“Im sorry sweet there’s nothing we can do” Beth said softly

“What no, there must be something Martha and Jack have kidnapped Lucy” She cried

“I know but apparently cause of some forms you signed whilst you had Nicole you placed Nicole in their custody” Beth said

Kit stormed out of the house leaving Beth and Tony alone.

For a few minutes there were no wrods spoken, Bethw as letting what Laura had said sink in an dtony was wondering where he could go from here? and after a few minutes of this tension he headed for the door only to be stopped by Beths voice.

“Please Tony where are they” Beth asked with tears forming in her eyes, she was litterally begging him now.

“As if id tell you were my son was but if you must no I don’t know” he said, at this moment there seemed to be choice between Tonys happinness and Jacks, to Tony there was no question who's came first. Jack's. Before Beth could try and persuade him anymore, he left.

23 Hours later

Martha and Jack had just arrived at Heathrow and meeting them there was Martha’s younger sister Becky!

“Hey guys! How are you?” Becky said but before she let them answer she started speaking again "now let me see my beautiful niece"as she took Nicole from Martha

“Oh guys shes beautiful” Becky cooed as she started to walk off and beckoning for the couple to follow her.

Martha and Jack both nodded they already knew.


Martha and Jack have to return to the bay but will they go?

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