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A Mother's Love Calls for Desperate Decisions

Guest beckyboo

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Type of story: Short/Long fic


Main Characters: Martha and Jack and everyone else

Genre: A mixture


Is Story being proof read: Yes

Summary: Martha and Jack stuggle for a baby!

Hey all i am writting a new fic about Jack and Martha and another charater who will not be named yet!!!!!!!

Just a few pointers

*Ash and Sam never happened

*Jack did get beat up and this made Martha love him more

*Martha has had 5 miscarriages in the last 4 years

*Martha can’t get pregnant

*Jacks 28 and Martha’s 23

*Martha and Jack had been married for four years and Martha had had four miscarriages and no more then ever the one thing that would complete this family is a baby.

Chapter one coming soon

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Woo first comment! :P

Poor Martha.

This sounds really interesting.

I wonder what's going to happen and who is the mystery person?

Can't wait for the first chapter.


Chapter One

Martha and Jack were on the beach just wrapped up in each others arms

People passing by would think they were a young married couple well they didt no how wrong they would be as Martha has just had her fifth miscarriage in four years and the doctors had just delivered the terrible news that Martha would never be able to have children.

“Jack im giving you the option to leave me and to go with someone who can give you children because I can” she sobbed to him

“Shhhhh im not going anywhere” he assured her

Later on that day

Martha and jack had just told their families the news they were as equally upset as Martha and jack but Martha was heartbroken not upset.

Flashback 5 years earlier

Martha and Jack were laying in bed together when Jack made Martha close her eyes and he then took out a ring box and asked Martha to marry him of course she didt hesitate in saying yes. Martha and jack just lay there in their bed together on a high when jack asked Martha if she ever wanted kids and Martha told jack that she did they agreed to start trying after the wedding which they were planning 4 months from that day. That was the happiest day of Martha’s life.

Back to reality

“Jack what are we going to do” she asked him quietly weeping in his arms on their bed.

“I don’t know, we don’t need to decide anything yet babe” he soothed her

“But I want a baby and we can’t have one” she sobbed uncontrolably this time

This broke Jacks heart and all he could do was hold her at this difficult time in their life.

Next day

Jack knew Martha needed to talk to someone but not him someone else she could open up too.

“Hello Nat, hey it’s Jack” he said down the phone to Martha’s friend.

“Hello Becky, Its me you need to come quick Martha’s had another miscarriage” he says sadly on the phone to Becky Martha’s younger sister.


yay becky is starting another fic *dances in circles* O god lol im so weird lol :P well that was great poor martha and not being able to have kiddies :( that would be horrible well this is great and you need to update ASAP :)


<3 Tiff


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