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I am a 'touch' biased too! But I don't recall many people having a go at him for the Naomi thing at the time. Infact I haven't heard (or read!) many people have a bad word to say about Tony or Jon. His fellow cast members all seem to like him too! See.. he is perfect after all! :D

I think HotDad should be in tomorrows episode... I seem to remember him being in the clip with that Kochie bloke and he should be on tomorrow I think. Anyway, now that Geoffy has gone splat HotDad needs to come to the rescue!!

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^ :D

Instead of writing out how I feel about tonights episode again I am going to post what I wrote in the Aus Discussion thread:

What on earth happened to the usually calm, rational and caring father that is the HotDad in that episode?! Have the writers given him a total personality transplant?? :o Lucas changed from a stroppy teenager yesterday to a mature young man today desperately wanting resassurance from his Dad and what does he get?........nothing......absolutely nothing! I have never criticised HotDad's character before but that was not at all like him. Is it just the case of the writers creating a problem where there isn't one for the sake of a storyline? If that's the case and we have a lovely mushy bonding moment between Tony and Lucas then I will forgive them, but if they destroy their relationship then I won't be a happy bunny. :angry:

I don't understand how they can have Tony so proud of Lucas one minute (on the boat last week) and have him more interested in footie and Geoff the next! It doesn't make any sense! :(

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Emmasi seems to think that HotDad A.K.A GrumpDad for the moment has always been like that towards Lucas but i'm not so sure <_<. I didn't expect him to be so uptight in the hospital when he asked if Luc and Brad wanted to tell him what was going on...I thought that was very un-Tonyish. I'm very interested to see how this latest HotDad mood develops though.

I loved Fridays Five Life ep...when Tony talked about the boat going missing as, being ''some sort of message from the universe'' :lol:.

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I hope Tony fixes things with Lucas soon. I have been thinking about it and I don't think he meant to favour Geoff but he just got carried away with the whole footie thing. When Lucas was going on about his writing Tony just kind of said he was proud but then didn't know what more to say. I hope that just meant that he didn't know how to express his feelings and not because he wasn't proud of him. <_< I don't think Tony has ever treated Lucas like a second class citizen and he has always been fair and supportive of him. Damn the writers.. I want HotDad & Son fixed..... quickly!

I am not going to talk about the spoilers here but there is a major lack of Tony news in the spoilers at the moment.... he is definately going through a lean spell.

Again not talking about the spoilers but all the talk of people leaving makes me nervous of losing our HotDad. Not that there have been any rumours of him leaving, it just worries me that's all. :unsure:

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I want HotDad & Son fixed..... quickly!

Again not talking about the spoilers but all the talk of people leaving makes me nervous of losing our HotDad. Not that there have been any rumours of him leaving, it just worries me that's all.

I know, HotDad and Lucas need to reconcile ASAP!! You're right in saying that he got a bit carried away with all the footie stuff and perhaps he didn't intensionally mean to favour Geoff over Lucas...but unfortunately Luc doesn't seem to see it that way <_<.

Mmm...there's always lots of talk of departures around this time of the year. Quite a few of the cast are most likely coming up for renewal or are likely to go so lets just hope Jon/Tony will be around for a bit longer yet! :P

This sounds awful but when Tony does leave (that's not a spoiler just me speculating on the worst :(), how would you like to see him go? I definately would not want him to be killed off!!!!!...that way there is always hope for a return :wink:. I'd actually like to see him move to the City with Jack and Lucas...those three should always stay together IMO...when they arrived they were a threesome so if Tony was to go, I would love to see them leave as a threesome. The only thing with that, is poor Mattie. She would have Ric but i'd kind of want her to go with them but then that would mean Ric and Mattie would probably break up.

(That's pure speculation on what I would like to see happen not what is going to happen so, don't get any ideas :P.)

As long as Jon is happy, Tony should definately stay in the Bay!

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It would be nice if the Holdens stuck together but I don't think it will happen. I think it would be really interesting to see what would happen to Tony if his boys left the bay to pursue their own lives. He would have to begin a different life, one where he doesn't have to be Lucas and Jack's dad. It would obviously be very nice if he found love again and possibly started a new family! (with Rachel maybe! :P )

As for Jon, I would like to be able to watch him as Tony forever but I think there will come a time when he will want a new challenge. It was obviously great for him to secure a role on Home and Away so soon after starting in the acting profession, but I don't think he will stick with the same role for a long time, especially seeing as he gave up another career to pursue his acting. I wouldn't really mind him being on other shows or films just as long as I could watch him. This might be a bit tricky for us UK-ers but thanks to the wonders of the internet that may not be as tricky as it once was!!

I've just had a fantastic thought, how good would it be to see Jon on Sea Patrol!? In a Navy uniform!!! :wub:

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I think it would be really interesting to see what would happen to Tony if his boys left the bay to pursue their own lives. He would have to begin a different life, one where he doesn't have to be Lucas and Jack's dad. It would obviously be very nice if he found love again and possibly started a new family! (with Rachel maybe! :P )

What i've highlighted fron your post would be great to see. I think we've all kind of got used to the Holden boys sticking together but if Tony was to leave without Jack and/or Lucas, it would be very interesting transistion to watch. From what we have seen, he has always been close to both his sons, so I don't know whether he would want to leave them if he had the choice...but as I mentioned it would be really fun to watch him kind of, on his own I guess.

I'd love to see Tony take a holiday for a bit. After everything he has gone through with Beth's death, I think he deserves some time out by himself!

Ohhh and Jon on Sea Patrol would be great!! :P:D

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I've been on holidays for a couple of weeks and have just come back to a very full PVR. I scanned through the H&A eps and just stopped for HotDaddage. Geez, we're going through a drought and what little HotDad we've had has been pretty inconsistent with the HotDad we've all known and loved. I know you guys have been discussing this already and I agree with what's already been posted. I'm getting whiplash from the Tony/Lucas relationship. One minute they're best buds and the next they're at each other again. I didn't get Tony's behaviour in his last ep but equally, I didn't get Lucas accussing him of not being proud - didn't he just invite the whole Bay out on the boat for a day of celebrations of Lucas' achievements? I'm getting confused here.

As for the spoilers, it looks like we're going to be pretty light on for a while now. Those writers... talk about a bunch of teases. They give us a healthy dose of HotDad, then they cut his hair and make him look even hotter and then they use him as a prop for weeks on end. This wont do!!

As for life after H&A for Jon (even though the thought of the drought that would bring breaks my little heart), I'd like to see him end up on a really high quality show like Love My Way.

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Yay! Welcome back Bodwod! :D

Love My Way would be great, I just got a little carried away with the Navy uniform thing! :lol: I was thinking about McLeod's Daughters too but I'm not sure the country look works for me. <_< And I'm not sure the doctor thing would work for me either, should he end up in All Saints. It's a damn shame that 'Fire' show finished years ago, that would have been excellent! Stingers too!!!! :D

Anyway, moving on... what was the point of HotDad appearing in todays episode... it was clear, as you said Bodwod, that he was a bit of a 'prop'. And to make matters worse it doesn't seem like he gets what Lucas is feeling about the Geoff thing. I was hoping for a lovely little plot where he proves to Lucas how proud he is of him and they have a wonderful father/son moment... I have a feeling I will be very disappointed... :(

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