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He has only just found out so give him time.

Nate has a lot more to lose if he does report Billie for tampering with her records. One thing that didn't occur to me later was there were Nate and Billie shouting at each other then when he left there was Leah watering the flowers, did she not hear anything? Reasonable enough question from Nate to Billie asking if she was faking her symptoms.

So apparently in between the time we last saw them and now Raffy and Ellie have become friends and were cooking up a plot to get Matt and Evie together to get him off Ellie's back. Nearly worked but they both twigged what she was up to and have decided to play along with it. Mind you from what we saw in the trailer their play acting could turn out to be the real thing or did I imagine it?:unsure:  Was it just me or did Ellie's dyslexia suddenly seem to be a lot better, she looked like she was reading Raffy's text/email OK and was able to send a message. I'm with Matt in setting boundaries for Ellie she might not like it but he's doing it for all the right reasons. Raffy, however, has more immediate problems with uncle Atticus being brought out of his induced coma.  Tori did a very good job explaining it all to both her and Hope and what it might mean even if he does come out of it.



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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in all five.

So, has this silly plot about Irene becoming Olivia's guardian eleven years too late for it to actually mean anything been introduced solely so Olivia can argue with her about getting hold of her trust fund?Not that I'm against gap years, but she doesn't want to blow her inheritance on an extended holiday.(Still, maybe Irene could compromise and give her a limited amount?)Actually, Olivia doesn't seem entirely sold on the idea.Ironic that all the parentals thought that their child was being pressured.Irene glaring at Hunter for trying to take Olivia on holiday when him burning down a friend's house didn't put her off is mildly amusing.

Even though she had a point, I found Roo very self-righteous and judgemental towards Caroline at times.Caroline has behaved very irresponsibly, and kept things from Duncan that she really shouldn't, but I can't bring myself to dislike her and I'm glad Duncan was sympathetic once he got the whole story and all the Stewarts are prepared to be there for her.The reference to Duncan's best friend from school having Huntingdon's was a bit weird though.The use of present tense and the fact they didn't really qualify as best friends means it's unlikely to be Edward so...someone from his school in the city?Or New York?The odds against Duncan knowing three people with Huntingdon's must be pretty high...Meanwhile, we have Kat.I don't dislike her as a person (well...not always) and I quite like her and Ash as a couple but no way should she be a police officer and I wish she'd do the decent thing and quit rather than trying to have everything her own way and con her way out of probation.It's a shame that the show seems to be increasingly turning them into a copy of Charlie and Brax...with McCarthy unfortunately turning into Inspector Joyce, who turned a blind eye to Charlie's questionable choice of company.

Nate spent an awful lot of time clenching his jaw and being self-righteous to the point that I really found it impossible to side with him.He's right that VJ should know the truth, but I don't think it's his place to tell him.At least he backed off when he realised that his behaviour was just making things worse.I did wonder if Billie was faking it but no, the worry really was making her ill.I do sympathise with her and seeing the nursery set up, and being part of the family that she's never really had before and wants for her baby, must underline how much she stands to lose.Nice to get a look at her and VJ's room.Really odd scene of Leah coming upstairs with linen, listening to Billie crying through the door and then taking it back downstairs again... Still, after all the snide remarks of recent weeks, it was good to see Phoebe acknowledging that Billie's struck lucky with VJ and him and Ash bonding.

Again, I felt Roo was a bit hard on Matt and I thought he was doing a pretty good job with Ellie rather than being "too strict".A few more sparks flew than he and Evie were expecting...Well, frankly they should have been together years ago (it would have spared the waste of screen time of their relationships this year for a start) and it beats them both messing Mason about.Loved John's wry commentary on it.So, looks like the Ellie/Raffy friendship is on.Curiously, Justin, initially my least favourite Morgan, is starting to turn into a favourite and I love how supportive he is of Hope and Raffy.And looks like Decker may finally be returning to the land of the living...

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I also found Roo to be pretty judgemental towards Caroline, and I didn't think it was as clear-cut as everyone saying that Caroline shouldn't have kids because of her Huntington's disease. Ultimately even if little Bryce has inherited the gene, would he really be better off having never existed? I'm sure he doesn't think so. I'm not saying there isn't a moral quandary there, but it's a lot more complicated than certainly Roo was making out - so I didn't necessarily think it needed to be justified by Caroline saying that Bryce was an accident, and that she considered a termination. I'm glad Duncan was more understanding, even if he had been pretty hardline prior to that. And on that subject it also really irks me how hard-line the show is on relatively innocuous drugs when it frequently allows its regular characters to run around shooting each other. Even if it had been recreational, I'm not sure Caroline being in possession of a little pot would have merited her being barred from leaving the country - but Kat reacted as if she was therefore inherently a danger to her son. And it certainly didn't merit Duncan suddenly deciding he wanted full custody without any kind of conversation.

Yawn at Kat and Ash. I don't really care whether she stays in the police or not - although I'm half-hoping not, because her storylines just seem to go round in circles - but whatever she does, I am starting to feel it's very unfair the way she constantly blows hot and cold with Ash. She can't keep getting it on with him one minute and talking to him like a schoolmistress the next - surely no relationship can survive that for any significant length of time. I'm glad she let the drugs stuff slide 'with a warning', however, which under the circumstances was the only fair thing she could have done.

It strikes me that the Morgans have a very curious relationship with Decker. I get that a family in witness protection would have a specific handler, but have they never had contact with anyone in the federal police other than him? I don't really read H&A spoilers but I feel like the ground is very much being prepared for Raffy to stick around, and possibly Hope too although I suspect that's less likely. Particularly if they're caring for Raffy then the Morgans really do need to identify a Plan B in terms of keeping everyone safe. Although if Decker wakes up perhaps it won't be necessary. It seems Phoebe can't get enough of those macho-yet-musical men, but I can't say I especially object to her and Justin as a couple - actually they work pretty well. Odd that Brody continues to exist as a character without having been flung headlong into a single romantic storyline. Not odd in a bad way - just highly unusual.

While I can half-buy Nate's insistence on Billie telling the truth given what he's suffered at her hands in the past, there seems to be no attention whatsoever being paid to his confidentiality obligations as a doctor here; it's not even as if he seems to be agonising over it, and he only agreed to keep quiet in the end because he thought it was damaging Billie's health to be so stressed about it. Turns out I was wrong about us having seen the last of Constable Terri Garner, although it seems like the responsibility of deciding what to do about the falsified records is falling to Nate rather than her, so that may prove to be her swansong. While I probably don't think it's Nate's place to spill the beans regardless of the health context, I do think it's about time Billie came clean now - and I'm kind of crossing my fingers that VJ's promise to stick with her 'no matter what' encompasses the scenarios he couldn't envisage, as well as the ones he could.

It will be a real shame if Zac is playing the field given everything he and Leah have been through. I hope and suspect it's not the case.

My favourite story continues to be Matt and Ellie. The Evie subplot was actually really funny this week, and I can certainly see her and Matt becoming a couple - although I hope the primary focus remains on his new guardianship responsibilities, as that's proving very effective. 

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Nate looked very guilty when Billie was hospitalised with high blood pressure after he gave her a time limit on the ultimatum to tell VJ the truth.  I laughed out loud when he asked her if she was faking it.  I did think momentarily at that point from her perspective that losing the baby might not be all bad.  If Nate agreed to keep quiet then it would have been a get out of jail thing with regards to VJ.  It is frustrating that this probably means the storyline is going to be dragged out for the duration of the pregnancy at least.  It will be interesting to see if Nate will actually remain quiet after that although there is still the issue of doctor/patient confidentiality.  I suppose the writers could do a Sunset Beach thing were they give the baby a rare disorder that only the baby's biological father can cure.  That way the truth will definitely come out.  One thing about Nate is that he doesn't know that Irene is the baby's grandmother.  I'm assuming he must know that is Mick Irene's son but there isn't enough info from what Billie's given to figure out  he was the one who attacked her.  I'm not sure how Nate would react if he finds that out too.  I still haven't seen any real sympathy from him about the rape so again I'm not sure whether he believes her.

Really enjoyed Ellie and Raffy double-teaming to set Matt and Evie up on a date to get Matt of Ellie's back.  Add Evie to the list of never ending people who never seem to lock their mobile phones.  I did like the way Evie said I'm not attracted to you in that way.  You mean you're not attracted to him that way anymore.  Also the minute she said it's never going to happen - where in a lot of cases if someone says that something invariably will happen.  I found it really funny the way Matt was trying to get his own back on Ellie especially when he was getting off with Evelyn at the Diner and Ellie was sickened by it.  I especially liked the way John was staring at them and some of his commentary.  Marilyn was being nosey again eavesdropping on their conversation later on and commenting on the photo Matt took of Evelyn.  I'm guessing he's decided that he likes her now.

I've been critical of Roo regarding the whole way she exposed Caroline's illness and once again she annoyed regarding her attitude towards Matt's handling of Ellie.  I especially didn't like the way she got involved when he was telling Ellie why he pretended to be going out with Evelyn.  However like Caroline I do think she was essentially right.  Matt is Ellie's guardian and anything could have happened to her when she was hitchiking.

It's unclear whether Hope used that guy's credit card to do her shopping the other day.  If she did it may just be a case of that he hasn't realised yet as I would have expected it to be cancelled by now but she was obviously trying to pay for something with it.  She clearly still likes Justin and I did think there's was a bit of chemistry between them on Friday.  I do think overall she's been OK this week.  Again showing that she cares more about Raffy than herself by agreeing to stay in the bay because that's what Raffy wants.

Not sure how keen I am about the Morgan's attitude towards Hope and Raffy.  Justin clearly cares about them.  He gave Hope some shifts at the garage against his better judgement and knowing full well how Phoebe would react.  Tori is being professional.  Mason is so so.  On the other hand Brody doesn't appear to give two hoots about them or Decker.  He is annoying me immensely the way he insists about knowing how well Decker is doing, almost demanding.  But it's not because he cares whether he lives or dies or how Hope and Raffy will manage.  It's purely to find out the connection between Decker and his mother and of course to watch his siblings backs.

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Caroline must have had it drummed into her when she found out she had Parkinson's she couldn't expect to have a 'normal' life so can't really blame her for taking her maybe one and only chance of happiness and why she kept it from Duncan.  Roo hasn't been in that position so shouldn't have been so quick to judge. I imagine children weren't in the equation and she was careful before the accident to use birth control. I guess this week we will see Duncan's full taking in of the news and how they will all move on from it.

Well like Weatherfield and Hotten General NS hospital has performed another miracle, last week Decker was at deaths door, this week as we saw from the trailer he is sitting up and taking notice!   For all her faults Hope does love Raffy and is ready to stay in the bay for her whatever happens to Decker.  Their old home life didn't seem that secure.

I'm with you atrus, Decker was the guy assigned to be their 'minder' but there has to be someone higher than him who allocates each case to a particular agent. Also I ,know Feds are discreet but I haven't seen any hanging around the hospital waiting for him to come round so he can tell them what happened, he's one of their own for heavens sake.  I know he said there's a mole (or rat as he called him) which is making them undecided to contact them, but they can't hang in limbo for ever.  Can't blame Brody for wanting to find out more about his mum and Decker, which he does.:wink:

To be fair to Matt, not easy to having to suddenly take care of a teenager, let alone a teenage girl with all those hormones charging about, hard enough for an older adult, just ask John.  As he told Roo he tried being nice, being hard and still wasn't get anywhere. Got one thing right she needs boundaries, they might not like them, but it proves the person looking after them cares, Matt didn't have those which sent him off the rails. What started off as a spoof seemed to have taken a new direction with that impromptu kiss, they both seemed to have enjoyed it more than they maybe they should have.  Loved John's comment and Evie did rush off rather quickly.:blush:  If this is the start of something Mason won't be pleased, after all Matt did dissuade him from pursuing Evie saying she wasn't ready for a relationship. It'll look to Mason Matt wanted the field open for himself.

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8 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Caroline must have had it drummed into her when she found out she had Parkinson's she couldn't expect to have a 'normal' life so can't really blame her for taking her maybe one and only chance of happiness and why she kept it from Duncan.  Roo hasn't been in that position so shouldn't have been so quick to judge. I imagine children weren't in the equation and she was careful before the accident to use birth control.

I think what happened with Duncan was bad but there was always the chance that he could move on if the marriage failed, although I guess Caroline was looking for happiness elsewhere when she cheated on him.  I find it very hard not to blame her for having Bryce.  Even if we accept that he was an accident (assuming she's even telling the truth about that) it may have been less of an accident if Duncan knew about her condition.  And even putting that aside there is still the option to terminate.  If you have Huntington's disease, believe you are not going to have a normal and there's a 50/50 chance you can pass it onto your offspring would you knowingly inflict that on someone?

Seriously wanted to punch Brody today.  And Justin really annoyed me as well.  The way he was waiting at the hospital refusing to go, the way he and Justin tried to force the truth out of Decker and the way Brody confronted Decker by himself afterwards was very frustrating.  I was glad when Nate made the point that Tori had told Justin and Brody but hadn't even bothered to tell Hope or Raffy that he woke up.  I thought the next of kin had to be notified first - Very unprofessional of her.  And as I mentioned regarding Friday's episode Brody didn't really care about Decker or his nieces.  I said that his primary reason for wanting to speak to him was to find out if they were still safe and the secondary was finding out the connection Decker had to his mum.  But that was really just me trying to give Brody the benefit of the doubt.  I'm not surprised it was actually the other way round.  And I guess the affair is of no surprise to anyone really.

Found Kat and Ash hilarious.  He's staying over already but it was really funny when she tried to sneak Ash out and Hope caught her then she tried to talk her way out of it and Hope wasn't really buying it.  Kat's lucky that Hope got a call from Justin but even luckier it wasn't Phoebe who caught her again.  I don't understand why Kat isn't trying to put on more of a poker face.  I mean come on, Marilyn picked up on it with her "You looked like the cat that got the cream" remark.  Why do people usually smile like that?  Because romance is blossoming.  And then we have Ash looking similarly happy in the garage.  Again lucky Hope doesn't know about them or she may have put two and two together.  This behaviour of Kat seems uncharacteristic given how dedicated she was to her job before and how badly she wanted back in the force.  I mean why get her kit off during the middle of a shift.  Although I was almost in stitches when McCarthy turned up to speak to Ash.  The way he grabbed Kat's stuff and she went and hid half naked was brilliant.  Can you imagine if McCarthy had caught them?  I would love to see the look on his face although I don't want Ash and Kat to be caught out just yet.

So I'm assuming that the guy whose credit card Hope used has reported the matter to the authorities.  I'm also assuming given that McCarthy said there was a spate of incidents like this and the way she was looking at the woman's card who was paying later on in that episode that he's not the only person she's done this to.  It probably won't take the cops very long to figure it out but this actually further compromises Kat given that she is living with Hope.  Not very good for her probation.  The preview also reminded me that Kat is still in business with Ash.  Isn't that just as bad as having a relationship with him given what they suspected it was being used as part of a stolen car ring a while back.

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I don't think any of us could say hand on heart what we would do if we were in Caroline's place, we may start off with the best intentions of not to get involved with someone, get married and even think of a family. I believe Bryce was an accident, they do happen a lot in soaps, it's a life you are  contemplating getting rid off and the fact the odds are even could tip the balance more than if the odds were higher for your child inheriting a life threatening disease.  Even women not in Caroline's position have affairs again happens a lot in soaps, husband is away, too busy in his job, reason being he's doing it for you, but if he's never there what's the point.  To be fair pc wise it does happen the other way round too.

That was unlike Tori to tell Brody & Justin before Hope & Raffy.  Very unwise of Justin & Brody to threaten Decker like that, he could have relapsed and then they would never have found out! Understandable Nate was angry with Tori but until things are sorted she can't tell him anything, they don't need to drag any more innocents into their problem. As it turns out it was a big thing about Decker and Kate (Mrs. Lee/Morgan). Decker being an undercover cop who blew his cover because he feel in love with Kate. He took  a big risk telling her, for all he knew she was the brains behind it. Wonder if Coby had worked out who Decker was and that is why he went quiet. As an aside I don't think it has been clarified how Decker is Hope and Raffy's uncle, is he the brother of their mum/dad or an uncle by marriage? Anyone want to place bets who the little girl in the photo Decker had is? :wink:

I'm guessing Hope doesn't know about Kat and Ash's relationship, so wouldn't assume it was him in her room, Phoebe definitely would have known, even if Kat had a man in her room overnight it's none of Hope's business anyway they are all grown women. Lucky for Kat Justin rang when he did and had to smile about Ash having to escape through the window and him commenting he hadn't had to do that since he was 15!  Surely it won't take long before the locals put two and two together and realise who Kat is seeing?They both took a huge risk by getting down and dirty in the garage.   Hope McCarthy doesn't want to use the office to check who has used their credit card recently!  Be another black mark against the garage if/when they tumble it was Hope. Either she has been a very busy girl or she's part of a gang (the 'job' she had before leaving her old home)?  I think it was mentioned Kat still has an interest in the garage.

On  a lighter note Dr. Nate got John a reprieve by telling Marilyn John was suffering from a severe case of boredom and Marilyn was to give him a longer leash and trust him to behave sensibly.

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The truth is out there at last!!!  Raffy is Decker and Kate's daughter, my question answered too, Hope's mum is Decker's sister, Raffy does have Tori's colouring, but rather sensibly Tori is going to get a DNA test done.  Brody worked it out because Raffy was wearing his mum's necklace!  Once it has been established, they won't be able to tell her in case it gets out and The Syndicate find out. They certainly do work miracles at ND's not only was Decker sitting up he has now left hospital and leaving the bay so the Morgan's (and his daughter)  can be safe.  If I got this right Hope does know Raffy is Decker's daughter but not who her mum is.  Whatever Hope has done/did there is a lovely bond between her and Raffy.

I'm with Ash how the heck did Kat get out of the garage and back to the station before him and McCarthy?  Didn't take long for McCarthy to realise it was Hope who did the credit card fraud at the garage, but is she responsible for the others. 

Some sort of compromise has been reached between Hunter and Olivia about the not gap year, she wouldn't have been happy about taking all that time off, now at least by taking a short break before she starts uni they both have breathing space. It was news to Zac about what he was planning and to me Hunter's heart doesn't seem to be into doing his life saver course.

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