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Slade, We'll just have to disagree about Mason. And in your second reply, who is McCarthy?

Sorry I don't reply in the way you do, but I don't know how to put the line up the left side and then the number of hours ago since you wrote something. Can someone please tell me how?

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2 hours ago, Brian said:

I don't know how to put the line up the left side and then the number of hours ago since you wrote something. Can someone please tell me how?

It's just a case of quoting the post - you can either click 'Quote' at the bottom of someone's post in order to include the whole of their post, or if you just want to reference a particular sentence as I have with this one, you can highlight it with the mouse and a little pop-up will appear giving you the option to 'Quote this'.

That quote will then appear in the reply box where you can type your post underneath it as normal

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There's ways of getting out of a test but FFS torching the school.... What happened to the days when kids used Saltwater or Minestrone to simulate puke?! :lol:

Kat in Bikini... Several thumbs up! (Hint: More than two :D)

Ash, Ash, Ash.... You silly sod! I'm amazed the Garage hasn't been seized after that other Tool beginning with 'A' legged it.

Yeah, I miss Chris too. He was a pain in the arse but a throw back to local clowns like Vinnie, Jack, Adam, Martin, etc

Nice Xavier cared enough to keep in contact with Palmer but curiously no Shandi...



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Ellie didn't intend to torch the whole school just her assignment!  

I was having the same thoughts about the number of rooms to people at the farmhouse.  Would Hope and Raffy be sharing making one room down, then there is Kat, Phoebe and Evelyn making up the other three.  There is one opposite the main living room, the one at the end of the hall opposite the front door and isn't there one in between them which makes three, we need another one.

So Bryce did jump into he bay to get his mums 'special' medicine, poor little lad and she just brushed them off as antacid, no wonder Roo was suspicious. Natural reaction for Caroline to initially blame Alf for not keeping a closer eye on Bryce. I thought I heard Roo say she could smell alcohol on Caroline's breath which is why she quizzed Ash.   Roo wasn't snooping when she found the passports she was looking for Bryce's shorts. She certainly jumped to another wild conclusion that just because Ash and Caroline exchanged a few words they knew each other.  Just how close was Nate and Caroline to Ash that he knew what she was after was the wind in the right direction so that he heard every word?  Anyway he's gong to help her out cos that is the type of guy he is but he could have picked somewhere a lot more discreet than  the garage though and wouldn't you know Kat choses that very moment to pitch up to tell him why they can't be an item:rolleyes: But I thought Ash had assured McCarthy he and Kat weren't an item which is why he should take her back on?

I think Nate will keep quiet this time round, it was a lot more personal last time.  Tori is right she has to step back with or without knowing Caroline is ill.  Mason was there because he was shadowing Tori on her rounds, he'd yet to learn the part of doctoring that isn't in the text books, a good bedside manner, though not all doctors ever learn that! 

Just because we haven't seen anymore of Olivia this week doesn't mean the whole thing has been forgotten, the Yabby Creek cops have got to liaise with the British cops who would have to make their own inquiries and get back in touch with their Aussie counter parts.  I know we live in the age of email so no having to wait for ordinary mail to travel back and forth or phone calls what with the huge time difference.  These things have to be done properly if a safe conviction is secured.

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On ‎05‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:00 PM, Slade said:

It appears as though I may have underestimated Nate's ability to keep quiet.  Although is allowed to do that?  I mean put fake notes in Caroline's file.  What if something happens to Caroline and Nate is not around.  I liked that he refused to tell Tori about Caroline's condition and even though he was wrong I even liked the fact the he immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion when he saw Tori talking to Duncan on the beach.

While Nate can't say anything to anyone not medical about Caroline's condition he should have made proper notes, Tori is also a professional as well as his boss and also wouldn't be allowed to say anything despite her recent involvement with Duncan though the temptation would have been there.  Even though all Tori knew was that Caroline had some 'respiratory trouble' she still wouldn't have said anything to Duncan so Nate did panic unnecessarily.

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Hey Slade, did you see Mason and Evie today?  Didn't believe a word that Mason said to her about how he felt - they'll be back together again.

Why doesn't Justin listen to Phoebe about Hope? Did she buy all that food with money drawn from the bank account of a guy at the garage, after she filmed his bank details? She certainly wasn't going to wait until Monday for her wages at the garage? Nasty piece of work that. Still you need people like her in the show so we can appreciate how good the others arte. 

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On 05/11/2016 at 8:37 PM, Brian said:

And in your second reply, who is McCarthy?

McCarthy i.e. the sergeant someone ought to sort out.

9 hours ago, Brian said:

Hey Slade, did you see Mason and Evie today?  Didn't believe a word that Mason said to her about how he felt - they'll be back together again.

Yes I did and I wasn't happy about it.  Don't believe Mason will be able to just be friends with her.  He seemed quite jealous when she was helping Brody decide what to do about growing the vegetables although it was nice of him to help her move back into her old home.

My main issue with Hope is that there doesn't appear to be anything likeable about her whatsoever.  She's one of the typical young females that we see from time to time - Selfish, reasonably self-absorbed etc.  The only redeemable quality I see is the way she is with Raffy.  And even that's not enough to make me like her.  Part of me thinks that Justin needed his head reading giving her a job.  She's a very dishonest person.  Even when she made a bet with Matt to see whether he would pot the ball when he was playing pool then pushed his cue so he would miss and took the money shows her character.  Although guessing by Matt's "Nice hire" remark to Justin when she started working there I'm assuming he fancies her, which would explain why he wasn't that annoyed about being conned out of $10.  Not even working there a day and she took a photo of the customer's payment card with her phone (right in front of him).  I'm assuming that as the money Justin paid her wasn't going to clear until next week she used the customer's card details to go shopping and replace the goods she took from Phoebe.  (So how exactly was she able to use the card details.  Normally if you use a card and you're present you either put in a pin number which she wouldn't have or they scan the magnetic strip to retrieve the information and you sign the receipt.  If you are not present i.e. you don't have the card with you then you would normally have to give the 3 digit security code on the back which presumably she didn't take.  Even then you would have to give other information such as name/card holder address which I suppose she could have got from the customer details the garage has on file.  But if she was going into a shop she would be present and have to present the card.  I could be completely wrong and she may have just got the money from somewhere else).  Anyway, did she think about how this could affect the garage? (Doesn't look too good for them especially given what's happened before and now with Simmo)

Phoebe is absolutely right about Hope but the way she is coming across I actually prefer Hope over her. We all know Hope is basically a con artist but Phoebe only knows about one instance of this.  Granted Hope has lied a lot but certainly from Justin's perspective it's reasonable for him to give Hope a chance even though he was clearly reluctant.  Decker entrusted him to look after his two nieces if anything happened to him so why shouldn't Justin give her a job?  What because Phoebe doesn't like her.  Because she's jealous that Justin's taking her side.  Her "You gave her a job" jaw dropping reaction when she saw Hope working at the garage after apologising to Justin and smugly claiming he finally saw that she was right was hilarious.  Even if you put aside the practical element i.e. Hope is living at Phoebe's so it makes sense for her to pay her way which includes rent, bills food etc, is he forbidden from giving her a job because Phoebe's adopting the attitude if you're not with us then your against us.  She is acting so damn immaturely.  The way she showed little interest in that customer then suddenly wanted to go on a date with him purely to make Justin jealous just makes me think he deserves better than her anyway.  I have to admit I did enjoy the part of the episode at the beginning where Phoebe offered to look at the car, the customer gave her a funny look and she said "What because I'm a woman".  Part of me was hoping (no pun) that Brody would give Hope a job purely to see Phoebe react but even if he was understandably distrustful of her he wouldn't have done that anyway as Phoebe would have absolutely hit the roof.  Can you imagine?  She would have walked out for sure.  It's funny because in that episode I would assume even Evelyn picked up on the way Phoebe was towards Hope.  To me this really is about jealousy especially when you bear in mind Phoebe was happy to go out with Kyle after beating a guy half to death and Ash even though he's a convicted criminal.  And it does also feel like she is very much taking her dislike and jealousy of Hope out on Justin.

Felt a bit sorry for Ash.  He did the wrong thing for right reasons and he could end up back inside.  Can't really blame Kat as she is in an impossible position although she should even be back at the force.  I bet he's wishing now that he hadn't talked McCarthy into giving Kat her job back.  I assume Ash gave the drugs to Caroline when he went to the caravan park.

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Slade, I was wondering the self same thing about the card and how Hope was able to use it so quickly, if she used an ATM she would need the pin number so I guess we can assume she didn't do that, from the way she did it so causally obviously not the fist time she has done it.  It could be argued she did it for the right reason - to replace the groceries she and Raff had used - but that is a very tenuous argument. It would rebound on the garage if it is found out, that guy, Damien(?), would just need to retrace his steps back to where he used his card that day. Her excuse she got the money from her last job didn't convince Phoebe, but she wisely kept quiet mainly for Raffy's sake. I agree the only thing in Hope's favour is she does care for Raffy but her actions don't convince me she is on the level. Her conversation with Hope in the hall proved she still doesn't trust her. Of course Phoebe agreed to go on a date with that guy to (a) make  Justin jealous and (b) to show she wasn't bothered about Hope.  Brody explained to Hope Phoebe did the hiring and firing and if he wanted to keep his fingers he didn't interfere (OK I made that bit up). Great idea though of Phoebe to suggest Brody use the veg patch at the farmhouse to grow his own for the restaurant.  Maybe it wasn't just Mason who picked up on the way Brody was with Evelyn marking out what was going where, it crossed my mind too.  I'm guessing Mason and Evie haven't seen each other since his confession so he has had time to realise they can only be friends.

Oh Ash you do try and do the right things for people but it always seems to back fire on you. We know he didn't have anything to do with the chop shop and certainly had no idea Simmo was involved, Kat turned up at just the wrong (or right time depending which way you look at it) and jumped to the wrong conclusion.  Ash can't reveal why Simmo was there without dropping himself in it and Kat had no choice but to report what she saw to McCarthy.  I thought it was odd that the other mug shots had the guys names under them but Simmo's didn't and she had to ask McCarthy who he was.:unsure:  She had no choice but to take him in as he refused to go to the station voluntarily and when he still refused to answer their questions he had to be arrested for obstructing the police. I don't think he is under any illusion that Kat has made her choice though sadly it could result in him going back to prison for associating with a known criminal. Did we see Ash go to the caravan park then go back to the garage?

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Oh Mason, you really lost the plot today. didn't you, storming in and assuming that Brody had just slept with Evie.  Completely ruined it with Evie now, haven't you? How you going to get out of that one then?  And VJ is another young stud who messed it up today, venting all his frustration and pressure on Billie. And now he can't find her. So where did she think that she was going on that bus? Time will tell, I suppose

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