Tara O’Neil

Cashelle Dunn

Tara O’Neil (2006)
Cashelle Dunn
Episodes: 42444267

Parents: Gordon O’Neil and Grace Carter
Occupation: Student

Tara was quite a troublemaker to say the least. She was first seen at one of Kim Hyde’s’s training classes which was held on the beach. She was the first to say that Kim was running a temperature which later turned out to be, because he had mumps.

For a while, Rachel was convinced that there was something going on with Tara and Kim. He reassured Rachel though that he was just her gym instructor and nothing more. But did Tara see it that way?…nope. When she found out that he was in fact engaged to Rachel, she got upset and said that he was just using her.

Things got even worse when Tara made an allegation against Kim, stating that he assaulted her. Kim was utterly shocked and completely lost for words. He made sure that the cops knew the full story but that wasn’t going to stop Tara from believing the claims she had made against him. She even went on the radio to get the message out there that Kim had supposedly assaulted her and that others should be alerted about him. Kim was understandably up in arms with the whole thing as he had done nothing wrong.

There was one way that Kim’s innocence could be proved and that was by Tara having a medical test to show what really happened. While Kim was away in the city, Tara was still up to her old tricks. Whilst in the gym, Lucas saw the results of the medical test Tara had done…the results were negative meaning that there was no DNA of Kim’s in Tara’s system. But before Lucas could confront Tara about the results, she started to scream and scratch herself as though she was being attacked again. Alf walked into the gym, baffled by what was going on.

Rachel assured Lucas that the nurses would soon be carrying out DNA samples from under her fingernails in order to prove the truth. Tara’s dad was upset about the situation saying that his daughter would never do what she was being accused of doing.

Everyone returned to find Tara had escaped from the hospital. A search team was pulled together to help find her. When they did, Rachel tried to calm Tara as she was standing on the edge of a wall overlooking the beach. She managed to talk to her and discovered that she was behaving the way she was because she wanted attention from her father, something she hadn’t been getting much since he became a cop and started working away so much.

Tara apologized to her dad and hugged him. Kim returned from the city glad that everything was over, but said that people wouldn’t forget about what Tara had accused him of.

Thanks to bttb-rox.