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Celebrating The Bay


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  • 4 months later...

Chapter 10

"Coming". Leah yells out as the door has just knocked and everyone else is out.

"Pete". Leah says as she opens the door. 

"Hey Leah". Peter says moving close to her and hugging her.

"It's good to see you I'm sorry its being so long". Leah tells him. 

"Yeah so am I". Peter replies. 

"Come in. So are Amanda and the kids with you"? Leah says to him signalling for him to come in and asking after the family. 

" Amanda has taken Danielle to meet Irene and Ryan didn't come". Peter explains as they walk in. 

"That's good and by the way I am sure Dan would love Danielle's name. Is Ryan ok"? Leah asks after her step son and comments re her niece. 

"He thought it would be too hard here". Peter tells Leah emotionally.

"Too many memories of Dan right"? Leah questions. 

"Yes and as for Danielle Dan better love the name since we named her after him kind off". Peter says and they both chuckle. 

"I'm glad you could come back for this". Leah tells him. 

"We didn't just come back for this". Peter responds.

"What do you mean"? Leah asks. 

"I've being offered a job with Yabbie Creek Police and I have taken it". Peter explains. 

"Wow I am really happy to hear that". Leah replies hugging him again.


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Chapter 11


"Nice to see you haven't lost the touch". Ziggy hears someone say whilst she is focusing on a car at the garage and turns around to see two men standing there. 

"Brody". Ziggy says to the person who has spoken and is beside her boss otherwise known as his brother.

"Hey Zig". Brody greets her. 

"It's good to see you". Ziggy tells him. 

"It's really good to see you too". Brody replies and they move forward and hug each other. 

"Woah this isn't how I expected this would go". Justin commented from a distance. 

"We are full of surprises always have being". Ziggy comments as her ex chuckles. 

"She's right". Brody responds. 

"I will leave you to it". Justin comments and exits the garage. 

"One thing that doesn't surprise me is the fact you are a Dad congratulations". Ziggy tells her ex when they are alone. 

"Thank you that means a lot". Brody tells.

"I'm happy for you and the name is perfect". ZIggy says and smiles.

"Thank you". Brody says smiling back. 

"I wanted to come to Mason's memorial". Ziggy informs him. 

"But it was too hard I get it". Brody replies. 

"Yep". Ziggy tells him

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