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Celebrating The Bay


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Chapter 8 


The next morning Carly had offered to help out at The Diner as Marilyn had mentioned the night before how busy it had being with Salt having so maintenance done. She was behind the counter making a coffee with her back turned to the counter when a voice makes her turn around. 

"Wow Carly Lucini some things don't change you still helping out at The Diner". A male voice that sounded familiar making her turn around. 

"Oh My God my very first heartthrob". Carly says once turning around and realising who it was. 

"That's me". Matt replies.

"This is such a surprise not that I am complaining". Carly tells her ex. 

"Well I would be lying if I said I didn't know you were going to be here". He replies as Irene comes out. 

"Carly you can have your break and catch up with Matt". Irene comments remembering him from the Cruise all those years ago. 

"Thanks Irene". Carly says as her and Matt walk away and sit at a table. 


"So, How did you know I was going to be here?".  Carly asks Matt once they are seated at the table. 

"Put it down to ex boyfriend instincts". Matt comments. 

"Right. Well I am glad you're here to it's being so long". Carly tells Matt. 

"Yeah the last time was the Cruise". Matt tells her. 

"Oh let's not even go there". Carly says and the pair chuckle. 

"So how is Ben and the children". Matt asks after her family. 

"Philippa is thirty now crazy I know and she is expecting her first child soon and as for the boys they are in High School and all with girlfriends". Carly tells him.

"That is crazy you are going to be a Grandma and what about Ben?". Matt comments but also questions realising she hadn't answered half of his question. 

"I wouldn't know". Carly comments. 

"You're married how would you not know?". Matt questions confused. 

"Not anymore". Carly replies. 

"What do you mean?". Matt asks her concerned. 

"It's over". Carly tells him. 

"If he hurt you I am going to kill him". Matt replies over protectively. 

"No he didn't we just wanted different things now but we are civil we see each at family celebrations". Carly explains and fills in the blanks. 

"Carls I am sorry". Matt replies and grabs her hand. 

"Don't be enough about me. What about you and Tracey?". Carly tells him and questions. 

"Let's just say we both got divorced for the same reason". Matt explains and squeezes her hand tighter. 

"I'm sorry". Carly replies. 

"Don't be it ok I still see the girls every second week and Tracey and I are civil as well". Matt explains.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 9 

Sally and Lance are walking along the beach when they see some staring at them from a distance. 

"It's so nice to see you Sal". Lance tells his friend. 

"It feels like forever since I last seen you". Sally replies. 

"Yeah it does". Lance tells her. 

"I'm guessing Alf or Maz told you about Pippa". Sally comments. 

"Told me what about Pippa". Lance asks worried. 

"She's sick". Sally says. 

"Sick how sick?". Lance asks concerned. 

"She has mitochondrial disease". Sally tells him.

"What is that I've never heard of it hey". Lance asks putting his arm around his best friend. 

"It's when your body comes deprived of oxygen and energy and cant function normally". Sally replies. 

"Is there a cure?". Lance questions. 

"She's had treatment at one of the best clinics in the United States but she's taken a turn for the worse we just have to prepared now". Sally tells her friend getting emotionally as the figure walks closer.

"Oh Sal I'm sorry and I'm sorry I haven't being there for you". Lance tells his friend and figure stands directly in front of them. 

"She's all grown up and he's still comforting her". The figure speaks. 

"So what if he is Martin we are friends". Sally tells the figure who is none other than Martin Dibble. 

"Sal take it easy I was only joking". Martin responds and Sal walks away. 

"I was only joking really". Martin tells Lance after Sal has gone. 

"I know that she's struggling at the moment don't take it personally". Lance responds. 

"So are you staying at the Caravan Park". Martin asks Lance.

"Yeah Mum and I are". Lance comments. 

"Oh god she's going to be stuck into me isn't she". Martin asks referring to Colleen.

"No it will be fine". Lance replies.

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