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Summer's Bay

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Chapter 61


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Since you don’t want to answer, I am happy that you and Bobby are at least on speaking terms…maybe things will start healing” Pippa said

“Yeah…maybe” Frank said

Pippa looked at Frank and shook her head

“I am going to get number 7 ready for Alex tomorrow” Pippa said

“I’ll do it when I get back from rehiring my Tuxedo” Frank said with a smile and took the bucket from Pippa and walked towards the door


Manhattan-New York

“Auntie Celia Hi, how are you?” Roo said surprised

“Fine thank you Ruth, how are you?” Celia said

“Great, just really busy, is there something wrong? Roo said

“No, nothing, I just wanted to say hello, I have not spoken to you for a while” Celia said doing her best to hold in what she was tell not to tell Roo

“Auntie Celia, you wouldn’t ring me out of the blue if something wasn’t wrong” Roo said shaking her head

“Well…there is something…it’s probably nothing and your Father said not to bother you about it” Celia said

“What is it about?” Roo said

“I really shouldn’t” Celia said

“Auntie Celia what is it?” Roo said impatiently

“Ok, if you insist. Last night there was a cocktail party at the Sands Resort” Celia said

“Yes, Frank told me about it, he went with Carly” Roo said

“Well..” Celia said

“Well what?” Roo said confused

“Well Frank danced with Bobby….Ruth it was very inappropriate that Frank would dance with her knowing he is married to you” Celia said

Roo’s heart sank “Auntie Celia, it was only a dance, it’s not a big deal” Roo said trying to sound happy

“Ruth things always start out so innocently then they develop into other things” Celia said

“Auntie Celia, don’t be silly…Frank loves me, there is nothing going on with Bobby” Roo said trying to convince herself

“You are right Ruth, it was probably all very innocent..I mean she did attend with Brett Macklin” Celia said

“See, I told you there is nothing going on…Auntie Celia, I have to go…I have some work to do then I have to make dinner” Roo said

“Ok Ruth, talk to you soon” Celia said

“Ok, take care” Roo said then she put the phone down and sighed


Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

“We have a celebrity in our midst “Ailsa said as she opened the newspaper

““Eligible Bachelor Brett Macklin attends the Sands Resort Cocktail evening in Summer Bay Australia with his date Miss Roberta Simpson, local business owner” Ailsa said. Bobby smiled as she wiped the table and leaned over to see what Ailsa read

“You looked wonderful last night” Ailsa said

“Thanks” Bobby said

“Will you be seeing Brett again?’ Ailsa said as she closed the newspaper

“He will be here soon, we are going to have lunch before he heads back to the City” Bobby said as she walked into the kitchen

“Alf nearly had a heart attack when you and Frank danced” Ailsa said then realized she shouldn’t have said it

Bobby didn’t respond

Ailsa watched Bobby as she opened the fridge to start preparing food.  “I am just going over to pick up the order from the store. Lance should be here at 12pm” Ailsa said

“Carly will be here at 12 too” Bobby said then smiled



Summer Bay

Frank opened the door to the Tuxedo rental store. He rolled his eyes as he saw Danielle organizing shirts on the rack

“Hi Frank” Danielle said as she walked over to the counter

“Hi, I need to rehire my Tuxedo for Saturday and get another shirt” Frank said

“There is no charge for doing that since the Tix is rented for a week” Danielle said as she walk over and got Frank another shirt and walked back to the counter

“Is this your size right?’ Danielle said looking at Frank

“We have some local celebrities Danielle said as she picked up the newspaper

““Eligible Bachelor Brett Macklin attends the Sands Resort Cocktail evening in Summer Bay Australia with his date Miss Roberta Simpson, local business owner” she read and looked at Frank for a reaction when she showed him the photo. His heart sank but then he remembered last night and smiled

“What do you want Danielle?’ Frank said

“I thought I made my intentions clear the other night” Danielle said and smiled

“Like I said the other night…I don’t owe you anything…” Frank walked out without the shirt and shook his head.



Sands Resort- Summer Bay

Emotional Background Music

Morag put the last of her clothing in her overnight bag. She walked over to the bathroom and picked up her toothbrush but stopped as she caught site of her reflection…she looked at herself. He mind drifted to the way Frank looked at Bobby last night….her mind drifted to the way Brett looked at Bobby…..her mind drifted to the way Brett didn’t want to look at her…he just wanted to use her body…she wanted someone to look at her the way the men looked at Bobby….she walked over to the desk and picked up the newspaper

“Eligible Bachelor Brett Macklin attends the Sands Resort Cocktail evening in Summer Bay Australia with his date Miss Roberta Simpson, local business owner

Morag walked over to the mirror and looked at herself

“You will pay Bobby Simpson…I don’t know how but you will pay” Morag said hen a tear dropped from her eye.


Emotional Background music ends

Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

 “Since its quiet I’ll go and wipe down the tables outside before the lunch rush….What are you making?”  Matt said

“Trying out a new desert” Bobby said as she smiled

Matt shook his head and walked outside

“G’day Matt, “Frank said as he walked to the diner entrance. Matt nodded and smiled as he watched Frank walk into the diner.

Frank walked into the diner, it was empty…he walked over to the counter and saw her slightly bent over  ny the table in the kitchen…she looked beautiful. Frank walked into the kitchen and put his arms around Bobby

“Hey” Bobby said then turned around and kissed Frank

“What are you doing here? Bobby said with a smile

“I went to rehire my Tux and thought I’d drop by and say hello” Frank said smiling

“Hello” Bobby said and smiled then Frank pulled her into the pantry and they started kissing passionately

“Frank stop” Bobby said as Frank kissed her neck. Bobby tried to break free but Frank had her pinned to the shelves

“Frank…someone might come in” Bobby said

“I don’t care…”Frank said as he put his hands under Bobby’s T-shirt and kissed her

“Frank no, not here” Bobby said managing to break free and walking out of the pantry. Bobby sighed and walked over to the table with the food she was preparing.

“What’s wrong?” Frank said as he looked at her

“Someone might come in and you are still married” Bobby said

“I was married last night but you still came to see me” Frank said annoyed

“Frank please...” Bobby said as she put her head on Frank’s chest

“Brett will be here soon” Bobby said as she closed her eyes hoping rank wouldn’t be annoyed

“So you want me to go?” Frank said

“No…” Bobby said

Bobby and Frank heard a noise at the door and separated…Carly walked into the diner and towards the counter and was surprised to see Frank and Bobby in the kitchen together

“Hi…I know I have 15 mins before I start but I wanted to get here early…is Matt here?” Carly said

“He did say he was going to clear the tables outside” Bobby said as she put the dessert in the fridge

“You might as well make me a coffee while you wait” Frank said as he smiled at Carly and went and sat at the counter


General Store- Summer Bay

“Is that everything?” Alf said as he looked at the box on the counter that Ailsa was packing

“Yes, I think this is it. Did you see the paper this morning? The photo of Bobby and Brett?” Ailsa said

“What photo?’ Alf said as he reached for the paper and turned the pages until he saw the full page photo of Bobby and Brett

“Eligible Bachelor Brett Macklin attends the Sands Resort Cocktail evening in Summer Bay Australia with his date Miss Roberta Simpson, local business owner” Alf shook his head

“Well at least they both look like they were having a good time. He is meeting Bobby at the Diner for lunch” Ailsa said

“Phone ringing”

“Hello General store” Alf said when he picked up the phone

“Hello Dad” Roo said

“Ruthy, how are you? Alf said as he looked at Ailsa who closed her eyes and shook her head

“Good, I had a few minutes and wanted to say hello, how are you?” Roo said

“Fine fine, everything is fine here” Alf said. He knew why Ruth was calling…Celia must’ve called her

“Frank told me about the Cocktail party last night…how was it? Roo asked

“Oh you know, lots of food and drink. They had a live band” Alf said

“Sounds like you had a good time” Roo said

“Ruthy, Celia called you didn’t she?’ Alf said

“Yes she did…it was just a dance……Frank loves me” Roo said trying to convince herself

“Yes love, it was only a dance” Alf said as he sighed

“I saw a photo of Brett and Bobby in the newspaper…I thought you said she had a fiancé?” Roo said

“Things didn’t work out with him….the whole Brett thing was last minute…are you ok love?” Alf said

“Fine…just seeing Brett brought back memories of Martha and seeing him with Bobby was just odd that’s all” Roo said…what she really meant to say is that she was jealous because Brett never looked at her in the way he looked at Bobby in the photo

“Love you need to put all that behind you…you are with Frank now, Martha is with a good family…what Bobby and Brett do is their business” Alf said

“Listen Dad, I have to go…I got some stuff to do…give everyone my love” Roo said then she put the phone down…she put the phone down before her Father heard her start to cry

“I’ll flaming kill Celia, I told her not to call Roo and what did she do? Go and call her” Alf said angrily as he headed for the door. Normally Ailsa would be trying to diffuse the situation but on this occasion…Celia crossed the line


Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

Frank sat at the counter and read the newspaper as he sipped his coffee. The photo of Bobby and Brett annoyed him but then he remembered last night and smiled.

“Hi” Bobby said as she walked from around the counter as Brett walked in

“Hello” Brett said as he smiled and kissed Bobby’s cheek.

“Have a seat, lunch is ready” Bobby said as she pointed to the booth that she had prepared

“Great, I didn’t have any breakfast..and I have something for you” Brett said as he gave Bobby the box behind his back”

“Brett, you don’t have to keep buying me gifts” Bobby said as she took the box

“You are worth it” Brett said as he sat down and Frank rolled his eyes as he was listening to their conversation

“I’ll be back with food” Bobby said as she put the box on the seat and walked to the kitchen

“Lance should be here shortly” Bobby said as she went into the kitchen and Matt came through the door and saw Carly

Frank watched as Bobby put two grilled sandwiches on plates with a side salad. she looked up at Frank and smiled then she picked up the plates and walked over to Brett

“Let me get some drinks,. What would you like?” Bobby said

“This looks great, a coke please” Brett said as Bobby walked back towards the counter

Matt washed the dishes as Carly walked up to him

“Can we talk?” Carly said to Matt

“Not now…we are going to be busy soon” Bobby said as Lance came rushing through the door

“Bobby walked back to the table with two cokes and put them down and sat down

“Now what is in this box” Bobby said

“Open it and see” Brett said as he bit into his sandwich

“Oh Brett, more dresses? I can’t accept this” Bobby said

Bret wiped his mouth with a napkin “Bobby this is really really good” Brett said nodding his head

“Thanks…don’t change the subject” Bobby said smiling as she pulled out both dresses….they were beautiful

Frank could hear every word of the conversation and was annoyed…not with Brett but with himself

“I have to go to a party on Saturday night and was wondering if you would like to come with me?” Brett said as he grabbed Bobby’s hand

Bobby smiled and said “I don’t know Brett…”

“You can stay in a hotel…I won’t rush you. I just want you to give me a chance” Brett said

Frank had heard enough, he swiveled the chair around and got up and walked over to Bobby and Brett

“G’day Brett” Frank said

“Frank, I didn’t see you there, did you have a good time last night?” Brett said with a smile

“Yes I did” Frank said

“Good…when are you going back home?” Brett asked

“Next week” Frank said

“Have a safe flight” Brett said and smiled

“See you at home” Frank said to Bobby then leaned forward and kissed her cheek

Bobby smiled and was secretly wishing Frank wouldn’t start any trouble

Brett smiled

“Oh by the way, don’t forget to say hello to Roo and congratulations again on your marriage…I knew that you two would get back together” Brett said with a smile knowing he won…then he looked at Bobby, held one of her hands and picked up his sandwich with the other….Frank made his way to the door but turned back to see Brett stroking Bobby’s face and stormed out…



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Chapter 62



Summer Bay

Frank sat in the car and slammed the door.  He put his hand on the steering wheel and caught site of his ring. He had no right to angry at Bobby spending time with Brett. Just as Frank was about to start the engine, Alf got out of his car and was walking in his direction

“Great” Frank said to himself

“We have to talk” Alf said as he got to the car and gestured for Frank to get out of the car. Frank got out and walked behind Alf

“What is this about?” Frank said

“Celia told Roo that you danced with Bobby last night” Alf said

Frank sighed “It was only a dance” Frank said

“Why did you do it?” Alf said

Frank didn’t respond, he looked at Alf as if he was expecting Alf to know the answer.

“Roo  she said she knows you love her,…a photo of Brett and Bobby made it across there and Roo said looking at it brought back old memories of Martha, I think you need to call her” Alf said

“Ok” Frank said as he turned around to walk away

“My daughter has been through so much…losing you would break her heart” Alf said as Frank stopped walking, sighed then continued walking, got into the car and drove off



Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

Hmmm this is really good. You are a great cook” Brett said as he chewed the last bite of his sandwich

“Thanks…Wait until you take dessert” Bobby said smiling and got up and walked towards the kitchen as Brett watched her walk away

Bobby walked into the kitchen and looked around, she was happy that the business was doing well. She opened the fridge door and took out the special dessert she had made for Brett closed then closed the door. As she turned around, she saw Alf walking towards Brett

“G’day Brett” Alf said as he stood next to Brett

“Alf, hello” Brett said as he wiped his mouth “The food here is really good” Brett said

“Have you seen my sister?” Alf said as Brett swallowed the coke in his mouth

“Your sister? Brett said

“Yes, Celia” Alf said

“No, she hasn’t been in here since I have been in here” Brett said

“Alf looked at Brett. “I spoke to Roo earlier today” Alf said

“Ok, I hope she is well” Brett said smiling

“She saw the photo of you and Bobby and said old memories of Martha came back” Alf said as Bobby watched and listened to the conversation from the counter

“Yes, I think about Martha too” Brett said

“What are you doing here Brett, what are you doing with Bobby?” Alf said

Bobby shook her head, grabbed the newspaper from the counter and walked up to the booth

“Hello Alf” Bobby said as she sat down

“G’day love….” Alf said as he walked away

“What did he want?” Bobby said as she put the dessert in front of Brett

“He was looking for Celia….he mentioned something about you and I in a photo in the paper” Brett said

“I think he is talking about this photo” Bobby said as she showed Brett the photo


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Oh Hello Pippa, I was wondering, is Frank here” Celia said as she knocked the door and opened it

“No but he will be back shortly, if you want to come in and wait” Pippa said

“Yes I wouldn’t mind” Celia said as she sat down

“Do you want a drink?” Pippa said

“No thank you” Celia said

“Oh, here he is” Pippa said as she heard Frank parking the car and walked over to the couch and sat down

“I’m home” Frank said as he opened the door

“Oh hello Frank, can I have a private word please” Celia said as she stood up

“If you have something to say, you can say it in front of Pippa” Frank said angrily

“Are you sure?” Celia said

“Yes” Frank said as he walked over to the couch

“Well, I thought I would come over and tell you that I spoke to Ruth and told her about your dance with Bobby. I know you said not to but I thought it was very inappropriate that a married man was cavorting with his ex wife” Celia said

“You just cant help yourself can you? didn’t  I tell you to stay out of my business? Frank said

“I had every right to tell Ruth, she is my neice” Celia said

“And so is Bobby or did you forget?” Frank said

“That is not the point” Celia said

“The point is you are an interfering old bag who has nothing to do other than gossip about everybody” Frank said

“Frank” Pippa said


Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

“This is amazing” Brett said as he licked his spoon then wiped his mouth.

“Glad you enjoyed” Bobby said smiling

“Seriously you should think about the Catering Director job, your talents are wasted here” Bret said

“I have been thinking about my future and going to Uni is something I want to do” Bobby said as she sipped her juice

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind having you in the City full time” Brett said as he held Bobby’s hand

“I don’t know what I want to do yet but I do know that I want to go” Bobby said

“Well I think your talents are wasted here, definitely after this lunch” Brett said with a smile

“Thanks…I need to make some decisions…I am going to get some Uni leaflets and start doing my research”

“Good for you…but also think about the offer from John…maybe you can do some consulting for him and earn money while you are in University” Brett said

“Yeah…I have some thinking to do” Bobby said

“Well…I have to get on the road” Brett said

“Do you mind giving me a lift home?” Bobby said

“Sure” Brett said as he got up

“Ill just get my things” Bobby said as she walked over to the counter

“I am going now” Bobby said to Carly as she reach in the cupboard under the counter and took out her keys and walked towards the door where Bre stood with the boxes and Donald walked in

“Oh hello Brett..didnt know that you are back in town” Donald said

“Hello Mr Fisher, yes I just came in for the event last night at the Sands resort” Brett said

“Bobby….can we” Donald was interrupted

“No Dad” Bobby said and she walked out

Brett followed then he walked over to his car and Bobby followed

“Did I heard you call Mr Fisher Dad?” Brett said as he put the box in the back

“It’s a long story” Bobby said as she smiled


General Store- Summer Bay

“Did you find her?” Ails said as Alf opened the shop door

“No, but I saw Frank and told him to call Roo” Alf said

“I am sure everything will be ok” Ailsa said

“I hope so Ailsa, that girl has been through so much…losing Frank would break her heart” Alf said as he hugged his wife. Ailsa closed her eyes and sighed as her mind drifted to Bobby being heartbroken when Frank left.


Caravan Park- Summer Bay

“Great” Frank said as he exited his van with the shirt and saw Brett giving Bobby a lift home


“wow..so Morag is your Mum and Donald Fisher is your Dad? Brett said with guilt in his voice

“Yes…anyway I just want to forget all of that” Bobby said

“Ok so are you coming with me on Saturday? Ill send a car to come and get you” Brett said

“Can I let you know tomorrow?” Bobby said

“Ok, here is my card with all my numbers…call me any time” Brett said then he leaned in and kissed Bobby…from the corner of her eye, she could see Frank watching so she tried to pull away from Brett.


Frank saw Brett kiss Bobby then he walked into the house

“Pippa here is some money for the international calls” Frank said as he gave Pippa some money

“Frank you don’t need to do that” Pippa said

“Yes I do” Frank said then he walked over to the phone and dialed his home number


“Hello” Roo said half asleep when she answered the phone

“Hey, its me” Frank said

“Frank how are you? Roo said wiping her face. She had to be up anyway, she didn’t sleep much and today is her big event

“Good….so Celia called you” Frank said

“It was just a dance, I danced with Allison too” Frank said

“I know….you love me” Roo said trying to convince herself

Frank didn’t respond

“I saw a photo of Brett and Brett in the newspaper” Roo said

“Yeah, they went to the cocktail party together” Frank said


Bobby opened the Door

“What is in the box” Pippa said “More dresses from Brett” Bobby said

“Wow…he is really going all out..I want to see ” Pippa said as Bobby walked to the stairs


“It was a bit strange seeing Brett then all the memories of Martha came back” Roo said

“I didn’t know that Bobby and Brett kept in touch” Roo said

“I don’t know” Frank said

“Do you love me Frank?” Roo said

“Why do you ask that question?” Frank said

“I just like to hear you say it” Roo said

“You know I do” Frank said

“Please say it” Roo said

Frank sighed  “I love you” Frank said just as Bobby got to the door and heard him then walked towards the stairs

“I love you too Frank, wish me luck, its my event tonight” Roo said

“You don’t need luck, you will be fine…I got to go” Frank said

“Ok, I will call you and let you know how it went” Roo said

“Ok, bye” Frank said as he put the phone down and rushed upstairs


Bobby put the box on her bed and pulled out the dresses and hung them on the wardrobe…they were beautiful.. Bobby stood at the wardrobe and admired the dresses then Frank came in the room

“Hey, sorry you had to hear that” Frank said as he walked over to Bobby

“Its ok…she is your wife” Bobby said as she walked over to the bed and sat down

“How are you feeling?” Frank said as he looked at the dresses

“Good, just feeling a bit sore and I am a bit tired” Bobby said as she lay down on the bed

“I am going to pick up Sal..Ill be home soon “ Frank said as he bent over and kissed Bobby then walked out of the room

Bobby sighed then looked at the letter on the side table from her Dad and picked it up…she carefully opened the envelope,  pulled out the letter and began to read

“Dear Bobby”…

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Hello Friends

Sorry for the delayed update. Been very busy and wil be busy this coming week but hopefully I will try and update midweek. Thank you for readin


Chapter 63


BaySide Diner-Summer Bay

“Hey its me…I just want to check on you…anyway, you must be at work..I miss you…Ill call you later” Matt said then put the phone down and walked towards the counter


“Can we talk now” Carly said coming around the counter.  The lunch time rush had slowed right down and it was only Lance, Carly and Matt in the Diner

“What do you want to talk about?” Matt said

“Why you are being weird” Carly said

“I am not being weird” Matt said

“I thought everything was going well between us, last night everything changed and now you are hardly talking to me” Carly said

“You better talk to her mate” Lance said as he wiped the counter

“Lance , some privacy please” Carly said as she looked at Lance who walked over to the booths and started cleaning their tables

“The minute I had my back turned, you were off with another guy Carly. That’s how it always is…I am never good enough for you”  Matt said

“Matt, is was nothing like that, I told you, he said he can help me get a job in the City with the Resort” Carly pleaded

“So if you get this job, you are going to be going to the City…that’s the life you have always wanted Carly” Matt said

“The life I want is with you, Matt” Carly said

“No its not, you will never change Carly and  I cant keep wasting my time” Matt said and he walked to the kitchen



Summer Bay

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you



 Brett smiled as he drove and tapped his finger on the steering wheel to the song playing on the radio. He and Bobby danced to this song last night. Brett thought about how Bobby looked so beautiful last night, how gracious she was to the influential business people she met and how she made a good impression. Brett surprised himself by actually thinking that he could marry Bobby if things worked out between them, something he hoped would happen…..then suddenly the guilt of what happened later in the night sudden creeps into Brett’s memory and the smile he had on his face disappeared. He didn’t mean to sleep with Morag..at one point he thought he was being intimate with Bobby since he had so much to drink…only to find out that they are mother and daughter. Brett sighed..he hoped this secret wouldn’t destroy things with him and Bobby but he had to find out…


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

Background Music-Bobby and Frank Theme

Dear Bobby

I know that I am the last person that you want to see, every time you tell me to keep out of your personal affairs, I go and do the opposite. This past year I watched you become a shell of yourself as you mourned the loss of your marriage. My heart broke for you because there was nothing I could do to take away the pain. I didn’t want to see that happen again, that is why I guaranteed Danny’s offer to take you away from Summer Bay hoping things would be better for you, away from Summer Bay, away from what has hurt you so much. I know you can’t see it now, but maybe one day when you have your own children, you will understand the lengths that a parent will go to, to ensure the happiness of their child. I already lost one of my children and I don’t want to lose another one, I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me.



Bobby sighed then heard a light tap on the door. When she looked up, Pippa was standing at the door

Background Music-ends


“Can I come in” Pippa said with a smile

“Yes sure” Bobby said as she got up

“Wow the dresses are wonderful ”Pippa said as she walked over to the wardrobe where the dresses hung

“Yeah, they are nice” Bobby said with a smile

“So…are you going to see Brett again?” Pippa said as she walked over to the bed and sat down

“He wants me to go up to the City on Saturday…Pippa, I don’t know….” Bobby said

“Is it because of Frank?” Pippa said

“No…” Bobby said then she put her head down

“So what’s the problem?” Pippa asked confused

“I don’t know what I want at the moment. Last night the General Manager of the Sands Resort offered me the job of Catering Director” Bobby sad

“Oh Bobby, that is wonderful…I told you that thing will get better” Pippa said as she smiled and grabbed Bobby’s hand

Bobby smiled

“Brett is encouraging me to take it but I also want to go to Uni” Bobby said as she looked at Pippa who was smiling at her

“Ok so you are making decisions about your career….that doesn’t answer the Brett question” Pippa said

“I know..Pippa it all feels too good to be true, like it felt with Frank…the jewelry, the limo, the dresses..I don’t want to fall for that again…only to make a fool of myself” Bobby said as tears formed in her eyes

“Those are the risks we take when we fall in love…we never know whats going to happen, we just throw caution to the wind and enjoy the process” Pippa said

“Its just too soon for me now Pippa, to love someone else” Bobby said

“Listen, I know you will always love Frank and that’s ok..we are permitted to love more than one person…just don’t wait too long to start living your life again” Pippa said

Bobby smiled

“Dad wrote me this letter” Bobby said as she reached out to the night stand and grabbed the letter then gave it to Pippa to read

“So, are you going to see him?” Pippa said

“Not yet..” Bobby said

“Well he does make a good point about the sacrifices parents make for their children…Hopefully you speak to him soon?” Pippa said as she smiled, patted Bobby’s knee and got up and walked towards the door and out.


Stewart Residence-Summer Bay

“Something wrong with the Pie love? Ailsa said as she watched Alf pick at his food

“Hmm, you say something?” Alf said

“I said is there something wrong with your pie?” Ailsa said pointing at the pie

“No nothing love, sorry…just not very hungry” Alf said

“What’s the matter?” Ailsa said

“just this whole business with Frank and Ruthy” Alf said

“What business? I thought everything was fine” Ailsa chewed her vegetables confused

“Ruthy says it is. Just before they got married, I had a conversation with Frank and asked him if he really loved her…he said yes…I asked him if things were truly over with Bobby…he said yes..today I asked him why he danced with her…Ails, he couldn’t give me an answer” Alf said

“Alf, it was just a dance” Ailsa said as she rubbed Alfs forearm

“I know love..I just wish Celia didn’t make that call” Alf said

“Well she did and Roo said herself, things are fine…she is old enough to make her own decisions, just let her liv her life….ok” Ailsa said

“Yeah…I suppose” Alf said and sighed


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Frank, I was thinking, instead of you and I going into the City, lets go hiking” Steve said excited as he ate his dinner

“Oh mate, cant you pick something else?” Frank said

“You said I should pick something and you will do it” Steve said

Frank smiled “Ok, when do you want to go? He said

“How about Saturday in the day?” Steve said

“That’s not fair, you’re not going to be back on time for Frank to take me to the dance” Sally said upset

“Don’t worry Sal, I will be back on time to be your date” Frank said as sally smiled

Frank got up from his chair and walked over to the sink where Bobby was in the kitchen alone washing the dishes…Frank kissed her neck and Bobby smiled

“Are you ok” Frank whispered in her ear as she turned around

Bobby smiled “Yes” then they kissed

They heard footsteps and separated.

“Bobby can I talk to you, upstairs when you are finished” Carly said looking sad

“Sure” Bobby said as Sally walked into the kitchen with two plates

“Ill finish up, you two go upstairs” Frank said

“Thanks” Bobby said as Frank hugged her and Sally and Carly looked at each other.



Fisher Residence-Summer Bay

Donald put the last dry dish in the kitchen cupboard and closed the cupboard door. He picked up his tea cup from the counter and walked towards the living room. It felt strange having the house all to himself again. He put the cup down on the table and walked over to the phone and dialed a familiar number

“Oh hello Barbara, its Donald…how are you? Oh everything is fine, sorry to disappoint you, I guess you were expecting another call….I just wanted to say hello to Rebecca…oh she has gone to a recital in Perth…ok…well…tell her I called…so how are you doing?...yes, I guess we are all busy…well have a good night Barbara” Donald said then he put the receiver down

As Donald was about to walk over to turn the TV on, he though he heard a knock at the door. He walked over to the door, opened it, there was nobody there. He closed the door then went back towards the living room....

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Chapter 64


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

Bobby sat down on her bed, she picked up the almost empty bottle of antibiotics on the side table, opened it, took out two tablets, put them in her mouth and drank the last of the water in the glass next to the bottle. Carly sat down on the far end of the bed and sighed.

“So what do you want to talk about?” Bobby said as she looked at Carly

Background Music- Carly’s theme

“Matt” Carly said as Bobby got up pulled the bed sheets back and climbed into the bed

“What’s going on?” Bobby said

“I don’t know, I thought everything was going well then after the cocktail party, he started acting weird…as he said anything to you?” Carly said

“Carly, I don’t want to get in the middle of this” Bobby said

“Please Bobby, did he say something?” Carly said

Bobby sighed “He thinks you are going off with that guy you danced with” Bobby said as she reached her hand out and picked up the notepad and pen that was on the night stand

“I told him it was just a dance, Why wont he believe me?” Carly said almost in tears “Just great, the one guy I have always liked doesn’t believe me” Carly said

“Carly its not that he doesn’t believe you but you always wanted a life in the city, and you always go running back to Matt when things don’t work out…maybe he doesn’t want to be second choice anymore” Bobby said

“He isn’t second choice,  I really want to be with him” Carly said

“Well you have to convince Matt of that….and when you do make sure he is really what you want, its not fair to keep him dangling on a string” Bobby said as what she just said hit home

“Maybe I should go over and see him” Carly said as she was about to get up

“I don’t think that is a good idea….give him some time, he is upset about it.” Bobby said

“Bobby I really want to make a go of things with Matt, he is always the one I wanted” Carly said

Bobby smiled

“So did you have a good time last nght?” Carly said smiling

“Yes, I had a good time” Bobby said smiling

“You looked amazing last night” Carly said

“Thanks” Bobby said smiling

Carly looked around and saw the dresses hanging on the wardrobe and got up and walked over to the dresses

“You are soooo lucky…you have a guy buying you anything you want” Carly said as she touched the dresses

“You have a guy like that, Matt, remember?” Bobby said

“its not the same ” Carly said

“Carly, this is what Matt means” Bobby said

“So are you going to see Brett again?” Carly said

“He wants me to come up to the City on Saturday, go to a party with him” Bobby said

“You have to go Bobby” Carly said excited as she sat back on the bed

“I don’t know…I had a great time with Brett but I don’t think I am ready to date” Bobby said

“Is it because of Frank?” Carly said

“No….” Bobby said as she looked at the notepad on her side

“He was really jealous last night” Carly said

Bobby didn’t respond

“You still love each other…I could tell when you danced “ Carly said

Bobby sat up leaning on the wall and put the notepad on her lap

“What is that for?” Carly said pointing at the notepad

“I have to make some decisions about my life, whether I want to go to Uni, whether I want to accept the Catering Director job…lots of decisions” Bobby said as she sighed

“I think I need to do the same” Carly said

“I will still be working half shifts so you can still work at the diner for the next few weeks and if I decide to go to Uni, you can take over my shifts until you find something else” Bobby said

“Thanks” Carly said as she smiled

“Give Matt some time, if you are meant to be, it will happen…when two people love each other they will find a way to be together” Bobby said as she thought about the time that Frank told her that he was still in love with Roo…then tears starting forming in her eyes

“Are you ok?” Carly said as she noticed that Bobby looked like she was going to cry

Bobby wiped her face “Yeah, I am just a bit tired and my head hurts…I think Ill try and have an early night” Bobby said

“Ok, well I am glad that good things are happening for you, Brett, Uni and everything…I am really happy for you Bobby…after everything with Frank” Carly said

“Thanks…I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, can you work all day tomorrow?” Bobby said

“Yeah sure, thank you” Carly said as she got up of the bed and walked towards the door

“I am really happy for you Bobby” Carly said as she looked back at Bobby, “Carly, can I borrow your radio tonight if you are not using it?” Bobby said

“Sure..ill bring it in” Carly said smiled then opened the door and closed it behind her.

When Carly closed the door, Bobby remembered what she said about people finding who love each other finding a way to be with each other and she started crying.

Background Music ends


Wilson Residence

Matt picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number

“Hey” Matt said

“Hello” Barbara said when she heard Matt’s voice, she was surprised and happy at the same time

“How are you?” Matt said

“Good, I got your message earlier, you didn’t leave a number so I wasn’t sure where to call you back” Barbara said

“I was at work, I was just thinking about you and wanted to say hello” Matt said

“In your message, you said you missed me” Barbara said

“Yes I do” Matt said

“So what does that mean?” Barabara

“It means I miss you” Matt said

“I thought it means you want to see me” Barbara said smiling

Matt sighed “Maybe…but I told you that I met someone” Matt said

“So why are you calling me Matt?” Barbara said

“I don’t know” Matt said

“Come up this weekend” Barbabra said

“I cant, I am working” Matt said

“Ok, how about I come to Summer Bay, its been a while,  it would be nice to catch up with my family” Barbara said

“I don’t think that is a good idea..maybe this call wasn’t a good idea” Matt said

“Ok, I wont come to Summer Bay but I want to see you and I know you want to see me” Barbara said


Stewart Sr Residence

“Sis, are you there?” Alf said as he closed the door behind him

“Hello Alfred, I didn’t expect to see you here this evening” Celia said as she came out of the bedroom…she knew why Alf was there

Alf walked into the living room and sat down. Celia followed and sat opposite Alf

“I told you not to call Ruthy but you did” Alf said

“Alfred I didn’t mean to, I just felt Ruth needed to know what her husband was doing behind her back” Celia said

“Sis I told you that it was only a dance and to leave it alone” Alf said

“She is my niece Alf, I wanted to protect her” Celia said

“A photo of Brett and Bobby taken last night was printed in one of the newspapers over there, Ruth said said seeing Brett brought up memories of Martha” Alf said as he sighed

“I will have words tomorrow with Bobby, how dare she” Celia said

“Just leave things alone, haven’t you done enough damage?” Alf said as he looked at Celia


Fisher Residence-Summer Bay

Donald closed the front door, this was the second time he thought he had heard someone knocking but when he got to the door, there was nobody there

“Phone Rings”

Donald walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver


G’day Mr Fisher, its Narelle, how are ya?” Narelle said

“Hello Narelle, fine thank you , how are you?” Donald said

“Good, I just wanted to know if you had heard from Bobby and Danny” Narelle said

“Oh you, don’t know what happened?” Donald said and sighed as he told Narelle a short version


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“What are you doing?”  Cary said as she looked at Steven writing at the desk

“Writing a letter to Sandra” Steve said without looking up

“Phone ringing”

“Summer Bay Caravan Park” Steve said after he reached for the receiver and put it to his ears

“Stevo its me, how are ya?” Narelle said

“Narelle, hi, good, how are you?” Steve said

“Good, I just called Mr Fisher and he told me what happened to Bobby, can I speak to her?” Narelle said

“Carly said she is sleeping early” Steve said

“Ok, is Frank there?” Narelle said

“Yeah, hold on” Steve said

“Frank its Narelle” Steve said

“Frank got up from the dining table where he was playing cards with Pippa and Sally and walked over to the phone

“I think its time for you to go to bed young lady” Pippa said to Sally as she packed away the cards

“Frank is taking me to get a new dress tomorrow for the dance” Sally said smiling

“Narelle, Hi,” Frank said after he took the phone from Steve

“Hi Frank how yas going, Mr Fisher told me what happened to Bobby, is she alright?” Narelle said

“Yeah” Frank said

“So how are things with you two” Narelle said

“So whats new with you?” Frank said trying to change the subject

“Don’t change the subject Frank, please ask Bobby to call me tomorrow” Narelle said

“Ok, Ill tell her” Frank said

“Ok, Bye” Narelle said then she put the phone done



My love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright

My first love,
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make

And I, I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do

And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes,
You will always be
My endless love

Bobby looked at the list she had written, just some thoughts on what courses she would do at University, and the different Cities she could go to. Bobby made a note to go by the school tomorrow and pick up the brochures for next yeah.

Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun

Forever (Oh)
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms

And love, oh love
I'll be a fool, for you I'm sure
You know I don't mind (Oh)
You know I don't mind

'Cause you,
You mean the world to me (Oh)
I know I know
I've found, I've found in you
My endless love

Bobby listened to the words of the song playing on the radio then she looked at the dresses hanging on the wardrobe door…Brett…Bobby though back to last night where he asked her to give him a chance….something he also asked almost two years ago…Bobby was brought back into the present when she heard the bedroom door open and Frank entered and closed and locked the door behind him

Background Music Frank and Bobby’s theme

“Hey” Frank said as he bent down to kiss Bobby then sat on the bed

“Narelle called, she called your dad’s and he told her what happened” Frank said

“Ok, Ill give her a call tomorrow” Bobby said

“Whats this?” Frank said as he picked up the notepad and started to read it

“Just making some decisions about my future. Last night the general manager at the Resort offered me a Catering Director position” Bobby said

“That’s excellent” Frank said smiling

“Thanks, Brett said I should take it, it will open up opportunities for me, I can probably do some consulting when I go to Uni” Bobby said

Frank shook his head “So Brett is helping you make decisions about your future?

“No….We just” Bobby was interrupted by Frank leaning forward and kissing her. He moved forward on the bed and began kissing Bobby’s neck

“I cant wait to see you later tonight” Frank whispered in Bobby’s ears as he put is hands under the covers and caressed her stomach

“Frank stop” Bobby said as she moved Frank’s hand away

“The door is locked”  Frank said as he kissed Bobby’s neck

“Frank stop…We need to talk about what happened last night” Bobby said as she pushed Frank away

Frank sighed and moved back

“What is there to talk about? We love each other and we slept together” Frank said

“Frank we were caught up in the moment last night….it cant happen again” Bobby said

“What? You said you loved me” Frank said

“Frank how I feel doesn’t matter…you are married…” Bobby said

“But I am here, with you” Frank said as he grabbed Bobby’s hand

“No Frank” Bobby said as she pulled her hand away

“So this is making a decision about your future?” Frank said

“Frank what do you want me to do? Sleeping with you is not going to change anything….I am still second choice…you left me and found your way back to the person you love....” Bobby said

“So what do you want me to do?” Frank said

“Nothing..We can be friends…and that’s it” Bobby said

“Tell me not to go back to New York and I wont” Frank said as he grabbed Bobby’s hand

“Now you’re just being stupid” Bobby said

“I am serious, you are not second choice, let me prove it to you,  tell me not to go back, I will leave Roo…I want to be with you” Frank said

“Frank I can’t ask you to do that and I am not going to ask you to do that” Bobby said

“I love you…don’t you understand?” Frank said

“If you loved me, we would still be married….please Frank…just go” Bobby said and she turned her head away from him

“Bobby….” Frank was interrupted

“Frank no..its over..you have moved on, I have to get over you ..just go” Bobby said trying not to cry but she had to do this otherwise she would never move on with her life.

Frank got up off the bed and walked towards the door, unlocked it opened it, stepped out of the room and closed the door behind it. When Bobby heard the door shut she sighed “Did I just make a mistake” she said to herself and once again the tears fell down her cheeks.


Background Music ends


Newcastle- Austrailia

Reverend Jones used the towel in his hand to wipe his hair dry. The shower had been wonderful after a long and hectic day. He walked over to the overnight bag on the end his bed and looked inside. He had enough clothes folded neatly. He was heading for a meeting in Yabbie Creek then he was going to have dinner with Philippa and her family and she had convinced him to stay the night in one of the caravans which he gladly accepted. It had been a long time since he had spent time in Summer Bay. He often passed by on the way to and from Yabbie Creek.

Reverend Jones had some fond memories of Summer Bay ad was hoping he would be making some new memories with Phillippa and her family. Reverend Jones walked over to his bedside and sat on the bed. He opened the little drawer and pulled out a small photo album. He opened the album and began smiling at some old memories. When he got to the last two pages, he looked at the two photos on the opposite pages, in one photo he was holding hands with a beautiful blonde girl who was holding an icecream…her smile was so bright, the photo made Reverend Jones smile. On the opposite page, Reverend Jones stood in the photo with another blonde, someone who loved him so…Reverend Jones looked at the two women and smiled…


Midnight- Summer Bay

Background Music Frank and Bobby’s theme

The house was quiet as Frank shut the door and locked it. He slowly made his way to the stairs and slowly walked up them so as not to wake anybody. When Frank got to the spare room he sighed then slowly opened the door. Bobby was asleep, he slowly closed the door behind him and locked it. Frank took off his sweater and then he took off his jeans and hung them on the chair and walked over to the bed. He took off his ring and put it on the night stand and gently shook Bobby and she began to wake up so she wouldn’t get frightened, Frank whispered in her ear

“Its me” Bobby turned around and opened her eyes and could make out it was Frank standing there

She sighed then moved over as much as she could on the small bed, kissed Alan's bear and put it on the floor beside the bed.  Frank pulled the covers back and got into the bed with her

"Frank we can't do this again...its not fair" Bobby whispered. She felt guilty for wanting to be with Frank... he is married....she is second choice

"Do you want me to go?" Frank whispered

"How can I move on if we keep doing this, we were over long ago...you made your choice" Bobby whispered

"Do you want me to go?" Frank said again looking at Bobby

Bobby sighed....she loved this man no matter how much she made plans to move on with her life. Bobby unbuttoned her night shirt and Frank helped her take it off

“Its never going to be over...I love you…forever” Frank said as moved his body on top of Bobby and  kissed her.  She put her arms around Frank’s neck and said “I love you..forever” Frank put his arm out and pulled the covers over their heads and slowly and quietly, their bodies joined and the rhythm of their hearts became one and once again, a happy tear fell down Bobby's cheek as she loved the only man she will ever want....

Backgroud music ends

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Chapter 65

Manhattan-New York

Roo was looking over her list, she had sent out all the invitations, had confirmed with the caterers and the DJ and was going over to the shop later on to make sure there was nothing she missed. Roo’s first PR event was the opening of a high end flower shop. It was an assignment that none of the more experienced PR managers here would even consider  but Roo jumped at the chance to prove herself and with reluctance from her boss, she was given a chance. Since Roo got back from California, it has been non stop working to make sure that this event went perfectly. She had thought about Donavan…., she had thought about Donavan a lot and she really wanted to contact him but each time she did…she remembered Frank and stopped herself but she didn’t know how long she could stop herself….



Summer Bay-Australia

Frank opened his eyes, Bobby was lying under him, snuggled under his arm fast asleep. Frank smiled, kissed her head, leaned over and turned the radio on

When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do
Is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue
When you're close to me, I can feel your heart beat
I can hear you breathing near my ear
Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love


Frank moved the hair from Bobby’s forehead and kissed her forehead then her cheek. He felt so close to her last night as they made love…closer than they were when they were married. He looked at Bobby as she slept and remembered that they had agreed to try for a baby this year.

Anytime you want to you can turn me onto
Anything you want to, anytime at all
When I kiss your lips, ooh I start to shiver
Can't control the quivering inside
Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love, oh

When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do
Is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms, nothing seems to matter
My whole world could shatter, I don't care
Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love, oh
We got a groovy kind of love


DJ “Groovy kind of love by Phil Collins,. 6:03am, We will continue to wake you by with some Peter Cetera, Glory of love”

Tonight it's very clear, as we're both standing here,
there's so many things I want to say
I will always love you, I will never leave you alone.

Sometimes I just forget, say things I might regret,
it breaks my heart to see you crying.
I don't want to lose you,
I could never make it alone

I am a man who would fight for your honor,
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of.
We'll live forever, knowing together
that we did it all for the glory of love.


“Bobby” Frank whispered in Bobby’s ear then kissed her cheek as she slowly began to wake up. When Bobby opened her eyes Frank was looking at her smiling

“Good Morning” Bobby said as she open her eyes and smiled

“What time is it?” Bobby said

“Just after 6:00am” Frank said staring at Bobby then he reached his arm out and turned the radio down.

 Bobby put her hand on her face when she saw Frank staring at her

“Frank stop, I look a mess, why are you staring?” Bobby said

“I am staring because you are beautiful and I love you” Frank said as he moved Bobby’s hand away from her face

Bobby’s heart skipped a beat, she wished she could stay like this with Frank forever. “Frank can we talk?” Bobby said

“Ok” Frank said as he stoked Bobby’s face

“Frank, I love you….I don’t think I will ever stop loving you” Bobby said then she sighed

“That’s good because I feel the same way” Frank said as he held Bobby’s hand

“You are going home soon to the life you chose..I need to get on with my life” Bobby said as she looked down at her hand in Franks

“I told you, tell me not to go and I won’t, I am serious” Frank said

“Frank, I cant do that, I don’t want your marriage to be over because of me” Bobby said

“It wont be over because of you, it will be over because I made a mistake in the first place” Frank said

Bobby sighed “Frank it wasn’t a mistake, I know I am second choice even if you don’t want to admit it…I can handle it because I know it’s the truth” Bobby said

“Is that why you told Roo to come after me?” Frank said

“ I love you so much that I want you to be happy with the person I know you truly love” Bobby said as tears started forming in her eyes

Frank bent down and kissed Bobby’s nose. “If you were really second choice would I be here telling you to tell me not to go back to New York?” Frank said

“I don’t know Frank, you and me right now …its easy because you know I love you” Bobby said

“And I love you” Frank said

“What about Brett?” Bobby said

“What about him?” Frank said as he looked visibly annoyed

“He really likes me and wants to make a go of us” Bobby said looking down at hands

“Do you like him?” Frank said

“Frank you are going back to your wife, I have to move on” Bobby said

“I bet you wish I never came back here” Frank said as he let go of Bobby’s hand and laid back on the pillow

“No, I am glad you came for Pippa, Steve, Sally and Carly” Bobby said

“What about you?” Frank said looking at Bobby

“Well the first day you arrived, I didn’t expect that we would be sleeping together a week later” Bobby said

“That is because we still love each other…for some reason you don’t want to believe me when I say it” Frank said

Bobby didn’t respond

“Ok where do we go from here?, I am leaving next week Wednesday” Frank said rolling back over to his original position half on top of Bobby

Bobby sighed

“I still want to see you…reminds me of when we first got together and we were hiding it from everybody” Frank said as he smiled and caresses Bobby’s cheek,

Bobby sighed

“You still want to see me? Huh?” Frank said as he kissed Bobby’s cheek

“Huh?” Frank said as he kissed Bobby’s neck. Bobby smiled

“Huh?” Frank said as kissed Bobby’s shoulder

Bobby smiled…she was helpless and commonsense went out of the window when it came to Frank

“Yes, I  still want to see you” Bobby finally said

“Good” Frank said then he reached is hand out and turned the radio up a little bit

And I meant
Every word I said
When I said that I loved you I meant that I loved you forever

And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you
'Cause it's the only thing I want to do
I don't want to sleep, I just want to keep on lovin' you

Baby, I'm gonna keep on loving you
'Cause it's the only thing I wanna do
I don't want to sleep, I just want to keep on lovin' you


Frank looked at Bobby and smiled then he kissed her and slowly entered a happy place where their hearts joined while Bobby held on very tight to a man she never wanted to let go…



Fisher Residence-Summer Bay

Donald looked at his watch, he couldn’t sleep. He kept hearing the front door knock but every time he got to the door, nobody was there. He thought maybe Bobby was coming back home, he hadn’t heard from her at all since he wrote her the letter. Donald got up from his bed and walked towards the bathroom


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

Pippa sat down at the dining table. She looked at the envelope on the table addressed to Tom and Pippa Fletcher. She knew what the letter was and she smiled. The letter was a few weeks late, Pippa wished that Tom was here right now.


Bobby felt butterflies in her stomach….just like how she used to feel when she dreamed about Frank before she knew him. As much as she liked being with Brett, it wouldn’t be fair to start a relationship when she felt this way about Frank.

“Frank, we need to get up…and you need to go before anyone sees you” Bobby said as tried to get up from under Frank’s arm

“I don’t care if anyone sees me” Frank said as he pulled Bobby close towards him

Bobby smiled “I have to go and have a shower, I have an appointment at 9:30am the hospital for a check up” Bobby said

“Ill take after I drop Sally off at school” Frank said as he stroked Bobby’s lower back

“I need to go by the school anyway, to pick up some leaflets about Uni” Bobby said

“I guess I won’t be in the way to stop you from going to Uni” Frank said sounding disappointed

Bobby sighed

“So what about Brett and the catering director job?” Frank said

“I definitely want to see where the catering director role can take me if the offer is still on the table. Maybe me and Ailsa can open other Diners and I can consult while I am at Uni. I haven’t made any definate plans but it’s good that finally, I have some options for my life…after years of things not coming together for me” Bobby said

“I guess that includes things not working with me” Frank said

Bobby didn’t respond

“And Brett?” Frank said

“Brett likes me, I know he will give me a great life, he gave me some good advice and was being encouraging about the decisions I have to make but I have loved you for so long, I think I need some time for me…to figure out my life before I get into another relationship. I want to be 100% present with the next person I have a relationship with and I don’t think I can do that right now” Bobby said, proud of herself

“I want to spend all day Tuesday with you, I will book us into somewhere…just you…me…room service..all day and all night” Frank said as he kissed Bobby’s shoulder

“I don’t know if I can get anyway all day” Bobby said

“Well you have three days to think of an excuse” Frank said as he kissed Bobby’s neck

“Ok” Bobby said as she held Frank’s hand

“We really need to get up…you go first” Bobby said

Frank rolled his eyes and got up and walked over to the where Bobby’s towel hung on the wardrobe

“Frank if you take my towel, what am I going to use?” Bobby said smiling

“Come and shower with me and we can share” Frank winked

Bobby smiled and covered herself with the sheets as Frank slowly opened the door and closed it then headed to the bathroom.

Bobby smiled then she reached down and picked up Alan’s bear and kissed it “Thank you” Bobby said and smiled then she reached for her night shirt to go and get a towel from downstairs



“Amen” Reverend Jones said then he got up from the floor. He was packed and ready to make the four hour drive to Yabbie Creek for a meeting. He picked up his overnight bag from the chair in his room and made his way to the kitchen. He wasnt very hungry but decided to have some cereal and coffee since he had a long drove ahead of him. As Reverend Jones prepared his breakfast, he smiled as he remembered Phillipa inviting him to come and have dinner with her family. It would be like old times…when he had diner at the King residence…something he hasn’t done in many years……


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Good Morning Pippa” Bobby said as she entered the living room

“Hey sweetheart, how did you sleep?” Pippa said

“Good” Bobby said smiling as she walked into the laundry room to get a towel

“How are you feeling?” Pippa said

“My head doesn’t hurt as much and my body pains have also gone down” Bobby said as she  came out of the laundry room and sat down

“Well you look much better…you are smiling” Pippa said as she picked up her coffee and drank some

“I think I am going to take the Catering Director job…I need to talk to Ailsa about it but the general manager of the Sands said I don’t need to leave the Diner, I can do both” Bobby said

“That is wonderful news” Pippa said

“I also want to go to Uni” Bobby said smiling

“Bobby I told you things can only get better” Pippa said as she grabbed Bobby’s hand

“So I take it you are going to see Brett again?” Pippa said

“I don’t think so Pippa, not yet. I need some me time, he wants to be serious but I owe it to him to be 100% into him but I cant do that right now…maybe in a few months when things change” Bobby said

“Just remember that you are permitted to love more than one person you don’t have to wait till you are completely over Frank to start another relationship” Pippa said

“I know but I am just not ready yet…I hope Brett understands” Bobby said

“Good Morning” Frank said as he walked into the living room

“Morning” Pippa said “when did you come in? I have been sitting here”

“I came through the front, I was in a hurry to get to the bathroom before anyone else woke up” Frank said

Pippa looked at Frank suspiciously

“I am taking Sal to school this morning, then taking Bobby to her hospital appointment then later when I pick Sal up, I am taking her to Yabbie Creek to get a new dress for the dance tomorrow” Frank said

“You don’t have to do that Frank, Sally has plenty of dresses” Pippa said

“I just want to get her something special” Frank said

“Her adoption is official, here is the letter..” Pippa said as she pointed to the letter

“Pippa, why didn’t you say something” Bobby said a she grabbed Pippa’s hand

Pippa sighed “ I will give it to Sal tomorrow, hopefully it makes her feel better” she said as she smiled

“Don’t forget that Alex is coming over for dinner this evening, I hope you both will be here” Pippa said

“Sure Bobby said…I will make dessert…my special trifle” Bobby said

“Yum…my favourite…I got his van ready” Frank said

“Im going to have a shower” Bobby said as she got up, Frank gave her a hug then sat in her seat. Pippa watched Bobby walk away and up the stairs

“You two are getting along much better” Pippa said

Frank smiled


Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

“Hi” Carly said as she walked into the Diner. Matt was fixing the chairs

“Hi” Matt said as he walked around Carly ad continued doing what he was doing

“Hello Carly” Ailsa said as she came out of the kitchen

“Good Morning Mrs Stewart, Bobby has a hospital appointment this morning and asked me to work today if that is ok

“Oh, is she alright?” Ailsa said

“Yeah, I think it’s just a check up” Carly said


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Hi Brett… its Bobby . Please give me a call at the Caravan park when you get this message 584-2851

Thanks, bye” Bobby said as she put the receiver down and looked at his business card while Frank looked at her from the dining table

“I am ready” Sally said as she came down the stairs into the living room

“Can I get a ride too..today is the last day of detention” Steve said as he drank the last of his juice

“Sure…lets go” Frank said as he got up from the table

“Ok, Ill be a second, I just need to get my bag from upstairs” Bobby said as she walked towards the stairs and Steve looked at Frank

“Dot forget, Alex is coming over for dinner tonight” Pippa said as she picked up Franks cup and wiped the table.

“Frank and me are going to buy my dress for the dance, we won’t be late” Sally said as she held Franks hand

“Ok I am ready” Bobby said as she came down the stairs “Ill pick up what I need for the trifle, do you want me to get anything else Pippa?” Bobby said

“No thanks, Ill go by the store later. Do you want me to go to your appointment with you?” Pippa said

“No need, Ill go with her” Frank said

“We need to go or we are going to be late” Frank said as he kissed Pippa’s cheek and walked towards the door

Pippa walked towards the door and watched as Bobby and Sally sat in the back and Steve sat next to Frank. Pippa smiled as she thought about how wonderful it has been having Frank home then she went back inside the house to write down what she needed to make scones for Alex.


Summer Bay High School-Summer Bay

Sal, do you know what kind of dress you want?” Bobby said

“I don’t know, something pretty like what you wore” Sally said

Steve laughed “You are too young for that kind of dress Sal” Steve said

“Don’t worry Sal, you will look beautiful” Bobby said

“Bobby can you come and help me and Frank pick a dress” Sally said

“I cant Sal, I have to make a dessert for Revered Jones” Bobby said

“Please Bobby, it wont take you long to make the dessert” Sally said

“Frank will help you pick out a nice dress” Bobby said

“Please please please please please please” Sally said

Bobby smiled “Alright” she said

“Thank you” Sally smiled

Frank looked at Bobby in the rear view mirror and winked, Bobby smiled

“See you later” Steve said as he got out of the car

Bobby got out of the car and walked towards the school while Frank walked Sally to school

Manhattan-New York

“Ok, thank you…see you tomorrow night, bye” Roo said as she put the phone down. She had spent the last few hours confirming everyone she had invited to the evet tomorrow and although everyone said yes they will be coming, she hoped they wouldn’t change their mind last minute.

“Ruth, a few of us are going out for drinks, why don’t you come along, you have been working really hard” Nancy said

“I am not sure, I still have so much work to do here” Roo said looking down at her list

“Come on, take a break, ive been listening to you, you have confirmed everything five times, everything will be fine” Nancy said smiling

“I think I better get an earlier night” Roo said scratching her head

“Early night? Just say you are going to have a quiet night with your husband” Nancy said smilig

“He isn’t back yet” Roo said

“Come on, we wont be out long..remember what I said that socializing is a big part of this job” Nancy said putting on some lipstick

“Ok” Roo said and smiled


Summer Bay High school-Summer Bay

Bobby closed the school guidance counselor door, she had 6 different leaflets about different universities around Austrailia and the different courses they offer. As she was looking, she noticed the guidance counselor gave her one leaflet about universities in the UK and one about universitie in the USA. Bobby smiled and shook her head then without realising it, she bumped ito someone going around the corner

“Bobby hello, was you coming to see me?” Donald said

“No, I went to see the guidance counselor, I am going to Uni” Bobby said as she began walking

“That is wonderful news” Donald said as he followed Bobby as she walked to the exit

“How are you?” Donald said

“Good” Bobby said

“Have you read my letter?” Donald said

“I did but I am not ready to talk about it” Bobby said as she opened the door and walked towards the car

“Do you know when you will be ready” Donald said

“Ill let you know” Bobby said as she walked up to the car and got in next to Frank

Donald looked at Frank and his heart sank as Frank smiled at him and they drove off….

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Chapter 66



Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

“Hi, I was wondering if you can help me, I am lost” The young woman said as she got to the counter

“Hi, sure, where are you headed to?” Carly said to the pretty stranger who was wearing a white shirt, black skirt and black flat shoes. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and looked wet

“I am looking for Summer Bay High school, I was told it’s around here somewhere” The young woman said

“Yes,  if you come out of the diner and turn left then follow the road straight down for about five minutes and it will be on your right” Carly said

“Thank you so much,  I am meeting the Headmaster and I am already late” The young woman said

“ I went there, are you transferring?” Carly said

“Oh, I am not a student, I am a teacher, I graduated a few months ago and Summer Bay High is my first supply teaching position until I get a permanent job” The young woman said

“Oh, I am sorry…its just that you look really young” Carly said

“Yes, I get that all the time, my name is Megan” Megan said and she put her hand out

“I am Carly” Carly said as she shook Megan’s hand and smiled just as Matt came out of the kitchen

“Hello again” Megan said smiling at Matt

“Hello” Matt said smiling

Carly’s heart sank “So how long are you staying in Summer Bay?” Carly said trying not to sound jealous

“I am not sure, I am starting on Monday and I guess it will depend on how long the Headmaster wants to keep me…hey, what is he like?” Megan said

“Mr Fisher? He is my Sister’s father, he is ok” Carly said

“Are you sure you are not just saying that because you are related?” Megan said

Carly laughed “No he is ok, my Sister is co –ower of this Diner”  Carly said

“Cool,” Megan said looking around

“So Where are you from?” Carly said

“Polkobin” Megan said smiling at Matt who was wiping the counter

“That’s far, Did you get the bus up?” Carly said

“No, I drove, I got here early because I wanted to catch some waves, I’ve always heard the waves here in Summer Bay are some of the best and it sure didn’t disappoint” Megan said

“So where will you be staying while you are here?” Carly said

“After my meeting, I am going to check out some hotels that were recommended by the department” Megan said

“Well, my family owns the Caravan Park which is not too far from the school, my Mum is home if you want to go and check it out, we are much cheaper than any hotels around here” Carly said as she wrote down the address and number of the Caravan park

“Oh that will be great, thank you Carly” Megan said as Carly gave her the paper

“Thank you for the direction, hopefully I will see you around” Megan said smiling then she looked at Matt who winked at her then she rushed out of the Diner

Carly sighed as she watched Megan walk out of the Diner.


General Hospital-Summer Bay

Frank parked the car in the parking spot at the hospital and turned the engine off. He looked at Bobby who was looking out of the window

“What’s wrong?” Frank said as he looked at Bobby

“Nothing, just seeing Dad at school that’s all” Bobby said

“What’s going on there? Carly said you didn’t want him at the hospital? Frank said

Bobby sighed “He paid Danny money to take me away from Summer Bay because of you, Danny confessed and it sort of started the argument that lead to the crash” Bobby said as she almost started to cry

“What a creep, why would he do that?” Frank said as he held Bobby’s hand

“In his own crazy way, he thought he was protecting me, he saw how much I was hurt when you left and he thought being around you would make me even more sad’ Bobby said then sighed

“It does sound crazy but I guess it makes sense, if someone hurt my daughter I would probably do the same or much worse” Frank said

“Bobby, I really am sorry for what I did to you, I ” Frank was interrupted by Bobby putting her finger on his lips

“I don’t want to talk about that now” Bobby said then Frank kissed her finger and blinked both his eyes at her, she responded by doing the same then smiled.



Summer Bay High School-Summer Bay

Megan sighed as the door closed behind her, she could hear students in classrooms and looked around for signs for the Headmasters office. She walked down the corridor hoping to bump into someone who could give her directions then she saw a student taking something out of her locker

“Hi, I am looking for Mr Fisher’s office” Megan said to the girl as she shut her locker

“Its around the corner” The student said as she pointed in the direction that Megan should go

“Thanks” Megan said with a smiled and walked in the direction she was told

As Megan walked, she thought of the guy she met this morning as they surfed together, she didn’t expect to see him so soon especially not in the Diner. He was really nice looking Megan thought to herself..She smiled as she got to Mr Fishers office door, knocked and waited for a response.



Macklin Office- “The City”

Brett quickly wrote down the telephone number as he listened to Bobby’s message and smiled then he put the receiver down. He had been thinking about her since he drove home yesterday. She looked perfect on Wednesday night…she was everything he wanted in a woman. Brett then picked up the receiver and dialed the number

“Hello Mrs Fletcher its Brett Macklin, how are you?” Brett said as Pippa answered the phone

“Good Brett, how are you?” Pippa said

“Just fine, thank you. Can I please speak to Bobby?” Bret said

“She went out for an appointment, she should be back in a few hours, would you like to leave a message?” Pippa said

"Please ask her to call me, she has the number" Brett said disappointed

“Ok I will” Pippa said

“Mrs Fletcher, please excuse my lack of manners, I want to offer condolences on the passing of your Husband” Brett said

“Thank you Brett” Pippa said as she looked over at the photos on the desk and frowned

“Have a good day, goodbye” Brett said then he put the phone down. Brett looked at the number smiled then picked up the receiver again

“Cathy, I need you to do me a favour please, come in” Brett said as he smiled and put the receiver down.


Summer Bay High School- Summer Bay

Donald looked over Megan’s CV and references then he looked at her as she smiled at him

“I assume you will be finding local accommodation, I wouldn’t want you to be late to classes” Donald said

“Yes Mr Fisher, I was given some recommendations for a hotel but one of the locals I met told me about a Caravan Park which will be better suited to my budget” Megan said smiling

“Yes, the Caravan Park is a great place, the family who run it are great people” Donald said as he handed Megan some papers

“Here is your timetable and reading lists for next week, you will be substituting for the Year 11 Math class,  Year 11 science,  Year 9 Math and  Year 9 Science but I see you will have no problem since you excelled in those subjects” Donald said

“Yes I did” Megan said

“Well unless you have any questions for me, I think we are finished. Please be here at 8:00am on Monday Ms Woods as we have a staff meeting at 8:15 every Monday morning” Donald said

“Mr Fisher, do you know how long I will be here, just so I know how long to book accommodation for” Megan said

“Well lets see how you get on next week” Mr Fisher said looking at Megan

“Thank you Mr Fisher, see you on Monday” Megan said as she put her hand out

Donald looked at her then put his hand out shake her hand and watched as she got up and walked out of his office. He shook his head and sighed.


Megan smiled to herself as she closed the door, excited that she was going to start her first real job. As she walked around the corner she was still smiling and not paying attention then she bumped into someone and the papers in her hand fell.

“Oh I am sorry” Steve said as he bent down to pick up the papers he just knocked out of the beautiful woman’s hands

“No its my fault, I wasn’t paying attention. My name is Megan Woods” Megan said smiling at the gorgeous student in front of her

“I am Steven Matheson” Steve said smiling, she was beautiful Steve thought to himself

“Hi Steve, thanks” Megan said as took the papers back from Steve and walked away before she embarrassed herself further. Steve watched as Megan walked towards the exit. He looked around then followed behind her to see where she was going. He watched as she exited the building and walked towards a small car with a surf board on the top. He watched as she got into the car and drove off. Steve smiled to himself and went back to class.



Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Pip, its only me” Ailsa said as she opened the door

“Hi” Pippa said as she came out of the kitchen with a pen and paper in her hand and hugged Ailsa

“I just wanted to pop in, Carly said Bobby was going to the hospital, I wanted to see if everything is alright” Ailsa said

“Yes, Bobby said its just a check up, do you want a coffee, the water is hot?” Pippa said

“Yes please” Ailsa said as she sat down at the dining table and waved at Christopher playing with his toys on the floor

“How are you doing Pippa?” Ailsa said

“What do you mean?” Pippa said as she carried  a tray with 2 cups of coffee and some milk to the table

“Pippa” Ailsa said with a stern look on her face then she smiled

“Having all my children here is getting me through” Pippa said

“Did you tell them?” Pippa said

“Yes they all know and didn’t judge me for it…I think they got a warning from Frank” Pippa said then she smiled

“When is he going back to New York?” Ailsa said as she put some milk in her cup

“Wednesday” Pippa said then a sad look came on her face

“How has Bobby been with him?” Ailsa said

“I guess that dance at the Cocktail party broke the ice…they are getting on much better. He took her to the Hospital appointment this morning” Pippa said a she stirred her coffee

“You should’ve seen them on Wednesday Pippa, anybody who didn’t know would think they were still married” Ailsa said as she sipped her coffee

“Brett Macklin is very interested but Bobby” Pippa said

“I gathered that, he was walking around the party like he had won the grandest prize” Ailsa said

Pippa smiled  and said “I am not sure if Bobby is ready to pursue another relationship….she mentioned wanting to go to University”

“Yes, she mentioned something the other day…maybe this visit by Frank wasn’t a bad idea after all…especially if something good is going to come out of it for Bobby” Ailsa said

“I hope so. The last two days she has been a lot happier than in recent times, smiling a lot more” Pippa said


Manhattan- New York

Roo closed the door and kicked off her shoes. She had two drinks on an empty stomach and was feeling light headed. She walked over to the kitchen area and opened the freezer, there was a microwave pizza in there, she pulled it out removed the wrapping, then turned on the oven. Roo opened the oven door and pushed the pizza in the oven and closed the door. Roo took off her coat and opened the wardrobe door, she pulled out a hanger and put the coat on the hanger and put the hanger in the wardrobe and closed the door. Roo walked over to the couch and sat down. She stretched her leg out and pulled out Donavan’s business card from her trouser pocket and looked at it. Roo sighed then reached out to the phone and lifted the receiver.


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“I needed that, thanks Pip” Ailsa said after swolling the last of her coffee “I need to get back to the diner” Ailsa said

“Ok, Ill tell Bobby you came by…I will be heading over to the store…an old friend I grew up with is coming over for dinner this evening so I need to get a few things in” Pippa said

“I can give you a lift if you want” Ailsa said

“Thanks but I haven’t finished my list” Pippa said as the phone rang

“Ok, ill let you get that, Ill speak to you later” Ails said as she headed for the door and Pippa for the phone

“Bye Ailsa” Pippa said then she picked up the receiver

“Hello, Summer Bay Caravan Park, how can I help you?” Pippa said

“Hello Mrs Fletcher, its me Roo” Roo said

“Hello Roo, how are you? Pippa said

“Good thanks, how are you?” Roo said

“Fine thank you, congratulations..sorry we couldn't make it out for the wedding” Pippa responded

“Oh no worries...Sorry to hear about Mr Fletcher” Roo said

“Thank you” Pippa said

“Can I speak to Frank please?” Roo said

“He isn’t here” Pippa said

“Oh, do you know where he is?” Roo said

“He mentioned that he had to do a few things after dropping the kids off at school” Pippa said, she didnt want to lie but she didnt think it would be right to say that Frank is with Bobby 

“Oh right…can you please ask him to call me?”Roo said

“Sure, I will” Pippa said

“Thanks, Bye” Roo said then she put the phone down before Pippa could respond

Pippa sighed, then walked over to the photos on the desk…one photo was missing. She looked behind the desk incase it had fallen and made a note to ask the kids if they had see it it.


Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

“Hi, what can I get you?” Carly said as she approached the booth where two strangers sat looking at menu’s

“Ill have the toasted sandwich and a coffee please” One of the strangers said

“Sounds good, ill have the same” the other said as he couldn’t keep his eyes off Carly

“Ok, wont be long” Carly said still upset about Megan and Matt and walking away from the booth and towards the kitchen

“Carly, have you seen Marilyn today?” Lance said as he got change for his customer

“No I haven’t “ Carly said as she walked into the kitchen and gave Matt the order

“Are you even going to talk to me?” Carly said

Matt didn’t respond

“I didn’t do anything wrong Matt..…its you I love” Cary said. It’s the first time she had said that to Matt even though she knew how she felt about him

Matt didn’t respond


Fisher Residence- Summer Bay

The back window smashed easily with a light tap of the rock. Danny reached his hand inside and unlocked the door slowly then went inside and slowly closed the door behind him. He walked around the house to make sure no one was home, he saw Donald go to work but just wanted to be sure then headed back to the kitchen to see if there was any food to eat in the fridge…he had some time to spare….



General Store-Summer Bay

Frank parked the car outside and turned the engine off and was about to open the door

“Frank, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go into the store together” Bobby said as she grabbed Franks arm

“Why not?” Frank said

“Alf” Bobby said

“Stuff him…I told you, I don’t care who sees us, I love you and there is nothing anybody can do about it” Frank said

“Please Frank…let me just go and get what I need, I won’t be long” Bobby said

“Ok, don’t be long” Frank said and smiled as Bobby got out of the car and walked to the store

Frank watched as Bobby walked into the store and smiled as he remembered the good times he was having with her lately


“G’day Bobby love” Alf said as he saw Bobby come into the store

“Hi” Bobby said…she knew that Alf had seen her dance with Frank and it was very awkward right now

“What can I get for you?” Alf said

“I am making a trifle for dinner tonight, I know what I need, thanks” Bobby said as she attempted to get the ingredients she needed and hurry and leave the store. She could tell that Alf was watching her…waiting to say something.


Alf was watching Bobby..he wanted to say something to her..he followed her as she picked up the things she needed then walked over to the counter

Frank watched as Celia walked towards the store, fortunately she didn’t see him

“Hello Alfred” Alf heard as the front door closed

Bobby sighed as she heard Celia’s voice then took money out of the cross body bag she wore

“How much do I owe you?” Bobby said as she waited for Alf to total her items

“Ah, Bobby, just the person I am looking for” Bobby said wishing that Alf would hurry but Alf intentionally took his time

“What is it Celia?” Bobby said

“Is that the way you speak to your Aunt?” Celia said

Bobby shook her head and looked at Alf who was taking his time to total the groceries

“I am very disappointed in your conduct young lady, cavorting with a married man” Celia said

“Excuse me?” Bobby said

“That will be $13.25” Alf said

“Oh don’t act innocent, the way you were behaving with Frank in front of everybody was disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself” Celia said

“What are you talking about Celia?” Bobby said

“Dancing with a married man, trying to break up a marriage” Celia said

Bobby shook her head and gave Alf $14 and picked up the bags on the counter

“Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?”

“Keep the change” Bobby said to Alf then began to walk away

“That’s right, walk away, women like you have no shame…cavorting with married men” Bobby stopped walking and turned around

“Celia, Frank and I got divorced 5 months ago which means when Roo was with him, he was still very much married to me, now what does that say about her?” Bobby said looking at Celia and waiting for a response. Frank could see some kind of confrontation going on in the store but he didn’t want to upset Bobby who told him she wanted to go into the store herself

“Now hang on a second Bobby” Alf said

“No, I will not hang on…you all want to judge me for one dance but I don’t see the same judgement for Roo when she was sleeping, not dancing, sleeping with my husband” Bobby said then shook her head and walked out of the store. Alf watched as Bobby left the store. He was about to turn his head then he noticed that Frank was in the car and sighed

Bobby got in the car, shut the door and sighed

“What happened?” Frank said

“Can we please just go home” Bobby said and sighed. Frank looked at her the started the engine and just as he was about to drive off, he locked eyes with Alf who was standing by the door.



Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“The van is great Pippa, I will take it” Megan said as Pippa closed the van door

“Well it probably wont be this one I just showed you , I just wanted you to see what they look like but it will be made up and ready for when you arrive on Sunday night

“Great thanks” Megan said

“Come inside and sign the paper work then when you arrive, you just need to pick up your key” Pippa said

“Thanks” Megan said as a car drove past them and parked in front of the house

“Those are two of my children” Pippa said pointing as Bobby got out of the car and walked inside the house looking upset

Frank closed his side door and bent down to look at the car tire, he needed to put some air in it. As he stood up Pippa was by the car with a woman

“Megan, this is my son Frank, Megan will be renting one of the vans next week, she is a substitute teacher and Summer Bay High” Pippa said

“Hi” Megan said and she put her hand out

Frank shook her hand and smiled then turned around and went inside the house

“Are all the men in Summer Bay good looking? Every guy I met today is amazing…I think he is the best” Megan said

Pippa smiled

“Would you like to come in and fill out the paperwork?” Pippa said



General Store-Summer Bay

“Sis, I told you to leave it” Alf said

“Oh Alfred, Bobby was wrong, she knows it, throwing herself at a married man with no shame” Celia said

“It was just a dance and Ruthy is alright about it” Alf said

“That is what she said to you but I am sure her poor heart is broken” Celia said

“Don’t be so dramatic Sis” Alf said

“Did you hear what Bobby had to say about Ruth? Trying to ruin her reputation with vile rumours” Celia said

“Sis just leave it alone, you said your piece just forget it” Alf said as he went to the stockroom


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“She seems nice” Pippa said as she walked into the kitchen as Bobby mixed ingredients to make a cake

“How was your appointment?” Pippa said to Bobby who was mixing the ingredients in the bowl and still upset about what Celia said

“Bobby?” Pippa said

“Sorry, did you say something?” Bobby said as Frank came into the kitchen

“I was asking about the appointment” Pippa said

“It went well, the stiches are coming out on Monday” Bobby said

“Christopher is taking a nap, if you are both going to be around, Ill just pop over to the store and get a few things for dinner tonight” Pippa said

“Ok” Frank said as Pippa walked towards the door

“Hey, you going to tell me what happened at the store?’ Frank said when he thought Pippa had gone

Frank walked over to Bobby and she put the bowl on the table and hugged Frank tight

“By the way” Pippa said as she walked back into the kitchen and saw Frank and Bobby almost about to kiss

Pippa sighed

“Hmm?” Frank said

“Bobby, Brett called for you and Roo called for you Frank...I told her you were out doing a few things” Pippa said looking at them embraced then walked out of the kitchen

Bobby sighed and let go of Frank

“Hey, Nothing has changed, I still want to see you, I don’t care what Pippa is going to think” Frank said

“Christopher is up, can you please get him while I get this cake in the oven” Bobby said

Bobby sighed as she watched Frank walk away…everything is turning into a mess again Bobby thought to herself and began to cry as she mixed the cake ingredients….

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Chapter 67


General Store- Summer Bay

Pippa turned off the engine and sighed. Frank and Bobby…she wanted to be surprised by what she saw but she wasn’t especially the way they had been carrying on lately. Pippa shook her head and got out of the car and headed for the store.

Pippa opened the store door and saw Alf by the counter

“Oh hello Pip, how are you?’ Alf said smiling at Pippa

“Good thanks” Pippa said as she picked up a basket

“I was going to come over to see you, see how everything is” Alf said. He had a soft spot for Pippa, Tom was one of his best friends and he missed him a lot

“I am doing fine Alf, all my children are home and they are helping get through these rough times” Pippa said with a smile then walked around the store to get what she needed

Alf smiled as Pippa walked around the store and picked the items she needed


Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

“That was great, thanks” The stranger said to Carly as she picked up the empty plates

“Ill bring your bill over “ Carly said not paying attention and walking back to the counter as the stranger watched her

“Ay Carly, I think that bloke likes you, he keeps staring at you” Lance said. Carly looked behind her and saw the stranger staring at her then turned around and wrote his bill then went over and gave it back to him

Matt heard what Lance said and walked over towards the kitchen door and watched Carly and the two men at the booth

“Mate, you’re going to lose her if you don’t talk to her” Lance said. Matt looked at him and didn’t respond

“Keep the change” the stranger said as he gave the money to Carly

“Thanks” Carly said …..she looked down at the bill, $3 change. Just as Carly turned around to walk away one of strangers who kept on staring at Carly grabbed her hand. Carly turned around and looked at hm

“Sorry to grab you, my name is Ben…I think you are beautiful” Ben said

Carly smiled and said “Thanks”

“I was wondering if I can see you again” Ben said

“Sure…if you come in again” Carly said and smiled as she walked back to the counter and put the money.


General Store-Summer Bay

“Got everything you need?” Alf said

“Yes thanks, an old friend I grew up with is coming over for dinner” Pippa said smiling

“Alfred” Celia said as she came walking through the door

“Oh Pippa, how are you?” Celia said as she got to the counter

“Fine thank you Celia..how much do I owe you Alf?” Pippa said

“$22.50” Alf said as he put all the groceries in the bags for Pippa. Pippa took the exact money out of her purse and gave it to Alf . “Thank you” Pippa said and she picked the bags off the counter

“Um Pippa, can I have a word with you?” Celia said

“What about?” Pippa said

“About Bobby’s behavior. I found it very disgraceful the way she was cavorting with Frank at the Cocktail party” Celia said

“Just leave it Sis” Alf said

“What are you talking about?” Pippa said

“Bobby, she was throwing herself on Frank…he is a happily married man, she was behaving in a very disrespectful manner, she has no pride in herself…” Celia was interrupted

“I am sure that is not what happened, from what I have been told, it was just two old friends having a dance” Pippa said

“Oh it was more than that, the man doesn’t want to be with her anymore, she cant seem to take no for an answer” Celia said

Pippa sighed…“Where is this going Celia?” Pippa said

“I think you should ask her to leave your home, such behaviour shouldn’t be tolerated in a house with young children” Celia said

“What goes on in my home is not your business Celia, excuse me” Pippa said as she went to leave

“Well I am sure the department will want to know what is going on in a Foster home with a harlot running around stealing Husbands” Celia said

Pippa stopped walking and turned around

“Go ahead, call the department, your threats do not affect because we have nothing to hide and if you say one more bad word about my daughter, it will be the last thing you ever say” Pippa said with a very angry look on her face then she looked at Alf and walked out of the store.

“Sis why did you say all of that?” Alf said

“Alf did you hear that? Pippa just threatened me” Celia said sounding shocked

“You deserve it, for once just keep your nose out of everybody’s business


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Frank stop” Bobby said as she giggled. Frank was tickling her neck as she cut up some fruit for the trifle

Christopher sat on the floor playing with his toys and laughing as Bobby laughed

“Kiss me and Ill stop” Frank said

“Come on, not in front of Christopher” Bobby said as Frank tickled her waist

“He doesn’t know what is going on..come on” Frank said as he tickled Bobby

Bobby turned around and pushed Frank into the pantry and kissed him passionately as he ran his hands over her body then they heard the car door shut and Bobby pulled away and walked back into the kitchen

“Its Pippa…please go and talk to her”  Bobby said and smiled

“Ok…I cant wait for tonight” Frank said then kissed Bobby’s neck as she smiled


Pippa closed the car door and reached into the backseat for the bags. She was still annoyed by the confrontation with Celia. When Pippa picked up the bags and shut the door, Frank was making his way over to the car. He stopped in front of Pippa and took the bags from her as Pippa sighed

“Whats wrong?” Frank said looking at Pippa concerned

“Frank…what are you doing?” Pippa said

“What are you talking about? Frank said

“Frank you are going to break her heart all over again” Pippa said

“Pippa  we called a truce…we are just enjoying being a family again” Frank said. He didn’t like to lie to Pippa but he didn’t want things to be worse

“I just had a run in with Celia at the store, she threatened to call the department because Bobby was cavorting with a married man at the cocktail party” Pippa said

“She said that? I danced with Allison, she had nothing to say, nosey old bag” Frank said

“Frank” Pippa was interrupted

“I told her to stay out of my business, she called and told Roo” Frank said

“Maybe you and Bobby shouldn’t spend so much time together outside the house, I don’t want Celia to have any excuse to call the department” Pippa said

“Stuff her and her threats” Frank said

“Frank” Pippa said

“Well Sal asked Bobby to come and look for a dress today and she is coming..Celia can shove it” Frank said

“Oh Frank” Pippa said as she laughed and put her head on Franks shoulder and the walked into the house

 Fisher Residence- Summer Bay

Danny drank the last of his milk and put the glass on the table. He looked around the kitchen then walked into Donald’s room. He looked around at the neat room…opened the wardrobe to see everything in order….he rustled some of the hangers and a few shirts dropped onto the wardrobe floor. Danny laughed then shut the wardrobe door. He walked over to the neatly made bed then climbed on top of the bed and started jumping up and down.


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

Bobby felt uncomfortable, Pippa didn’t say anything when she came in…Bobby felt guilty like her and Frank were 16 and had been caught kissing and waiting for punishment

“Christopher and I are going to pick up my Tux from the dry cleaners” Frank said

“Bye” Christopher said as he waved at Pippa and she smiled

“Ok” Pippa said as she watched Frank walk over to Bobby and kiss her cheek then Christopher kissed her cheek and Bobby smiled

“We wont be long” Frank said then he kissed Pippa’s cheek and Christopher kissed Pippa’s cheek too and she smiled and they walked towards the door and out. Pippa turned around and looked at Bobby as she was taking the round cakes out of oven and put them on a rack to cool down. Bobby felt Pippa looking at her and she sighed at looked at her expecting a lecture

“Just waiting for the cakes to cool down then ill add everything else and it will be ready to cool down in the fridge Pippa said as she mixed the ingredients in the bowl for the scone

“Ill just go upstairs for a while, while the cakes cool down…get out of your way” Bobby said feeling embarrassed as she walked towards the stairs

“Bobby” Pippa said as Bobby turned around and looked at Pippa

“Its ok, you don’t have to feel embarrassed, Frank told me that you are enjoying the truce..I am glad that things are better between you too” Pippa said smiling…she knew

“Thanks…so am I Pippa” Bobby said smiling

“Help me make dinner before you and Frank go and get Sally a dress?” Pippa said

Bobby smiled “I love you Pippa…thank you” Bobby said as she hugged Pippa

Bayside Diner-Summer Bay

Frank walked into the Diner holding Christopher, it was a bit busy but he saw Carly and walked over to her as she wrote on a receipt. Frank walked over to the counter

“Cally” Christopher said and Carly looked up

“Hey little brother” Carly said as she stroked Christopher’s cheek. “Do you want something to eat?” Carly said to Frank

“No, just picked up my Tux for the dance tomorrow. Hey Make sure you get home early tonight, Pippa wants us all there for the dinner with that Reverend” Frank said

“Ok, Ill ask Mrs Stewart if I can finish up early. How is  Bobby?” Carly said as Ailsa came out of the kitchen

“Hello Frank…hello Christopher” Ailsa said as she smiled at Christopher

“Shes fine, having the stiches out on Monday. Shes at home making a dessert for tonight” Frank said

“Hmmm let me guess, trifle?” Carly said as Frank smile

“See you later” Frank said as Christopher waved at Carly

“Mrs Stewart, we have a guest for dinner tonight and Pippa wants us all to be there, can I leave early if you don’t mind?” Carly said

“Yes of course, Matt and Lance will close up” Ailsa said

“Thanks” Carly said and she went to serve a customer


As Frank walked over to the car he heard someone call his name and he turned around to see Allison running behind him

“Hi Frank” Allison said as she caught up to Frank

“Hi” Frank said as he opened the car and put Christopher in his car seat

“Did you have a good time at the cocktail party?” Allison said

“It was alright” Frank said as he closed Christopher’s door and walked around to his car door

“We have the live band coming on Saturday if you want to come” Allison said

“No thanks, I am taking Sally to the Father Daughter dance” Frank said

“G’day Frank, are you heading home? Can I get a lift?” Martin said as he walked over to the car

“Yeah” Frank said as he got into the car

“Hi again” Frank heard from behind Allison, It was the woman he saw earlier at the caravan park

She had just put her surfboard on top of her car and was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Frank didn’t notice earlier but she was short like Bobby, pretty.

“Hi” Frank said as Martin smacked his leg

“I couldn’t leave without going for a surf” Megan said as Frank smiled

“Hi” Martin said

“Hi” Megan said smiing

“Ok, well I hope to see you on Sunday” Megan said then she waved and walked over to her car as Frank drove off

“Hi, I am Megan” Megan said smiling at Allison. Allison rolled her eyes and walked off.


“Mate who was that?” Martin said

“She is a supply teacher, she will be staying at the caravan park next week” Frank said

“Mate, I think I just found my future wife” Martin said as Frank smiled

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Chapter 68


Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

“Hi, Carly” Megan said as she walked up to the counter

“Hi, how was your meeting” Carly said as she tried to smile at Megan

“Good, better than I expected, I went by the Caravan Park and booked a van for next week so thanks for that” Megan said

“Mrs Stewart, this is Megan, she will be working at the School next week, Megan this is Mrs Stewart, she owns this Diner with my Sister” Carly said

“Hi, welcome to Summer Bay…excuse me” Ailsa said as she walked around the counter to give some customers their food

Carly watched Megan as she waved to Matt who was in the kitchen

“Carly , can I have a toasted ham and cheese sandwich and a coke please” Steve said as he got to the counter

“Why didn’t you get something from home?” Carly said

“No reason…where is Bobby?” Steve said

“She had an appointment so you have to pay for your lunch… Megan, this is my brother Steve” Carly said

“Hello again” Megan said smiling..Steve was very good looking Megan thought to herself

“Hi…we met early at school” Steve said

“Megan will be staying at the Caravan Park next week and teaching at the school” Carly said as she smiled at Steve then walked to the kitchen to give Matt the order

“Matt are you not going to say anything to me? Whatever I did, I am sorry” Carly said

“You can do that order” Matt said and walked out of the kitchen

“So how are you finding Summer Bay so far?” Mat said as he walked up to the counter

“I think I am going to like Summer Bay..I think I will have one of those toasted ham and cheese sandwiches too, thanks” Megan smiled at Matt as Carly watched sad from the kitchen


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Mate …I am in love” Martin said as Frank laughed

“No seriously, I think she is my future wife…what is her name again?” Martin said

“You love her but you don’t even know her name?” Frank said laughing as he took Christopher out of his car seat

“It doesn’t matter what her name is, she is going to be Mrs Dibble” Martin said as he got out of the car smiling

“You are unbelievable, how many women have you been hanging with this week?” Frank said as he reached into the car and grabbed his tuxedo

“They don’t compare to future Mrs Dibble” Martin said daydreaming as Frank closed the car door and walked away towards the house



“Hi, its Bobby” Bobby said into the reciever

“Hello Beautiful, how are you?” Brett said

“Good thanks, how are you?” Bobby said

“Better now that I have heard your voice…I hope you are ringing to tell me that you are coming up this weekend” Brett said

“Brett, I really enjoyed spending time with you but I am not ready to go beyond friendship and I don’t want to be unfair to you” Bobby said with a sigh


“We’re home” Frank said as he walked through the door

“Home” Christopher said as Frank laughed.

“Hello my handsome boys” Pippa said as she came out of the kitchen “Do you want some lunch, I made some chicken salad” Pippa said as she took Christopher from Frank

“Thanks, just going to hang my tux up in the room” Frank said as he walked over to Bobby and kissed her head then walked towards the stairs


“Is it because of Frank?” Brett said

“Brett, I loved Frank for a long time, its not going to go away overnight..I am just trying to find my way, I need some me time to figure out what I want to do with my life” Bobby said

“I don’t mind being second choice until you are ready…showing you what you really deserve” Brett said with a sigh

“That isn’t fair to you…I cant let you do that” Bobby said

“That would be my choice” Brett said

“It wouldn’t be right…I still want to be friends, you came into my life at a time when I really needed you since I have been through so much lately and I thank you..but I can’t keep the jewelry and dresses, I will send them back to you” Bobby said

“No, you keep them…you deserve a lot more then you think you deserve and I want to show you that…what did you decide about University and taking the Catering Director job?” Brett said

“If the offer is still on the table, I would love to speak to the General Manager about the opportunity. I picked up some leaflets about Uni from school, I need to read and maybe go and visit a few” Bobby said

“Well, if you come here in the city, I would love to see you…maybe have you cook for me again” Brett said

“Sure..only if you can give me some advice on maybe expanding the Diner business” Bobby said smiling

“You have a deal….” Brett said

“Thank you Brett….” Bobby said

“Will you do me a favour?” Brett said

“What?” Bobby said

“Never settle…you deserve to be treated like a Queen..even if its not by me” Bret said

Frank came down the stairs as Christopher walked over towards him and hugged his legs

“Thank you Brett..come and visit some time” Bobby said smiling as Frank looked over at her

“I might just do that” Brett said smiling

“I have to go now…take care” Bobby said

“Ok, take care…talk soon” Brett said

“Bye” Bobby said as she put the phone down


“Everything ok?” Frank said looking at Bobby

Bobby nodded and smiled

“I guess I have to make my call now” Frank said and sighed as Bobby got up from the chair by the desk and walked over towards the kitchen as she thought about what Brett said to her about not settling


Bayside Diner

“This is really really good” Megan said between swallow’s of her sandwich “My compliments to the chef” Megan said smiling at Matt

Steve looked at Carly who looked a bit upset

“This is great Carly, thanks” Steve said as he smiled at his sister who walked into the kitchen

“Glad you are enjoying” Matt said

“The waves were awesome, I had to go out there again before I head home” Megan said to Matt as he wiped the counter

Steve ate his sandwich as he watched Carly in the kitchen upset and washing dishes and figured out it was because of Megan and Matt


A chance to talk, a chance to grow
I'll take the risk, let my feelings flow
I've found the words I need to say

Suddenly you're seeing me just the way I am
Suddenly you're hearing me
So I'm talking just as fast as I can to you
Suddenly every part of me needs to know every part of you

Now I know that you are mine
You bring me your love and peace of mind
You see the real me and I know that you're the key

Suddenly you're seeing me just the way I am
Suddenly you're hearing me
So I'm talking just as fast as I can to you
Suddenly every part of me needs to know every part of you


“Hi” a voice came from behind. Matt looked up and noticed it was the guy who was talking to Carly earlier

“Is Carly around?” Ben said

“Carly” Steve shouted into the kitchen then pointed behind him at Ben standing behind him

Carly smiled and dried her hands and walked out to the front

“Hi” Carly said and walked around to where Ben stood

“I wanted to see you again” Ben said as Carly smiled

“Can I take you out to dinner tonight?” Ben said

“Tonight is not a good night, I have a family thing” Carly said..Ben wasn’t bad looking she thought to herself but she felt like a fool after just telling Matt she loved him


Suddenly you're seeing me just the way I am
Suddenly you're hearing me
So I'm talking just as fast as I can to you

Suddenly, awkwardly
You're all I want, all I need you to be
Suddenly every part of me needs to know every part of you
Just you, it's you


“Can I give you my number? I will be staying in the Yabbie Creek for a few days at the Military base for some training” Ben said

Carly sighed…she didn’t want to take the number but it appeared that Matt didn’t want to be with her so I guess it was time to move on

“Yeah, sure” Carly said then she walked over to the counter and picked up a pen and paper as Matt and Megan were deep in flirtatious conversation while Steve watched

Carly locked eyes with Matt for a few seconds then he looked back at Megan and Carly walked back over to Ben and gave him the pen and paper

“I hope you call” Ben said smiling. Carly smiled then Ben walked out of the door.

“Wow Carly, he was handsome” Megan said as Carly walked back towards the kitchen

Carly smiled then walked back over to the sink


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“So tomorrow is the big day” Frank said into the receiver

“Yeah, ive triple checked everything to make sure I didn’t forget anything” Roo said

“I am sure everything will be perfect” Frank said as he swiveled his chair around and watched as Bobby bit into her bread

“I wish you were here” Roo said

“You will be fine” Frank said

“I cant wait for you to get home, it feels like you have been gone forever” Roo said

“Yeah..well its getting late for you so give me a call, let me know how the event goes” Frank said

“I will, its so sweet of you taking Sally to the dance..I hope you take photos” Roo said

“Yeah, I hope she has a nice time” Frank said

“I love you and I cant wait to see you” Roo said

Frank looked over at Bobby

“Did you hear what I said?” Roo said

“Yes I heard you, I cant wait to see you too” Frank said knowing that Bobby overheard him as she put her head down. Pippa also heard and she looked at Bobby then got up from the table to get a cup for Christopher

“Ok I will call you on Sunday” Roo said

“Ok, bye” Frank said then he put the phone down and walked over to the dining table

“this looks great” Frank said as he sat down opposite Bobby

“Hey” Frank said whispering then Bobby looked up

“I love you” Frank said looking at Bobby

“I love you” Bobby said and smiled

“love you” Christopher said

“I heard that” Pippa said from the kitchen then Bobby and Frank started laughing

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Chapter 69




Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

“Hmmm that was delicious” Megan said as she wiped her mouth and put her money on the counter.

“Glad you enjoyed it” Matt said as he walked towards the counter as Carly cleared some empty tables and Lance washed dishes

“I better get going, I have four hours of driving ahead of me” Megan said as she swiveled the chair around and got up.

Carly walked around the counter towards the kitchen

“Carly, what time can I get the key on Sunday? I filled out all the paperwork” Megan said

“Anytime, I am sure one of us will be at home” Carly said as she half smiled

“Thanks” Megan said as Carly walked into the kitchen

“Carly, are you Ok?” Lance said

“Fine” Carly said as she put the empty plats in the sink and went and stood by the door watching Matt and Megan

“I guess I will see you when I get back” Megan said smiling

“I guess you will” Matt said smiling then winked as he watched Megan walk towards the door. When he turned around Carly was standing at the door looking at him

“I guess this means we are over..thank you for having the guts to say it to my face” Carly said then walked passed Matt and went to the counter

Matt looked around to see Martin looking at him and shaking his head


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“Hey, they are for Alex” Pippa said as she smacked Franks hand as he went to grab a scone. Frank rolled his eyes

“How do you know him?” Frank said

“We grew up together” Pippa said and smiled as she put the roast beef back into the oven and walked over to the table and began chopping vegetables

“When are Floss and Nev coming back, I hope they get back before I leave” Frank said as he walked into the living room

“Sunday night…I cant believe you are going back on Wednesday…where has the time gone?” Pippa said as tears formed in her eyes

Frank walked over to Pippa and hugged her “I still want you Sal and Christopher to come and visit, anytime, just tell me and Ill buy your ticket” Frank said

“I cant let you do that, you should be saving that money for when you and Roo have a family” Pippa said as she wiped her eye with her apron

Frank sighed

“How about you, me and Christopher spend some time together on Monday?...maybe have a picnic on the beach? Frank said

“Yes I will love that” Pippa said

“Good, I will make the picnic” Frank said

“I look forward to it” Pippa said

“Do you need help with anything?” Frank said

“No, I am ok here” Pippa said smiling

Frank looked at his watch “I better go and get Bobby, we need to go and get Sal then head over to Yabbie Creek” Frank said as he removed himself from the hug and began walking

“Frank” Pippa said as she grabbed Frank’s arm

“Thank you for coming home” Pippa said

“Anything for you” Frank said and smiled then began walking towards the stairs


Background Music Bobby and Frank theme


Bobby looked at herself in the mirror


Bobby “Frank, I love you….I don’t think I will ever stop loving you”

Frank “That’s good because I feel the same way”

Bobby “You are going home soon to the life you chose..I need to get on with my life”

Frank “I told you, tell me not to go and I won’t, I am serious”

Bobby “Frank, I cant do that, I don’t want your marriage to be over because of me” Bobby said

Frank “It wont be over because of you, it will be over because I made a mistake in the first place” Frank said

Bobby “Frank it wasn’t a mistake, I know I am second choice even if you don’t want to admit it…I can handle it because I know it’s the truth”


End of flashback

Bobby looked at her hair and ran her fingers through it then used the elastic around her wrist and tied it back ….she looked at her body…she wore black jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue and white stripped cardigan, Bobby sighed…she knew she was second choice to Roo…always was, always will be. She felt guilty that she was having an affair with Frank but she loved him so much even though she would never be good enough for him and he was going back to Roo anyway. Bobby walked over to the bed and sat down…she looked over to the night stand at the letter her father wrote…the two men she loved pulling her in two different directions..Bobby’s thoughts were interrupted when Frank knocked the door then opened it and walked into the room, closing the door behind him

“Hey, we need to get going” Frank said as walked over to the bed and looked at his watch

“Ok, I am ready” Bobby said and reached for her bag at the end of the bed and started to get up. Frank pushed her back down

“We have five minutes” Frank said as he pushed Bobby back onto the bed

Bobby put her arms around Frank’s neck as he began kissing her


Background Music ends


Fisher Residence-Summer Bay

Danny looked around the room, The room was neat, just as Bobby had left it…his Bobby…the woman he wanted to marry….the woman he killed. Danny sat on the bed….he looked around the room again and tears began to form in his eyes then he put his head in his hands and started crying


Bayside Diner- Summer Bay

Ailsa drank her coffee, she was going over the books and the Diner was doing well. Ailsa put the cup down and smiled as she looked around at the diner and saw Carly wiping down the tables but looking said

“Carly” Ailsa said and she motioned for Carly to come over to the booth. Carly walked over to Ailsa and sat down

“Are you ok?” Ailsa said

“Yes why?” Carly said

I just noticed that you look a bit upset, are you ok?” Ailsa said

“I am fine thanks” Carly said as she forced a smile

“Ok, just wanted to make sure” Ailsa said as she watched Carly walk towards the counter and passed Matt without saying a word


Clothing Store- Yabbie Creek

“Hello, how can I help you today?” The assistant said

“Go on Sal” Frank said

“I am going to the Father and Daughter dance tomorrow and need a dress please” Sally said with a smile

“That is great, let me show you some dresses and you can try on a few…will that be ok?” the assistant said. Sally smiled and nodded her head and followed the assistant

Frank looked around, Bobby wasn’t next to him. He looked around the store and saw her standing by the baby clothes. Frank sighed, he remembered the conversation they had where they had planned to have a baby this year.

Bobby touched the baby vest and sighed. She should’ve been buying this for her baby

“Are you ok?” Frank whispered to Bobby”

“Yes, fine” Bobby said as she turned around and smiled

“You’re thinking about our baby” Frank said as he touched the baby vest with one hand and put his arm around Bobby with the other. Bobby put her head on Frank’s chest as a tear dropped from her eye. Bobby wiped her face. Frank looked down and saw that Bobby was crying

“I love you..I am sorry I broke us up and we are not having our baby” Frank said

“Maybe it wasn’t meant to happen” Bobby said as she sighed

“Bobby, Frank look” they both looked behind them to see Sally standing by the changing room smiling



General Store- Summer Bay

Alf picked up the box and put it on the counter and opened it. He took out two packets of sugar and walked over to the shelf and put them on the shelf then walked back to the counter. He picked up two more packets of sugar and walked over to the shelf and put them in front of the packets on the shelf then he heard the door to the store open when he turned around he got a surprise

“Strewth! Reverend Jones, is that you?” Alf said as he saw the Reverend Jones

“Hello Alf, yes its me, how are you?” Reverend Jones said as he reached his hand out to shake Alf’s hand

“Good thanks, I never thought I would see you again…how long has it been? Alf said

“Too long” Reverend Jones said with a smile

“What brings you to Summer Bay?” Alf said

“I found out an old friend lives here and she invited me to dinner with her family” Reverend Jones

“Oh, who is that?” Alf said

“Philippa King” Reverend Jones said

Alf frowned, he didn’t know any Philippa King…then a lightbulb went off in his head

“Oh you mean Pippa Fletcher?” Alf said

“Yes, sorry, Im sorry, I knew her when she was Phillippa King. I didn’t mean any offence” Reverend Jones said

“No worries” Alf said as the door to the store opened

“Alfred, I cant believe you stood there while…” Celia stopped talking

“Hello Celia” Reverend Jones said as he turned around and looked at Celia

“Alex…” Celia said as she put her hand on her chest. She was in love with Alex a long time ago but it wasn’t enough for him to want to spend his life with her

“How are you?” Reverend Jones said with a smile

“F..fine, thank you…I didn’t expect to see you here after all these years” Celia said trying to catch her breath

“Just visiting a friend..by the way, can I get a bunch of flowers please?” Reverend Jones said as he turned to Alf and pointed at the flowers

Alf walked over to the flowers and picked a nice bunch and wrapped them up at the counter

“Who are you here to see?” Celia said

“Pippa Fletcher” Reverend Jones as he took some money out of his wallet and gave it to Alf. Celia’s heart sank

“Thank you” Reverend Jones said as Alf gave him the flower

“Nice to see you Alf, good day to you” Reverend Jones

“See you again” Alf said

“Nice to see you Celia” Reverend Jones said with a smile as he walked towards the door, opened it and left

Celia watched Reverend Jones walked out then walked towards the door and watched him get into his car.  Alf walked towards the door and stood behind Celia

“What a blast from the past” Alf said

Celia  didn’t respond

“Are you ok?” Alf said

“Of course I am Alfred, I will see you later” Celia said as she quickly exited the store before she began to cry

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Chapter 70




“Hmmm I must say these measure up very well to the scones your Mum make” Reverend Jones said as he chewed his scone and smiled

Pippa smiled

“I hope  am not too early for dinner?” Reverend Jones

“Oh no, dinner will be ready soon and my children will be home soon. I will show you to your van when you are finished” Pippa said as she got up and walked over to the desk and picked up a photo then walked back over to the dining table

“Thank you” Reverend Jones said as he sipped his tea

“This is Tom” Pippa said as she showed Reverend Jones and old photo of her and Tom. Reverend Jones took the photo and opened his eyes wide then smiled

“Why are you smiling?” Pippa said confused

“Do you believe in Angels?”  Reverend Jones said

“Not something I have thought about why?” Pippa said

“If I told you that I saw this man on Monday night when Roberta had her accident, would you believe me? Reverend Jones said smiling

“ I…I…don’t understand…what do you mean?” Pippa said

“Roberta’s accident happened in the park across the road from the Church.  She came to see me shortly before the accident happened so after I saw the police and ambulance, I went across the road to see if I could be of assistance. When arrived, there was a man kneeling next to the Paramedic telling them not to stop giving her CPR. He said to tell “Bobby that Frank is waiting for her”, that is when she gained consciousness.  Tears started running down Pippa’s cheeks and Reverend Jones reached for her hand and smiled

“I am sure you miss your Husband but he will always be around, taking care of you all” Reverend Jones as Pippa attempted to smile while crying

“Thank you Alex, I really needed to hear that….I never expected to see you again but you came back when I need you..Tom must have known this…thank you” Pippa said as she wiped her face with a napkin

“I am sorry…I look terrible right now” Pippa said laughing

“You will always be beautiful to me, Philippa” Reverend Jones just as Steven came through the door

“Hi, I am home..oh Hi Reverend Jones” Steve said as he put the bag he was holding down and put his hand out to shake Reverend Jones’ hand

“What’s in the bags?” Pippa said

“Oh, just some supplies for Frank and I for when we go hiking tomorrow” Steve said smiling as he picked the bags up “I am going to get changed” Steve said as he headed for the stairs

“How is Roberta?” Reverend Jones said when Steve disappeared up the stairs

“She is much better..smiling more” Pippa said with a smile


Stewart Sr Residence-Summer Bay

Emotional background music

Celia put her cup down on the table and sat down. She sighed then opened the photo album. She smiled as she looked at old photos of her and her siblings playing on the beach. Celia smiled as she looked at Photos of her engagement party photos, her and Les were so very happy…then Celia remembered when she got the news that Les was not coming home. Celia turned the page in the album and smiled, she never thought that she would fall in love again after Les but she did. Celia ran her hands over the photo of her and Alex Jones…the man she was scared to admit that she loved more than Les. Alex Jones was perfect, as if like a miracle, Alex appeared In Summer Bay and Celia thought God was giving her a second chance at love, A tear fell down Celia’s cheek as she thought about seeing Alex again today then Celia exhaled. Maybe her second chance was coming around again. Celia smiled and put the album up to her chest and hugged it tight.

Emotional background music ends


Caravan Park-Summer Bay

“I cant wait to show Pippa my dress” Sally said as she shut the car door and ran towards the house

“You have been quiet, are you ok?” Frank said as he put his hand on Bobby’s leg

Bobby looked at Frank and smiled “I’m ok” she said

Frank kissed Bobby’s cheek then said “I love you” as he stroked Bobby’s cheek

“I love you so much Frank” Bobby said as she put her hand on Franks leg. She was telling the truth, being in the shop around the baby clothes made her love Frank even more than she thought.

“You better” Frank said and Bobby laughed and shook her head then they both got out of the car.



“That is a very pretty dress Sally” Reverend Jones said Sally showed him an Pippa her dress

“Yes love, that is really pretty, go and hang it up in your room and get changed for dinner” Pippa said as she put the dress bag in the garment bag and gave it to Sally then she ran towards the stairs as Frank and Bobby came through the door

“Hi Reverend Jones” Bobby said as she saw him. Reverend Jones got up and Bobby gave him a hug

“Roberta, how are you? Reverend Jones said smiling

“Good, how are you? Bobby said smiling. She really liked Reverend Jones even though she didn’t know him very well, he made her feel save and calm

“I am excellent, happy to be spending the evening with you all” Reverend Jones said Reverend Jones

“Good evening Frank” Reverend Jones said as he looked at Frank

Frank felt as though Reverend Jones knew something about him that he didn’t know “Evening Reverend” Frank said as he locked eyes with Reverend Jones who smiled at him then Christopher began hitting Franks legs. Frank looked down then bent down and picked up Christopher.

“Daddy” Christopher said once Frank picked him up and he started smiling. Christopher continued smiling then he put his head on Frank’s shoulders not knowing what he just said

Frank turned around to look at Pippa who had tears in her eyes. Frank walked over to her and kissed her head. Reverend Jones smiled and nodded his head

“I’m home” Carly said as she came through the door

“Hi Reverend Jones” Carly said

“Hello, how are you?” Reverend Jones smiling, he forgot Carly’s name

“Ok” Carly said then she walked slowly towards the stairs

“Carly, we are going to eat soon” Pippa said as she followed Carly

Carly didn’t respond and walked up the stairs

Pippa looked back at Bobby who was walking towards Pippa

“Ill go and get her” Bobby said

“Ok, The mechanic brought your car back, its parked around the front. Please tell Steve and Sally to hurry” Pippa said as she walked towards the kitchen and opened the oven


Fisher Residence-Summer Bay


Donald turned off the engine and sighed. He looked at his house…it was empty and quiet. Donald had gotten used to going home alone but the last year his home had become a house, he had Bobby and Frank living there then when Frank left, he had Bobby living there and they had become a family and now she is gone. “Maybe I should call her” Donald thought as he got out of the car closed the door and locked it. He sighed again then made his way to the front door


Danny opened his eyes as he heard the car door close, He looked around, the room was dark he must have feel asleep on Bobby’s bed. He heard Donald open the front door and got up off the bed and stood behind the door. He heard Donald turn on the lights and walk towards the kitchen, he started breathing heavy and slowly opened the door and peaked out to see Donald opening the fridge door. Danny slowly exited the room and walked slowly towards the kitchen and stood by the door. Donald closed the fridge door with a dish in his hand and walked towards the oven, just as he was about to open the oven he heard “Hello Mr Fisher” and jumped and when he looked up he saw Danny standing by the doorway smiling.

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