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Unlucky (by Taniya_K) - comments


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The last few chapters have been lovely.

It's amazing that after so many chapters this story is just as great as it was when you started it. It hasn't become boring or feels like your just dragging the story to keep it going. So congratulations on still keeping this story fresh and exciting after so many chapters. Theres only a few authors I've read stuff by that can pull that of.

I'm glad Drew got his apology.

So happy about all the Adelle interaction. Got so caught up the brother/sister interaction with Drew/Belle that I almost forgot how much I missed the way you write Adelle. They are still hilarious, cute and completely perfect for each other in every way. Aden was sweet in wanting to still repay Belle even though she already got her money and it's so like Belle to not want to take it. I guess after this Aden is going to be more determined to get Belle to take it easy and rest. Can't wait for that.

Edited by enjoy the ride
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The last few chapters have been lovely.

It's amazing that after so many chapters this story is just as great as it was when you started it. It hasn't become boring or feels like your just dragging the story to keep it going. So congratulations on still keeping this story fresh and exciting after so many chapters.

I'd definitely agree with that, was thinking exactly the same myself. :)

I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, want this fic to end. :wub::)

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The last few chapters have been lovely.

It's amazing that after so many chapters this story is just as great as it was when you started it. It hasn't become boring or feels like your just dragging the story to keep it going. So congratulations on still keeping this story fresh and exciting after so many chapters.

I'd definitely agree with that, was thinking exactly the same myself. :)

I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, want this fic to end. :wub::)

same, this fic really makes me smile and laugh and go awwwwwwwwww

when i get back from shool i always check the fanfic section to see if you have updated.

so please let it go on forever, even when i'm 50 i will be on here, checking :lol:

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Aw you guys! :wub:

I honestly can't belive how many of you actualyl like this story. I only wrote it to get the annoying voices out of my head [i might be a bit loopy... but me and Aden have that in common].

The next chapter is in the process of being typed. It's very fluffy.

Unfortunatly, this story WILL come to an end, but there is a major... drama, so to say, to come before that.

If you guys still like it, and seriously don't think it drags on, I will do a sequel [i've actually got it planned out in my head lol].

Thanks once again.


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