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He's Mine!

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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The boys thought they'd win but the girls beat them. :P Girl power! :lol:

:o Marcia's secret! I thought she wanted to get revenge on Marianna for something stupid but that's awful. I feel sorry for her now. :(

Have fun on your holiday! :D

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  • 2 months later...

Wow! I'm BAAAACK! Hello everyone, my trip was great, I will answer all questions but won't go into details now lol...I hope you like this chapter, it is basically cr@p, and really short cr@p at that but I had to get this scene out of the way somehow, so I did it as shortly as possible :D I hope my writing improves, if you want to see my best writing you should read NLYG, that is better quality than this at the mo...I missed you all so much and it's great to be back!!

Chapter 10

It was as if an earthquake had just hit the room. Nicole dropped her sunglasses which she had been holding and everyone heard the glass shatter into splinters on the wooden floor. The heater was buzzing as it always did, but everything was deathly silent.

In fact, the silence was about to swallow them up.

Someone break it! Martha thought desperately.

Marianna was still staring at Marcia, who was still breathing heavily. Tears were starting to form in Marianna’s blue eyes. Tasha walked up to her and put a tentative hand on her arm. Marianna shrugged her away. Her face was shocked and when she finally spoke her voice was very quiet.

“You’re lying.”

The tears overflowed from Marcia’s eyes, tracking down the lines in her face. “I’m not Marianna, I swear, whatever I’ve done in the past, whatever I’ve lied about, I’m not.”

Jack looked at Marcia crying and though he hated to think it, she was telling the truth. There was truth in her eyse, in every tear that dripped off her nose.

Marianna looked down at the ground, and when she spoke, her voice was very soft and restrained, but bitter. “I knew he was a horrible man, but how…what happened, Marcia?”

Marcia sniffed, and her face muscles seemed to twitch a little. “I knew him well, about twenty years ago. He had a five-year-old daughter, that was you, and do you remember, Marianna, your mother was dead, and your father worked a lot so I used to baby-sit you.” She said it all in a rush.

“Yeah,” Marianna said slowly. She seemed to be fairly calm now, and her voice wasn’t bitter. She turned to the six dumbstruck people standing behind the two women. “That was how me & Marcia met,” she told them. “She was a bit like a second mother to me, and we always kept in touch.”

Martha felt slightly confused. She couldn’t imagine Marcia being a second mother to anyone, and Marianna had always seemed to dislike her and slightly fear her.

“Well,” Marcia continued, looking up at the roof and struggling to control her emotion, “I will not deny that I flirted with him a little, when he used to come home late from work. I was lonely, I was twenty-three and single, I wasn’t a pretty girl, and when he didn’t repulse me like most other men, we started a sort of relationship.”

Marianna gasped, and there was a flash of anger in her blue eyes. Marcia noticed this and quickly hurried on,

“It wasn’t serious! We never even kissed, at least until…one day, after he came home from work, he offered me a ride home, and he pulled over in an empty parking lot somewhere out in the middle of nowhere…”

Marcia didn’t go on. Marianna put a gentle hand on her arm. “Marcia, I’m…I’m so sorry.”

Marcia wrenched her hand away. “Well it is was your father!” she spat, looking at Marianna with something like hatred. Her soft, vulnerable moment had gone. “I vowed to get my revenge on you, Marianna, for what your revolting father did to me!!”

Marianna looked hurt, and Tasha could see she was scared. She moved forward quickly and put a supportive and tight arm around her friend’s shoulders. It was glad she did, because just as she reached her Marianna stumbled back, her limbs going limp. “Why?” Marianna whispered, her lips trembling. “Why me? It was Dad who did it…”

“I have no idea where your father is,” Marcia yelled. Martha grabbed Jack’s hand, and Robbie moved up next to Tasha. This was getting trés intense. “Believe me, if I knew where he is, I would have left here long ago by now!”

“Marcia,” Marrianna said softly, “why are you so angry?” She looked confused, broken, vulnerable. Tasha tightened her grip on her. “It’s like this hate, this fear has been festering inside you for twenty years, and…it’s turned you into something sour and twisted…why didn’t you get help, maybe you wouldn’t be so…so…mad at me, if you had.”

“I don’t need help,” Marcia said curtly. Tasha raised her eyebrows. That seemed a bit of a contradiction to the past fifteen minutes.

Marianna looked down at the ground for a few seconds, and when she lifted her head again, there was more strength in her eyes.

“Marcia, you are not to work at this hotel anymore,” she said firmly.

“What?” Marcia asked, sounding a little shocked.

“I know what you’ve been trying to do to me, now, and I will not accept you working under me anymore,” Marianna said again. Tasha flashed a quick smile at her.

“But…I’ve nowhere else to go,” Marcia said. She looked sad and confused again.

“I will find you a new place, Marcia,” Marianna said, looking her straight in the eye. “I will provide you with enough money to keep you going until you can find a new situation. I will arrange counselling. I will help you in any way that I can. But you are not to work here anymore.”

“Thank you,” Marcia said, not looking at Marianna. “But I don’t need your help.”

“Yes you do,” Robbie said. He couldn’t help himself.

“Shut up!” Tasha hissed.

“Oh, and that’s another thing,” Marianna went on. “Why did you take it out on Martha, Jack, Tasha & Robbie? They didn’t do anything wrong. If you’d told me, much earlier, I would have helped you, understood…even if you hated me and tried to kill me or something, at least it would be me, for a reason, if a twisted and stupid one, and not four great people who didn’t do anything to you.”

Marcia stalked towards the door. “I’ve had enough of this conversation. I’m leaving.”

“Just like that? Like you said before, Marcia, you’ve got nowhere else to go.”

“I have a sister to stay with,” Marcia said curtly.

“Marcia,” Marianna said. She smiled at her. “I am so sorry for what my father did, and I am willing to give you any help that I can, money, reference for a job, even a place to stay.”

“You’re not giving me a place to stay. You’re kicking me out.”

“True, but I can find you a nice apartment, where we can keep in contact and – ”

Marcia cut her off. “I would rather stay with my sister.”

And she left the room.

Marianna wriggled her way out of Tasha’s arms and left the room as well. They didn’t see her for the rest of the day.


Martha, Jack, Tasha and Robbie all sat in Martha & Jack’s room, grouped around on the huge bed. The silence was broken by Tasha. “Well,” was all she said.

“Oh my God,” Martha cried, leaning her head against Jack’s shoulder. “What an awful day.”

“Poor Marcia,” Jack replied, putting an arm around Martha’s shoulder.

“Poor Marianna,” Robbie said.

“I wonder where she is,” Martha pondered.

“Maybe she went to follow Marcia?” Jack suggested.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Tasha said, lying on the bed. “But I think we should help Marianna somehow.”

“How can we do that?” Robbie siad. “She needs to work through this on her own.”

“Honestly, this holiday isn’t turning out to be crash-hot, is it??”

Once again, sorry it's so short.

Chapter 11: Marianna is trying to make it up to the four visitors, but they can see that she’s not handling recent events well. When she collapses, will she be OK??

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