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Story Title: Kyle Braxton: One-Shot Series
Type of story: Series of One-Shots
BTTB rating: T
Genre: General (As they are a series of one-shots that fit into different genres) 
Does story include spoilers: I would say yes but also not really
Any warnings: Violence (for the first chapter but not certain about the rest)
Summary: A series of One Shots to do with Kyle Braxton. Some ideas will be my own and others from readers on both here and were I post my Home and Away fanfics on Fanfiction.net as well. Rating this as a T but will make sure that i rate a chapter if its an M.

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On 8/1/2017 at 2:44 AM, ~JarlieFanEver~ said:

Had been thinking about restarting my older fanfiction (True Love) about Charlie and Joey's relationship. I had written it back in 2009 and posted it on the Charlie-joey.net website but I had it deleted because I wasn't happy with the direction I had taken it in.

I had been thinking about it lately really. I had Charlie/Joey as a couple in my two previous fan fictions (Love Child & Birthstone) And I decided I will be restarting my fanfiction True Love about them again :) 

Title of story: True Love

Type of Fic: Med/Long Fic

BTTB Rating: G/T

Main Characters: Charlie and Joey, Ruby, Irene and Alf, Roo, Marilyn, other characters involved. 

Genre: Drama and Family, Sexual content, Teen, Tragedy and Romance, Friendship, Adventure. 

Does it contains spoilers: No

Warnings: Adult Themes, Violence, Language and Sexual Content, Swearing

Story beginning read-proofed?: No

Summary: It is about Charlie and Joey including their lives and adventures, families and friends in Summer Bay and etc...

Are you starting it from the beginning again or just picking up from where you left off?

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5 hours ago, Ludub said:

Are you starting it from the beginning again or just picking up from where you left off?

I will be staring from the beginning but I can't remember what I had written, lol. All I can remember I wrote them when they were a couple on the show based in 2009.

Well it doesn't matter anyway. I will figure out how and what I will write in the first chapter :) It will be about them living in Summer Bay through childhood to adulthood. Best childhood friends become lovers and etc...you know what I meant, right?

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Title: Release

Type of Fic: Medium / Long Fiction

Main Characters:  Josh, Ricky, Kyle, Ben, Casey (Jr), Heath, Bianca, & OCs

Genre: Drama

BTTB Rating:  A

Does it contain spoilers: No


Summary: Sequel to Caged. Three years after Josh was released from prison, and ten years after Brax went missing, we pick up the story and find out what happened to everyone…

Okay, so, I said I might think about doing a sequel to Caged, but I genuinely thought it would be in a couple of years, or at least a few months. Thing is, an idea just came to me all of a sudden and I got really excited about it so I've already written the first chapter. I won't be posting it for a little while though (at least a few weeks) but I thought I'd give you a heads up that it's coming down the tracks.... Coming Soon... and all that.

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19 minutes ago, Ludub said:

Title: Release

Type of Fic: Medium / Long Fiction

Main Characters:  Josh, Ricky, Kyle, Ben, Casey (Jr), Heath, Bianca, & OCs

Genre: Drama

BTTB Rating:  A

Does it contain spoilers: No


Summary: Sequel to Caged. Three years after Josh was released from prison, and ten years after Brax went missing, we pick up the story and find out what happened to everyone…

Okay, so, I said I might think about doing a sequel to Caged, but I genuinely thought it would be in a couple of years, or at least a few months. Thing is, an idea just came to me all of a sudden and I got really excited about it so I've already written the first chapter. I won't be posting it for a little while though (at least a few weeks) but I thought I'd give you a heads up that it's coming down the tracks.... Coming Soon... and all that.

Wow, okay! So that's the next year of your life sorted, then?

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1 hour ago, Ludub said:

Title: Release

Type of Fic: Medium / Long Fiction

Main Characters:  Josh, Ricky, Kyle, Ben, Casey (Jr), Heath, Bianca, & OCs

Genre: Drama

BTTB Rating:  A

Does it contain spoilers: No


Summary: Sequel to Caged. Three years after Josh was released from prison, and ten years after Brax went missing, we pick up the story and find out what happened to everyone…

Okay, so, I said I might think about doing a sequel to Caged, but I genuinely thought it would be in a couple of years, or at least a few months. Thing is, an idea just came to me all of a sudden and I got really excited about it so I've already written the first chapter. I won't be posting it for a little while though (at least a few weeks) but I thought I'd give you a heads up that it's coming down the tracks.... Coming Soon... and all that.

Ohh looking forwards to read it :) 

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2 hours ago, Ludub said:

Title: Release

Type of Fic: Medium / Long Fiction

Main Characters:  Josh, Ricky, Kyle, Ben, Casey (Jr), Heath, Bianca, & OCs

Genre: Drama

BTTB Rating:  A

Does it contain spoilers: No


Summary: Sequel to Caged. Three years after Josh was released from prison, and ten years after Brax went missing, we pick up the story and find out what happened to everyone…

Okay, so, I said I might think about doing a sequel to Caged, but I genuinely thought it would be in a couple of years, or at least a few months. Thing is, an idea just came to me all of a sudden and I got really excited about it so I've already written the first chapter. I won't be posting it for a little while though (at least a few weeks) but I thought I'd give you a heads up that it's coming down the tracks.... Coming Soon... and all that.

I could have told you that you would be writing it within a few months never mind a few years you are funny :lol:

Look forward to its Release :wink:

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