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Those She Left Behind!

Guest beckyboo

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my thoughts..........

dont martha or jack work?? lol. yup, 17 chapters and thats the only thing i can think of!

seriously though i loved it- its really emotional and i really wanted to cry the whole way through it!!

they are the perfect family (minus the illness) and u guys have written it really well. i wanna no wats gonna happen so get updating!! (whoevers turn it is! lol)


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WOW go you guys and updateing soo much

they were all great i loved them

Chapter 12

How cute was abby with her are we home yet are we home yet and i loved jack teasing martha lol

and how excited the two girls got when they saw each other that was adorable :D o and i love how much jack calls the girls princess that sooo cute lol

Chapter 13

YAY shes getting her energy back and she wanst to see her friends maybe shes getting better

YAY Martha is preggers :D aww and how cute was it when abby couldnt wait to tell everyone so she blurted it out lol soo adorable and she soo better get to see her little brother or sister

Chapter 14

OMG shes losing her hair aww thats soo sad poor martha and jack there soo upset and abby doesnt have a clue

on a better note how cute was it when amie wouldnt let martha brush her hair and then she told jack to shut it lol

Chapter 15

aww abby slept with them i thought martha was going to have an abortion and i was going to scream!! lol but its all good now cause i know shes not lol its funny when they kiss and abby comes out lol :)

Chapter 16

AWW poor amie felling like she was left out

ARGH there going to have the baby yay cant wait

Chapter 17

YAY they had baby holden and it is a boy :) yay but poor abby she cant die i dont want her too :( that sucks!!! she didnt even get to see the baby thats just cruel

Chapter 18

well at least a bone marrow transplant can help her and maybe cure her!! i hope one of them is a match *fingers crossed* aww and yay martha and jack got a night at home together

well that took me wayyy longer than i thought it would i thought there was like 4 chapters not 7! lol well great updates girls update ASAP i wanna know if any of them are a match

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Chapter 19

"Tonight was fun wasn't it" Jack said to Martha once they were in bed.

"Yer, I think Amie had a good time watching her DVD, and Ellis certainly liked all of the attention you gave him, I can definitely tell that he will miss you if you have to stay at the hospital." Martha agreed. "So, do you think any of us are a match for Abby?"

"I really don't know, I hope so, but I guess we just have to wait and see, Amie's being tested tomorrow"

"I struggle enough when she's asleep like at the moment, I don't know how I would cope without her at all" Martha lay on Jack's chest.

"Well, you can't think like that, she will get better" Jack reassured her. Just before Martha could speak Ellis started to cry. "I'll get him" Jack got out of bed.

"It's because he slept most of this afternoon, and this evening through the DVD, he doesn't usually get that much sleep, normally he'll just sleep in the afternoon" Martha explained. "Bring him down here Jack"

"There we go, better now. Mummy and Daddy are here" Jack talked to Ellis once he was lying in between Jack and Martha. He stayed awake for another half an hour looking at everything in the room. Most of the time he looked at either Jack or Martha, just staring at them, as if he was looking straight through them. Eventually he went back to sleep and Martha put him back in his cot.

"Got to get up early tomorrow Jack, got to get Amie ready for school in the morning, then we have to pick her up after lunch"

"How could I forget about the school run in the morning, the advantages of the hospital" Jack started.

"Well, if you stop whinging and get some sleep, then maybe you won't be so tired in the morning" Martha finished.

"I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping" Jack shut his eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Night Jack, see you in the morning" Martha kissed him on the cheek.


"Jack, Jack, Jack" Martha started to shout.

"What?" Jack mumbled.

"You got to get up, Ellis needs feeding, Amie needs her breakfast and she needs help getting ready for school" Martha pulled the covers off the bed.

"I'm coming"

Downstairs Martha had already poured Amie some cereal, and was in the process of making Ellis a bottle. Jack walked in, looking like he had had one hours sleep, the complete opposite to the rest of the family.

"Daddy, can I have a drink please?" Amie asked.

"Course princess, what do you want?" Jack asked slowly waking up.

"Can I have apple juice please" Jack got a cup out and the juice from the fridge.

"There you go" Jack put it down on the table.

"Can you pour it please Daddy?" Amie asked once again

"Obviously that is too difficult for your father at this time in the morning, so I will pour it for you" Martha said. "Jack can you wake up please?" Martha asked hoping for a response, but she was disappointed. Amie knew what had to be done; she picked up her juice and tipped it over Jack's head.

"It's rude not to listen Daddy, I think you left your manners at the hospital with Abby" Amie said to a shocked Jack who was now definitely awake. All Martha did was laugh.

Jack had just had a quick shower, and was getting Amie ready for school.

“Amie, I’m not very happy with what you did,” Jack said

“I’m sorry Daddy, but Mummy needed some help so I just woke you up a bit” Amie laughed.

“Well I’ll let you get away with it this time, just as long as you don’t do it again missy” Jack said. “Now remember that we’re picking you up early today, just after lunch”

“I know Daddy, I hadn’t forgotten”

“Come on then, let’s go, we might be late” Jack took her hand, and headed towards the door.

“Bye Mummy, bye Ellis” Amie waved.

“See you later Amie” Martha called back. “Come on little guy, lets get you ready” Martha said to Ellis.

Martha and Jack were now getting ready to pick Amie up from school and go to the hospital. Luc had gone in that morning so Jack stayed with Martha and Ellis.

“Jack just give Ellis his bottle before we go” Martha yelled to Jack

“Yeah, I will” Jack called back.

“What’s the time?” Martha asked

“It’s nearly time to go and get her, we’ve got about another 5 minutes” Jack replied.

“Ok, let me just get Ellis’ blanket and then we can go” Martha smiled at Jack and then looked down at Ellis. “You can’t sleep without it can you handsome”

“Ok Martha enough cooing, get the blanket and then we can go” Jack teased.

“Oi, I’m allowed to admire my little boy” Martha argued back.

“Yes, but just not right now, we need to go and get Amie” Jack stood up.

“Fine, lets go” Martha grabbed the blanket and walked towards the car.

“Daddy it’s going to hurt,” Amie cried. “I don’t want to be tested”

“Come on Amie, do it for Abby” Martha told her holding her in her lap

“It won’t hurt, I promise” Nurse Julie said. “Now Amie just look at Jack”

“So Amie what do you want to have for tea tonight?” Another nurse tried to distract her.

“Er…I…I want to go to the diner tonight” Amie said in between cries.

“There we go, all done,” Julie replied soon after.

“See that didn’t hurt did it?” Jack asked. Amie shook her head in response. “And, as you were really brave, you can go to the diner tonight for tea”

“Really” Amie asked happily

“Really” Said Tony as he walked in

“hey dad” Jack said

“I have some new for you both” Tony told the young couple

“What would that be” Martha asked her father in law!

“well what would you say to this” Tony began “what if Luc stays here tonight, Ellis and Amie come and stay with me and Beth and you two have a night off alone together just the two of you! Tony suggested

“What are you sure Luc don’t mind and Beth” Jack said

“Well to be truthful it was all Lucs idea he doesn’t want you two drifting apart from each other so he came up with the offer” Tony told them.

“It’s a deal” Martha said

“Right then im just going to see Abby for a bit” Jack told them

“Thanks for this Tony I think me and jack need a bit of alone time before we completely drift apart” Martha told Tony truthfully

“What do you mean” Tony asked intrigued

“Well me and Jack are having problems and ano everything seems fine and dandy but its not it far from it “ Martha said starting to get upset.

Meanwhile Jack and Luc were talking about the same thing

“So you and Mac are having problems” Luc asked shocked and surprised

“Well yer” Jack said sadly

Abby began to wake up and when she noticed Jack she smiled but when she seen Luc it was like she had a rush of energy and she climbed off the bed and ran to him

“Uncle Luc, uncle Luc” she kept shouting

“Hello sweetie” Lucus replied

“Erm Hello Abby” Jack said

“Oh Hi daddy” Abby replied

“So uncle Luc can we play a game” She asked him

“And what would that be” Luc asked her

“But 1st you have to kiss daddy” He told her

Martha was now crying and telling Tony her fears not for Abby but for her and Jack

“And im also so scared that he’s going to leave me” She sobbed

Meanwhile as they were outside abbys room Jack could hear the whole thing

“Hey he would never leave you and the kids” Tony told her as he pulled her into a hug

“Right missy me and mummy are going home tonight and you are going to stay her with guess who” Jack told her

“Erm I don’t know daddy maybe Amie” she giggled knowing full well who he meant

“Or maybe Ellis” he asked her

“Maybe but it could be uncle Luc” she said happily

“Oh I don’t know Luc what do you think? Would you like to stay with Abigail tonight” she asked his little brother

“Of course I would” he said giving Abby a kiss on the forehead

“Thanks for that Tony” Martha said as they headed back to Abbys room

“Hey your welcome love, anytime!” he told her

“Mummy” Abigail shouted

“Hello sweetie pie” Martha said to her

“Mummy have you been crying again” Abby said

“No sweetie why would you think that” Martha asked her

“Oo I don’t know mummy” Abby told her

“Go on you two home now” Lucus told them

“Right give mummy and daddy a kiss” Tony said

“Night mummy, night daddy” she told them kissing them both

“We need to talk done we” Martha asked Jack

“Yer we do” He told her

“Ok well I feel that we don’t talk anymore and I don’t like that all I want is for are marriage to be like it used to be before Abby got sick” Martha said

“Ano everything was perfect” he said “But I mean it’s not like we have major problems it’s just we don’t spend enough time with each other and I would never leave you ever” he added

“What” she asked confused

“I heard you talking to my dad earlier” he explained

Martha started to cry “you promise me Jack you promise me” she sobbed uncontrollable all the sadness she had kept in every since Rachael had told them about Abbys time left started to come out

“Hey I promise you” he said to her as he pulled her into his lap and she buried her face into the curve of his neck were she felt safe.

After a while Martha and jack were sitting on the sofa just laying there together with three empty wine bottles and now things were getting a little bit out of hand

“Im just saying its only fair” Martha argued

“I am not doing that Martha no way” He told her firmly

“Yes you are I had to do and your doing it and if you do I may even let you have a little surprise later on” she said seductively

”ah no Mrs Holden don’t think you can win me round that easily” he told her “this drinking comp was all your idea missy” he also added

“Well you don’t get anything else from me ever if you don’t do it” she said

“What ever” he asked shocked

“Nope never and you couldt handle that could you Jacky” she said as she started to mess with the buttons on her shirt

Jacks eyes were glued to her and he finally gave in

“Fine ill do it” he said

“I new you would” she smiled at him


Why does Martha want Jack to do?

And will Abby find a donor?

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