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Maddie and Lucas - OH NO!

Guest Major Oak

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I always wanted Maddie and Ric together, from the start I knew they would make a great couple, but after seeing him with Cassie and seeing Maddie with Lucas I think I actually prefer Maddie with Lucas, and at first, I was adament that it was Maddie/Ric all the way!

I think they look good together : image, height, build etc and this storyline is so sweet! They last a while too - all H&A couples last for ages, even the teenagers! They can never just have flings can they? :P Not that I want Maddie and Lucas to be a fling, because I think they rock! They are soooooo sweet and lovely! :)

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I always wanted Maddie and Ric together, from the start I knew they would make a great couple, but after seeing him with Cassie and seeing Maddie with Lucas I think I actually prefer Maddie with Lucas, and at first, I was adament that it was Maddie/Ric all the way!

I think they look good together : image, height, build etc and this storyline is so sweet! They last a while too - all H&A couples last for ages, even the teenagers! They can never just have flings can they? :P Not that I want Maddie and Lucas to be a fling, because I think they rock! They are soooooo sweet and lovely! :)

I used to think the same of Ric and Maddie but now no way!

Lucas and Maddie are cute together, and have a sweet innocence about them both and seemily good chemistry together.

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It's just all so bloody convenient, isn't it?

Bring a cute guy into the show to woo the sweet, pretty girl... how original and unexpected!

Some of the best relationships have been unexpected and daring; e.g. Kirsty/Kane. This was not a relationship of convenience, but an idea that really pushed at boundaries and was very character driven.

Matty/Lucus look good together, but are just a little too unorginal for my taste!

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It was convenient but I'll forgive them.

Lucas and Maddie are so cute together (it's been said, but I really can't think of a better way to put it). Just like Beth and Tony are. But I like that Maddie and Lucas aren't having meaningless fights over nothing, just for fighting's sake :rolleyes:.

It's nice to just see a nice couple. They're a relief to all the craziness that goes on in the bay. You see them standing around in a scene and things calm down for a while. They mightn't actually DO all that much, but they lighten the mood just by being there, looking pretty and - God forbid - happy. It's a good thing.

~P.S. Rhys can too act :angry:

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I disagree that Rhys cant act. I think he has great potential and there is something about him and the acting on his characters that i find very intriguing.

Liz i can see your point about it not being very original but i sort of disagree. I think writers try to hard to make pairings will they wont they now, or have explosive original storylines that it is unusual to get people who actually like each other and just give things a go.

Liam :)

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I disagree that Rhys cant act. I think he has great potential and there is something about him and the acting on his characters that i find very intriguing.

Liz i can see your point about it not being very original but i sort of disagree. I think writers try to hard to make pairings will they wont they now, or have explosive original storylines that it is unusual to get people who actually like each other and just give things a go.

Liam :)

Go Liam! You're a talented writer Liam and it's great to see you analysing storylines so well! :)

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