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Maddie and Lucas - OH NO!

Guest Major Oak

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These two are just so wrong for each other - yes its early says but they just to me do not fit well at all, I mean what were the producers and DB thinking here - when the spilt Ric and Cassie it was the perfect chance to run with a Ric/Maddie/Cassie triangle - instead we get Lucas "Chad Mike Murry" wannabe - the guy cannot act and I cannot believe we are gona be stuck with him and Maddie for god knows how long?

Why oh Why ? Somebody tell me did they only touch on Ric and Maddie again before Ric slept with Cassie and then sweep it away - they could at least give us little moments - between the two -but hey this is a soap so i guess thats asking a little much right?

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Yes, they touched on the Ric and Matilda relationship again recently, but if you paid attention you'd know that they realised that their feelings for each other were just down to a brother-sister type bond. Personally I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced by this, but there are no signs of romance between these two at the moment and I think Matilda and Lucas have real potential. Maybe if you give them a chance you might be persuaded? That's not to say that Ric/Matilda should never be revisited in the future...but for now I'm happy.

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Aaaaaaaaaaah! I died with embarassment for Maddie last night when that guy was constantly round her and she found out it wasn't Lucas who wrote the letter. Aaaaaw Lucas's face was really sweet when he read the letter she wrote him. At least he responded well anyway. Dont know what i'd do if that ever happened to me. I wouldn't be able to show my face around the guy again.

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