Jessie Watson

Jessie Watson (2007)
Jordana Beatty
Episodes: 4524, 4528

Parent: George Watson

Jessie was first glimpsed as a patient at the Northern District Hospital that Rachel and Lewis were discussing;she had burnt her hands whilst cooking dinner and hadn’t realised because she had no feeling in them.When Jack went to the home of his corrupt new partner George Watson later that day, thinking he and Lewis were up to something, he was shocked to find Jessie, who was confined to a wheelchair and apparently being looked after by a childminder, was George’s daughter;George was looking after her as a single parent and Lewis was just at the house to check up on her.

A few days later, George organised a barbeque party for Jessie’s birthday and invited Jack, Sam, Rory and Lara along.The four of them were seen chatting to her at the party, with Sam offering her some physio as a treat.What happened to her after George was arrested for his crimes was never revealed.