Ruby Leeds

Ruby Leeds (2009)
Tracie Sammut
Episodes: 4945-4947

When Brendan Austin began talking about his girlfriend Ruby, it annoyed Xavier, who thought he was talking about his own girlfriend Ruby Buckton. In fact, he meant Ruby Leeds, a girl with Down’s syndrome who went to the same school as Brendan. Once the confusion had been cleared up, Ruby was invited to tea with the family and met Hugo, Martha and Xavier, quickly defusing the tension by asking them how worried they were about the relationship. She explained that she and Brendan were just friends and, on learning he had had an argument with John Palmer earlier in the day, reminded him of calming techniques. She explained they were hoping Brendan could move into the shared community house where she lived. When Hugo said it was Gina’s decision and she would probably be against the idea, Brendan became upset and Ruby had to leave.

Hugo began to warm to the idea when Ruby spent time with him, Martha and Brendan on the farm and helped Brendan make sandwiches. However, Gina then arrived with Xavier, having returned early from a holiday, and insisted Brendan come home with her. Ruby tried to get Gina to talk to Darryl, the community house manager, saying her mother said the community house was the best thing that ever happened to her and could be for Brendan. Gina said Brendan continuing to live with her was the best thing and Ruby queried whether it was best for Brendan or Gina.

Ruby later went to see Gina and Martha and again argued Brendan’s case. Although impressed by Ruby, Gina didn’t seem to alter her opinion but Hugo interrupted the conversation by phoning from the hospital. Ruby went there with Gina and Martha and found Hugo, Brendan and Ruby Buckton waiting for news of Xavier. On learning Brendan had saved Xavier from drowning, Gina conceded he had grown up and told him and Ruby that Brendan could stay at the community house for a while on a trial basis. After Derek Young had brought the news Xavier only had a mild concussion, Ruby and Brendan remained in the waiting room while most of the others went to see him.