Lorraine Jensen

Lorraine Jensen
Elizabeth Chance
Episodes: 532 – 562

Marital Status: Michael Jensen (separated)
Children: Paul & Murray Jensen

When Sally’s boyfriend Murray lied about his mother having burnt her hands in order to get out of Sally coming over for dinner, Pippa went to their house to offer her assistance and uncovered Murray’s lies. We were told that Lorraine was a single mother whose husband had left her to chase his dreams of being in a country and western band, and money was a constant struggle for her.

When she moaned about the price of the electricity bill, Paul offered her money. She was grateful but suspicious and warned him not to neglect his schoolwork. She found out from Alf that Paul was working evenings and weekends for him in order to buy a piano and Lorraine turned up at The Surf Club and took Paul home, insisting that he’d be wasting his life if he pursued a career as a musician. When Grant continued to help Paul, Lorraine went to Fisher and explained that Paul’s father got a musical career and left Lorraine for “the city lights” after beating her and the boys, even nearly killing Paul.

Grant tried to tell Lorraine that Paul was wasting his talent but she insisted that he must make himself useful by doing his schoolwork because there was no future in a musical career. After hearing him play she later changed her mind and gave her blessing for him to play at the school concert.