Ellie Page

Eloise Page (2014, 2016-2017)
Darcey Wilson
Episodes: 59295940, 60796080, 64896622

Parent: Gray Page
Sibling: Matt Page

Occupation: Student

Eloise, or Ellie, was the younger sister of Matt, first encountered by Sasha when she went to Matt’s house looking for him. Matt explained that their mother had left years ago and their father spent most of his time out drinking, so most of the time, caring for her fell to him. He would later recall that one night, when Matt was out with a band he was in, Gray took Ellie out in the car while he was drunk and crashed, leaving her with a broken collarbone.

A few weeks later, Matt turned up at Sasha’s place with Ellie, saying their father had ended up in rehab and DoCS wanted to place Ellie with an aunt who lived some distance away. Sasha hid them at the Diner overnight but told Matt how her brother Felix had gone to live with his father and ended up liking it there. Matt agreed to Ellie being taken away.

Six months later, when the children’s father Gray was in town, he turned up with Ellie one day and convinced Matt to spend time with them. Ellie attended an open mike night at Angelo’s, where she and Sasha convinced Matt to perform. The event was interrupted by Senior Sergeant Emerson, who revealed Gray had taken Ellie without permission. Matt joined the police in taking Ellie back to their aunt.

Ellie wasn’t seen again in Summer Bay for nearly two years, when Matt found her hiding in the flat he shared with Roo. She explained she had run away from school camp and told him that, although she wasn’t mistreated, her aunt May didn’t really want her there and had only taken her in out of obligation. Matt convinced both Roo and May to let Ellie stay with him. May warned him that Ellie could be trouble and she took money from Matt’s wallet while he was in the shower…but then turned up with tacos she’d bought with it for a celebratory meal.

Ellie wasn’t keen on being enrolled at Summer Bay High however, hiding on the beach on her first day and then feigning illness. She argued with Matt, accidentally breaking a vase, and admitted to Phoebe she was worried about a History test, since she didn’t understand it. She ended up doing the test but the teacher, Miss Talbot, accused her of not doing enoough research and she overturned a desk in anger.

Ellie admitted to Matt that she had trouble reading and was diagnosed as dyslexic. Evelyn was assigned to her as a teaching assistant but Ellie felt embarrassed, yelling at Evelyn during their first session and then claiming to Matt that Evie had walked out on her. She accepted further help and did a History assignment, which Matt praised, although Roo and Evelyn both felt it needed more work. She met new arrival Raffy for the first time at school and showed her the assignment but Raffy pointed out the mistakes in it. Worried about getting a bad mark, Ellie started a small fire at the school so the class would be cancelled. Matt found out and, on learning Tabitha Ford, who had been at the school clearing out her locker that day, was being blamed, told Zac. Ellie was given a week’s suspension but told Matt he’d done the right thing.

With Matt on her back to do her homework, Ellie teamed up with Raffy to try and set him up with Evie, sending Evie flowers and texting the pair from each other’s phones to arrange a meeting. Matt and Evie decided to pay her back by pretending to be a couple and spending all their time with each other so Ellie would feel neglected. It worked too well as Roo found Ellie trying to hitch-hike to Yabbie Creek because she felt unwanted. Ellie and Matt talked things over and he agreed to back off.

Ellie was partnered with Duncan in a charity volleyball match and turned out to be the owner of a bracelet that Brody had tried to give back to Jeannie Woods. She chided Matt for forgetting Evelyn’s birthday, saying she got loads of reminders online, and joined Roo in attempting to help him come up with an idea for a present for her. She acted as Raffy’s confidante when her friend found out she was the Morgans’ sister and reluctantly told Justin that Raffy had run away to the city to look for her father, Decker. On Raffy’s return, Ellie tried to convince her the Morgans cared about her. She was still behind at school so Evie offered an intense tutoring session, with Matt arranging a pool game to teach her geometry.

With Matt and Evelyn now actually together, Ellie was pleased by an offer to go on holiday to the Greek Islands with them, but not so much by their plans to go to Vietnam where Evelyn had a teaching job, insisting that, since they weren’t her legal guardians, they couldn’t force her. When Matt and Evelyn suggesting applying to be her legal guardians, Ellie saw it as them trying to make her go but Phoebe convinced her they were just trying to give her a family. Ellie changed her mind, not only agreeing to them being her guardian but also to move to Vietnam with them.

With Matt and Evelyn holding a symbolic wedding ceremony before they left, Ellie arranged to stay at Raffy’s on their wedding night and spent her last day in Summer Bay with her friend before having a last walk on the beach with her family prior to leaving