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Which actors are gay?

Guest matty

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I have reported this topic to a Moderator and suggested it be closed. It is inappropriate for us to speculate on the sexual preference of actors and may potentially open the site to legal action..

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Funny, I asked this before, but it didn't seem to post,

Are you serious?

Yes you did post it, and it was deleted. For the same reasons as all your other threads on the exact same topic were closed and later deleted. We've had this discussion only a couple of weeks ago.

In fact this is the third 'Who is gay' topic you've posted today, and the seventh one you've posted overall. With such a keen interest in this particular subject, people may speculate as to your own orientation, which I'm sure you'd agree is none of our business and very unfair on yourself. The same can be said of the actors.

As I've explained several times over, yes there are a few who are openly gay and we all know about them, but discussion of who else might or might not be is purely speculation, which can leave the forum in a very tricky situation. We have had an occurrence in the past of a former cast member (not one who's been named recently), who everyone assumed to be openly gay, asking us to delete certain posts as it would have the potential for legal action to be taken against us. It's for this reason that we discourage these sort of topics, and in fact I may have to add it to the rules.

I'm sure that the responses from other members in this thread only reiterates what I've said, and I've also had several reports in my inbox about the threads being here yet again.

You can consider this a final warning. One more thread on the same subject, or other spam/duplicate topics for that matter, and you'll find yourself on Moderator Preview.

Needless to say, topic closed....again.

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