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Fiona Spence is a lesbian, but who else is/was gay?

Guest matty

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This thread makes me uncomfortable. Some of the actors are openly gay and in theory it should be acceptable to discuss them, but beyond that it becomes titter-tatter based on third-hand evidence, pure unbased speculation or like that horrible US site, outing someone who wishes to keep their sexuality private.


^I agree. I know its just people being curious but in regards to Fiona Spence, I don't think its that 'well-known'. I've read many interviews with her and stuff about her over the years and not once have I come across that information about her. Plus doesn't this sort of conversation or speculation go against everything Gay Rights stands for? I.e pigeon holing people or singling people out for being 'different'. I suppose that attitude could be considered being overly PC, but where do you draw the line?


I don't see what the big deal is, especially when the actors are 'out' themselves. It's just sheer curiosity, no harm intended. Ryan, who is openly gay, except for Fiona? I also know that Tim Campbell and Kylie Watson are, but who else?


Please stop posting the same topics over and over again - it's the 4th or 5th 'Who's Gay' thread you've posted and it's known as spamming - there is a reason why other threads were closed and Ryan and Alexx have pretty much summed it up.

Yes you have a few actors who are openly gay anyway who you've already named, but once those are listed we get people speculating about others and making potentially libelous comments which could land the forum in hot water - it's already happened to us once before with a former actor (not one of the above), who everyone presumed to be openly gay, who later requested the posts be removed with a hint of possible legal action.


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