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I Lied To Protect You

Guest AvrilRP212

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Chapter 23

“Hey Rubes.” Brax said as he came into the room. “Sorry I’m so late; Shawn took forever to go to sleep.” He explained before sitting down.

Ruby said nothing, wondering if he would figure out what had happened in his absence.

“Uh, Rubes, is it just me or have some of the machines been unhooked?” Brax asked looking at Charlie.

“She’s out of the coma.” Ruby squealed excitedly.

“Really?” He asked shocked. They hadn’t been expecting her to wake up for at least a few more days.

“Yeah, really. She’s asleep now but Thompson said she could wake up again soon.” Ruby said.

Brax let out a sigh of relief as he sat down next to Ruby. His family could be going back to normal really soon. Another hour later, Ruby and Brax were talking when Charlie opened her eyes again. Brax got up to fetch the doctor as he had requested they do when she woke up again.

“Ruby…” She said quietly using all the strength she had.

She looked around confused at her surroundings as Brax and the doctor walked back into the room.

“How do you feel?” The doctor asked handing her a glass of water.

She took a drink before answering. “Like my heads going to explode.”

“Yeah, well that’s to be expected after the head injury you received in the car crash.”

“Is she gonna be okay now?” Brax asked.

“I think so.” He replied. “We’ll monitor her closely over the next few days to make sure the swelling has completely disappeared and then we can talk about discharging her.”

“Ruby, who’s he?” Charlie asked looking at Brax.

“Charlie, its Brax.” Ruby replied confused why she was asking.

“Brax?” She still asked confused.

“Your husband.” Ruby said getting worried.

“I don’t know him.” She said a little louder.

Brax stepped back, wondering if he’d heard right.

“Brax, do you mind waiting outside.” The doctor asked looking concerned.

Brax nodded and walked out the door, shutting it as he sat down in a chair outside.

“Brax, why didn’t you call me?” Casey asked walking up to him.

Brax said nothing as his brother sat down next to him.

“I knew I shouldn’t have gone on that teacher trip. I came back to the house to find everyone gone. I called everyone and then finally heard from Bianca that you’d got a call from this hospital.” Casey carried on not clicking on that something was seriously wrong. “Brax, are you even listening to me?” Casey asked bringing Brax out of his trance.

“She doesn’t know who I am.” He said thinking about what she’d said.

“What are you talking about?”

“My wife has no idea who I am.” He said.

“What is your full name and date of birth?” The doctor asked.

“Charlotte Michelle Buckton, 13th June 1979.” She answered with a puzzled expression on her face. “Why are you asking me all this?”

“It’s normal after a head injury like the one you sustained. Can you tell me what year it is?”

Charlie looked over to Ruby trying to read her face before looking back to the doctor and answering. It’s 2008.” She finally answered before looking back to Ruby who had a shocked expression on her face. “What?” She asked confused.

“Charlie, it’s 2016.” The doctor said writing something down.

“No, it can’t be.” Charlie said shocked.

“What’s the last thing you can remember?” The doctor asked.

“Uh, we were at the wedding and then we moved into Leah’s.”

“Dad and Morag’s wedding?” Ruby asked shocked as she got up.

Charlie nodded slightly as she watched Ruby’s face, knowing that something was wrong.

The doctor got up and walked out the door, signalling for Brax and Casey to come in.

“How the hell can she not know who I am? You said everything would be okay once she woke up.” Brax said angrily.

“Occasionally memory problems or amnesia occur after head injuries.” The doctor said softly.

“How bad is it?” Brax asked curiously. Obviously, she didn’t remember him but she did remember Ruby so that had to be good.

“In most cases about 2-4 years are lost, and usually patients regain almost, if not all their memory. But your case seems to be quite severe, losing almost eight years.”

“Will I get my memory back?” Charlie asked hesitantly.

“I don’t know for sure, it might be temporary or it could take a while, I really don’t know. There is certainly a chance you will but how big that chance is…” He said honestly.

Brax’s P.O.V

How could this be happening? It took long enough to get to where we were before Jake decided to ruin it.

“Well if that’s it with the questions I have to get back to my rounds.” The doctor excused himself leaving the room.

We all stood silent for a few minutes, not knowing what to say. Then Case finally broke the silence by going over to Ruby.

“Rubes.” He said hugging her tightly.

“When did you get here?” She asked confused not having even registered that he’d come into the room

“About 20 minutes ago.” He said before they kissed.

“And you are?” Charlie asked shocked as they started to kiss.

“His name is Casey and he’s my brother and I’m Brax, well Darryl Braxton, I guess. I am your husband and none of this should be happening, but you know what they say. You past always catches up with you. So all of this is my fault and I’m sorry but I can’t handle this.” I exclaimed before I quickly left the room.

Ruby’s P.O.V

“I can’t handle this.” Brax said getting up and walking out quickly.

“Is he your boyfriend now?” Charlie asked curiously.

“Uh, sorry. Yes mum, this is my boyfriend Casey.” Ruby said not realising the wording she had used.

“I thought you were going out with Xavier, wait what did you just call me?” She asked shocked.

“I uh, found out in 2009, after you go hit by a car and they saw your Caesar scar, and I kinda of wouldn’t let it go until you finally told me.” Ruby said remembering.

“You didn’t do anything stupid right. Like tracking him down.” She asked worried.

“No, I didn’t do anything.” Ruby lied knowing her mum didn’t need to find out about everything that had happened right now.

Charlie sighed in relief as she sunk back down into the bed.

“Um, Charlie. Me and Case might just go and get a coffee.” Ruby said taking Casey’s hand and leading him out.

Charlie nodded before lying back down and trying to get some sleep.

“What was that all about?” Casey asked confused as to why Ruby had rushed out of the room.

“I just lied to my mum Case.” Ruby cried sadly, as they sat down in the cafeteria.

“What do you mean?” Casey asked confused.

“When I found out Charlie was my mum, I tracked down my biological father. He convinced me that he didn’t rape my mum, but when Charlie kidnaped him I realised she was telling the truth.”

“Hold on. Charlie was raped?” Casey asked shocked.

“Yeah, and afterwards I told Morag and dad overheard. He killed Grant after and she was accused of his murder. Oh god, she doesn’t even remember that her father is dead.” Ruby realised choking back more tears. “Why can’t, just for once, everything just be alright?”

Casey didn’t have an answer for her as he held her in his arms.

Back at the house

“Hey what’s the matter?” Nate asked as Brax came back into the house and storming up the stairs.

Brax went into the room he was sharing with his kids and sat down on the bed where Shawn was already fast asleep. He let the tears fall that he’d been holding in and hugged his sleeping son tightly, scared that if he let go, he might lose him too.

“Daddy? What’s wrong?” Shawn yawned as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

“Nothing kiddo.” He sighed wiping the tears out of his eyes.

They sat on the bed for a few minutes, neither saying anything, before Brax let go of his son and got off the bed. Shawn leant back down on the bed ready to go back to sleep, as Brax started putting all the clothes they’d brought down from the house into their bags.

“What you doing?” Shawn asked stretching before rubbing his eyes again.

“We’re going home.” Brax said putting the bag on the bed before starting on Selena’s things.

“But we were going to see mummy.” Shawn said lying down again. “Why we going home?” He asked.

“Cause we are okay.” Brax shouted.

Shawn shrunk back against the bed, scared that his dad was shouting.

“I’m sorry mate, I didn’t mean that.” Brax apologised sitting down on the bed.

“Why you sad?” Shawn asked looking at his dad.

“Remember Christmas, when we were opening our presents and then we had lunch together as a family?” Brax asked stroking his son’s head.

“Yeah, that was fun.” Shawn smiled.

“Well daddy wishes that we were still like that.”

“Everything gonna be okay, cause I knows it will.” Shawn said sleepily as Brax hugged him.

“I hope your right.” He whispered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 24

Casey’s P.O.V

“Hey Nate, do you know where Brax is?” I asked noticing the car missing in the driveway.

“He uh, left early this morning.” Nate sighed sitting down at the table. “He asked me to give you this.” He added handing me a piece of paper.


I’m really sorry for leaving like this but I can’t handle what’s going on. I’ve taken the kids back home, look after Charlie for me. I know it’s a lot to ask but Rubes, at least she still remembers you. You have no idea what it feels like to have the person you love more than anything or anyone look at you as if you’re a complete stranger.

I could only imagine what my brother was feeling right now. I know if the same thing happened to me and Rubes, well I’d be a complete mess.

Back at the hospital

“How’s Brax?” Ruby asked as he came back into the hospital room where Charlie was asleep.

“He’s gone.” Casey muttered. “He upped and left this morning and he’s taken the kids.” He said sitting down next to her. “How is she holding up?” He asked looking over at Charlie.

“Confused. I think she has remembered something but she’s not letting on much. This is so messed up.” She sighed putting her head in her hands.

“Rubes...” Charlie muttered as she woke up.

“Hey, I’m right here.” Ruby reassured her as she took her hand.

“…Fire…” She mumbled before drifting back to sleep.

“What does she mean about a fire?” Casey asked.

“Uh back in 2009, I think. At the year 12 formal, there was a fire.”

“Well at least she’s remembering some things.” Casey said putting his arm around her as she sat down again.

Back in Sydney

“Hello Ash, I came to get Cocoa back.” Shawn said as Ash opened the door.

“Okay I’ll go get her stuff.” Ash replied running into the kitchen.

“Who was it?” Bianca asked starting dinner.

“It’s Shawn.” Ash said putting all of the dog stuff in a bag.

“When did they get back?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” Ash said before going back out to the door.

Bianca followed him outside towards the car where Brax was waiting for Shawn to get in the car.

“Brax, what’s happened?” Bianca asked hesitantly fearing the worst.

Brax just shook his head sadly as he thought about everything that had happened in the last week.

“Come on.” She said signalling for him to follow her up to the house.

He sighed as he got out the car and went to get his daughter out too.

“Uh, she was involved in a car crash.” Brax said slowly as they sat down in the kitchen.

“She’s going to be alright though?”

“They put her in a coma after and she woke up last night.”

“Well that’s great. So what are you doing back here?”

“She’s got amnesia. She has no idea who the hell I am.”

“Well it’s only temporary, right?”

“They don’t know. They seem to think the more that’s forgotten the less likely it’ll be remembered.”

“How bad is it?” She asked curiously.

“She thinks it’s still 2008. Yeah, it’s bad.”

“She barely remembers living here.” Bianca muttered remembering everything she’d been told about when she’d first come to the bay.

“Mummy doesn’t remember us?” Shawn shuddered sadly as he came round the door.

“Oh Shawn.” Brax sighed signalling for the boy to come over.

“Is that why you’s sad?” he asked sitting down.

“Yeah mate.” He said hugging him.

“She will remember you Brax. It would be impossible for her not to.”

“But how long will it take? It was a rollercoaster the first time.”

“What was a rollercoaster?” Shawn asked trying to understand what they were saying.

“One day Shawn, we’ll tell you. The very long story of how you’re parents got together.” Brax sighed ruffling his son’s hair.

“Auntie Bianca did daddy tell you her name yet?” Shawn asked pointing at his sister.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Well, it’s Selena. I named her. And we gave her mummy’s name too. So she Selena Charlotte Braxton.”

“That’s a nice name Shawn.” She smiled at him.

“Mummy, I want a little sister.” Isobel demanded.

“Yeah and I want a little brother.” Ash said nodding his head.

“But, a baby is a lot of work.” She said. “And they cry a lot and..” She tried to convince them otherwise, failing miserably.

“Please.” They both said.

“This is all your fault cutie.” She sighed looking at Selena.

A week later

“Mum, quit staring at me already.” Ruby sighed putting the magazine down she was looking at.

“I’m sorry, it’s just, the last time I actually remember seeing you, you were 15.”

“Well I’m actually 22, almost 23.” Ruby replied avoiding eye contact with Charlie.

It was hard work being around someone you loved who had no idea what had happened in the last few years.

“You look really grownup.” Charlie sighed.

“Thanks, so are you gonna tell me how much you really remember?” She questioned.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not doing a very good job of hiding what you are remembering so far.”

“None of it makes sense Rubes.”

“What doesn’t?”


“Oh, well, you’re memory’s coming back quite well. I might just leave this one for you to remember.” Ruby said wanting to move off the subject.

“Right, you’re free to go. But if you have any dizziness or headaches get to a hospital.” The doctor said handing Charlie the papers to sign before walking out.

“Ready?” Casey asked walking in.

“Where are we going to go?” Charlie asked.

“What’s wrong with the house?” Casey said before noticing the uncomfortable look on her face. “Oh, well our apartment is kinda out of the question since, well the plumbing’s gone.” He muttered looking to Ruby.

“I don’t want to upset Brax or Shawn.” She said looking down at the floor.

“I guess we could go and ask Leah…” Ruby suggested.

That Evening

“She won’t stop crying. It hurting my head.” Shawn moaned as he came down the stairs where Brax was trying to settle Selena.

“Babies cry Shawn, okay, it’s what they do.” Brax sighed as he daughter continued to scream.

“How’s I suppose to sleep?” he asked sitting down on the sofa.

“Little favourite niece, you’re keeping your Uncle Casey awake.” Casey said coming down the stairs and towards where Shawn was sitting. “I have work tomorrow.” He added.

“Casey, look after Shawn. I’m taking Selena for a drive.” Brax said grabbing his car keys and going out the door.

“Come on dude, back to bed. And try to fall asleep before that whinging little baby comes back.” Casey sighed getting up and walking over the stairs.

“When mummy and Ruby coming home?” Shawn asked standing up.

“I don’t know.” Casey replied.

“I miss them.” He sighed walking over to the stairs sadly.

“We all do. Come on, you’ve got school tomorrow.” He said as they both walked up the stairs.


“Selena, please. Daddy doesn’t know what else to do.” Brax sighed parking the car up by the beach.

He looked back at his daughter still screaming in her car seat before shaking his head and getting out of the car. “Maybe some fresh air ay?” Brax suggested getting her out of the car and walking down onto the beach. “Daddy loves it down here Selena, the beach and the ocean. We’ll come down here and play in the sand and the sea and one day, if you want I can teach you to surf.” Brax said as Selena slowly stopped crying. “That’s better. Now I can actually hear myself think.” He sighed lightly as he continued to walk down the beach. “If we go home, do you think you could stay like this, at least until you’re hungry again. No more crying for a bit?”

He waited for a few more minutes before turning around and heading back up the beach slowly when he noticed her sitting down further up.

“Charlie? What are you doing down here this time of night?” He asked.

“I was uh, thinking.” She replied looking back out at the sea. “What about you?”

“Selena was keeping Case and Shawn awake.” He laughed lightly as he looked down at his daughter who was slowly drifting off to sleep. “Thought I’d drive around for a bit, try and calm her down.”

“Selena is a pretty name.” She said glancing at the baby in his arms.

“Yeah, Shawn came up with it. It was probably the best name anyway. Rubes wanted Taylor, and I know we were deliberating on Olivia, but she didn’t really look like she was an Olivia.” He carried on.

She looked around uncomfortably, having run out of things to say without talking about the one thing that was keeping them apart.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked sitting down next to her.

“In this last week, I’ve remembered just about a year and a half. I know I should be happy that it’s coming back, after what the doctor said, it’s just…”

“It’s a lot to deal with.” He answered for her.

“I’m sorry about the way I was when I woke up.” She said thinking about his outburst before he had left.

“Don’t worry about it. I was a little drained that day, and it must have been weird seeing a total stranger standing there claiming to be your husband.”

“It is very weird. I have no recollection of you at all, yet I feel completely safe and comfortable talking to you.”

“What can I say; I’m a very likeable person.” He joked as Selena stirred a little in his arms.

“You should get her home.”

He looked a little disappointed at this but knew she was right and stood up reluctantly.

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Chapter 25

Thanks for the comment ~JarlieFanEver~

“Morning Selena.” Shawn said softly walking into his sister’s bedroom. She was lying on her bed looking around intently. “You stay quiet like this. You’s pretty, and I tells all’s my friends abouts you.” He said putting his hand through the bars of her cot and stroking her head.

Brax stood by the doorway watching his two kids as Casey walked up to him.

“Morning.” He sighed before looking at the scene going on in Selena’s room.

“Daddy, Selena’s hungry and I’s hungry too.” He laughed turning around and looking up at Brax.

“Come on then, Uncle Casey’s gonna make pancakes.” He laughed picking his daughter up.

“Pancakes!” Shawn said excitedly running downstairs as Brax followed him.

Casey sighed as he followed them. As much as he enjoyed hanging out with Brax and the kids he could not wait to get back to his apartment.

Leah’s House

“So where did you get to last night?” Ruby asked as Charlie came walking out.

“The beach. Why?” She asked sitting down.

“You were down there for quite some time.”

“I had lots to think about. And I might’ve seen Brax.”

“What happened?”

“We talked Rubes.”

“About what?”

“Not much. He had Selena with him.”

2 Weeks later

“Come on Charlie you cannot stay in the house all day and then sit on the beach half the night.” Ruby sighed almost dragging her into the diner.

“Rubes I don’t want to run into people I should know but I don’t okay.” She replied.

“You cannot avoid everyone until your memory comes back now were going to get something to eat and then you are free from me dragging you around until tomorrow.” She said as they both sat down.

“Well it’s nice to see you out and about again after you’re accident, Sargent Buckton.” Colleen said walking over to them.

“When did I become Sargent?” She asked shocked.

“Colleen she’s not a cop anymore.” Ruby said annoyed.

“Well despite past indiscretions and you’re decision to leave the force I will always see you as a member of the constabulary. So what would you like?”

“Just give us a minute.” Ruby sighed.

“When did I leave the force?” Charlie asked confused.

“When you and Brax got back together I think.” She sighed as she saw who was coming over.

“Hey Charlie. I just wanted to say thanks for getting George out of that building and if you can tell Brax too.” Angelo said managing a light smile.

“Oh my god, we slept together whilst you were with May.” She said shocked.

“Yeah, how is this relevant?” He asked confused.

“Angelo in the accident she lost quite a lot of her memory which right now you’re triggering.” Ruby said.

“Oh.” Was all Angelo managed to say.

“I told you about Grant?” She said slowly.

“How much did she lose?” He asked.

“Eight years, give or take a few months.” Ruby said standing up. “Come on mum, I think we’ve done enough remembering for one day.” She said knowing Charlie was soon to remember everything that had happened when she’d brought Grant back into their lives.

Next Afternoon

“Hey Rubes.” Casey smiled as Ruby came into the kitchen and sat down. “How’s things?”

“We decided to go to the diner, and we ran into Angelo. Let’s just say it helped jog some more of her memory. The bit I wasn’t looking forward to.”

“She’s remembering about Grant coming back?” He asked as they both sat down.

“No not yet. Just that she told Angelo about it. Now enough talking about that, I came over to spend time with my amazing boyfriend.” She smiled.

“Really, where’s he?” He teased her.

“Alright I’ll just go then.” She sighed getting up.

“No wait.” He said quickly pulling her back down next to him and kissing her.

“Eww gross.” Shawn said running into the front room.

“Shawn.” Ruby and Casey both groaned pulling apart.

“And fun time is over.” Casey sighed.

“You ain’t been over in long time Rubes.” Shawn said sitting down next to her on the sofa. “I miss you when you not here.” He said hugging her.

“I missed my favourite little brother too.” She smiled.

“Hi Rubes, Case.” Brax sighed walking in with a crying Selena in his arms. “We’ll be in the nursery.” He said going upstairs.

“Shawn, don’t you have something else to do?” Casey asked.

“Nope.” He laughed.

“How about I put a movie on in your room?” Casey suggested getting up.

“Dinosaurs?” Shawn asked.

“Yep.” Casey smiled as they both went upstairs.

“Ruby you said that when you found out you hadn’t done anything stupid.” Charlie said sadly walking into the house.

“Mum.” Ruby said. “I’m so sorry.”

“You tracked him down and brought him back into our lives. After everything I told you about him.”

“I wanted to know what kind of person could do something like that.” She admitted.

Brax had finally got Selena to sleep upstairs and walked down the stairs surprised to hear Charlie and Ruby’s raised voices.

“And I wanted him to pay for what he did to you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when he lied.” Ruby continued.

“I told you not to go looking for him because I knew what he was like, what he was capable of.” Charlie was in tears by now.

“Mum, I didn’t want to believe that I came from such an evil act, that Grant was my dad. But I realise that the only link I have with him is DNA, he hasn’t defined who I am now. That’s what you and my grandparents did.” She finished wiping the tears from her eyes. As she looked up again she realised Brax was standing in the hallway looking very confused. “How much of that did you hear?” She asked.

“You were pretty loud.” He replied. “Who’s Grant?”

“Mum, say something?” Ruby said uncomfortable with Charlie remaining silent.

“I wouldn’t have lied to you for all your life Rubes without a proper reason, yet you think, thought that I would lie about being raped.” She said before walking out quickly.

By now Casey had come into the hallway and was comforting Ruby.

“I have to go after her.” She sniffed before running out the door.

“Can someone please tell me what is going on?” Brax asked confused.

Casey sighed as he began to explain to his brother everything Ruby had told him about Grant Bledcoe.


“Get out before I kill you.” Brax seethed as he answered the door and saw who it was.

“Easy Brax. I just want to talk.” Matt said honestly.

“Well you’ll have to excuse me if I have a hard time believing that after what’s happened.” Brax retorted.

“I’m sorry for everything that’s happened. Jake’s completely off his rocker, I get that now.”

“Well now is a little late. He’s destroyed my family.” He said angrily.

“I know, which is why I’m going to turn myself in to the cops and tell them where Jake is or might be.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 26

“I’m sorry I lied to you about tracking down Grant. I just didn’t think you needed to deal with all that at the time.” Ruby explained as she sat down in the sand.

“I can understand why you didn’t Rubes, but when he came back into our lives before that stuff at the cabin, you believed him over me. I was on the verge of a breakdown and you were eating up all his lies.”

“I know. I just didn’t want to admit I came from something so evil.”

“Rubes, you are by far in a way the…”

“…best thing that ever happened to you.” Ruby finished. “I get that now.”

“We must have a pretty good relationship then.”

“The whole mother-daughter thing was … well is interesting.”

“What happened…to him? He obviously isn’t around.”

“Dad, he wanted Grant to leave us alone so he tried to threaten but he wouldn’t go.”

“One minute the knife was in my hand and then I was stepping back as he fell to the ground.” Charlie remembered Ross’s words. “He killed him.” She realised as Ruby nodded.

“He did it for you. He hated that he’d done nothing when it happened back then.”

“Tell me everything gets better, and don’t lie to me this time.”

“When I first found out you’d been seeing Brax, I lost it with you, called you a hypocrite and everything. You told me not to date Casey because he was a Braxton and then I found out you were with his brother. But after you were shot and we all thought you died, I saw a different side to him and I saw how much you both loved each other.”

Police Station

“Are you in charge here?” Matt asked as he walked up to the front desk of the police station.

Yes, is there something I can do for you?” Watson asked looking up from the papers she was looking at.

“Uh, my name is Matthew Davidson and on the 31st of January I helped Jake Pirovic to break into Darryl Braxton’s house and kidnap those kids. I was also responsible for later blowing up the warehouse.”

“Are you seriously handing yourself in?” She asked shocked as she walked over and cuffed him.

“There’s more. I know where you can… well might find Jake. And he might be armed.” He said handing her the piece of paper he had a little while ago scribbled an address on.

She nodded as she looked at the paper before looking back up at him. “Matthew, you are under arrest for break and enter, kidnap and arson. However, you’re co-operation in helping us find Jake might lessen your sentence.” She said before another officer led him down to the holding cells.

2 weeks later

“Alright Rubes, what are we doing here?” Charlie asked as they walked into an empty Angelo’s.

“Uh, having breakfast.” Ruby lied.

“Want to try telling me the truth this time?”

“Okay, I’m trying to help your memory come back. Lots happened in this place and I was hoping that being in here might help.”

“Well it’s defiantly changed since Angelo first opened it.” She said looking around.

“Yeah it has. Mainly because this place has nothing to do with Angelo anymore, he sold it to Brax.”

“Brax…” She mumbled as she looked around again. Something about this place was tied in with her memories of Brax, but she just didn’t know what.

“Anything?” Ruby asked.

She glanced around again but sighed as she turned back to Ruby.

“Nothing” She mumbled.

“Well it was worth a try. So what are you planning on doing today?”

“Staying in the house”

“Mum, we’ve been over this already. Staying inside those four walls is not going to help get your memory back. Now, Brax has to go into work this afternoon for a couple of hours and we’re going to go round and help Case look after the kids.”

“Rubes…” She moaned.

“Shawn really wants to see you. He’s been begging me like every time I’ve gone over there.”

“It’ll just make him more upset.”

“Him or you?” She questioned.

“Alright it upsets me that I can’t remember two of my kids or my husband.”

“Maybe seeing the kids will help.”

At the House

“Mummy, mummy, you came.” Shawn said excitedly.

“Uh, hi Shawn” She said feeling uncomfortable.

“Come on mummy, we is gonna watch Ice Age 3 again cause it’s my new favwit movie.” He laughed bouncing up and down on the sofa.

“And Ruby…Chocolate Ice-cream, please” Shawn said as he pulled his puppy-dog eyes on his sister.

“Not going to work buddy.” Ruby smiled lightly before walking upstairs to look for Casey.

“Sisters” Shawn muttered. “Come on mummy.” Shawn smiled as he pressed play on the control.

Charlie sat down next to her little son surprised by how settled he seemed around her.

“Scrat so funny” Shawn laughed. “He tries to fly but he can’t. I tried to fly once. I jumped off the big cupboard but I falled, but daddy catched me. I wish I could fly like Peter Pan. You used to read me that story every night. It my favwit book. When are you coming home? I miss you lots, and daddy misses you and Selena misses you and even Casey misses you but he won’t say he does cause he like’s acting tough, or maybe it’s Rubes he misses.”

“We’ll just have to wait and see baby.” She said ruffling his hair.

“Love you mummy.” Shawn sighed as he laid his head down on her chest.

“I love you too Shawn.” She smiled putting her arm around him.


“Okay Rubes what are you up to?” Casey asked making her jump.

“Isn’t it obvious? Case I want my mum back. Not the one from 4 years ago.”

“I get it okay. Kind of how I want my girlfriend back and my youth, my apartment and my life without kids 24/7. So how’s the mission going?”

“Well at first Shawn was doing all the talking and now they’re just watching the movie.”

“Alright well, Rubes, if she’s gonna remember, I’m pretty sure she can do it without you eavesdropping.”

“Point taken”

“Now I just got Selena to go to sleep so…”

“So…? What do you want to do?”

“What I’ve been trying to do for 2 weeks. Hurry up before Selena wakes up again.” He said following her upstairs.


They’re a surf gang from Mangrove River…That one there is Darryl Braxton…You’re under arrest for assault… Touch me and you’ll regret it… No, no I can’t ever imagine regretting touching you… Are you gonna behave if I let you go… Nup… Oh my gosh, the walk of shame… I think it’s safe to say there could be a number of replays…So many choices, alright I choose discretion…I just don’t get why we have to sneak around…isn’t this way more exciting… Don’t even try to deny it Charlie. I saw you with him…. He’s all I ever wanted. He just wants you…He’s threatened to hurt you…BANG…You think Brax is going to outsmart me, don’t you. You think too much of this guy…BANG…I killed a man today and you’re still lying to me…Telling you I loved you. That wasn’t a lie…Just one more day and you and I will be free…Hello Sargent, this is for my brother…BANG… we need to talk about witness protection…Hey little guy, you look so much like your daddy…

It wasn’t a dream. They were memories four years’ worth of memories.

She sat up as she thought about everything. It was as if her memory had never been gone.

“Oh mummy, you fall asleep, now we have to start it again.” Shawn said shaking his head as he started rewinding the movie.

She looked at him for a moment before hugging him tightly.

“Mummy, you suffocating me” Shawn giggled as he squirmed.

“Hey I’m home.” Brax announced walking in the house with a couple of pizza boxes.

“Daddy you home.”

“Oh I didn’t realise you were here.” Brax said tentatively as he saw her sitting with Shawn.

“Brax…” She said jumping off the sofa and into his arms.

“Uh, what’s going on?” He asked but he got no answer as she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Understanding immediately, he returned the kiss quickly.

“Mummy, Daddy. I still watching” Shawn giggled from where he sat on the sofa. “Does this mean you’re coming home now?”

“I think it does mate.” Brax smiled.

“How could I forget about all this?” She whispered looking back at Brax.

“I don’t know ay but don’t ever scare me like that again.” He said hugging her again. “I’m not sure if I could handle losing you a third time.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“So mummy, whilst you were away, daddy was very naughty, he drinks lots of beer and that drink in the big bottle and he and Ruby shouted.”

“Sounds like someone needs to go in the naughty corner” She smiled.

“So it’s all back now? You’ve remembered everything?”

“After the fire, Jake took me to this house, Matt was trying to talk him around but he wouldn’t listen. He said he would bring me back here to kill me so I escaped, took off with Matt’s car. I saw lights and then the vehicles hit I guess”

“And it was Nate.” Brax concluded.

“I’m sorry I never told you about him. I just didn’t know how to.”

“Well however ever much jealousy I feel towards the guy you should probably talk to him later.”

“Hey you’re back…early.” Casey said as he and Ruby walked into the kitchen.

“OMG have you remembered something?” Ruby asked as she looked at them in each other’s arms.

“Yep, everything”

“Yay” Ruby squealed joining in the hug.

Upstairs Selena started crying.

“That little monster is awake again.” Casey announced sitting down on the sofa next to Shawn.

“Hey she’s not that bad.” Brax defended his daughter as he made to go and fetch her before Charlie went instead.

“Are you sure?” He asked wondering how Selena would act with Charlie.

“I think it’s time I got to know our daughter.” She smiled before walking off.


“We have the house surrounded. Put the gun down.” Watson shouted as the police surrounded the address Matt had given her.

“F***” Jake muttered as armed police burst into the room and arrested him. “I will avenge you Hammer. If I have to wait 10 bloody years they will not get away with this.” He whispered as he was cuffed and lead outside to the police car.

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I've been reading your last couple of chapters and they are great!

It's great Charlie remember's everything now.

Ohhh, the end's interesting. Jake getting caught by the cops and saying if he has to wait 10 years to get them he will :unsure: Very interesting!

Great update! Update soon. :wub:

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