~Natasha~ Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 We would appreciate if you took time to fill out following Form Topic Title – The name of the story. If you can’t think of one, just give it any title. If you want it changing later then contact a librarian. Topic Description – Give the names of the central characters or Entire Cast if the fiction includes the entire cast. Also an official rating (see BTTB Ratings Guidance in link above) Type of story: one-shot/ long fiction/ short fiction/ undecided Rating: (See BTTB ratings guidance in link above) Main Characters: ie. Lucas and Belle / Multiple character Genre: Drama/ Romance/ Angst/ A mixture Warnings: Any content you feel needs a warning: ie. Violence, sexual content, coarse language etc. Is Story being proof read: Yes/No Summary: Briefly summarise your story (5 lines max). Thanks, Librarians This fic is basically about the chopper crash and everyone in Summer Bay, although later on in the fic I think it will just be Robbie & Tasha and Jack & Martha after they are found. Secret Heartache 'We're Going Down' "Stop moaning over Jack" Robbie laughs as Martha was slumped on the chair looking very down. "He will be fine and you will see him later tonight" "You are right" She replies smiling. "Colin, are you nearly there?" Martha shouts over to the pilot. "Another half an hour" Colin smiles. "Are you bored already?" He looks in the side pocket and throws them a pack of playing cards. "We are not that bored!" Belle snorts. "Such a charming young girl" Kim jokes to Colin. "Young? I'm only three years younger than you" Belle turns around to face Kit. "At least when they get home they have someone to go back to" "Tell me about it" Kit continues. "What happened to you and Ric Anyway?" "Well you know..." Belle turns to face the window. "Cassie says jump and Ric says how high" When Belle doesn't talk for a while, everyone assumed she was asleep but instead she was thinking about everything- including Amanda. "My head is killing me and I feel really sick" Martha announces, Robbie immediately rushes to sit by Kim. "Typical" Martha then also turns to face the window as Robbie and Kim start their own 'guy' like conversation. "Come on guys" Colin shouts to them all. "Cheer up!" He turns up the volume on the radio. "Nooo!" Martha grabs the pillow from behind her head and presses it really hard on her ears. "What is with the ancient music, Colin?" Kit asks while giggling. "Some people appreciate the..." Colin pauses and turns down his radio. "Colin, what is happening?" Robbie asks frantically while realising the plane had started to shake. "HOLD ON EVERYONE! Colin presses many buttons but it did not change anything, the lights went off and the alarm did too which was flashing bright red in the corner nearest to Kim. "DO SOMETHING!" Belle screams as everyone grabbed hold of each other, they were all screaming as they knew they were caught in a storm. "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Belle adds. Everyone was panicking at that point, Robbie fell and slid to the other end with Kit and Martha following him reluctantly. Everyone was still screaming, they all knew what was coming! "WE'RE GOING DOWN!"
Traceve Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 OMG! Loved Belle having her usuall whinge fest Please update soon!
swfc Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 Belle whinging is the best part ever. Great start!
-ParaisGal- Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 YES! Can't wait for an update. Don't harm Martha, please. The others, eh who cares Hehe. Update soon! Its great, well written!
~Rosey~ Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 That was rreally good! Please update soon!! xxx
~Natasha~ Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 Wow! 5 replies in 10 minutes, thanks everyone! I will hopefully update later in the evening, if not definetly tomorrow.
xsianx Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 Great start! There aren't many fics about the chopper crash Can't wait for chapter 2.
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