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We are catching up

Guest Marc EH

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Trust me, once you catch up you'll wish you hadn't. The eight week break every year is excruciatingly long for home and away fans and i ohnestly wish i was in your poisition!

Yeah, I know, I don't want us to catch up, I like being able to watch it whenever I like. Sometimes I like to watch a few episodes at a time, so it's nice being able to download episodes from a week or so ahead :-)

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Norway is also slowly catching up, but I don't really mind being in2004, as I get to cap episodes no one else has (not on here anyway)... Starting with Angie, and now in the middle of the KK-saga.

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Once the UK catch up with Australian episodes, Five have 2 options:

They can take a break over Christmas, which I find unlikely. The reason they take a break down under is because it's a low TV season there (it's Summer + Christmas, everyone is outside they don't want to watch TV). In the UK it's the opposite, we watch TV much more over Christmas as it's winter.


The other option would be to drop one episode per week to ensure it stays on air all year round. They will of course have to impliment this a good few months before we catch right up. The downside would be that episodes will not air in the correct weekly order. For instance, the end of week cliffhanger is usually the biggest cliffhanger of the week, and we would be getting it, say, on a Tuesday. Whereas the Friday cliffhanger might be someone dropped their pie.

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I really hope we don't catch up 'cos a) It's really handy being able to get Oz spoilers as to what will happen in 6 months time, and also that way you can know how long you have to put up with a particular unbearable storyline (mentioning no names coughPATERNITY SAGAcough), and b) it's good because it means that Five never take a break so come rain or shine (or even snow on Christmas Day!) we never have to take a break.....ditto for Bank Holidays, that's the one thing (well, one of the things!) that seriously annoys me about another certain Oz soap that is broadcast on BBC1 lol.


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Please forgive me if this has already been discussed but I couldn't see that it had been. As each year goes by, we are slowly catching up with Australian episodes. Am I right in thinking we will only be 5 months behind when the 2006 season starts? Also, what do you think Five will do when we get to 1 month behind? Do you think they will take it off at Christmas?

Less than five months even, i think the uk are 4 and half months or 4 months behind australia but then again this not accurate just a guess.

I came up with this because the 2006 season started on the 16th January and in the uk it starts on may 18th i think, which is four months.

Compared to last year it is two months up because the 2005 season started on july 27th.

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I really hope we don't catch up 'cos a) It's really handy being able to get Oz spoilers as to what will happen in 6 months time, and also that way you can know how long you have to put up with a particular unbearable storyline (mentioning no names coughPATERNITY SAGAcough), and b) it's good because it means that Five never take a break so come rain or shine (or even snow on Christmas Day!) we never have to take a break.....ditto for Bank Holidays, that's the one thing (well, one of the things!) that seriously annoys me about another certain Oz soap that is broadcast on BBC1 lol.


It's inevitable that we'll catch up, unless Five cut it down to a couple of episodes a week. If we keep going at the rate we are, we'll catch up with Australia by 2008 I think.

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