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We are catching up

Guest Marc EH

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^ I don't think the break will be in the winter - why would they take one of their higher rated shows off air during peak viewing season? I think we will not have the show on special days, like Christmas, Easter, bank holidays etc like it is with Neighbours, because that is an easy excuse to take it off. I also think they will have a summer break.

Just a thought, but perhaps, because Channel 4 have lost ball by ball rights to the cricket to Sky (boooooo! Sorry...) and Five have got the highlights rights, they could use this to slow down the rate we catch up. As in, replace HAA with cricket when necessary. I know, at the moment, they have said they will screen the highlights later, from 7.15pm-8.00pm but I wouldn't be surprised if that changed.

Or they will just take a break, like Australia do. Perhaps at the end of the 2006 season we will have a short break.

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But for those people who work (apart from teachers!) the summer is not a holiday, we still have to work. Whereas at Christmas more people are off work at the same time. That's the difference, Australians have their Christmas holiday in summer, so when they are off work they also have nice weather and are less likely to be in watching TV.

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