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Love Bites

Guest Gypsy & Will Fan

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Chapter one hundred and seventy eight – Oh great, school!

Will lay on the couch watching TV at the Beach House as Irene ran around looking for her car keys. “Don’t you have work today, Sunshine?” Irene asked as she picked her keys up from the pot purri pot. “Not going, don’t want to talk to anyone or see anyone except my wife and children,” Will said sadly. “Will snap out of it, for God’s sake, if you stay in here and hide away people will believe Dani,” Irene said as she walked into the kitchen to finish her cuppa. “I don’t care,” Will said as he switched the TV off and stormed out of the front door. “Not taken it too well, has he?” Noah asked as he walked downstairs in his uniform. “Hang on, did you stay the night?” Irene asked as she suddenly realized where Noah had come from.

Alf turned around shocked as he saw Morag looking at him in disbelief. “Well, Alfred, what is going on?” Morag asked with her hands on her hips. “Morag, what the flaming hell are you doing here?” Alf asked shocked. “Way to go Uncle Alf, never thought you would get another girl after Ailsa,” the girl next to Morag said laughing. “I just wish it wasn’t her,” Morag said looking Colleen up and down in distaste.

Noah, Nick, Jade, Tom and Hayley walked to school along the beach. “How’s Will holding up?” Jade asked concerned. “Not good,” Nick said sighing, “you know I can’t believe Gypsy believes Dani!” Hayley and Tom looked at him shaking their heads. “Nick! Can you believe her, she has been through so much these past few weeks what with her granddad turning up and her mum telling her she believed her all along, and she finally thinks she’s found happiness and then Dani comes along and rips it out,” Hayley said fuming. “I know I mean and Will’s history isn’t good is it, with the Surf Club instance,” Tom said shaking his shoulders. As they walked buy we see Dani crouching down by the rocks. “I wonder what secret Gypsy’s hiding?” Dani muttered evilly as she walked off quietly smirking.

“Bobby!” Alf said shocked. “Alright Alf,” Bobby said as she gave her uncle a hug. “What are you doing here?” Alf asked in shock. “I can go if you like?” Bobby asked cheekily as she walked towards the door. “No, no I didn’t mean it like that, just that it’s a shock its been so long,” Alf said smiling at her. “I thought I’d come up and see Sally’s new man and Pippa and of course Vinnie’s wife and son and Tiegan’s fella,” Bobby said laughing, “but I didn’t know you had someone whose this then?” “Colleen Smart,” Morag said bitichily. “Lance’s mum,” Bobby said laughing.

Sally was in the classroom getting ready when Irene knocked on the door. “Hey Irene,” Sally said as looked up. “I don’t suppose you’ve heard have you?” Irene asked gently. “Heard what?” Sally asked confused. “Gypsy’s left Will,” Irene said gently, she knew Gypsy was Sally’s best friend and she would be devastated. “What? Why? Where as she gone?” Sally asked shocked and upset. “We think Rebecca and Travis’s and because of Dani, she believes the baby is his, and Dani forced herself on Will when Gypsy walked passed,” Irene said rubbing her chin. “That girl,” Sally whispered, “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me or say goodbye to me, where meant to be best friends.” Irene looked up at her sympathetically and walked towards the door. “I have to go, we’ve got two new students joining today,” Irene said as she opened the door. “Oh Irene, how’s Will?” Sally asked suddenly. “Not good love,” Irene asked as she walked out.

A van pulled up outside Chloe and Tom’s house with a woman, a man and two kids. “No regrets moving here?” he asked smiling at her. “None, what’s so ever,” she said smiling as she kissed him on the lips, “and besides we have friends here.” “We sure do, lets get unpacking!” he said as he opened the van door.

Hayley, Noah and Tom were in Sally’s lesson with Dani. “How’s your sister?” Dani asked bitichily. “ENOUGH!” Sally shouted loudly tears trying not to flow. “What Miss. Fletcher? I was asking how Gypsy is?” Dani asked sweetly. “Like you care,” Hayley sniped back. “Oh did Little Miss Goldilocks snipe back, well I never,” Dani said holding her hand to her mouth in shock. “DANI, BE QUIET!” Sally shouted trying to keep her composure. There was a knock at the door and Sally opened it and smiled when she saw who was standing there.

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Chapter one hundred and seventy nine – Hello!

“Right then, I’d like to introduce you too three new students,” Sally said as she walked in the classroom and they followed her. “OH MY GOD!” Hayley screamed in excitement. “Your so sad,” Dani whispered under her breath. “Why don’t you shut up?” the new girl said looking at her. “Miss, are you going to let her speak to me like that?” Dani asked shocked. “I didn’t hear anything Dani, you should get your ears checked out!” Sally said as she smirked at the girl.

Gypsy was sitting in the living room of Rebecca and Travis’s with Lily and Rachel, since she left Will she was feeling more and more depressed and more and more like life wasn’t worth living. She missed Will more than anything in the world she missed the way he laughed, the way he made her feel like the sexist human being in the world, she missed him in bed, she missed him singing Lily off to sleep, damn it, she even missed his farting and belching.

“Right then, I’d like you welcome our new students, Kit and Robbie Hunter and Jack Holden,” Sally said as she smiled at them. “Hey, Kit come and sit next to me,” Hayley said as she smiled at her. “Why would she want to sit next to you?” Dani asked laughing. “And why don’t you shut your ugly trout pout up, before I shut it for you,” Kit said as she sat down next to Hayley. “Your new, so I wouldn’t expect you too understand, but no one speaks to me like that,” Dani said smiling at her sympathetically. Kit looked at her and smiled. “Who the **** is she?” Kit whispered to Hayley. “Dani!” Hayley said back laughing. “ That’s Dani? Oh, I’m going to have so much fun,” Kit said laughing as she looked over her shoulder at Dani!

Jack and Robbie sat with Noah and Tom. “Who was that bitch?” Robbie asked laughing. “Dani!” Noah and Tom said smiling. “URGH! The girl Will slept with, she is as rough as anything!” Jack said with his mouth open wide. “Hey,” Dani said as she walked towards him and smiled. Robbie started to laughing. Jack looked up at her and did his I can’t be bothered to talk to you smile. “I’m Dani, would you like me to show you around?” Dani asked flattering his eyelashes. “No, it’s OK, I’m busy today,” Jack said sighing. “Tomorrow?” Dani asked as she laughed loudly so people thought they were flirting. “Nope, I’m washing my hair tomorrow,” Jack said as he pushed her hand away, “if you don’t mind this shirt is new and I don’t want your dirty hand prints on it.”

As the lesson finished and they all walked out together Dani pushed passed Kit and nearly sent her flying, but Kit grabbed her roughly and pushed her up against the wall. “Right, I’m going to tell you this only once, don’t mess with me Dani, because I can hurt you so much, that you’ll go running to your mummy and daddy crying, I’m your worst nightmare Dani Sutherland, and until you admit the truth I’m going to make your life hell, I’ll be around every corner, waiting for a slip up,” Kit said as she grabbed Dani’s dress lapels. “What have I done too you?” Dani said trying not to sound like she was ****ting herself. “Let’s just say my best friend is someone you know very well, and your ruining her life, you mess with her, you mess with me, work it out Dani, that’s if the peroxide hasn’t damaged the remaining brain cells you have left!”

Kit walked off with her brother and Jack as Hayley, Noah and Tom looked on laughing, what they didn’t know was that it was too late or was it?

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