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Homecoming Part 3

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:) I am so excited for you to read what I have in store!


Chapter 328



General Hospital- Summer Bay

Bob stared at his son lying on the hospital bed with a tube sticking out of his mouth. The only noise in the room was the beeping of the heart rate monitor. It had been a few hours since he heard over the radio that his son was being rushed to the hospital with a suspected overdose. He still couldn’t process what happened

Bob looked up when the door slowly opened, it was his nephew Nick

“How are you doing?” Nick said and he closed

“Ok” Bob said without looking away from Craig

“I thought you might want some coffee” Nick said and Bob looked up

“Thanks” Bob said and he reach out for the cup

“What did the doctors say?” Nick said as he placed the spare chair next to his uncle

“Its just a waiting game at the moment. If you didn’t find him when you did” Bob said and his voice broke and he put his fist up to his mouth as Nick put a comforting hand on his shoulder

“Why would he do this to himself..why?” Bob said and Nick sighed

“Uncle Bob..I want to tell you something” Nick said and Bob looked at him

“Something happened at the school today, and I think that is why Craig took the overdose” Nck said

“Wha..what happened?” Bob said and Nick sighed

“One of the kids told the other students that Craig is gay…apparently that kid saw him kissing someone” Nick said and Bob looked at Nick with a confused look on his face then he looked at Craig

“Gay?” Bob said confused “But why?...I thought he liked girls…” Bob said

“Uncle Bob, at this age boys are still trying to figure out who they are..maybe he likes girls, maybe he likes boys” Nick said

“But..nobody in our family is gay” Bob said still shocked and confused by what he heard

“Maybe…maybe  this is not true…” Bob said

“Uncle Bob…what if it is true?..Craig is still your son…it doesn’t change who he is” Nick said

“I know but..this is a small town…people will talk..” Bob said and sighed then he looked at his son..people will talk…Bob thought to himself…people will talk…


Caravan park- Summer Bay

“Is it ok if I go and visit Craig after dinner” Steve said

“Yes of course…such a terrible thing to happen..please give him my best” Pippa said

“What is the gay?” Sally said as Steve choked on his dinner

“Sal, who told you that?” Pippa said

“Steve and his friends say that Craig is in hospital because he got the gay, can you catch it like chicken pox” Sally said and Steve had to put his hand over his mouth to stop laughing and choking.

“I will explain it to you later sweetheart, now take your plate to the kitchen” Pippa said and she looked at Steve who was still trying not to laugh.


Lawrence Residence- Summer Bay

“I wonder who that is” Debra said and she got up from the table and walked over to the door and opened it

“Good evening Ms Lawrence, sorry to bother you at home but this really cannot wait” Donald said

“Of course, come in Mr Fisher” Debra said as they stood in the hallway

“As you have probably heard by now, Craig Barnett made an attempt to take his own life this afternoon” Donald said

“Yes, I did hear about it. Unfortunate news?” Debra said

“Well, I am on my way to the hospital now..anyway the purpose of my visit is that I think it is appropriate to hold a special assembly in the morning to address the matter” Donald said

“Oh yes, I think that would be highly appropriate” Debra said

“Also, it was brought to my attention that Craig was the victim of bullying and it was that bullying and exposure of his sexual orientation that resulted in him attempting to take his life. That type of behaviour will not be tolerated in this school and when I find out who was the cause, they wlll be immediately expelled” Donald said as Blake looked at Karen who had a look of shock on her face.

“I think that is highly appropriate punishment” Debra said

“Well, I just wanted to come here and let you know..I will see you tomorrow” Donald said

“Thank you Mr Fisher” Debra said and she shut the door and walked back to the table and sat down

“Is it ok if I go out?” Karen said

“It is a school night, you are not going anywhere” Debra said

“I borrowed Cassie a book I need for homework” Karen said as Blake looked at her

“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you loaned her the book” Debra said

“I wont be long…ill just go to her place and get it and come straight back” Karen said

“No” Debra said and Karen sighed. She had to get to Steve and Sandra before they dobbed her in otherwise she was going to be in big trouble…..


Simpson Residence- Summer Bay

Bobby yawned as she closed and locked the door behind her

“Hello Bobby” Marilyn said from the kitchen

“Hi” Bobby said

“I thought id make dinner tonight since you have been studying all day” Marilyn said and Bobby followed her into the kitchen

“Thanks” Bobby said as she watched Marilyn open the oven door

“Shepard's pie…I hope you don’t mind” Marilyn said as Bobby looked at the pie with burnt corners

“No, its fine…im just going to have a shower and change” Bobby said and she began to walk towards the stairs

“Bobby” Marilyn said and she rushed quickly out of the kitchen

“Yeah?” Bobby said and turned around

“I met Carly's boyfriend the other day” Marilyn said

“He is a creep” Bobby said

“They seem in love, how long have they been dating?” Marilyn said

“dunno, maybe a year” Bobby said and Marilyn’s stomach dropped

“Why?” Bobby said

“Oh nothing, she just looks really happy” Marilyn said faking a smile and Bobby shook her head and walked up the stairs. When Marilyn heard Bobby close the door, she walked over to her bag on the table and put her hand in the side pocket and pulled out the note in her bag as well as the single rose


I am really sorry about the other night…I want to talk..I still love you


Marilyn sighed as she pushed the rose back in her bag…she still loved Ben but she didn’t know what to do…


Stewart Residence- Summer Bay

Knock at the door

“Would you mind getting that love, Ill just put Duncan down” Ailsa said as she walked towards the bedroom. Sandra got up from the floor and walked over to the front door and her face changed to annoyed when she saw Karen at the door

“What do you want?” Sandra said

“To make sure that you don’t dob on me because that little queer wanted to off himself” Karen said

“Maybe I should because what you did was evil..he could’ve died” Sandra said

“No, you shouldn’t otherwise..” Karen said

“Otherwise what? Im not afraid of you” Sandra said and Karen grabbed her hair and pulled Sandra close to her.

“Let go of me, what are you doing?” Sandra said

“If you dob on me..Im going to make sure that you end up in a hospital bed next to that queer” Karen said and when she heard the door opening she let go of Sandra

“Hello Karen, how are you?” Ailsa said

“Fine thanks Mrs Stewart” Karen said and smiled

“Thanks anyway Sandra, ill see you tomorrow at school..bye” Karen said and waved and walked away as Sandra closed the door

“What did Karen want?” Ailsa said

“She just wanted to know if I had a book for a class tomorrow” Karen said

“That’s nice that you are friends. Its always nice to have friends when you are new in town” Ailsa said as she walked into the kitchen while Sandra sat on the couch massaging her neck…


General hospital- Summer Bay

Emotional background music

Donald walked along the hospital corridor. As he got closer he saw Craig on the bed and he stopped walking



Doctor- I'm sorry Mr Fisher...there was nothing that we could do...

Flashback ends


Donald felt tears starting to form in his eyes and he wiped them before they fell

“Donald” Donald turned around when he heard his name

“Hello Bob…I just wanted to come by and see how Craig was” Donald said

“Thanks..well thankfully Nick got him here on time but he still isn’t out of the woods yet”  Bob said

“Thats great news..I wanted to let you know that it was brought to my attention that Craig was being bullied because…” Donald stopped talking

“Because he is gay?” Bob said

“Sorry, I wasn’t aware that you knew” Donald said

“I didn’t “ Bob said

“Well, I will be interviewing all the students in his year and when I find the source, that student will be expelled immediately..I think that will be an appropriate mode of action..considering the circumstance” Donald said

“Thanks” Bob said

“Well, I wont keep you..ill be going now” Donald said

“Thanks for coming by Donald” Bob said and smiled and Donald nodded his head. He watched as Bob went into the room and sat down


Simpson Residence- Summer Bay

Bobby yawned as she poured the hot water into the cup with the chamomile tea bag. Even though she was tired, she was finding it difficult to sleep


Knock at the door


Bobby looked at the clock on the wall, it was late and she wasn’t expecting any visitors. She put the kettle down and walked towards the front door

“Who is it” Bobby said

“Um..Bobby..its me” Donald said and Bobby sighed and opened the door

“What do you want?” Bobby said as she folded her arms

“To talk..please..i wont be long” Donald said and Bobby looked at him then walked towards the kitchen. She picked up the cup and stirred it and sat by the dining table

“I hope you don’t mind if I sit down” Donald said then he sat down opposite her


Background music Frank and Bobby’s theme


“I just got back from the hospital..I went to see Craig Barnett” Donald said

“What is wrong with him?” Bobby said and she carefully sipped some of the tea

“He attempted to take his life today” Donald said and Bobby looked at him

“Why?” Bobby said concerned

“ I don’t know all the details but what I do know is that his sexual orientation was exposed and the assumption is that is the reason why he did it” Donald said

“Poor boy, hope he is alright” Bobby said

“Well from what Bob said, he is lucky that he was taken to the hospital on time”” Donald said and Bobby looked at him

“But that is not the reason why I came here tonight…when I went to the hospital..seeing Craig lying on the bed with the tubes and the heart monitor…brought back the memory of seeing Allan like that...then he took a turn for the worse...and the doctors said” Donald's voice broke. Bobby looked at him

“What I am trying to say is that I already lost one child due to my selfish and self-righteous behavior, and I don’t want to lose another one…Bobby, I really am sorry” Donald said and Bobby sighed

“We go through this all the time, its like a cycle that never stops…I do something you don’t like or that isn’t up to your standards and then you criticize and try to make decisions for my life” Bobby was interrupted

“I know I do that…Bobby, Im sorry..please…I want things to be different this time..I know I have been wrong in the past, but I don’t want to lose you…I feel like I am already losing you…please tell me what I can do?” Donald said then he reached out and touched Bobbys hand and she sighed

“Lets just take it one day at a time” Bobby said

“Yes yes…thank you” Donald said and he raised Bobbys hand up to his cheek and sighed. Bobby looked at him. If she was honest with herself, she did miss the relationship they started to develop when she found out he was her father, She wasn’t sure of the future but she as at least willing to try if he was…


Background music ends


High School- Summer Bay

“Settle down…settle down” Donald said as he stood in front of the lectern. He looked into the sea of students seated in front of him as they started to quieten down

“Im sure you are all aware by now that one of your peers attempted to take his own life last night. Although it has not been confirmed it appears that bullying was the cause. We take that sort of behavior very seriously in this school and as a result, I will be conducting interviews with every single one of you in the next coming days until I found out who the source of the bullying is. When I find out who that person is, they will be expelled from this school and I note put in their education record explaining why” Donald said. As he looked at the students, he could see some of them looking at each other in shock.

 “This is a very serious matter, and If in a week, this situation has not been resolved, you will all be on one hour detention after school” Donald said and all the students began to mutter

“QUIET” Donald said and suddenly the room was quiet

“I hope I have made myself very very clear..dismissed” Donald said and the students began to walk out of the assembly room with Karen staring at Steve and Sandra as they walked out…


Sands Resort- Summer Bay

Bobby picked up the letters that were on her desk

“Hi, I didn’t know you were coming in today” Bobby looked up to see Jonathan walking over to his desk

I just came to pick up some paperwork…I have classes this afternoon” Bobby said and she got up

“There must be something in the water, nearly all my staff are sick..hey you wouldn’t mind” Jonathan was interrupted

“No, I don’t think so” Bobby said and she laughed

“Hopefully some of the casual staff can come in” Jonathan said  

“Good luck, Ill see you later” Bobby said then she began to walk towards the door

“Oh by the, Its not a good idea to call Craig Barnett” Bobby said and Jonathan looked at her

“Why? He is actually one of the best casual staff we have” Jonathan said and Bobby sighed

“I guess you haven’t heard….he tried to kill himself yesterday” Bobby said and Jonathan gulped

“Oh no..how is he…what happened?” Jonathan said


Dramatic background music


“I guess I can tell you because you are his manager but apparently some kid at the school found out he is gay and told everyone…so I guess that is the reason why he wanted to top himself..I think he is going to be alright but he is still in hospital” Bobby said and Jonathan's heart began to beat fast

“That is a shame…I never saw him with any boyfriend” Jonathan said

“Me neither…anyway, keep it to yourself” Bobby said

“Yes, of course” Jonathan said and faked a smiled

“See you later” Bobby said and she shut the door. Jonathan sat in the office all by himself…it was only supposed to be a bit of fun…just like all the others..just fun..what if somehow his name was attached to this..what if someone saw him and Craig..Jonathan sighed…he had to figure out a way to see Craig to make sure he never mentioned his name otherwise it would ruin his career…and end his marriage…

Dramatic background music ends

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Chapter 329



High School- Summer Bay

“Have a seat Lawrence” Donald said as Blake sat down

“Now, is there anything you need to tell me in association with what I said in assembly this morning?” Donald said as he looked down

“No sir” Blake said

“I have just been informed that Craig took a turn for the worst” Donald said and Blake opened his eyes wide

“Is he going to die?” Blake said

“Hopefully no…This is a very serious situation, I am going to ask you again and before you answer, I want to inform you that any student who is later on found to be withholding information pertaining to this matter, will be suspended” Donald said as he stared at Blake

“I don’t know anything sir” Blake said

“Alright, you can go back to class” Donald said and Blake walked out of the office and closed the door. Karen was always getting into trouble…but nothing like this. She was his sister, he couldn’t dob her in. Blake sighed as he walked back to class.


Chelsea Piers- Manhattan

Frank put the envelope on the table as his heart beat fast. James nodded to the man in front of him who picked up the envelope, opened it and began to count the money as James puffed on his cigar and blew the smoke out of his mouth. When the man opposite him finished counting he looked at James, put the money in the envelope and put it on the table.

“It appears as though the money is short” James said then puffed on his cigar

“Yeah I know..sorry. I was hoping to have the money by today but it didn’t work out” Frank said

“Frank, that is not the way I do business” James said as he looked at the end of the cigar

“Im just having some money troubles at the moment, and there is no overtime at work” Frank said

“Well, I am sorry to hear that, but your debt still needs to be paid” James said as he flicked the cigar ash into the ashtray.

“I know, I promise, I will pay everything back, I just need some time..please” Frank said and James looked at him

“I like you Frank…unlike most of the men who owe me money, so I will give you what you requested..ill give you two weeks….however I need the full $8000” James said and looked at Frank. Frank was confused, he thought he only owed $6000

“Ok” Frank said before he realized it. He didn’t know how he was going to come up with that amount of money in two weeks. Mr James put out his hand and Frank shook it. As Frank tried to let go, James held on

“Frank, don’t let me down” James said as he stared Frank in the eyes

“Ok” Frank said again without realizing it then James let go off his Frank and Frank walked towards the exit of the boat

“What do you want to do about him boss?” One of the men standing around said

“Nothing..leave him be..for now” James said then he picked up his whiskey and smiled.


High School- Summer Bay

“Sit down Matheson” Donald and Steve sat down and looked at him

Now, is there anything you need to tell me in association with what I said in assembly this morning?” Donald said as he looked at Steve

“No sir…only that I hope Craig gets better” Steve said

“Well I have been informed that Craig took a turn for the worst” Donald said

“I went to see him last night, Sgt Barnett said he was getting better” Steve said and sighed. He considered Craig to be one of his good friends in Summer Bay and he wished that he would have told him that he was gay. He wasn’t going to laugh at him or anything.

“This is a very serious situation, I am going to ask you again do you have any information regarding what happened here yesterday” Donald said as he stared at Steve

“No Sir, I dont” Steve said

“Very well than…go back to class” Donald said and got up and walked out of the office. He closed the door and sighed. He did know something but he didn’t want to be the one to dob even though Craig was his friend. As Steve was about to walk around the corner, he bumped into Karen who stared at him. Steve walked past her as she bumped into him then she inhaled deeply, exhaled and knocked on the office door, and opened it when Donald said to come in

“Have a seat Lawrence” Donald said as Karen sat down

“Now, is there anything you need to tell me in association with what I said in assembly this morning?” Donald said as he looked down at the list of students he needed to interview before the end of the day

“No Mr Fisher” Karen said

“I have just been informed that Craig took a turn for the worst” Donald said and Karen opened her eyes wide

“Is he going to die?” Karen said

“Hopefully no, but Its interesting that you and your brother had the exact same response when I mentioned that” Donald said

“Well…we are twins” Karen said and smiled

“That will be enough of that.…This is a very serious situation, I am going to ask you again and before you answer, I want to inform you that any student who is later on found to be withholding information pertaining to this matter, will be suspended” Donald said as he stared at Karen as she attempted to play cool

“I don’t know anything about this tragic situation” Karen said

“Alright, you can go back to class” Donald said

“Thank you Sir” Karen said and smiled then she got up from the chair and walked out of the office. When she closed the door, her smile disappeared and she exhaled. She was in the clear for now. As she walked back to the her classroom she saw Adam sweeping the floor

“Looks like you missed a spot” Karen said and winked at Adam when he turned around. He shook his head as he watched her seductively walk away…


Stewart Shop- Summer Bay

“Just put those on the shelf” Alf said and looked down at the receipts on the counter. Alf looked up when he noticed that Blake didn’t move

“Blake” Alf said and Blake jumped

“Sorry Mr Stewart, did you say something?” Blake said and he looked at Alf

“To put those cans in the box on the shelf” Alf said as he watched Blake pick up two cans

“Is everything alright son?” Alf said

“Yeah” Blake said and he put the two cans on the shelf and picked up two more.

“Are you sure?” Alf said and he walked around the counter and stood near to Blake who exhaled

“Mr Stewart, can I ask you a question?" Blake said

"Sure mate, whats on your mind?" Alf said

"What would you do if you know something, but you couldn’t tell anyone because it would get someone into trouble” Blake said

“It would depend on what it is…are you in some kind of trouble son?” Alf said

“No, no, its not me..just a mate at school asked me for some advice” Blake said

“Ok right..now this mate, what kind of trouble has he got himself into?” Alf said

“I cant really say” Blake said

“Well tell your mate that its always important to do the right thing” Alf said

“That means ill be known as a dobber…I mean, he will be known as a dobber” Blake said

“Losing a few friends for dobbing is not the end of the world….so tell your mate that it is always important to do the right thing…ok?” Alf said and Blake nodded and smiled as Alf walked back around the counter. He glanced over to Blake then he sighed…he was a hypocrite. Here he was telling Blake to do the right thing…and he was having an affair that he couldn’t stop...



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Chapter 330



Two days later


Fisher Residence- Summer Bay

Donald looked at Lucinda as she poked her fork into the pasta. Donald chewed then he wiped his mouth

“Is everything alright with your food?” Donald said and Lucinda didn’t respond

“Lucinda?” Donald said again and Lucinda looked up
Sorry, did you say something Uncle Donald?” Lucinda said

“I was just asking if something is wrong with your food” Donald said and Lucinda looked down at her plate

“Im sorry, no there is nothing wrong with the food. I don’t appear to be very hungry” Lucinda said and she put the fork down

“Oh? I am sorry…is there something the matter?” Donald said

“I am just a little disappointed, that’s all” Lucinda said

“Do you mind if I ask why?” Donald said and Lucinda looked at him

“Do you remember that I mentioned that I was dating someone?” Lucinda said

“Yes, I am hoping to meet the young man soon” Donald said and smiled

“Unfortunately, that will not be happening” Lucinda said as she looked at Donald while he processed what she just said

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that” Donald said when he finally realized what Lucinda meant

“I guess these things happen” Lucinda said

“Well, I am sure you will meet someone suitable when the time is right”  Donald said

“I was actually thinking that maybe its time for me to go home” Lucinda said

“That is a bit sudden” Donald said

“Ive been thinking about it for the last few days” Lucinda said

“Are you sure its something you want to do? I thought you were excited about living in Summer Bay…and for selfish reasons, ,you are one of my best employees” Donald said and Lucinda smiled

“Thank you Uncle Donald. I am probably feeling this way because I  thought things were heading in a good direction with Ma..the guy I was seeing” Lucinda said

“Well that shouldn’t be a reason to uproot your life” Donald said

“I know, but maybe its for the best” Lucinda said

“Well..should you decide to stay,  you are welcome to stay here as long as you want” Donald said

“Thanks Uncle Donald…I think I will go to the diner” Lucinda said and she got up and picked up her plate. She wrapped the cover and put it in the fridge

“Can I bring you anything back?” Lucinda said

“No, no thank you” Donald said and Lucinda smiled then she walked out of the house. Donald sighed then he picked up his plate and put it in the sink and walked into the living room. He picked up the phone and dialed. “Hello Barbra, how are you?” Donald said smiling as he sat down at the desk..


Smart Residence- Summer Bay

“From your mate, Marty”

Lance sighed then he put the letter back in the envelope. It had been a while since Martin left and he really missed him. They had known each other all their lives and have been best friends longer than Lance could remember. Lance put the envelope on the bed laid on his back and looked at the ceiling. As he remembered all the times that he and Martin got into trouble, he smiled to himself. Even when Martin carelessly left the keys in the expensive car he brought and it got stolen he still forgave him because they were friends.

“Dinner is ready Lance” Colleen shouted from the other side of the door. Lance wasn’t really hungry…he didn’t know what he was these days. Maybe it was because Marilyn was back in Summer Bay

“Lance” Colleen said and slowly opened the door

“Dinner is ready” Colleen said

“Yeah, Ill be there in a minute” Lance said. Colleen was just about to walk out of the room then she walked over to Lance and sat on the edge of the bed

“Are you alright…you know…you can talk to me” Colleen said

“Im alright” Lance said

“Are you sure…I was talking to Ailsa and she seems to think that there is something wrong…you are not still upset about Marilyn are you?” Colleen said

“No” Lance said thinking that maybe he was lying

“Good, after the way she waltzed away, you shouldn’t be spending any time thinking about her..shes not good enough for my Lancey” Colleen said and she got up and pulled Lances cheeks

“You better get a move on before your dinner gets cold” Colleen said and smiled and walked out of the room. Lance sat up and opened the draw next to his bed and put the letter from Martin in it. Just as he was about to close it, he saw something from the corner of his eye. He opened the draw wider and pulled out a photo, it was of him and Marilyn. Lance looked at how happy they were in the photo then he sighed, put the photo face down in the draw, closed it and walked out of the bedroom.


Simpson Residence- Summer Bay

Bobby walked up the stairs and as she passed Marilyns room, she saw her sitting on the bed and staring at the floor

“Marilyn” Bobby said and Marilyn jumped

“Didn’t mean to scare you” Bobby said and she walked into the bedroom

“Is everything alright?” Bobby said and she sat down on the bed

“Yes” Marilyn said and smiled then her smile disappeared “ No” Marilyns aid

“Whats wrong?” Bobby said


Emotional background music


“Remember I told you about my ex?” Marilyn said

“The guy you said was a creep?” Bobby said

“Yes….well he wants to see me” Marilyn said

“What for?” Bobby said

“He wants to talk..and he said he still loved me” Marilyn said

“And you still love him?” Bobby said and Marilyn nodded

“If he was that bad, why do you want to go back to him?” Bobby said

“I don’t know, I guess because I still love him” Marilyn said

“A leopard doesn’t change its spots Marilyn..and if the guy was a creep, he probably still is a creep…but its up to you…its your life” Bobby said and smiled then she got up and walked out of the room. Marilyn opened the draw next to her bed and took out the note that Ben wrote to her and she put it on her chest and exhaled..

 Background music ends 


Bayside Diner after dark- Summer Bay

Background music- jukebox

Why does Monday come before Tuesday?
Why do summers start in June?
Why do winters come too soon?
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breakin' up?
Oh why, why do we love if love will die?

Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday?
Why do flowers come in May?
Why does spring time go away?
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breakin' up?
Oh why, why do I love you, tell me why?


Grant  looked around to see that Carly dropped a bowl on the floor

“Let me get that” Grant said and he walked into the kitchen

“No, its alright” Carly said and she picked it up

“Are you alright?” Grant said

“Yeah, I was taking something out of the shed at home and a can of paint fell on my arm, it still hurts a bit” Carly said and smiled as Grant looked at her.


It's not like I can't explain, what's in my heart
It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart
I don't wanna breathe, I don't wanna think
I don't wanna love, I don't wanna do anything


He knew she was lying. Carly knew that what she said sounded ridiculous, but it was the first thing that she could think of. Grant wanted to say something but he was hesitant in case he was wrong…but he knew he wasn’t...however if he was he probably would love the job..and maybe his home..


t's not like I can't describe what's going on
It's just I feel I'm not alive when you're not home
I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
I just want you here beside me without you there's no me


“Is there anything else you wanted Lucinda?” Carly said as she walked to the counter

“No, the milkshake is fine” Lucinda said and smiled

“Thanks for helping with that mini rush. This is usually the time that we get a lot of tourists coming to the bay” Carly said and Lucinda didn’t respond

“Is there something wrong?” Carly said as she looked at Lucinda

Why does Monday come before Tuesday?
Why do summers start in June?
Why do winters come too soon?
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breakin' up?
Oh why, why do we love if love will die?


Lucinda wanted to say something to Carly but would be awkward considering Matt used to date Carly

“No nothing, its just been a long day…I better get going…ill see you later” Lucinda said and smiled then she picked up her milkshake and as she turned around, she almost bumped into Nick

“Sorry” Lucinda said

“That’s alright…it was my fault” Nick said as he turned around and picked up a napkin from the table and wiped his shirt

“How are you?” Lucinda said as she picked up a napkin and helped to clean off the milkshake she spilled on him

“Good, you?” Nick said

“Good thanks…I am really sorry...can I buy you dinner to make it up?" Lucinda said and Nick looked at her. They did try to date before but she was preoccupied..maybe things would be different now...

"Ok...if you insist” Nick said and smiled

"Can I call you tomorrow?" Lucinda said

"Ok" Nick said

"Night" Lucinda sand and smiled then she walked out of the diner


Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday?
Why do flowers come in May?
Why does spring time go away?
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breakin' up?
Oh why, why do I love you, tell me why?


“Hi Carly, everything alright?” Nick said as he got to the counter

“Yes everything is fine” Carly said and smiled

“Any updates on the bloke that attacked Carly?” Grant said as he walked out of the kitchen and Carlys heart started beating fast

“Nothing. We have nothing to follow up on since we circulated the description Carly gave” Nick said

“Hes probably long gone now. Fortunately there have been no other incidents..can I get you anything” Carly said immediately

“Just a coffee thanks” Nick said

“Yeah, fortunately we have had no other incidents…we are really lucky” Grant said and he looked at Carly then he walked into the kitchen as she sighed….


Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday?
Why do flowers come in May?
Why does spring time go away?
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breakin' up?
Oh why, why do I love you tell me why?

Background music ends

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Chapter 331



General Hospital- Summer Bay

“Bob” Bob turned around to see Pippa standing behind him

“Pippa…how are you?” Bob said and he stood up. He wasn’t expecting her, however he always liked Pippa  because she was always kind to him and his son

“I just wanted to see how you and Craig are doing” Pippa said and she walked closer to the bed and gently placed her hand on Craig’s hand

“Well the Doctors say there is no permanent brain damage but he is still in a coma” Bob and his voice broke

“Im sorry Bob” Pippa said and she put an arm on Bobs shoulder to comfort him. Bob wiped the stray tear with the back of is hand and exhaled

“I keep trying to figure out how this could’ve happened,,,,why it happened” Bob said as he looked at his son

“Thinking about that is not going to help..all you need to do is focus on the fact that Craig is going to get better, and everything will be alright” Pippa said and she smiled and gently rubbed Bobs shoulder

“Thank you…thank you for coming, I really appreciate it” Bob said and managed to smile. He really did appreciate it…he hadn’t moved from the hospital since he got there

“I have to go now, but If there is anything you need, please let me know” Pippa said and Bob looked at her

“Please say a prayer for him” Bob said. Even though the signs were pointing to a full recovery, Craig was still not out of the woods yet

“I will…bye” Pippa said and smiled then she walked away. Bob smiled as he watched her walk away then his smile disappeared. The one person he thought would come and see him…the one person he thought he was getting closer to…she wasn’t there…


Stewart Store- Summer Bay

“ Alf” Debra said as Alf thrusted fast then he slowed down and stopped and kissed Debra passionately then they stopped and both exhaled and Alf rolled onto his back and laid on the mat on the stockroom floor. Debra smiled to herself as she thought about how her Alf, Blake and Karen had a great time camping, then her smile disappeared. She wished that it could be like that all the time…she wished that she could be with Alf all the time. Debra exhaled then she sat up and began buttoning up her blouse

“You don’t have to go, already do you?” Alf said

“Yes” Debra said then her and Alf looked at each other when they heard someone trying to open the door. Alf got up quickly and rushed to put his trousers on. He walked to the stockroom door and peeked. It was Michael

“Who is it?” Debra said as she tied her hair back

“Its Michael, me sister Celia’s husband…what the bleeding hell does he want” Alf said

“He probably wants to buy something…go out and serve him” Debra said as she pushed Alf out of the stockroom then he walked towards the front door

“I thought you were closed” Michael said as he walked into the shop

“No no, this door gets stuck sometimes” Alf said as he pretended to play with the lock

“What can I get you” Alf said

“Just a can of WD40 please” Michael said then they heard something fall on the floor. Debra sighed, As she was hiding she knocked a can off the shelf. She had to think quickly. She looked around then she picked up a box of soap powder

“This is the one I was looking for Alf, thank you” Debra said and she walked around the corner as Michael looked at her

“Can I settle up with you later, I need to get back to the school?” Debra said

“No worries” Alf said trying to sound relaxed

“Thank you…Bye” Debra said and she looked at Michael and smiled as they both watched as Debra walked out of the shop and Alf exhaled and thought about how close he was to being caught…


Police Station- Summer Bay

“Thanks” Nick said to the front desk assistant as she gave him a file. He put the file on the desk and opened it. It was an arrest he made, he needed to add more notes to it

“So…how was dinner the other night?” Nick looked up to see his colleague Pete smiling at him

“It was alright” Nick said and smiled. Lucinda kept her promise, they went out to eat. He had to admit, he did have a nice time.

“So are you seeing her again?” Pete said

“Dunno” Nick said and Pete sighed

“You’re not still hung up over that legless bird?” Pete said and laughed as Nick looked at him

“Ive got work to do” Nick said and he looked down at file on his desk as Pete walked away laughing. He wasn’t still hung up over Julie…that was a lie….


High School- Summer Bay

Steve looked at the clock then sighed there was another 20 minutes left before the detention ended. All of the year had detention every day because no one had come forward to dob on the bully.  He then looked over at Karen who looked at him sarcastically then he looked down at his homework. Even though Craig was his friend, he didn’t want to be known as the school dober if he told Fisher about the confrontation Craig had with Karen, yet he felt guilty that he had to keep it to himself..he had to make a decision. Steve sighed then he looked up to see Ms Woods looking at him and she smiled. She was always looking at him in a funny way. He then looked over to Sandra who was also doing her homework. Steve sighed then he put his head down and began writing…hopefully someone else would tell Mr Fisher because he knew he couldn’t…


“Come in” Donald said as he heard a knock on the door

“Do you have a moment Mr Fisher?” Debra said as she opened the door

“Yes, come in…I was just leaving for the day” Donald said as he put a folder into his briefcase. He was intending to pass by the hospital to see Bob and Criag. Although he and Bob were not the best of friends, he sympathized with him considering he went through the experience of having a son in a coma.

“Well I wont keep you” Debra said and she closed the office door

“Have a seat” Donald said and Debra sat done

“What can I do for you?” Donald said as he looked at Debra

“It is with regards to the Barnett boy and the bullying” Debra said

“Yes” Donald said

“I don’t believe my children should have to continue to attend the detention” Debra said

“And why not?” Donald said

“We have only been here for a few months, and to be honest, my children would not mix with that sort of boy or know anything about him...considering the circumstances, I dont think he should even be attending this school” Debra said and Donald looked at her.

If he was honest with himself, he was very surprised at what she said. Initially he did find himself being attracted to her strong nature. She reminded him of himself, the values that she had, the discipline that she helped to instill in the school but he was seeing a different side of her.

“I would like to remind you that when you first arrived, I informed you, and you did indeed agree that your children will not be shown any preferential treatment” Donald said

“Yes I do recall that but” Debra was interrupted

“But what?” Donald said

“My children have told you that they do not know any information and I believe them and think they should be excluded from the detention” Debra said

“Well I am sorry, when Blake and Karen are in school, they will be treated like any other student…and like any other student, they will be in the detention hall one hour after school, until this issue is resolved. Good day Ms Lawrence” Donald said then he looked down at his to do list while Debra stared at him. Donald looked up to see that Debra was staring at him

“Is there something else?” Donald said then Debra got up and walked out of the office and closed the door…

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Chapter 332




Two days later

Macklin Office- New York


Background music- have you ever been alone

Frank stared at the clock on the wall. He didn’t know how long he had been staring at it, but he felt like the time was going slower than normal. Today was the day that he had to give Mr James the money he owed him..money that he didn’t have. Frank jumped as the phone rang. He looked at it then sighed and picked up the receiver

“Frank Morgan speaking” Frank said

“Hi, its me” Roo said

“Hi, how are you?” Frank said and sighed

“Whats wrong?” Roo said

“No, nothing its just been a long week” Frank said

“I was just calling to say that Helen is here and” Roo was interrupted

You're not coming home this weekend?” Frank said and sighed

“yes..sorry...with the office opening in a few weeks we have so much work to do” Roo said

“I guess its only for a few more weeks” Frank said

“Yes...” Roo said then there was an uncomfortable pause

“Anyway I got to go, I guess Ill see you next week” Frank said

“Ok, ill give you a call later if I can” Roo said

“Ok, bye” Frank said then he put the receiver down. Even though things were better with Roo, he hated that she continued to put her work first but fortunately it would only be for a few more weeks Frank thought to himself and he smiled as he picked up the photo on his desk of Roo smiling. She was so beautiful then Franks smile disappeared as he remembered that he still had to give Mr James money…money that he didn’t have…



Roo put the phone down as Helen walked in  “The guy said he will be here to service the air conditioning on Monday for free” Roo said

“Its not broken” Helen said confused

“Yeah I know, I just want everything to be perfect” Roo said and smiled

“You  have done a wonderful job here Ruth” Helen said as she looked around the office. Roo smiled

“Thank you” Roo said. She was really proud of herself. If someone had told her she would do more in her life than answer phones for the Macklin cooperation she wouldn’t have believed it.

“It’s a shame that you have to go back to the New York office, you have been such an asset here” Helen said as she picked up a document from the desk and Roo's smile disappeared

“W..Well…I can always help out until things Mandy is up and running here” Roo said

“I think Mandy will be fine..anyway, I need you back in New York” Helen said and she smiled then she looked back at her document. Roo smiled then slowly her smile disappeared. She would be going home…permanently…back to reality...back to Frank asking for a baby…Roo closed her eyes and sighed…


Background music ends


Shopping centre- Yabbie Creek

Bobby put the last of the boxes into her minivan and exhaled. When she had the time  on the weekends she usually came here to buy the candles, napkins and other things that they used to decorate the table for the diner after dark. Just as Bobby walked around to the driver side window, she remembered that she needed to get a few things for the house. She locked the van and walked back into the shopping centre. Bobby walked into the shop and picked up the basket. She looked around as she tried to remember the things that she needed to buy. She walked over to the vegetables and picked up a few onions then she picked up some potatoes. Bobby put the potatoes in her basket and just as she was about to turn, someone bumped into her

“Sorry” Bobby heard behind her then she turned around to see a woman in a wheelchair

“Don’t worry about it” Bobby said and she walked around the wheelchair

“Hi, you own the diner in Summer Bay? Bobby turned around. The woman in the wheelchair looked familiar

“My name is Julie, I came to the diner and you gave that guy a serve because he was being rude” Julie said with a smile and a lightbulb went off in Bobby's head

“Yeah, I remember now, you were with Nick” Bobby said and she saw Julies facial expression change then there was an uncomfortable pause. Bobby sighed as guilt came over her as she remembered the conversation, she had with Nick

“Thanks again for that night” Julie said and smiled

“No worried..that guy was a creep” Bobby said

“Oh, Im used to it…sitting in this thing” Julie said and smiled

“Did you get the carrots” Bobby looked up to see a woman standing next to her

“Mum this is” Julie stopped talking

“Bobby” Bobby said and smiled

“Sorry, this is Bobby, she owns a diner in Summer Bay” Julie said and her mum looked at Bobby

“Hello” Jenny said and smiled

“Hi” Bobby said

“Do you come this way often?” Julie said

“Not really, but next time you come to Summer Bay, come by the diner” Bobby said and smiled

“Thanks” Julie said as she forced a smile. She knew that she wasn’t going to be in Summer Bay any time soon.

“Anyway, I have to go, nice seeing you” Bobby said and smiled at both Julie and her mum then she walked away. Julies mum walked away talking to herself as Julie watched Bobby walk away. Julies mum turned around then she walked back towards Julie

“You alright love?” Jenny said

“Yeah fine” Julie said faking a smile

“Good, we put all that nonsense with that policeman and Summer Bay in the past now love…its all for the best” Jenny said

“Yeah, of course..Ill just get the carrots” Julie said and smiled and her smile disappeared as she rolled herself away…


Lawrence Residence- The City

As Karen heard the footsteps coming up the stairs she poked her finger in her eye a few more times and blinked then she laid back on her pillow, grabbed a teddy bear and began to sniffle.

“Sweetheart…are you alright?” Dennis Lawrence said as he walked into Karen’s bedroom


Emotional background music


“Its nothing dad” Karen said as she wiped the tear running down her cheek

“It must be something because you are sitting here alone crying, and not out with your friends” Dennis said with concern in his voice as he sat on the edge of the bed

“Im not happy in Summer Bay dad…the kids at school…they are not friendly” Karen said as she sat up in the bed

“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Dennis said

“I didn’t want to get into trouble because I know that Blake likes it there, he has a job and friends but the girls are really mean to me” Karen said as she cried

“Oh love, Im sorry” Dennis said and he gently put his arm around her

“Ive tried to be nice to them but its not working…its really lonely at lunch time…I don’t have anyone to sit with” Karen said

“Oh no…when me and your mum got divorced, we wanted you and your brother to be happy.Ill talk to your mum…Im surprised she hasn’t seen any of this..Ill see if she will agree for you to come back to your old school..with all your friends” Dennis said

“Dad, please don’t say anything…I don’t want to be any trouble” Karen said

“Its no trouble lfor my little girl..your happiness is important to me, I will speak to your mum and see if we can get this sorted out” Dennis said

“Thank you dad” Karen said as she hugged her dad then smiled…her plan was working….soon she will be out of Summer Bay, the stupid detention, and no one will ever know what she did…..


Background music ends…

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Chapter 333



Diner after dark- Summer Bay

Background music- Jukebox


As I watch you move, across the moonlit room
There's so much tenderness in your loving
Tomorrow I must leave, the dawn knows no reprieve
God give me strength when I am leaving

So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday


“Looks like everything is alright here” Nick said as he smiled at Lucinda as Bobby walked towards the counter.

“Thanks for the check in” Lucinda said.

“Ill see you later” Nick said and he began to walk towards the door as Lucinda smiled, she enjoyed the dinner date she had with Nick even though she was still feeling sad that Matt wasn’t interested in her.

“ Hey Nick” Bobby said as she rushed to the door after Nick.

“G’day Bobby, is everything alright” Nick said as he took off his police hat

“Yeah, I just wanted to ask if there had been any updates on the blokes who attached Carly” Bobby said

“No, nothing, we hit a dead end. Hopefully like Carly said, it was someone from out of town who is long gone now” Nick said

“Yeah, I hope so….thanks for the check ins” Bobby said

“No worries, see you  later” Nick said and he opened the car door

“Oh by the way, I saw your friend Julie today” Bobby said as Nick looked at her and he felt his heart skipped a beat



Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness


“Oh right…I better be going” Nick said and he smiled then he got into his car as Bobby walked towards her car. Nick closed the door and signed. He didn’t expect to be feeling this way when he heard Julies name. Nick inhaled deeply then exhaled. As far as he was concerned it was over between them. Nick started the car and drove off


As we move to embrace, tears run down your face
I whisper words of love, so softly
I can't believe this pain, it's driving me insane
Without your touch, life will be lonely



Yabbie Creek RSL- Yabbie Creek


“BINGO” Jenny Gibson said and got excited in her chair

“Looks like you won again” Julie said and faked a smile as she looked around the room. Everyone there was way older than her..she wished she didn’t have to be here but she had no choice…she wished she was on the beach in Summer Bay again running her fingers through the warm sand…


So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday


“Looks like you and Nick are getting friendly” Grant said as Lucinda walked into the kitchen and smiled

“Yeah, he is a great guy” Lucinda said as she put the dishes in the sink

“What happened to your guy in the city?” Grant said. Carly was about to walk out of the pantry but she stopped

“I don’t know, he said we are better off as friends…I thought it was heading for something more” Lucinda said

“Sorry” Grant said and gave Lucinda a reassuring smile

“Thanks, I guess I just have to accept it…” Lucinda said and Carly stood in the pantry and sighed


Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness




Carly- Matt, I really like you

Matt- I really like you

Carly, Im glad you came back to Summer Bay

Matt- Me too, I missed this place…and you

Carly- Remember we said that if we were ever going to try again, this time it would be for keeps?

Matt- Yeah

Carly- Is it for keeps this time?

Matt- Yeah


Flashback ends


Carly sighed then she walked out of the pantry.

“Well its his loss” Grant said

“Thanks” Lucinda said and smiled

“ Carly, are you not seeing Ben this weekend?” Lucinda said

“No, he has some army stuff to do” Carly said and smiled

“A girl from university married a guy in the Army, he is stationed overseas in Europe and they are having the best life. That’s going to be you one day…you are really lucky to have such a great guy” Lucinda said and smiled. Carly smiled and nodded she was really lucky to have Ben, she really loved him

“Yeah, he is a great guy, I am really lucky” Carly said

“Ill just go and serve the customer” Lucinda said and turned around. As Carly turned around to walk towards the fridge she locked eyes with Grant who stared at her then he turned around to wash the dishes as Carly walked away


Morning has come, another day
I must pack my bags and say goodbye, goodbye

Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness


The Bistro- Summer Bay


Carly- Im really glad it was you who turned up tonight

Matt- Who else was you expecting to take you to the school formal?

Carly- Nobody..I just thought that when you moved to the city, you would forget all about me

Matt- Now why would I do that?

Carly- I don’t know..Im sure there are lots of pretty girls at your new school

Matt- None of them are as pretty as you

Carly- I really like you Matt

Matt- I really like you too

Flashback ends


Matt sighed as he sat in the office attempting to write the rota for next week. He looked at the phone, he did plan on calling Lucinda, just to make sure things were still ok between them even though Matt didn’t feel the same way about her, ,but he knew she would be at work…with Carly. Matt sighed. Lately he had been thinking a lot about Carly, but she was happy with her new bloke..that is why she didn’t want to come and support him at the trial…anyway none of that mattered, he was over her…


Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness


Background music ends


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Chapter 334



General hospital- Summer Bay

Jonathan walked along the corridor quietly. It was late and the lights were low. He knew were he was going because he called ahead. When he got to his destination he noticed that nobody was there he walked over to the bed and saw that Craig's eyes were closed. He had a tube coming out of his mouth and the heart monitor was beeping. For a split second, he felt sorry..sorry that this time his games had gone to far..he knew that Craig was vulnerable…but he couldn’t stop himself..now that weakness he had was potentially going to ruin his life



Craig- When do you think I should tell my dad about us

Jonathan- Not now, we should wait a while…you know we have a plan

Craig- I know but im sick of hiding when I love you

Jonathan- Yeah, it wont be long…at least wait until the school year is finished

Craig- Then we can move to the city and be together..i love you..its going to be hard having to wait..i hope I don’t let the cat out of the bag before that

Flashback ends


 “Hello” Jonathan turned around to see a man standing behind him

“Oh hello, I am Jonathan, the banqueting manager at the sands” Jonathan said

“Oh right, Im Bob Barnett, Craig’s father” Bob said and Jonathan extended his hand out

“Nice to meet you, we sent flowers but I felt I needed to come by. Craig is one of our best workers…we cant understand why this would happen” Jonathan said

“Neither can I” Bob said

“Did he say anything that would indicate that he was…you know..suicidal?” Jonathan said

“No, not at all..this is completely out of character” Bob said and Jonathan exhaled quietly

“How is he doing?” Jonathan said

“Well, the doctors say he is going to recover, its just a waiting game now” Bob said

“That’s fantastic news…Anyway, I better go” Jonathan said

“Thank for coming by..ill walk you out, im going to get a coffee” Bob sand he walked out of the hospital room…just as Craig opened his eyes….



Two days later

Stewart/Ross Residence- Summer Bay

“Thank you for letting me borrow your pans Celia…I would usually use the ones at the diner but Bobby will be using them” Ailsa said as she walked towards the front door

“You’re welcome Ailsa, what are families for” Celia said as both her and Ailsa walked out of the house and towards the car. Ailsa got into her car and closed the door

“Oh, I forgot to ask, how are things with Haydn?” Ailsa said as she started the engine of her car

“Yes…um yes they are must better” Celia said as she smiled

“See, I told you, he just needed to adjust to new home and new surroundings” Ailsa said

“Say hello to Alfred for me” Celia said

“I should be saying that to you, because you see him more than I do lately…anyway, I better get going…bye” Ailsa said and smiled then she drove off

“Ok, bye” Celia said and she smiled and waved as she watched Ailsa drive away. As Ailsa car disappeared in the distance Celia’s smile also disappeared as she walked back towards her house. She lied to Ailsa…things were not better. Haydn hated her and she hated to think it but she hated him too…and what made it worse is that Michael wasn’t around much..and when he was..he..didn’t support her



Waldorf Creek Inn- Waldorf Creek

Debra sighed as she looked at her watch then she looked at Alf who was asleep and sighed. She hated that she they had to go, her children would be coming home soon and she needed to be there. Debra gently nudged Alf a few times and he started to wake up. Alf yawned then he opened his eyes

“Its getting late, we need to get going” Debra said and she took the covers off her and began to get out of bed then Alf pulled her close and kissed her ear. Debra smiled. She knew she made Alf happy…it was meant to be like this. Debra stopped smiling then she sighed

“Are you still worrying about Karen?” Alf said

“Yes, I thought she liked it here…I didn’t notice that the girls were being mean to her..I thought they were her friends.” Debra said

“Girls that age are always doing that..I should know I went through it all with my Ruthy” Alf said

“I know, I don’t want her living in the city…I want them both here” Debra said

“Well she wont be living with a stranger, she will be living with her dad” Alf said

“I know..but it wont be the same..I made up my mind..she cant got” Debra said and Alf smiled. This is what he loved about Derba, she knew what she wanted and went after it.

“If I had a choice, my daughter would be living with me” Alf said

“She would if” Debra immediately stopped talking. She couldn’t believe what she almost said..she couldn’t believe what she almost said..

“What did you say love?” Alf said as Debra racked her brains trying to come up with something to say

“I was saying your daughter would be with you if she moved to Australia” Debra said hoping what she said would be enough to hide her tracks

“I know, but she is happy over in America, she has a good job and husband..she isn’t coming back to live her..I have Sandra in the house…I suppose but its not the same..you know…your own flesh and blood..anyway, we better get going” Alf said and he yawn again and got out of the bed scratching his bum as Debra watched him walk away thinking about what he just said…


Edison Office- Boston Massachusetts

Background music- have you ever been alone

Roo drank her coffee then she yawned. It has been a long weekend, and last night she went out to dinner with Helen, Mandy the new office manager of the Boston office and some potential clients. Even though she was tired, she loved this life. She remembered what Nancy first told her that this job involved lost of late nights and early morning and it was true, especially this weekend. This was everything she hoped America would be Roo thought and smiled to herself. Having fun and enjoying the benefits of a good job Roo thought as she remembered the clothes she brought on Saturday when she went shopping. Even though the hotel she stayed in wasn’t her home, she hoped one day she could live in a luxury place like that then reality hit Roo and her smile disappeared.


Frank- Maybe you should make an appointment to see the Dr

Roo- Why?

Frank- We should be pregnant by now

Roo- I told you Frank, its just a busy time at work right now, that’s probably causing the delay

Frank- I suppose…I really cant wait for us to have a family

Roo-Frank we cant rush, it will happen when it happens

Frank- I know, Im not rushing you, I’m just saying. I think if we have a little girl who looks like you, I don’t think ill ever be able to say no to her

Flashback ends


 Roo sighed. She had a few more weeks then she was going back to her real life..living in a small apartment with a leaking kitchen sink…living with Frank asking her to have the baby she wasn’t ready for. Roo sighed…she felt trapped and no amount of day dreaming was going to change the fact that she had to try…she was all Frank had…she had to try…


Macklin Cooperation- New York

Frank looked at the wall on the clock, he couldn’t believe that he had worked through lunch. It wasn’t overtime, but he wanted to get his projects all done early so that if there was going to be any overtime, he would be the first in line. As Frank looked back to his desk, he looked at the photo of Roo on his desk and smiled. She was beautiful



Frank-  Maybe we should start thinking of some names

Roo- Names for what?

Frank- For when we have the baby

Roo- Frank, its too soon for that

Frank I know but I want to think ahead

flashback ends



Phone ringing

“Frank Morgan speaking” Frank said as he answered the phone and put the pen behind his ear and smiled to himself

“Hello Frank” Frank froze as he heard James Hanson on the other end of the line

“H…hello Mr James…how are you?” Frank said and sighed quietly.

“Fantastic…how are you Frank?” James said

“Yeah good…just been busy” Frank said

“I assume that is why I didn’t see you on Friday” James said

“I meant to call you but I just got tied up…I had family visiting from Australia…but I promise I will be there on Friday” Frank said

“You do know how much you owe now don’t you?” James said

“Y..yes” Frank said

“Good, ill see you Friday” James said then the line went dead. Frank sighed. He didn’t know how he was going to get the money… he and Roo were getting ready for the baby, he needed all the money he could get now that he had no savings..he had to find a way to get the money…and fast


Background music ends

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay, been really busy. Thank you for reading 



Chapter 335



General Hospital- Summer Bay

The nurse hung the clipboard at the end of the bed and walked out of the room. Craig looked at the ceiling. He knew why he was in the hospital…he knew what he did..he wished that he did end his life because now things were going to be so much worse

“The doc said you are doing much better today” Bob said as he pulled his chair closer to the bed and sat down. Craig was still concentrating on the ceiling. There was some sellotape stuck to the ceiling , maybe it was used to hold up some decorations Craig thought to himself


Emotional background music

“You had us all worried there” Bob said trying to lightening the mood. He was really struggling with what to say. This was his son yet he didn’t know what to say..

“Steven Mattheson and a few others from your school sent cards” Bob said as he pointed at the cards on the table next to the bed as Craig still stared at the ceiling.

“What you did” Bob said then Craig turned his face to the window as Bob sighed. He didn’t know if he should continue…he didn’t know if he should stop

“Craig” Bob said

“I don’t want to talk about it” Craig said. He didn’t want to be reminded of being a fool…thinking that Jonathan was really telling the truth…telling him that he loved him…that they were going to be together.. Bob sat back in the chair…confused..disappointed…hurt..he didn’t know how he felt right now..he just wished he knew what to do….



Sands Resort- Summer Bay

Jonathan nodded his head as Mr Hancock, the general manager spoke in the meeting. He could hear him but he wasn’t listening. He was still thinking about Craig…for some reason he felt guilty..usually he was able to end things before they got too far. Jonathan sighed..he didn’t want to be found out…he had to speak to Craig…maybe if he apologized things would be different…maybe he could be different…no more playing around..Jonathan sighed. ..


High School- Summer Bay

Karen sighed and crossed her arms. She looked up at the clock then at Mr Fisher who was reading something. She sighed again. Her plan didn’t work. Her mother wouldn’t agree for her to go and live in the city. Karen looked down at the paper on the table, she was supposed to be doing homework but she didn’t care. She had to come up with a plan to get away from Summer Bay. From the corner of her eye Karen could see someone looking at her. She turned her head slightly to see Steve looking at her. She smiled at him sarcastically

 “Is there a problem Lawrence?” Karen turned around to face the front as Blake looked up from his homework “No sir” They both said and Blake put his head down.

“l I have some good news…Craig Barnett has regained consciousness and appears to be doing well…but the detention still stands…and will continue until the bully has been identified…now get on with your homework” Donald said and he went back to looking at the notes he was reading. Shock came over Karen. She wasn’t expecting Craig to gain consciousness so soon. She started to panic she looked around the room again and locked eyes with Steve who, this time was smiling at her sarcastically. Karen turned around, she had to think of a plan…and fast…


Sands Resort- Summer Bay

“Ok” Marilyn said and smiled as her manager walked out of the door. She was leaving early for a meeting and Marilyn was there waiting for the delivery of shampoos. Marilyn smiled to herself as she arranged the brushes on the counter. They were going to open soon and she couldn’t wait to use the skills she learned at the beauty school. Marilyn walked over to the backroom where supplies were kept and and pulled out a broom. She had to clean up some of the mess the carpenter made. She heard the door open and smiled. So many of the guests had been popping in to find out when they were going to be open

“Im sorry we are not open yet” Marilyn said with a smile as she walked out into the shop and her smile disappeared and she froze

“Hello Marilyn” Ben said with a smile on his face as he walked towards her…


Background music ends


Caravan Park- Summer Bay

Pippa looked up as Carly walked into the house

“I thought you went out” Pippa said and she quickly pushed the bill in her pocket

“No, I was cleaning out number 5..” Carly said as she looked at Pippa. She saw that Pippa was hiding something

“You didn’t have to do that…Im sure its Steves turn” Pippa said and smiled

“I know..I just wanted to help out” Carly said and she poured some water into the sink

“I was also wondering if you can do me a favour”  Carly said

“Just wanted to help out eh?” Pippa said looking at Carly suspiciously

“Its Bens birthday on Saturday and I want to take the day off, take him out for the evening. Do you mind working my shift?” Carly said and she saw Pippas eyes light up

“Yes…yes of course” Pippa said excited. Carly wasn’t sure about asking Pippa…especially when she tried to take the money last time she worked at the diner, but she had no choice

“Thanks..Im just going to get ready for work..I want to get there early. I am interviewing someone” Carly said and she began to walk away

“Carly” Pippa said and Carly turned around

“Thank you” Pippa said and Carly smiled then she turned around and walked towards the steps. As she walked up the steps her smile disappeared..she was hoping that she wasn’t making a mistake…


Sands Resort- Summer Bay

“B Ben,,,what are you doing here” Marilyn said and she began to walk back

“I just wanted to see you…I missed you” Ben said and smiled as he looked around

“Did you get the rose I sent you?” Ben said

“Y Yes..I did..thank you” Marilyn said and smiled. She felt uncomfortable. Even though she still loved Ben..now that he was right in front of her..she felt scared of him

“I I I cant talk for long, my manager will be back soon…we are expecting a delivery” Marilyn said

“Maybe I can take you out tonight” Ben said

“N No I will be working late” Marilyn said

“Why do I get the feeling that you don’t want to talk to me” Ben said

“I do” Marilyn said with a smile “But you have a girlfriend now…Carly” Marilyn said

“That’s none of your business” Ben said and his expression changed

“I think you should go now” Marilyn said as Ben walked towards her and her heart started to beat faster

“You do not tell me what to do” Ben said through clenched teeth as he walked towards Marilyn. Marilyn froze…she closed her eyes because she knew what was coming next . She started  having flash backs of all the times that Ben would hurt her..

“Is there something going on here” Marilyn opened her eyes and exhaled and Ben turned around to see Grant from the diner at the door

“No, nothing just asking about prices…. A gift for Carly..but it’s a surprise…don’t tell her you saw me here” Ben said as Marilyn looked at him

“Thanks…ill be sure to make the appointment when you are open” Ben said looking at Marilyn then he turned around and looked at Grant

“See you later” Ben said and he walked out of the shop. Grant looked at Marilyn who was visibility shaken up

“Is everything alright?” Grant said as he walked towards Marilyn

“Yes” Marilyn said as she forced as smile...something that Grant noticed... then she sighed

“No…everything is not alright” Marilyn said with a tear running down her cheek as she told Grant her story..all the story…

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Chapter 336



Three days later

Lawrence Residence- The City

Dennis sipped the coffee and looked at the clock on the wall then put the cup down and sighed. He didn’t sleep much…he wanted to be up early anyway because he was going to pick up his kids who were staying with him for the school holidays. He walked over to the desk and picked up a photo of his children when they were younger. He loved Blake and Karen so much and hated that he and Debra got the divorce. He doesn't even know why they got the divorce other than Debra saying they had grown apart. He started at the photo and remembered like it was yesterday, finding out he was going to be a father..


Debra- You don’t look excited

Dennis- Its just a shock that’s all…we haven’t been together that long

Debra- Well it doesn’t take long to get pregnant

Dennis- I know..Im sorry

Debra- I think we need to do the right thing

Dennis- I know.. I will get you a ring

Flashback ends

Dennis sat down at the desk and stared at the photo of him Blake and Karen as he remembered holding them in his arms for the first time...then he remembered recently his daughter crying and wanting to be with him. Dennis sighed then he picked up the photo..he was going to get his children back..he owed it to his daughter to get her back with him full time. He knew it was going to be a battle but he didn’t care…he loved his children and no one was going to take them away from him…


Lawrence Residence- Summer Bay

“Ill see you tonight” Debra whispered into the phone and put it down when she heard a door open

“Good Morning” Debra said and Karen ignored her and put her back sack at the door

“Where are your manners?” Debra said and Karen walked back into her room and closed the door. Since Debra told Karen that she couldn’t move to the city to be with her father, Karen had been ignoring her. Debra sighed then she put the kettle on and tied her robe around her tighter when another door opened

“Morning Mum” Blake said with a smile on his face then he walked over to the door and put his backsack next to his sisters and walked towards his mum. He opened the fridge and took out some orange juice.

“Hello love, did you sleep well?” Debra said

“Yeah” Blake said and he reached for the newspaper and turned it over to look at the sports page

“Don’t forget to go and see your grand parents” Debra said

“Ok, but I was hoping I can come back early” Blake said

“Why?” Debra said

“Mr Stewart said he was going to offer me some overtime hours, With that ill almost have enough money to get the bike I want” Blake said and Debra smiled to herself. She really enjoyed to hear about Blake and Alfs relationship

“Holidays are Dads time with us” Karen said as she walked out of the bedroom and stared at Blake

“I know” Blake said

“Well if you know, why do you want to come back?” Karen said as she stared at Blake who sighed. He did miss his dad, but he really enjoyed spending time with Mr Stewart…


Stewart Residence- Summer Bay

“Love, not again” Ailsa said and sighed as she poured some tea into Alfs cup then sighed

“I know..how do you think I feel? I sometimes wish that I never got involved with the rotary club” Alf said as he sipped some tea

“It feels as though we hardly spend any time together..If I didn’t know better I would think you are having an affair” Ailsa said and Alf began to cough then he pounded on his chest

“Are you alright?” Ailsa said

“Yeah, went down the wrong way” Alf said and coughed a few more times

“ It just feels like you are hardly ever home” Ailsa said and Alf grabbed her hand

“I know love, but I promise..I will make it up to you, we are still going to go to Tahiti” Alf said and Ailsa smiled

“I cant wait to have you all to myself” Ailsa said and she got up and leaned forward and gave Alf a kiss

“Wish it was tomorrow” Alf said and smiled

“Tahiti cant come soon enough…I think I need to buy some new bathing suits” Ails said as she walked into the kitchen as Alfs smile disappeared…he loved Ailsa but he also loved Debra. She made him feel alive..a feeling that he had forgotten. He knew that what he was doing was wrong, but he didn’t know how to get out of it…or if he even wanted to get out of it….


Simpson Residence- Summer Bay

“Good morning” Marilyn said with a smile on her face

“Good morning” Grant said then he yawned

“Sorry if I woke you up” Marilyn said

“No, its fine. I wanted to wake up early anyway” Grant said and smiled

“Can I get you a coffee..or some breakfast?” Marilyn said

“No..im going to go for a surf first” Grant said then he turned around to walk back to his room

“Grant” Marilyn said and Grant stopped walking and turned around

“I want to say thank you…for listening to me and you know…about Ben” Marilyn said and sighed “I feel so ashamed” Marilyn said and shook her head. Talking to Grant made her see sense, made her understand that Ben never really loved her, he was just controlling her with fear

“How do you feel now?” Grant said

“Much better…I really thought that he loved me..I guess maybe he did in his own way” Marilyn said and tried to force a smile as Grant looked at her

“Well anyway, hopefully he is happy with Carly now” Marilyn said and smiled

“Ill see you later” Grant said and he walked out of the house and closed the door and sighed. He wish he had the guts to tell someone about Carly but he knew what would be at stake if he got it wrong…he knew he wasn’t wrong but he just couldn’t risk it…


Caravan Park- Summer Bay

“That looks wonderful love” Pippa said as she watched Carly put the finishing touches of icing on the birthday cake she made for Ben

“Thanks..I hope Ben likes it” Carly said and smiled. “Thank again for working my shift tonight…If that is still ok?” Carly said

“Yes, it is..thanks again” Pippa said and smiled as she walked out of the kitchen. Carly smiled at the cake then she looked up to see Pippa pushing an envelope into her picket and her smile disappeared. She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake by asking Pippa to work tonight….


Morgan Residence- New York

Frank stared at the ceiling, he didn’t sleep much. Yesterday he was supposed to meet Mr James but he didn’t go. The rent was due and he only had money to cover that otherwise they would be evicted. Frank felt Roo moving next to him and she stretched her arms out and yawned

“Good morning” Roo said and rubbed her eyes then turned around to look at Frank

“Good morning” Frank said and sighed

“Is something wrong?” Roo said as Frank looked at her

“Well..yeah, the payroll system at Macklins is down so we are not getting paid until next week and the electricity bull is due..do you mind paying it this month?” Frank said. He hated that he had to ask but he had no money left and the electricity was due

“What happened to your macho ego not letting me pay any bills and that you were going to take care of me?” Roo said

“Just forget it” Frank said and he began to turn over

“I was just joking…of course I can pay it” Roo said

“Thanks..its just this once…hopefully Payroll will be sorted out for next week” Frank said and smiled

“Ok” Roo said and got up out of the bed. Frank sighed as he watched her go into the bathroom.He couldn’t believe that he was asking his wife for money, but he had no choice…he had to think of a way to get himself out of this and fast….

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Chapter 337


Bayside Diner after dark- Summer Bay

Background music – Grant singing


I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
The love that's all around me
And so the feeling grows


“Thank you” Pippa said as she gave the receipt to the customer and walked back to the counter. It was very busy tonight. She looked around the room and smiled at the customers listening to Grant singing. Pippa opened the draw and put the money and receipt in. Just as she was about to close the draw then  she stared at the money and sighed….


It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love me
Come on and let it show


Summer Bay

Bobby stopped at the traffic light and yawned. It had been a long day. She woke up very early to start an assignment and now she was on her way home from a catering job to finish the assignment. At times she couldn’t figure out why she was doing the accelerated program, but it meant that she would finish her degree faster.  Bobby played around with the radio dial then gave up. Then she looked to the left and noticed a couple in the car next to her sharing a kiss. She looked at their car, it had “just married” sprayed on the side. Bobby sighed



Bobby- I picked up the dress today

Frank- I hope you are not disappointed

Bobby- Why would I be?

Frank- I know you had your heart set on that other dress in the magazine

Bobby- No, I like this one now…its Pippas dress and she is our mum..so it feels special..anyway..I would wear my pyjamas if it meant I could marry you everyday..

Flashback ends

The beeping of the car horn brought Bobby back to the present. Maybe one day she would stop thinking about Frank..maybe one day. Bobby sighed the she pressed on the peddle and drove away


You know I love you, I always will
My mind's made up by the way that I feel
There's no beginning, there'll be no end
'Cause on my love you can depend


Caravan Park- Summer Bay

Ben leaned forward and kissed Carly then ate some of the cake she made

“I hope you like it” Carly said with an unsure look on her face

“Its perfect” Ben said then he put the plate on the side table and began to kiss Carly. She was really happy that she was able to make Bens birthday special

“Next week ill be in the Yabbie Creek for some training then I will be taking some leave…I was thinking of spending some time here in Summer Bay..with you” Ben said and Carly felt butterflies in her stomach. She was so happy that he chose to spend his leave with her…

“Really? Ill speak to Pippa, see if you can stay in the van if you want” Carly said  and Ben smiled

“That will be great…” Ben said

“I can’t wait to have you here” Carly said and she leaned forward and kissed Ben then hugged him as he smiled to himself…


I see your face before me
As I lay on my bed
I cannot get to thinking
Of all the things you said


Steve sat on the couch and read the letter from his Aunt and sighed. Even though she didn’t make it obvious, she kept on saying things to remind him about moving to live with her in England. She reminded him so much of his mum…and he missed her but the Fletchers were his family…he didn’t know what to do…


You gave your promise to me and I gave mine to you
I need someone beside me in everything I do
Oh, yes I do


Smart residence- The City

“Im ready” Narelle said a she came out of the bedroom smiling then her smile disappeared when she saw Jeff snorting cocaine

“I think we should stay in” Jeff said as Narelle walked towards him. Jeff took off his shirt as Narelle walked towards the couch

“I thought we agreed not to do that anymore” Narelle said

“Come on, its just a little for the weekend” Jeff said and he bent down and snorted some more as Narelle looked at him. Jeff lifted his head up and deeply inhaled the he leaned forward and kissed Narelle on the cheek

“Come on..its just for the weekend” Jeff said and kissed Narelle and tickled her neck with his tongue

“Just for the weekend?” Narelle said

“Mmm mmm” Jeff said as he kissed Narelle's neck again

“Ok” Narelle said and smiled as she took the rolled up ten dollar note from Jeff and snorted some of the cocaine. She coughed and winced as it burned the back of her throat then Jeff smiled and leaned forward and they began to kiss passionately….


You know I love you, I always will
My mind's made up by the way that I feel
There's no beginning, there'll be no end
'Cause on my love you can depend


Waldorf Creek Inn- Waldorf Creek

Alf closed the hotel door and walked towards his car and exhaled. He looked at his watch, it was a little later than he thought

“Alf” Alf turned around then he froze

“M..Michael, what are you doing around here?” Alf said trying to not sound shocked

“I came to pick up a part at the shop over there and was yapping with the owner. I didn’t realise it was this late…I wasn’t expecting to see you out this way

“Yeah…me too, the rotary club meeting ran a bit late..I better go.ill see you later” Alf said as he turned around to open the car door

“I wanted to ask you about joining..your club. Business is a bit slow, maybe I can make some contacts and drum up some extra business” Michael said as Alf had to think quickl

“Er…yeah, membership is closed right now..but ill let you know when its open again” Alf said

“Come on..im your brother in law..that must count” Michael said and laughed.

“Yeah..Ill speak to the president” Alf said

“Thanks, Ill see you later” Michael said and he turned around and began walking to his car. Alf watched Michael disappear into the night just as Debra walked out of the hotel.

As Michael got closer to his car, he remembered that he wanted to ask Alf about a contact he was going to give him for some business. Michael turned around and began to walk back…

“I love you” Debra said and she bent down and kissed Alf

“Me too” Alf said and he smiled then he watched Debra get into her car and drive off. Alf started his engine and began to drive off behind her when he got a shock..straight ahead of him…he locked eyes with Michael….


Ooh, it's written in the wind
Oh everywhere I go, yeah, ooh yeah
So if you really love me, love me
Come on and let it show
Come on and let it show


Background music ends

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