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Falling For You

Guest loobieloo

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OMG that was amazing, loving the flashbacks! I kept telling myself the whole time that Martha wouldn't ever do the dirty with Lucus but there was no denying it when i saw the flashback later on :o (what am i on about...seeing the flashbacks! , oh dear, it all felt so real :huh: )

Lets hope Jack stays calm, but i'm not sure i'm liking him!

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That was great Laura!

But is it just me or have you turned Jack into a beater-upper! :unsure: Nooooooooooooooooo!

Jack would never hurt Martha! ..... Would he!? I wonder what hes done to her! :(

Lukas and Martha- hmm, interesting pairing. I think luke would really look after Martha, maybe theyd make a good couple! (but not as good as JnM)

Excellent writing, i hope Jack doesnt hurt Martha, although i do disagree with her doing the dirty on Jacky. Honesty is the best policy :D Well, most of the time it is!

looking forward to the next one :)

And Rachel had to land Martha in it didnt she! Nice going Rach <_<

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Thanks for the comments.

linzie_mac, I cant believe you thought it was that good. Thats made me soo happy now. :D

Amy, yes the word "yet" was there for a reason haha. People will want to kill me in the next chapter, so im just enjoying life while it lasts. :P

Zetti, I love Ash! :wub:, and you seriously can't expect me to have a fic without Ash in it so just wait and see :).

Rachel, (that is your name isnt it? i think it is , im sure it said in your sig, but i cant see that while im replying lol) Jack is a beater-upper, but its not that bad. I like to be origional lol and no one else has written about him like that hehe. Lucas and Martha are a great couple, just think how cute it would be! And yeah, Rachel is just not good new in this fic haha.

Lol that was a long post hehe. I like to reply to what people have put though :). And thanks for all of your comments.

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It is indeed a very original fic loobieloo!! I just read that the age differencew is smaller between Martha and Luc than Martha and Jack. I can't believe that!!

you can call me Laura, since that my name:)

And yes, it is true :) They are of closer ages.

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