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Guest lilaccat

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^Pay TV is like that here. They can get away with whatever they want by saying "we recommend the use of the parental lock out system" on all of their programming, even the stuff that would normally be safe to watch, because the ads they run... aren't. In a PG episode of Friends, you'll get ads for Sex and the City (showing partial nudity and flashes of sex toys), and Six Feet Under with the uncensored line, "If there's any justice in the universe, she's shoveling sh*t in Hell." I love Six Feet Under, and that is a funny line... but I wonder how necessary it is to run ads like that during a PG show. You have to wonder what the point is to rating the program at all.

I seem to have wandered a little off topic, but it's 6.30AM! I'm going to sleep! :mellow:

Thank God for Pay TV where they don't touch anything :lol: and most of the times barely any adds during Friends.

I love Pay TV they show M15+ shows at like 530 without cutting anything out such as Buffy or Outrageous Fortune which is very graphic in alot of the darker themes.

*sighs* If only free to air TV was like this. All you need is a warning at the start and that's it really, if you let your kid whatch something after you've been advised not to, then it's the parents fault... Running off track here, but it's stupid. I can already think of so many Friends jokes that have sexual themes in them etc, and after the previous and ridiculous cuts in the last few episodes, I can just see they're going to cut out all the humour in future episodes :(

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Buffy's always been a soft M anyway - fantasy violence. Pff. You see that in Harry Potter. (Which... I guess was rated M the last two times...hm.) Anyway, Buffy didn't earn that rating til season 6 :P. (Okay, one episode in season 4... but apart from that...)

Definitely off topic now. Someone should really dig up the Buffy thread. It seems to be encroaching on at least three other topics of conversation :P We must be in need of a fix.

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After this post, we should get back on track :lol: I've really been getting into Buffy at the moment during season 6, always was an on and off viewer so I don't know how dark the themes were on a recurring basis, but my strong themes point was actualy referring to Outrageous Fortune. Strong sex scenes, language, nudity, drug use etc at a 730pm timeslot...

But anyway, Ten... I hate you for ruining the humour of Friends! :P

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Oh yes, Outrageous Fortune is awesome :D. I'm used to watching it on regular TV (on Nine AND Ten...) late at night, so it hasn't really registered with me that it's being shown in prime time. What I do hate is the way that they reveal the major plot points of the episodes in the ads. "Chinese Takeaway," etc... I don't think we were meant to know who the kidnapper was, nor were we meant to see who had been stealing Cheryl's underwear and why :rolleyes: I'm glad I saw those episodes before Arena decided to promote them.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Today's episode had to probably be one of the worst episodes that they've edited. I didn't even watch the full episode because I was ony watching it during the adds of Buffy :lol: and when I did watch it I noticed so many things had been cut out.

They cut out the scene with both of Phoebe's past lives and when Monica tried to get the turkey of Joey in another flashback. It was all messed up, they may as well not air the episode.

I was listening to Kyle and Jackie O the other day and she was complaing how they cut everything out as well. They're cutting out all the good bits in Friends, and we're left with a few jokes and some dialogue.

No wonder it doesn't rate well.

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I hated last week when they edited the scene with the kit Joey put in Monica's bedroom. They cut out one of my favourite jokes of the episode: someone finds condoms in the box and Joey says "We don't know how long we're going to be in here! We might have to repopulate the Earth!" To which Chandler says, "And condoms are the way to do that?!"

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Ooh! Friends! I used to be so into this when it had new episodes, then when it finished, I wasn't too interested. But lately I've been watching it whenever I got the chance, whether on TV or DVD. I even bought a couple of DVDs of friends I didn't have just to keep me entertained =]

I love the thanksgiving football episode in season 3. I'd only even seen that once or twice on TV so couldn't remember most of what happened and I found myself burst out laughing in the middle of the night (waking at least my mum up in the house) when Rachel finally gets the football and they all go charging for her and she screams and runs all around and outside of the football court. 'Tis so funny if ya watch her do it. =]

The other great thing about the episode is Ross and Monica's petty arguments about the game!

Aaand another episode I love is in Series 7, the one where they're up all night. Phoebe's scenes with her annoying fire alarm is the best and how she argues with it. Yeaah I miss friends! We need a few new episodes =[

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  • 2 weeks later...

My God the censoring was bad last night! Joey walks in, mentions that he met a girl and that "She was good" quickly followed by laughter track and the others shocked reaction to something he didn't say! And then they don't cut the dialogue that fairly explicitly implies that he had a threesome. WTF?!

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