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H&A has the hottest girls and boys

Guest Tamxxx

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Are you from Australia? In the Uk we have a soap called Hollyoaks which should be renamed "Beautiful People Have The Same Storylines Every Three Months On A Loop (And Occasionally We Throw In a Serious Storyline So We Get Taken Seriously At Award Ceremonies)". Long title, but more accurate than "Hollyoaks".

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I know what you mean Ste, Hollyoaks is a beautiful people's soap, although it does sometimes have the odd one who os a bit less beautiful. Like most of the girls on there are really slim, but there was that one who was quite big, Chloe I think her name was. She was always depressed about being big though, I suppose it wouldn't help being surrounded by all the other girls on the show! Zara was always a bit dorky looking too I think, not as pretty as the other girls, but still not bad. I think she improved with age too, although I haven't seen it in a couple of years.

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Well if anyone has left since you last seen it they will only have been replaced by the exact same looking actress playing the exact same character with a different name. So I doubt you've missed much.

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I think both HAA and Hollyoaks are making quite a serious oversight actually. They should get more blondes. There are a couple of characters in each show that don't even have highlights. This must not continue.

And Ste I think your title is much more accurate, but neglects to mention that in Hollyoaks it is also very important to drag out certain storlyines to such and extent that it makes Hayley's paternity fiasco look restrained. For example, over two years passed between the first of the murders (of blondes btw!) in Hollyoaks to when the whole Toby/Ellie thing was finally over.

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Are you from Australia? In the Uk we have a soap called Hollyoaks which should be renamed "Beautiful People Have The Same Storylines Every Three Months On A Loop (And Occasionally We Throw In a Serious Storyline So We Get Taken Seriously At Award Ceremonies)". Long title, but more accurate than "Hollyoaks".

Hollyoaks is also known as "Get Your Kit off TV!"

Home and Away has come in for a lot of stick in recent years for casting people on the basis of looks as opposed to ability. However, most, though not all, recent additions can actually act. It would be nice if they would cast people who look nice, and ordinary, like the majority of the population. Not every girl in Australia is stick thin, not every guy looks like Chris Hemsworth, and not every teenager walks around in a bikini or boardies, and not everyone surfs.

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