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Five editing

Guest girl_from_uk

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no one on here likes five why? If it wasnt for five we wouldn't be able to see H&A at all

I suppose its best to see that way but the British TV does suck when it comes to dramatic scenes. I hope they don't edit out anything from the Cyclone ep's

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They've edited Vernonica Mars too..! :o

They should stop watching stuff before it goes to air i think, 5 are real pains in the butt.

Five are a pain in the butt. Apparently they are going to edite bits out from the Cyclone Ep which is comming up soon.

You're jesting!! Oh my god! Howcome it's okay to show it in australia and not in england? What can really be that bad for them to edit out?

no one on here likes five why? If it wasnt for five we wouldn't be able to see H&A at all

I don't mind five, like you say they give us Home & Away! But, I still think they could improve things too. Like more advertisement and put Omnibus back on, and also not edit episodes!

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You're jesting!! Oh my god! Howcome it's okay to show it in australia and not in england? What can really be that bad for them to edit out?

Because the English TV has a much stricter viewing thingy! You know what I mean?

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What you have to remember is that in some cases, such as Duncan and Jade's drugs, Five would be breaking the rules because apparently you weren't allowed to show drugs at that time and therefore needed to edit them.

The plane crash was cut because Five didn't think it was appropriate to show people stuck in wreckage a week after the London buses were blown up.

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Alot of people do seem to think they edit alot. I remember reading that in an episode martha was supposed to fall from a ladder when she was fixing the holden's fuse box and i dont remember seeing that scene so they must have cut that bit out.

That was a cut made by seven. It was part of the original plan for the episode and was cut out in the editing suite and never shown in Australia either.

Wherever BTTB gets their previews from are from the original plan for the episode.

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Britain's more stick in the mud than Australia, we get the word "rape" in our daytime shows even, they're not allowed it there, which is very odd and i just don't get why they edit dramatic stuff, if they think Home and Away and other shows are that bad, they should put them all on after prime time. I'm e-mailing 5, i will go down to London and protest myself if they don't leave the show alone from now on.

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